A Fine-grained Perspective onto Object Interactions
from First-person Views
Dima Damen
Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, Bristol, U.K.
Egocentric Vision, First-Person Vision, Action Recognition, Fine-Grained Recognition, Object Interaction
Recognition, Skill Determination, Action Completion, Action Anticipation, Wearable Cameras, First-Person
Datasets, EPIC-Kitchens.
This extended abstract summarises the relevant works to the keynote lecture at VISAPP 2019. The talk dis-
cusses understanding object interactions from wearable cameras, focusing on fine-grained understanding of
interactions on realistic unbalanced datasets recorded in-the-wild.
Humans interact with tens of objects daily, at home
(e.g. cooking/cleaning), during working (e.g. assem-
bly/machinery) or leisure hours (e.g. playing/sports),
individually or collaboratively. The field of research,
within computer vision and machine learning, that fo-
cuses on the perception of object interactions from a
wearable cameras is commonly referred to as ‘first-
person vision’. In this extended abstract, we co-
ver novel research questions, particularly related to
the newly released largest dataset in object interacti-
ons, recorded in people’s native environments: EPIC-
Object interactions could be perceived from different
ordinal-person viewpoints - where ‘ordinal’ is used
to generalise between first-, second- and third-person
views. A view is referred to as a first-person view, if
the interaction is captured by a wearable sensor, worn
by the actor performing the interaction itself. Conver-
sely, a second-person view is when the interaction is
captured by a camera of a co-actor, or a recepient of
the action. Finally, a third-person view, common in
remote static cameras, is when the interaction is cap-
tured by an observer not relevant to the interaction or
the actor during that interaction.
For years, Computer Vision has focused on capturing
videos from a third-person view, with the majority
of action recognition datasets using a remote camera
observing the action or interaction (Marszalek et al.,
2009; Kuehne et al., 2011; Caba Heilbron et al., 2015;
Carreira and Zisserman, 2017).
Increasingly, first-person vision datasets have
been recorded, capturing full body motion such as
sports (Kitani et al., 2011), social interactions (Alletto
et al., 2015; Fathi et al., 2012a; Ryoo and Matthies,
2013) and object interactions (De La Torre et al.,
2008; Fathi et al., 2012b; Pirsiavash and Ramanan,
2012; Damen et al., 2014; Georgia Tech, 2018; Si-
gurdsson et al., 2018).
In 2018, the largest dataset on wearable cameras
was released through a collaboration led by the Uni-
versity of Bristol alongside the University of Catania
and the University of Toronto - http://epic-kitchens.
github.io/. EPIC-Kitchens (Damen et al., 2018) of-
fers more than 11.5M frames, captured using a head-
mounted camera in 32 different kitchens, with over 55
hours of natural interactions from cooking to washing
the dishes (Fig 1).
Datasets, such as EPIC-Kitchens, can offer unique
opportunities to studying previously unexplored pro-
Damen, D.
A Fine-grained Perspective onto Object Interactions from First-person Views.
DOI: 10.5220/0008345900110013
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 11-13
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Sample frames from EPIC-Kitchens.
blems in fine-grained object interactions. A few of
these opportunities are highlighted here.
Overlapping Object Interactions: Defining the
temporal extent of an action is fundamentally an
ambiguous problem (Moltisanti et al., 2017; Si-
gurdsson et al., 2017). This is usually resolved
through multi-labels, i.e. allowing a time-segment
to belong to multiple classes of actions. Howe-
ver, actual understanding of interaction overlap-
ping requires an space of action labels that cap-
tures dependencies (e.g. filling a kettle requires
opening the tap). Models that capture and predict
overlapping interactions are needed for a finer-
understanding of object interactions.
Object Interaction Completion/Incompletion:
Beyond classification and localisation, action
completion/incompletion is the problem of
identifying whether the action’s goal has been
successfully achieved, or merely attempted. This
is a novel fine-grained object interaction research
question proposed in (Heidarivincheh et al.,
2016). This work has been recently extended to
locating the moment of completion (Heidarivin-
cheh et al., 2018) - that is the moment in time
beyond which the action’s goal is believed to be
completed by a human observer.
Skill Determination from Video: Even when an
interaction is successfully completed, further un-
derstanding of ‘how well’ the task was comple-
ted would offer knowledge beyond pure classifica-
tion. In this leading work (Doughty et al., 2018a),
a collection of video could be ordered by the skill
exhibited in each video, through deep pairwise
ranking. This method has been recently extended
to include rank-aware attention (Doughty et al.,
2018b) - that is a novel loss function capable of
attending to parts of the video that exhibit higher
skill as well as parts that demonstrate lower skill
including mistakes or hesitation.
Anticipation and Forecasting: Predicting upco-
ming interactions has recently gathered additional
attention, triggered by the presence of first-person
datasets (Furnari et al., 2018; Rhinehart and Ki-
tani, 2017). Novel research on uncertainty in anti-
cipating actions (Furnari et al., 2018), or relating
forecasting to trajectory prediction (Rhinehart and
Kitani, 2017) have recently been proposed.
Paired Interactions: One leading work has at-
tempted capturing both the action and its counter-
action (or reaction), both from a wearable ca-
mera (Yonetani et al., 2016). This is a very ex-
citing area of research, still under-explored.
Recent deep-learning research has only scratched the
surface of potentials for finer-grained understanding
of object interactions. As new hardware platforms
for first-person vision emerge (Microsoft’s Hololens,
Magic Leap, Samsung Gear, · · · ), applications of fine-
grained recognition will be endless.
Alletto, S., Serra, G., Calderara, S., and Cucchiara, R.
(2015). Understanding social relationships in egocen-
tric vision. In Pattern Recognition.
Caba Heilbron, F., Escorcia, V., Ghanem, B., and Car-
los Niebles, J. (2015). Activitynet: A large-scale vi-
deo benchmark for human activity understanding. In
Carreira, J. and Zisserman, A. (2017). Quo vadis, action
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Damen, D., Leelasawassuk, T., Haines, O., Calway, A., and
Mayol-Cuevas, W. (2014). You-do, I-learn: Disco-
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raction from multi-user egocentric video. In BMVC.
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the Carnegie Mellon University Multimodal Activity
(CMU-MMAC) database. In Robotics Institute.
Doughty, H., Damen, D., and Mayol-Cuevas, W. (2018a).
Who’s Better? Who’s Best? Pairwise Deep Ranking
for Skill Determination. In CVPR.
Doughty, H., Mayol-Cuevas, W., and Damen, D. (2018b).
The Pros and Cons: Rank-aware temporal attention
for skill determination in long videos. In Arxiv.
Fathi, A., Hodgins, J., and Rehg, J. (2012a). Social inte-
ractions: A first-person perspective. In CVPR.
VISIGRAPP 2019 - 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Fathi, A., Li, Y., and Rehg, J. (2012b). Learning to recog-
nize daily actions using gaze. In ECCV.
Furnari, F., Battiato, S., and Farinella, G. (2018). Levera-
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Kitani, K. M., Okabe, T., Sato, Y., and Sugimoto, A. (2011).
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Kuehne, H., Jhuang, H., Garrote, E., Poggio, T., and Serre,
T. (2011). HMDB: A large video database for human
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Marszalek, M., Laptev, I., and Schmid, C. (2009). Actions
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Moltisanti, D., Wray, M., Mayol-Cuevas, W., and Damen,
D. (2017). Trespassing the boundaries: Labeling tem-
poral bounds for object interactions in egocentric vi-
deo. In ICCV.
Pirsiavash, H. and Ramanan, D. (2012). Detecting activities
of daily living in first-person camera views. In CVPR.
Rhinehart, N. and Kitani, K. M. (2017). First-person acti-
vity forecasting with online inverse reinforcement le-
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Ryoo, M. S. and Matthies, L. (2013). First-person activity
recognition: What are they doing to me? In CVPR.
Sigurdsson, G. A., Gupta, A., Schmid, C., Farhadi, A., and
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Sigurdsson, G. A., Russakovsky, O., and Gupta, A. (2017).
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Yonetani, R., Kitani, K. M., and Sato, Y. (2016). Recogni-
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tric videos. In CVPR.
Dima Damen: Associate Professor in Computer Vi-
sion at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom.
Received her PhD from the University of Leeds, UK
(2009). Dima’s research interests are in the automa-
tic understanding of object interactions, actions and
activities using wearable and static visual (and depth)
sensors. She has contributed works to novel research
questions including fine-grained object interaction re-
cognition, understanding the completion of actions,
skill determination from video, semantic ambiguities
of actions and the robustness of classifiers to acti-
ons temporal boundaries. Her work is published in
leading venues: CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, PAMI, IJCV,
CVIU and BMVC. In 2018, she led on releasing the
largest dataset in first-person vision to date (EPIC-
KITCHENS) - 11.5M frames of non-scripted recor-
dings with full ground truth. Dima co-chaired BMVC
2013, is area chair for BMVC (2014-2018), associate
editor of Pattern Recognition (2017-). She was se-
lected as a Nokia Research collaborator in 2016, and
as an Outstanding Reviewer in ICCV17, CVPR13 and
A Fine-grained Perspective onto Object Interactions from First-person Views