Forensic Analysis of Heterogeneous Social Media Data
Aikaterini Nikolaidou, Michalis Lazaridis, Theodoros Semertzidis, Apostolos Axenopoulos
and Petros Daras
Information Technologies Institute, CERTH, Thessaloniki, Greece
Social Media Analytics Forensic Platform, Heterogeneous Social Media Data, Ontology, Labeled Property
It is a challenge to aggregate and analyze data from heterogeneous social media sources not only for busi-
nesses and organizations but also for Law Enforcement Agencies. The latter’s core objectives are to monitor
criminal and terrorist related activities and to identify the ”key players” in various networks. In this paper,
a framework for homogenizing and exploiting data from multiple sources is presented. Moreover, as part of
the framework, an ontology that reflects today’s social media perceptions is introduced. Data from multiple
sources is transformed into a labeled property graph and stored in a graph database in a homogenized way
based on the proposed ontology. The result is a cross-source analysis system where end-users can explore
different scenarios and draw conclusions through a library of predefined query placeholders that focus on
forensic investigation. The framework is evaluated on the Stormfront dataset, a radical right, web community.
Finally, the benefits of applying the proposed framework to discover and visualize the relationships between
the Stormfront profiles are presented.
Social media sites constitute a rich pool of evolving
content along with personal data, preferences, activi-
ties and relationships. Due to their affordability and
accessibility, social media is a means of communi-
cation and action for criminal and terrorist organiza-
tions. At earlier times, most crimes left breadcrumbs
of evidence in the real world. Nowadays, through
the interactive social media platforms, offenders en-
gage in illicit practices such as fraud, cyber stalking,
cyber bullying etc. (Gambhir, 2018). Terrorists ex-
ploit social media to reach audiences for potential re-
cruits, disseminate messages and organize strategic
operations (Bertram, 2016). Furthermore, social me-
dia play a key role in political socialization in terms
of influencing individual behavior and preparedness
to participate in collective actions (Passy, 2000).
Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) wish to take
advantage of these information sources for the sake
of security. For monitoring and analyzing criminal-
related activity in social media networks, one major
question is to identify the most influential profiles,
known also as ”key player” discovery (Zenou, 2016).
LEAs are also interested in answering the so called
six W’s: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.
These questions are fundamental and are traditionally
raised during criminal investigations (Carrier et al.,
Social media evidence provides information about
a suspect’s or a victim’s profile that can be mined
in close-to-real-time. The contacts, messages, geo-
location data, photos and generally their daily activi-
ties are offered in a chronological order. Monitoring
and analyzing the abundance of information shared by
social media users and social media metadata should
theoretically facilitate LEAs to gain insights into mass
communication and come to fruitful conclusions in an
inquiry. However, this kind of exploration is by no
means a straightforward task.
A recent research by Arshad et al. (Arshad et al.,
2019) explains the challenges that law enforcement
personnel face when handling social media data for
forensic investigation. The first issue the authors ob-
serve is that in a single social media investigation,
some data elements are considered out of context and
not taken into account. Moreover, the components of
data which they consider important are stored sepa-
rately. All fragmented and unstructured social me-
dia information, although it may seem to be of little
importance, would be very useful if it was in a co-
herent representation and in chronological order. Be-
Nikolaidou, A., Lazaridis, M., Semertzidis, T., Axenopoulos, A. and Daras, P.
Forensic Analysis of Heterogeneous Social Media Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0008347803430350
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 343-350
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sides, due to the separate storage of data, data analy-
sis is limited to keyword search which is inadequate
for a forensic investigation. The second challenge in
a social media forensic tool development, is to deal
with the heterogeneity of different social media plat-
forms. There are also several references in the lit-
erature that emphasize the need for cyber forensic
tools that support heterogeneous research in an au-
tomated way (Caviglione et al., 2017), (Soltani and
Seno, 2017), (Montasari and Hill, 2019). A forensic
tool developed for one social media platform, may not
be suitable for another platform because they differ in
concepts, structure, data formats, and access methods.
According to one of the most accepted approaches
for Social Media Analytics (SMA) proposed in
(Stieglitz et al., 2014), a typical procedure for SMA
consists of the following four steps: i) Discovery of
the topics that should be tracked; ii) Tracking, which
involves data source selection, approach, method and
output; iii) Preparation of the data and iv) Analysis.
Regarding analysis step, Karabiyik et al. (Karabiyik
et al., 2016) point out that Social Network Analysis
(SNA) is crucial during a digital forensic research for
understanding the links between profiles. SNA uses
graph algorithms to analyze the structure of the net-
work, discovers strategic positions and specific sub-
networks. Through SNA, LEAs would discover in-
valuable hidden associations and knowledge in the so-
cial data. Decomposing a social graph to communi-
ties yields a deeper insight to these seemingly chaotic
interactions. The results from SNA in digital forensic
investigations can solve criminal cases, prevent terror-
ist attacks, track frauds, classify and match social net-
work accounts etc. However, despite the great need
to identify and analyze network structures of terrorist
and criminal groups, existing digital forensic tools do
not provide such functionality.
The objective of this paper is to bridge the gap
between the dispersed social media data and the so-
cial media forensic applications. This study defines
a unified framework to exceed the heterogeneity of
different social media platforms and to homogenize
their data. The security-oriented framework will per-
mit both the preservation as well as the search and the
correlation while providing automated tools for data
analysis and visualization. The main goals and con-
tribution of this paper are the following:
A new ontology is introduced to reflect the major-
ity of today’s social media perceptions. Based on
this unified ontology, heterogeneous social media
data is integrated into a single, structured, cohe-
sive representation. The ultimate goal is to aggre-
gate data not only from social media sites but also
from other relevant physical or cyber data sources.
The unified framework that uses the aforemen-
tioned ontology is presented. The framework al-
lows the homogenization of data from multiple
sources and thus the consolidated handling and
querying of the data for further forensic analysis.
It focuses on the three last steps of a SMA pro-
cess: tracking, preparation and analysis for data
from various social media sources.
The cross-source analysis system, as part of
the framework, that supports advanced custom
queries and SNA methods for discovery of hid-
den knowledge. LEAs would use it for investiga-
tion and evidence-building through a predefined
set of query placeholders that hide all technical
As a demonstration, the framework is applied to
discover and visualize the relationships between the
profiles associated with Stormfront
. Stormfront is
one of many examples of radical right wing virtual
communities, but it is the oldest ”hate” website.
The implementation is based entirely on open-
source tools. The framework’s procedures are de-
veloped in Python. Choosing an appropriate soft-
ware architecture and storage technology is one of the
major challenges in social media analytics (Stieglitz
et al., 2018). Social networks can be very big but
sparse since a user is likely to interact with a small
percentage of users (Leung and Jiang, 2017). The
proposed framework’s use case demands a reliable
graph storage and retrieval technology that supports
efficient execution of complex queries in large and
sparse graphs that can scale up to billions of nodes.
The labeled property graph database Neo4j
these requirements, and was therefore chosen for this
work. The predefined query placeholders have been
implemented in Cypher
query language. It must be
stressed that the proposed ontology at this stage pro-
vides the conceptualization of the given domain.
This paper is organized as follows. Related work
is reviewed in Section 2. In Section 3 the proposed
framework for tracking, preparing and analyzing the
social media data is illustrated. Section 4 describes
the proposed ontology. Section 5 provides the experi-
mental steps using real data from Stormfront. Section
6 presents the conclusion.
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Research in social media forensic analysis can be
divided into two parts: a) general investigative ap-
proaches and b) ontology-based approaches.
There is a significant number of recent studies
in the literature that analyze social media data for
investigative purposes. In (Mouhssine and Khalid,
2018), a framework is proposed that performs senti-
ment analysis and detects extremist content on Face-
book. A security alert mechanism making use of a
supervised machine learning approach for real-time
phishing tweet detection on Twitter is presented in
(Liew et al., 2019). Alghofaili and Almishari (Algho-
faili and Almishari, 2018) detect Arabic-based Twit-
ter profiles that incite terrorism by categorizing ac-
counts as either inciting or non-inciting of terrorism.
To do so, they extract relevant features, which are
later fed to machine learning-based classifiers to dif-
ferentiate inciting from non-inciting accounts. Nouh
et al. (Nouh et al., 2019) use textual and psycholin-
guistic signals derived by ISIS for recruitment pur-
poses to detect extremist content on Twitter. An ap-
proach for detecting radical users of social network
among unknown ones is presented by Petrovskiy and
Chikunov (Petrovskiy and Chikunov, 2019). The au-
thors analyse the relationships and features of the
users as of vertices of social graph. However accord-
ing to their method, a part of the network commu-
nity must be labeled as dangerous, safe or unknown.
In (S
anchez-Rebollo et al., 2019), a methodology is
developed to detect the leaders orchestrating terror-
ist networks and their followers that remain partially
hidden. They use fuzzy clustering to point out the
dangerous profiles and they focus on the analysis of
Twitter messages.
The use of ontologies is an approach for mod-
eling social networks that offers several advantages
(Oellinger and Oezden Wennerberg, 2006). Mas-
moudi et al. (Masmoudi et al., 2018) propose a
method for mining radicalization indicators from on-
line messages. The social messages are annotated
with concepts from a domain ontology the authors
designed. The ontology focuses on the users and
their messages. During an inference phase the mes-
sages exhibiting a radicalization indicator are iden-
tified by exploiting the annotations. An ontology
named ”SC-Ont” that focuses on data that can be ob-
tained from Facebook and Google is published by
Kalemi and Yildirim-Yayilgan (Kalemi and Yildirim-
Yayilgan, 2016). The ontology serves for cataloging
online information regarding suspects and informa-
tion from witnesses. Tserpes et al. (Tserpes et al.,
2012) developed an ontology called ”SocIoS” on top
of the concept that entities in the various online so-
cial network sites have largely similar notions. Their
ontology is an effort to cover most of the concepts
of the social networks. However, the model does not
cover some today’s important concepts and it is not
explained how to use it. Fang et al. (Fang et al.,
2019) also proposed an ontology to aggregate data
from different social network sites for event analysis
purposes. The design of a specific analysis applica-
tion is out of the scope of their work.
In this paper we expand on the previous work
in (Tserpes et al., 2012) and propose an ontology to
cover the concepts of modern social media platforms.
Social media data and interactive behaviours com-
mon to heterogeneous social media platforms will be
stored on the basis of the ontology in a structured and
coherent way in a common graph database. The result
will be a sophisticated security-oriented cross-source
forensic analysis application. LEAs will have the op-
portunity to explore all aspects of the information pro-
vided by the social media sources. The investigators
do not need to have technical knowledge since a set
of predefined query placeholders related to forensic
inquiry will be at their disposal.
The proposed framework is depicted in Figure 1, and
mainly corresponds to the three last steps of a Social
Media Analytics process: tracking, preparation and
analysis for data from multiple social media sources.
After data tracking by platform-specific APIs pro-
vided by online social networks such as Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn and others, or crawlers, the prepa-
ration phase follows. In this work, a new ontology
is introduced to reflect the majority of today’s social
media perceptions. The new ontology will be called
Unified Social Network Ontology (USNO). To easily
adapt the proposed approach, social-media-specific
plugins have been developed for some social media
sites: Skype, Twitter, Stormfront. A separate plugin
can be developed for each social media site of inter-
est. Each social-media-specific plugin, takes as input
the corresponding social media data. The USNO de-
scribes in detail how the social media data must be
stored in the graph database. It depicts the node la-
bels, the node properties and the relationships that
will link the nodes/entities in the graph. The data is
processed according to each social media site to re-
trieve implicit knowledge related to the unified ontol-
ogy we introduced. Then, the data is mapped to the
In the next step, the social media data is stored in
Forensic Analysis of Heterogeneous Social Media Data
the graph database Neo4j. For each element a new
node is created. For example a ”hashtag” shared by
multiple posts is represented by a single node. In
order to thoroughly analyze the interaction between
the profiles, an inference mechanism has been imple-
mented to create direct links between the profiles that
communicate with each other if these links are not ex-
plicitly provided. Also a mechanism to detect data in-
consistencies in the graph database is supported. For
example, we developed a Cypher rule to check the
validity of the profile identification numbers. A pro-
file identification number must correspond to a unique
username for a single social media platform.
As for the analysis phase, we have developed
Cypher queries to retrieve information and relation-
ships related to forensic research on profiles. Queries
can take as arguments the inputs of the end-users. For
example the objective of a query could be the follow-
ing: Given the location of a crime and a time frame,
return all conversations and conversationalists, events
and media items that refer to the crime location dur-
ing this time frame. Furthermore, SNA can be per-
formed thanks to an efficiently implemented library
of common graph algorithms exposed as Cypher pro-
cedures provided by Neo4j (Amy E. Hodler, 2019).
They can provide insights on relevant profiles using
centrality algorithms, or implicit structures like com-
munities using community detection algorithms. The
result after the algorithms execution can be written
back as a node property and be used for further anal-
ysis. Investigators have the opportunity to perform
complex data analysis and visualize the results, at the
touch of a button. More examples on the analysis
phase are provided in section 5.
Figure 1: Proposed framework for data preparation and
Unified Social Network Ontology is depicted in Fig-
ure 2. It consists of 11 classes that are associated with
20 relationships. In the following section, the classes
along with their properties are presented.
Figure 2: Unified Social Network Ontology.
4.1 Classes and Properties
In addition to the attributes listed below, each class
has another property, its identification number.
1. Social Network Site: It can be any social me-
dia site like Facebook, Instagram, Stormfront etc.
The properties include:
Platform: The name of the social network plat-
form e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Stormfront etc.
2. SNS Profile: A social network profile. The prop-
erties include:
Username: A profile’s username.
Profile title: A profile’s title e.g. member,
Email: A profile’s email address.
Profile lang: The speaking language of a pro-
Registered date: The date a profile became
member of the social network.
Ethnicity: The ethnicity of the profile.
Gender: The gender of the profile.
Birthday: The birthday of the profile.
3. Real Entity: A real physical entity e.g. a person,
a business, a group of people. The properties in-
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Entity type: The real physical person(s) who
manage the profile e.g. person, business, group
of people.
4. Message: Refers either to inbox or post. The
properties include:
Msg type: The type of the message e.g. post or
Content: The full content of the message.
Msg lang: The language in which the message
was written.
Msg security: The security level of the mes-
sage e.g. public or private.
Date sent: The date and time of sharing the
Num views: The number of views of the mes-
5. MediaItem: A media item can have different con-
tent formats such as embedded image, embedded
video, youtube video, hyperlink with clicking text
or image and it is attached to a message.
Mediaitem type: The type of the media item
e.g. embedded image, embedded video,
youtube video, hyperlink with clicking text or
Mediaitem url: The url of the media item.
Mediaitem text: The alternate text of an image
or the content of a clicking text.
Filename: The filename of the media item.
Lng lat: A text representation of the coordi-
nate data as latitude and longitude e.g. ”470999
6. Collection: A collection contains messages with
common elements e.g. topic, hashtag.
Collection type: The collection’s type e.g.
topic, library, shared folder, hashtag.
Collection name: The collection’s name.
7. Group: A group provides a space to communicate
about shared interests with certain people.
Group title: Title of the group.
Description: Description of the group.
Group security: The security level of the group
e.g. public, closed or secret.
8. Tag: A link to a profile along with a media item.
Bounding box: A text representation of 2 lon-
gitudes and 2 latitudes coordinates of a tagged
profile in a media item e.g ”6.73462 6.75652
-53.57835 -53.56289”.
9. Event: An event lets a profile to organize and re-
spond to gatherings in the real world.
Event title: The event’s title.
Event location: An abstract region of space
(e.g. a geospatial point or region) where the
event will take place.
Event security: The security level of the event
e.g. private or public.
Event timestamp: The time and date of the
10. Rating: A measurement of how good or popular a
message is.
Num like: The score that depicts the positive
rating of a message.
Num dislike: The score that depicts the nega-
tive rating of a message.
11. Extracted Entity: An entity that is extracted from
a message after performing named-entity recogni-
tion. It can be: location, person or organization.
Extracted entity type: The extracted entity’s
type e.g. location, person or organization
Extracted entity name: The extracted entity’s
name. e.g. for type ”location” the name could
be ”London”.
To demonstrate our framework we have implemented
a plugin for Stormfront, the world’s oldest and largest
white supremacist internet forum, which has hosted
some of the most lethal hate criminals and mass mur-
derers of the right-wing extremist movement. Anal-
ysis for Stormfront data has gained a lot of atten-
tion. According to a two-year investigation by South-
ern Poverty Law Center in 2014, registered Storm-
front users have been responsible for approximately
100 murders (Beirich, 2014). The proposed model
is instantiated on Stormfront social case study to be
validated. Extensive Stormfront data collected by a
crawler are used, for the period from September 2001
to July 2017 totaling 4,488,476 posts and 355008
users. We will present how LEAs could explore this
5.1 Stormfront Data Preparation
Data was initially in a raw form, thus it was very diffi-
cult to analyze and discover the ”key players”. In the
preparation phase, the ”Stormfront plugin”, takes as
input the data and analyzes the contents of the posts
to discover implicit information related to USNO. For
example the reply posts, the posts with media files,
the images and texts with hyperlinks are retrieved.
Forensic Analysis of Heterogeneous Social Media Data
Also named-entity recognition is supported. Every
post message is examined for named entity mentions
of type person, location and organization. After this
stage, the data is mapped to the USNO and stored
in the Neo4j. The ”Stormfront plugin”, creates all
the nodes, properties and relationships in the graph
To directly associate profiles and perform SNA to
retrieve hidden knowledge, a Cypher rule has been
developed to create a new ”INTERACTS WITH”
relationship between profiles that have communica-
tion interaction. For example, profile ”A” ”INTER-
ACTS WITH” profile ”B” if ”A” has responded to a
post shared by ”B”, thus directly linking the two pro-
files. In order to detect potential inappropriate profile
identification numbers, a Cypher rule checks that each
profile identification number corresponds to a unique
username. Figure 3 illustrates the Stromfront Neo4j
Figure 3: Stormfront Neo4j schema.
5.2 Stormfront Data Analysis
Neo4j provides a library of common graph algorithms
exposed as Cypher procedures. Graph algorithms in
this case could be applied to the subgraph containing
nodes labeled ”SNS Profile” and associated with the
relationship ”INTERACTS WITH”. The interaction
between social network profiles provides valuable in-
formation regarding their importance and respective
role within the subgraph. Since most graph algo-
rithms run better on a connected component, initially
the investigators could isolate the largest subgraph(s)
of profiles that interact with each other to understand
a graph’s structure. The Connected Components al-
gorithm is applied behind the scenes. After that, the
”islands” will be revealed where each node is acces-
sible from any other node in the same set.
To discover communities in the ”islands” commu-
nity detection algorithms would be applied. Tsve-
tovat and Kouznetsov (Tsvetovat and Kouznetsov,
2011) report that Al Qaeda members are organized
in small cells during training and preparation for ter-
rorist attacks. The cells have a dense triadic structure,
with everyone embedded in triads with everyone else.
LEAs could use the cross-source analysis system to
discover the triangles in the network. A triangle is a
set of three nodes, where each node has a relationship
to all other nodes. They could also discover the num-
ber and density of the triangles to which a profile is
a member. In these cases, the Triangle Counting and
Clustering Coefficient algorithms are applied. Investi-
gators could also detect communities in the ”islands”
using the Louvain Modularity algorithm. Commu-
nities are groups of nodes within a network that are
more densely connected to one another than to other
In order to detect the ”key players”, their role
and their impact on the network, centrality algorithms
would be used. To quantify the amount of influence
a node has over the flow of information in the graph,
the Betweenness Centrality algorithm is applied. Be-
tweenness is appropriate to discover the most central
profiles, nodes that serve as a bridge from one part of
a graph to another. Closeness Centrality algorithm is
applied to detect the profiles that are able to spread in-
formation very efficiently through the graph. To mea-
sure the transitive influence of the profiles the PageR-
ank algorithm is used. This is a very important cen-
trality measure as it takes into account the influence
of a node’s neighbors, and their neighbors.
Querying the graph with Cypher gives important
insights to the discovery of important profiles, and in-
formation about them and their connection to other
profiles. The queries can focus on a particular known
profile. Below are listed some examples of automated
queries provided by our platform:
Given specific keywords, discover the profile that
sent the most messages that started a conversation
related to the keywords.
Given a specific profile, list the profiles that he/she
will engage and respond.
Discover the length of the conversations and the
number of people who are involved in them.
Given a specific profile, discover the number
of conversations started by him/her, the average
length of the conversations and the average par-
Track conversations about a particular topic or for
a specific period of time.
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Discover post volume by day or month.
Explore around certain entities of type person, lo-
cation and organization. For example, discover
which locations are mentioned for a specific date.
Our tool gives investigators the opportunity to an-
swer very complex custom queries at a touch of a
button. For example, the following query runs be-
hind the scenes to detect ”cliques”, that is, groups
of profiles that post to common topics. The investi-
gators would only give the input parameters. In this
case the parameters are ”number of common topics”,
”from period” and ”to period”.
WHERE ID(u1) > ID(u)
AND m.date_sent > $from_period
AND m.date_sent < $to_period
AND m1.date_sent > $from_period
AND m1.date_sent < $to_period
WITH collect(DISTINCT c) AS topics,
u1.username AS user, u.username AS users
WITH collect(users) AS group,topics,user
WITH collect(user)+group AS clique,
size(topics) AS number_of_topics
RETURN clique, number_of_topics
ORDER BY number_of_topics DESC
A similar but more concrete query could return the
cliques, where a specific ”targeted” profile takes part,
revealing profiles in his/her circle.
In this paper, we aim at homogenizing data from mul-
tiple social media sources to bring them into a unified
cross-source analysis system for forensic purposes.
The Unified Social Network Ontology has been intro-
duced as part of a framework for tracking, preparing
and analyzing data. The ontology covers the major-
ity of today’s social media perceptions. We have de-
veloped social-media-specific plugins to map the data
to the USNO and store them in a labeled property
graph database. As a result the raw data are associ-
ated and stored in a coherent representation based on
the USNO. The homogeneity of the data and its reten-
tion in a common database is the basis on which we
have implemented a sophisticated forensic tool to go
beyond keyword search and respond to complicated
investigation queries. We designed a number of pre-
defined query placeholders which give insights into
the network structure and reveal the most important
profiles through SNA methods. In addition, LEAs
will easily detect any indication that could provide the
social media data. For example law enforcement per-
sonnel will track conversations and their frequency,
discover all information about a specific profile, ex-
plore around a particular topic for a given location
and time frame, and so on. The automatic data ho-
mogenization, preservation and analysis will reduce
significantly the investigation cost.
In the demonstration and case study, the proposed
framework has been applied to Stormfront internet fo-
rum. The plugin we developed for Stormfront is re-
sponsible for mapping the data to the USNO and im-
porting them into the graph database. After this stage,
we demonstrated how LEAs could explore the graph
to discover important profiles, relationships and evi-
dence through the library of predefined query place-
holders. An advantage of the proposed framework is
that it can be easily adapted to represent data from
other social networks. As a proof of concept, it
has also been applied to Twitter dataset
to investi-
gate Twitter-related data like mentions, hashtags and
In future work, we will investigate new analysis
algorithms such as profile matching to be added to the
library with the predefined query placeholders. Thus,
a new relationship ”MATCHES WITH” will be cre-
ated between the profiles that correspond to the same
person. Associating user profiles to many social net-
works would provide, among other things, the oppor-
tunity to better understand the interplay between the
different types of suspect’s operations.
The work presented in this paper was supported by the
European Commission under contract H2020-700381
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KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development