the data can provide a major methodological
innovation for questioning of information on
architectural objects. This research sought to illustrate
how infovis methods can be fruitfully applied in the
architectural heritage. Throughout this article, we try
to present three important steps: Morphological
analysis, Elaboration of a Database and visual tools.
Roman domestic architecture presents a heritage from
an architectural know-how that we must try to
analyse, recognize and understand its evolution. The
data set we have chosen is an ensemble of 32 Domus
of Roman Tunisia and in time from 146 (B.C) to 439.
The first criterion for selecting the material is its state
of conservation which must be adequate for this type
of analysis. Roman houses, a typical element of
antique towns, have common features wherever they
are, and whenever they were built: their architectural
composition (three major structures: Open spaces is
the atrium was the open central court with enclosed
rooms on all sides, A triclinium is a formal dining
room in a Roman building, and residential rooms).
But elements of variation in the Domus typological
family are numerous. Still it is important to stress that
if we are to enable visual comparisons (and thereby
maybe better understand the variations), we need to
clearly delineate for each structure its specific
parameters. Naturally, parameters exist, such as date
of construction, which qualify the Domus as a whole.
The specificity of our approach appears to us rather
in the fact that inside the Domus we identify
significant architectural structures that we analysis
formally in step 1 (Morphological analysis) of the
proposed method. In step 2 (Elaboration of a
Database) we focus on developing a heritage
inventory of corpus spread over the Tunisian
territory. Finally, we try to develop a set of visual
tools, it allows us to gaining insight on each object
and on the data set as a whole by fostering one-to-one
or several-to-several comparison and characterising
each object by providing a univocal visual signature
not of the object itself but of the information behind
the object (Blaise et al., 2006).
2.1 Morphological Analysis
Morphological analysis of the architectural typology
can be described as an investigative process in which
we first identify main structures. This step allows
understanding and formalization of objects of
knowledge in order to show their characteristics. This
method seeks to determine the morphological identity
of the studied object by constructing one or more
structural models of the object under consideration.
Consequently, we have performed a decomposition of
the architectural object into segments according to the
manifest discontinuities and then, we have tried to
regroup the Domus having the same structures of
segmentation. This stage will be followed by a
statistical analysis (degree of absence or presence of
segments). The analysis that we conducted allowed us
to identify the structural models relating to the
disposition of segments and the nature of the shapes
of components, see Fig. 1. We have schematized this
model according to a simplified representation. This
led to an organized model. We obtained from the
analysis three distinct families, see Fig. 2.
Figure 1: The process of structural analysis.
Figure 2: Structural model for each major category.
2.2 Elaboration of a Database
The functional and technical analysis, allowed to list
all available data. Now they must be organized in a
model data. Merise method provides a framework to
enable this analysis and optimize the creation of the
model. The analysis method Merise (Baptiste, 2009)
was created in the late 70s, by the will of public
authorities wishing to provide the government and
public enterprises with a rigorous methodology. It
incorporates new features: computer database. There
For Domus: Denomination, Floor underground
Upstairs, Total surface area of the Domus, urban type,
maximum length Domus, maximum width Domus,
Orientation Domus, Delimitation Position Domus
and general presentation. The steps of the elaboration
of the database are:
1. Designing a conceptual data model without
considering the computational aspects;
2. The implementation of a logical data model
depending on the structure of the computer
software selected;
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval