performance using accuracy and we also report the
macro precision, macro-recall, and macro-F1 mea-
sure to reduce the effect of class imbalance in the
test dataset. According to all the evaluation metrics
we considered, the proposed approach show better
performance. One of the strengths of the proposed
method lies in it’s simplicity. The method learns do-
main embeddings using a single layer neural network.
Due to the use of shallow neural network, the training
is faster than other multi-layer deep networks. We
have used hierarchical softmax loss function to make
training even faster. Unlike other hierarchical clas-
sification models like ECPred(Dalkiran et al., 2018)
and DEEPre(Li et al., 2018), the proposed method
learns single model instead of learning many models
each for every class. The method is scalable for larger
dataset using CUDA based GPU units. Although the
proposed method performs well, there is still scope of
improvement specially for level-3 and level-4 predic-
tions. As a future plan, we envision to improve the
method for more precise predictions and also to apply
the similar approach for protein function annotation
using Gene Ontology Terms.
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Functional Annotation of Proteins using Domain Embedding based Sequence Classification