Vocab Learn: A Text Mining System to Assist Vocabulary Learning
Jingwen Wang, Changfeng Yu, Wenjing Yang and Jie Wang
Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA, U.S.A.
TFIDF, TextRank, RAKE, Word2Vec, Minimum Edit Distance.
We present a text mining system called Vocab Learn to assist users to learn new words with respect to a knowl-
edge base, where a knowledge base is a collection of written materials. Vocab Learn extracts words, excluding
stop words, from a knowledge base and recommends new words to a user according to their importance and
frequency. To enforce learning and assess how well a word is learned, Vocab Learn generates, for each word
recommended, a number of semantically close words using word embeddings (Mikolov et al., 2013a), and
a number of words with look-alike spellings/strokes but with different meanings using Minimum Edit Dis-
tance (Levenshtein, 1966). Moreover, to help learn how to use a new word, Vocab Learn links each word to
its dictionary definitions and provides sample sentences extracted from the knowledge base that includes the
word. We carry out experiments to compare word-ranking algorithms of TFIDF (Salton and McGill, 1986),
TextRank (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004), and RAKE (Rose et al., 2010) over the dataset of Inspec abstracts in
Computer Science and Information Technology Journals with a set of keywords labeled by human editors. We
show that TextRank would be the best choice for ranking words for this dataset. We also show that Vocab
Learn generates reasonable words with similar meanings and words with similar spellings but with different
Learning a natural language begins with learning
words. To learn a new word involves mastering the
following three vocab skills with respect to an under-
lying knowledge base: (1) recognize its correct form;
(2) understand its meanings; (3) use it appropriately
in a sentence (Nurmukhamedov and Plonsky, 2018).
A knowledge base is a collection of written materials
with respect to the same topics. For example, a
high-school student taking an English literature
course will have the list of reading materials assigned
to the student as a knowledge base for the course.
A medical-school student taking a human anatomy
course will have the lecture notes, textbooks, and lab
materials as the knowledge base for the course. Each
knowledge base contains a new vocabulary to be
learned. Indeed, learning the underlying vocabularies
is fundamental in any field of study and in any
standardized test such as SAT Reading (available at
the-test/reading) and GRE Vocabulary (available
at https://www.ets.org/gre). The importance and
methods of learning vocabularies have been studied
widely (see, e.g., (Dickinson et al., 2019; Godfroid
et al., 2018; Harmon, 2002; Wilkerson et al., 2005;
Chen and Chung, 2008; Al-Rahmi et al., 2018; Xie
et al., 2019)).
Using computing technology, including text min-
ing, natural language processing, and mobile apps, it
is possible to develop a vocabulary-learning tool to
help people of different academic backgrounds and
abilities to learn new words more efficiently and more
We devise such a text mining system called Vocab
Learn, which extracts and recommends to the user a
list of new words according to their importance and
frequency in the underlying knowledge base, exclud-
ing words already learned by the user. In other words,
a more important and more frequent unlearned word
will be recommended to the user with a higher proba-
To enhance vocab skills 1 and 2, for each word
recommended, Vocab Learn provides a number of se-
mantically close words using Word2Vec embeddings
(Mikolov et al., 2013a), and a number of look-alike
words that have almost the same spellings/strokes
but with different meanings using Minimum Edit
Distance (Levenshtein, 1966). Clearly, semantically
close words include standard synonyms. Vocab Learn
Wang, J., Yu, C., Yang, W. and Wang, J.
Vocab Learn: A Text Mining System to Assist Vocabulary Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0008319301550162
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 155-162
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
also links each word to its definitions with an online
dictionary and its parts of speech. To enhance vo-
cab skill 3, Vocab Learn provides sample sentences
with high salience scores that include the word, all
extracted from the underlying knowledge base.
To help assess the user’s understanding of words
and determined which words have been learned by the
user, Vocab Learn selects words according to their im-
portance and frequency in the underlying knowledge
base, and displays to the user the word itself and a
definition of the word, together with a few semanti-
cally close words and look-alike words. The user is to
select the correct word based on the given definition.
Likewise, Vocab Learn also displays a word together
with the definitions of a few semantically close words
and look-alike words. The user is to select the correct
definition of the given word. Words that are tested
well will be marked learned.
This paper is focused on the essential text-mining
features of Vocab Learn, excluding straightforward
features such as linking a word to its dictionary defi-
nitions. In particular, for each word in the knowledge
base, we are interested in getting its correct classifica-
tions, and generating its semantically close words and
look-alike words. The latter two types of words may
or may not appear in the knowledge base. For word
classifications, we investigate the following common
word ranking algorithms: TFIDF (Salton and McGill,
1986), TextRank (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004), and
RAKE (Rose et al., 2010), and use them to classify
words according to their importance.
We would like to compare the accuracy of these
word-ranking algorithms. To do so we need a collec-
tion of documents of a reasonable size with extracted
words that are numerically ranked by experts on im-
portance. Lacking such a dataset has hindered such
comparisons. Instead, we follow the standard practice
on studying keyword extractions (Hulth, 2003; Mihal-
cea and Tarau, 2004; Rose et al., 2010) using Inspec
abstracts for comparing accuracy of the binary classi-
fications of important words. We carry out substan-
tial experiments and show that, among linear combi-
nations of TFIDF, TextRank, and RAKE, TextRank
alone provides the best F
-score on this dataset. The
reason that we use the F
score rather than the F
score to measure accuracy is that the labeled dataset
contains words that are not extracted from the under-
lying knowledge base, and so it is impossible to ob-
tain a full recall no matter what algorithms are used.
In this situation precision is more important and so
should carry a larger weight.
We further show that Vocab Learn generates rea-
sonable words with similar meanings and words with
similar spellings but with different meanings.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: We
describe in Section 2 some notations for the paper and
in Section 3 related work on ranking words, discover-
ing semantically close words, and finding look-alike
words. We present Vocab Learn in Section 4 and carry
out experiments In Section 5. We conclude the paper
in Section 6.
Throughout this paper, we will convert each verb in a
document to its stem form and each noun to its singu-
lar form. Let n and m denote, respectively, the num-
ber of documents in a given knowledge base and the
number of words (excluding stop words) from it. De-
note the knowledge base by D = {D
,... ,D
where D
is a text document, and the vocabulary ex-
tracted from it by V = {w
,. .. ,w
}, which is to
be learned by the user.
Prior arts on how to devise an effective vocabulary
learning system have been studied intensively and
extensively for several decades (Teodorescu, 2015;
Chen et al., 2019a; Chen et al., 2019b; Murphy et al.,
2013; Park, 2011; Peters, 2007). An effective vocab-
ulary learning system should be capable of 1) ranking
words based on their features such as alphabetical or-
der, frequency, and salience; and 2) finding both se-
mantically close words and look-alike words to help
assess the user’s understanding of words.
3.1 Ranking Words
TFIDF (Salton and McGill, 1986) is a widely used
measure to identify significant words in a document
over other documents. A word is considered signif-
icant in a document if it appears frequently in the
document, but appears rarely in the other documents.
For each word w in a document D, its TFIDF value
is the product of its term frequency (TF) in D, de-
noted by let TF(w, D) denote the term frequency (TF)
of w in D and IDF(w, D) the inverse document fre-
quency (IDF) with respect to D , where IDF(w,D) =
logn log |{D D : w D}|. Then the TFIDF value
of w in D is computed by TFIDF
(w) = TF(w,D) ·
TextRank (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004), on a given
document, first removes stop words from a given
document, and then constructs a weighted word co-
occurrence graph such that nodes represent words and
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
two nodes are connected exactly when the two words
they represent co-occur in the document. The weight
of an edge is the number of times of co-occurrences
of its adjacent nodes. It uses the PageRank algorithm
(Page et al., 1999) to compute a ranking of each word.
It was noted in (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004) that Tex-
tRank achieves the best performance when only nouns
and adjectives are used to construct a word graph. For
our purpose, we need to rank all words, except prede-
fined stop words.
RAKE (Rose et al., 2010), on a given document
D, first removes stop words and then generates word
sequences using a set of word delimiters. It con-
structs a weighted word co-occurrence graph, where
each node represents a word, the weight of the self
loop of each word is the frequency of the word, and
two different words are connected if they appear in
the same word sequence with its weight equal to the
number of different sequences they both appear in.
For each word w in the graph, compute its score by
deg(w)/ f req(w), where deg(w) is the degree of w
and f req(w) = TF(w, D). We note that under RAKE,
the score of each word is in [1,), while under TFIDF
and TextRank, the corresponding score of each word
is in [0,).
3.2 Finding Semantically Close Words
Given a word w V , a word embedding method such
as Word2Vec (Mikolov et al., 2013a; Mikolov et al.,
2013b) and GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014) can be
used to find semantically close words of w, which
may or may not be included in V . Word embedding,
trained on a large corpus of documents, represents
words with vectors of high dimensions, where seman-
tically close words have similar vectors.
3.3 Finding Look-alike Words
Given a word w V , the minimum word edit distance
can be used to find look-alike words from a dictio-
nary, which may or may not be included in W . Word
edit distance is first studied by Levenshtein (Leven-
shtein, 1966) in his effort to study Minimum Leven-
shtein distance, also known as minimum edit distance.
Edit distance counts the number of editing operations
to transform a word to another word, including inser-
tion, deletion, and substitution.
Vocab Learn consists of an online pipeline and an of-
fline pipeline (see Figure 1). Given a knowledge base
D, the offline pipeline filters out stop words and ex-
tracts words from each document in D to form V .
It then classifies words based on their rankings into
three categories of “Very Important”, “Important”,
and “Not so Important”, and based on their frequen-
cies into three categories of “Very Frequent”, “Fre-
quent”, and “Not so Frequent”. For each word w V ,
Vocab Learn computes its semantically close words
and look-alike words using D and out-of-band data,
such as some other knowledge bases and online dic-
tionaries. The data generated by the offline pipeline is
stored in a database for later use. The online pipeline
is a mobile application including a learning module
and a testing module, interacting with the user and
the database.
mobile app
word ranking
close words
offline pipeline
online pipeline
Figure 1: Vocab Learn architecture.
4.1 Stop Words and Preprocessing
Common prepositions, transitional words, conjunc-
tion and connecting words, and articles (such as a,
above, and, at, the, for, etc.), words without much
lexical meaning (such as be, he, him, etc.), and
proper nouns (such as Intel, Charles, Berlin, etc.) are
straightforward and so should be excluded from the
vocabulary of the underlying knowledge base. These
form the list of stop words for our purpose (see, e.g.,
Table 1). Vocab Learn uses a word filter to eliminate
stop words.
Table 2 shows an example of text and expert-
assigned important words extracted from it. We can
see that they contain no stop words.
4.2 Word Classifications
Vocab Learn provides two types of word classifica-
tions, one is based on word frequency and the other
on word ranking.
Vocab Learn: A Text Mining System to Assist Vocabulary Learning
Table 1: A subset of stop words for the word filter.
Company Adobe, Amazon, Boeing, Cisco, Dell, ExxonMobil, facebook, FedEx, Gap, Google,
Honda, Intel, iRobot, KFC, Microsoft, Nike, Nvidia, SanDisk, VMware, Walmart
Person Abraham, Alexander, Braden, Cale, Charles, Edward, Emmy, Fabiano, Francesco,
Gale, Giff,, Hilton, James, Jackson, Madison, Niko, Peter, Simeon, Tad, Yuma, Zed
Place Acra, Berlin, Boston, Chicago, Duffield, Dortmund, Edgemont, Engelhard, Gales-
burg, Gladbrook, Graz, Jeffersonton, London, Lowell, Paris, Vienna
am, an, and, as, at, be, both, but, by, can, do, each, etc, ever, for, has, he, here, hi, if,
in, into, is, it, let, may, no, of, on, or, per, self, she, so, than, the, this, to, us, was, you
Table 2: An example of text and important words marked by exports.
Title: Discrete output feedback sliding mode control of second order systems - a moving switching line
Text: The sliding mode control systems (SMCS) for which the switching variable is designed indepen-
dent of the initial conditions are known to be sensitive to parameter variations and extraneous distur-
bances during the reaching phase. For second order systems this drawback is eliminated by using the
moving switching line technique where the switching line is initially designed to pass the initial condi-
tions and is subsequently moved towards a predetermined switching line. In this paper, we make use of
the above idea of moving switching line together with the reaching law approach to design a discrete
output feedback sliding mode control. The main contributions of this work are such that we do not
require to use system states as it makes use of only the output samples for designing the controller. and
by using the moving switching line a low sensitivity system is obtained through shortening the reaching
phase. Simulation results show that the fast output sampling feedback guarantees sliding motion similar
to that obtained using state feedback
Expert-assigned important vocabularies: sliding, mode, control, switching, variable, parameter, vari-
ations, moving, line, discrete, output, feedback, fast, sampling, state
Frequency. A word w is more common if it appears
in the corpus more frequently. Let W
denote the bag
of words contained in corpus D after removing stop
words. Then the frequency of w with respect to D is
given by F
(w) = |{w W
|. Sort the words
in descending order of frequencies. Then words in
the top 25% are classified as Very Frequent, words in
the bottom 25% are Less Frequent, and words in the
middle are Frequent.
Importance. Vocab Learn classifies vocabularies
into three categories of importance. We may use a
word ranking algorithm to do so. For example, we
may select one of TFIDF, TextRank, and RAKE; or
a linear combination of them that is best for the un-
derlying dataset. When there is no way to determine
which would be the best, we will use RAKE, for it
provides the best F-measure for the binary classifica-
tions of important words over the Inspec abstracts in
Computer Science and Information Technology (see
Section 5). Sort words in descending order accord-
ing to their rankings. Then words in the top 25% are
classified as Very Important, words in the bottom 25%
are Less Important, and words in the middle are Im-
4.3 Semantically Close Words
For each word w V , Vocab Learn finds three
most semantically close words of w. It uses
Word2Vec (Mikolov et al., 2013a) to train word em-
bedding vectors over an out-of-band data such as
a very large English Wikipedia corpus available at
https://dumps.wikimedia.org/. Note that semantically
close words may not be synonyms. In particular, Vo-
cab Learn computes the similarity between the em-
bedding vector of w and the embedding vectors for
each word in the trained Word2Vec model. The se-
mantic similarity of two embedding vectors u
u and v
v is
computed using cosine similarity as following:
v) =
u · v
where u
u· v
v is the inner product of two vectors and ku
is the length of the vector. Let v
denote the embed-
ding vector of w. Vocab Learn selects three different
words w
6= w (i = 1,2, 3) with the highest semantic
similarity scores between v
and v
. Table 3 is the
top three semantic close words of the major words in-
cluded in the text shown in Table 2.
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 3: Examples of top three semantic close words.
slide pivot, lock, swivel
mode gameplay, configuration, func-
control power, advantage, monitor
switch transfer, shift, transitioning
variable parameter, binary, vector
parameter variable, constant, vector
variation variant, combination, difference
move relocate, transfer, head
line route, loop, mainline
discrete finite, linear, stochastic
output input, voltage, amplitude
feedback input, response, feedforward
fast slow, quick, agile
sample measurement, calibration, estima-
state federal, national, government
4.4 Look-alike Words
Vocab Learn uses a dynamic programming of finding
minimal edit distance between two words to find three
different look-alike words for w. A pseudocode of
finding the minimal edit distance of given two words
is given in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1: Minimal Edit Distance.
1: X,Y two words
2: x,y length of X and Y
3: D(i,0) = i
4: D(0, j) = j
5: for i [1,x] do
6: for j [1, y] do
7: if X(i) == Y ( j) then
8: D(i, j) = D(i 1, j 1)
9: if X(i) 6= Y ( j) then
10: D(i, j) = D(i 1, j 1) + 2
11: D(i, j) = min(D(i, j), D(i 1, j) + 1)
12: D(i, j) = min(D(i, j), D(i, j 1) + 1)
13: D(x,y) is minimal edit distance of X and Y
Vocab Lean selects three different words for w
with the smallest minimal edit distance scores D(x,y)
as look-alike words such that their semantic similari-
ties with w are greater than a threshold (to ensure that
they represent different meanings). To reduce redun-
dancy, only singular nouns and the original forms of
verbs are considered. Table 4 depicts the top three
look-alike words of the major words in the text of Ta-
ble 2.
Table 4: Examples of top three look-alike words.
slide alive, bride, aside
mode more, modem, mod
control central, onto, monroe
switch with, smith, width
variable valuable, variance, durable
parameter diameter, adapter, paradise
variation aviation, radiation, valuation
move more, movie, mode
line nine, life, lane
disney, diameter, distant
output outlet, input, outer
feedback paperback, frederick, feeding
fast fact, east, vast
sample simple, maple, apple
state estate, safe, static
4.5 Generation of Multiple-choice
Single-answer Questions
To assist the user to learn new words efficiently
and effectively, Vocab Learn selects words from the
list of words that the user has not mastered accord-
ing to the distribution of importance and frequency.
For each new word w selected to be learned, Vocab
Learn displays its definition and generates a multiple-
choice single-answer question that includes w and
three semantically close words. It may also generate a
multiple-choice single-answer question that includes
w and three look-alike words. Figure 2 is a conceptual
example of the generated questions of word discrete
with three semantically close words on the left and
with three look-alike words on the right.
individually separate
and distinct.
individually separate
and distinct.
Figure 2: Examples of generated questions for learning
word discrete.
Vocab Learn: A Text Mining System to Assist Vocabulary Learning
We describe the evaluation dataset, parameter set-
tings, and experiments.
5.1 Dataset
We carry out evaluations on a collection of 1,500
Inspec abstracts in Computer Science and In-
formation Technology journals (available at
https://www.theiet.org/publishing/inspec/) as the
training and validation dataset. Inspec abstracts were
first used in (Hulth, 2003), and latter in TextRank
(Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004) and in RAKE (Rose
et al., 2010). For each Inspec abstract, there is a
list of controlled keywords included in the abstract,
and a list of uncontrolled keywords written by
professional editors that may or may not appear in the
abstract. The list of controlled keywords is typically
very small, and the list of uncontrolled keywords
typically includes controlled keywords, and is much
larger. Following the previous practice of evaluating
TextRank and RAKE, we will label uncontrolled
keywords as important for the underlying knowledge
base, and the rest of the extracted words as not-so-
important. Note that it is impossible to obtain a
full recall in this case, for some of the uncontrolled
keywords may not appear in the abstracts. In our
case, precision is more important and so it should be
given a larger weight. We therefore use the F
instead of the F
-score to measure the accuracy of the
ranking algorithms.
We partition the dataset into a training dataset and
a test dataset. The training dataset consists of 1,000
abstracts and the collective uncontrolled keywords of
these abstracts. The test dataset consists of the re-
maining 500 abstracts and the collective uncontrolled
keywords of these abstracts.
Recall that Vocab Learn classifies words into three
categories of importance. It is therefore more desir-
able to have a dataset that provides word rankings
marked by exports over a corpus of documents to
evaluate word-ranking algorithms. Unfortunately, we
are not aware of any such dataset, and settled for a
sub-optimal dataset of Inspec abstracts.
5.2 Comparison of Word Classifications
We will use the training dataset to train coefficients of
linear combinations of TFIDF, TextRank, and RAKE
to maximize the F
-scores. Recall that we convert
each verb appearing in the document to its stem form
and each noun to its singular form. To carry out Tex-
tRank and RAKE, we treat all abstracts as one doc-
ument. Namely, for TextRank, we construct a word
graph for all words in the underlying abstracts (i.e.,
we treat all abstracts as one document) with a win-
dow size of 2 for co-occurrences of words to connect
words. We similarly define deg(w) and f req(w) for
each word w V for RAKE.
We also consider linear combinations of TFIDF,
TextRank, and RAKE to investigate if these algo-
rithms may complement each other.
There are three different combinations of two al-
gorithms and one combination of three algorithms.
We name a linear combination of them by listing the
names of the algorithms with non-zero coefficients
in the chronological order of publications of the al-
gorithms. For convenience, let A
denote TFIDF,
TextRank, and A
RAKE. Then a linear combi-
nation of TFIDF and TextRank, denoted by TFIDF-
TextRank, is λ
, where λ
> 0 and λ
1. In other words, the ranking score of each word w is
equal to
(w) + λ
The linear combination of other two algorithms is
similarly defined, so is the linear combination of all
three algorithms.
We select uniformly and independently at random
n abstracts from the training dataset and extract a vo-
cabulary from them. Let K
be the total number of un-
controlled keywords for these abstracts. We label the
top K
words according to their rankings produced by
the underlying algorithm as important, and the rest as
not-so-important. We train coefficients for a combina-
tion of algorithms to maximize the F
-score. We re-
peat the same experiments for the same value of n for
10 times in one round, and compute the average pre-
cision, recall, and F
-score. We begin with n = 50,
increase it by 50 in each round, until n = 1,000. For
each underlying set of abstracts,
We then average the coefficients obtained in each
round and set them up as the final coefficients. The
results are shown in Table 5 (excluding single, where
we use λ
k λ
to denote the average coefficients of
the corresponding two algorithms.
Table 5: Average coefficients of linear combinations.
TFIDF-TextRank 0.73 k 0.27
TFIDF-RAKE 0.75 k 0.25
TextRank-RAKE 0.75 k 0.25
TFIDF-TextRank-RAKE 0.75 k 0.11 k 0.14
To test the accuracy of the linear combinations of
the algorithms with coefficients trained on the training
dataset (including the algorithms just by themselves),
we select 250 abstracts uniformly and independently
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 6: Examples of top six semantically close words and top six look-alike words.
Top six semantically close words
slide pivot, lock, swivel, tilt, hinge, fold
mode gameplay, configuration, functionality, setup, multiplayer, module
control power, advantage, monitor, protection, stability, responsibility
switch transfer, shift, transitioning, move, swap, change
variable parameter, binary, vector, fix, discrete, function
parameter variable, constant, vector, scalar, gaussian, function
variation variant, combination, difference, variety, version, type
move relocate, transfer, head, return, progress, migrate
line route, loop, mainline, stretch, tramline, branchline
discrete finite, linear, stochastic, nonlinear, quantize, homogeneou
output input, voltage, amplitude, waveform, impedance, torque
feedback input, response, feedforward, interaction, cue, amplification
fast slow, quick, agile, nimble, rapid, pace
sample measurement, calibration, estimation, sequencing, resampling, analysi
state federal, national, government, northcentral, legislative, regional
Top six look-alike words
slide alive, bride, aside, spider, oxide, life
mode more, modem, mod, node, moore, mom
control central, onto, monroe, intro, congo, context
switch with, smith, width, swift, rich, speech
variable valuable, variance, durable, portable, reliable, charitable
parameter diameter, adapter, paradise, prayer, carter, porter
variation aviation, radiation, valuation, validation, navigation, duration
move more, movie, mode, moore, eve, mom
line nine, life, lane, lone, lite, lake
discrete disney, dicke, diameter, distant, desperate, cigarette
output outlet, input, outer, onto, struct, deputy
feedback paperback, frederick, feeding, february, necklace, fireplace
fast fact, east, vast, fatty, nasa, font
sample simple, maple, apple, sale, example, temple
state estate, safe, static, statute, suite, sake
at random from the test dataset, and compute the pre-
cision, recall, and F
-score for each algorithm. We
repeat this for 10 times and average the precision
scores, recall scores, and F
-scores obtained from
each round. Table 7 shows these results.
Table 7: Comparisons of precision, recall, and F
-score of
important words, with bold representing the highest score
under each category.
Algorithms Precision Recall F
TFIDF 0.59986 0.67460 0.61339
TextRank 0.64596 0.76994 0.66744
RAKE 0.67766 0.62861 0.66720
TFIDF-TextRank 0.62569 0.61035 0.62253
TFIDF-RAKE 0.64160 0.56343 0.62423
TextRank-RAKE 0.66701 0.58430 0.64863
All 0.63677 0.54691 0.61647
We can see that under this dataset, TextRank pro-
vides the best recall and best F
-score, while RAKE
provides the best precision.
5.3 Semantically Close Words and
Look-alike Words
Table 6 shows examples of top six semantically close
words for each important word extracted from Table
2, as well as top six look-alike words. Under look-
alike words for each word (shown on the left col-
umn), the minimal edit distance d between it and each
of the top six look-alike words is at most 2 (d 6).
Words with edit distance d > 3 are displayed in italic.
Short words such as “mode”, “line”, and “fast” tend to
have more look-alike words with edit distance d 3,
while longer words such as “parameter”, “discrete”,
and “feedback” have more look-alike words with edit
distance d > 3. Using these look-alike words to gen-
erate multiple-choice questions can help users to dis-
tinguish and remember the words to be learned.
Vocab Learn: A Text Mining System to Assist Vocabulary Learning
We presented a text mining system called Vocab
Learn to assist users to learn new words for an under-
lying knowledge base, and assess how well the user
has learned these words. We described the techni-
cal details of classifying words, finding semantically
close words, and look-alike words, and demonstrated
the effects through experiments.
In a future project, we will conduct human sub-
ject research and quantify the effect of Vocab Learn in
helping people to learn new vocabulary with respect
to the underlying knowledge base.
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