A Flexible Schema for Document Oriented Database (SDOD)
Shady Hamouda
, Zurinahni Zainol
and Mohammed Anbar
Emirates College of Technology, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia
National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6), Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia
Keywords: Schema, Document-Oriented Database, NoSQL.
Abstract: Big data is emerging as one of the most important crucial issues in the modern world. Most studies mention
that a relational database cannot handle big data. This challenge has led to the presentation of the not only
structured query language (NoSQL) database as a new concept of database technology. NoSQL supports
large volumes of data by providing a mechanism for data storage, retrieval and more flexible than a
relational database. One of the most powerful types of NoSQL database is the document-oriented database.
Recently, many software developers are willing to migrate from using relational databases to NoSQL
database because of scalability, availability, and performance. The document-oriented database has
challenged as to how to obtain an appropriate schema for the document-oriented database. The existing
approach to migrate a relational database to a document-oriented database does not consider all the
properties of the former, especially on how to handle various types of relationships. This research proposed
a flexible schema for a document-oriented database (SDOD). This study evaluated the development of
agility based on the schema of a document-oriented database and query execution time. The evaluation
verifies the reliability of the proposed schema.
The demand to migrate from a relational database to
a document-oriented database has increased because
of the complex structure of data and the different
data types (El Alami & Bahaj, 2016; Hanine et al.,
2016; Stanescu et al., 2017). Therefore, moving
from table to document will be more efficient. The
idea of migration from a relational database to a
document-oriented database is conducted by
migrating the data without loss or changing any
structure of the original database.
However, there are many challenges and
complex problem for design schema for NoSQL
database such as there are no tools or methodology
available to support a good schema (Mior et al.,
2017). Also, there is still a lack of strategies for
conceptually representing the data model for a
document-oriented database (Guimaraes et al.,
2015). Moreover, NoSQL databases offer many
challenges such as de-normalization is required for
high performance in NoSQL databases and
repositories documents (Mior, 2014).
According to Zhao et al. (2014), normalization
and de-normalization are some of the variables that
must be considered when designing a schema, as it
can measure the schema quality. Mehmood et al.
(2017), found the evaluation schema quality can be
determined through the performance of
normalization and de-normalization of the
The problem is that an RDBMS data model
based on the relational model, and has a fixed
schema with structured data, whereas the NoSQL
can have any data format (Yoon et al., 2016).
Moreover, there is no schema for a document-
oriented database can recognise table type,
document structure, and forming documents
(Kanade et al., 2014; Moore et al., 2014) due to the
various ways of storage, management and
implementation in NoSQL. Besides, Tauro et al.
(2012) and Liang et al. (2015) mentioned that the
relational database and NoSQL are different models,
which make difficulties to migrate data from the
relational model to the NoSQL models.
In fact, the data models of NoSQL systems are
very complex as there are no tools available to
represent a scheme for NoSQL databases (Mohan,
Hamouda, S., Zainol, Z. and Anbar, M.
A Flexible Schema for Document Oriented Database (SDOD).
DOI: 10.5220/0008353504130419
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 413-419
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2013). According to Mohan (2013), there is no
standard schema represent the data modeling of the
document-oriented database. Therefore, designing a
schema and implementing the document-oriented
database for big data applications are needed
(Guimaraes et al., 2015; Ogunyadeka et al., 2016;
Storey & Song, 2017). Also, modeling and querying
data in a document-oriented database is important,
as, it describes the rules and function of the system
(Atzeni et al., 2016). Therefore, it is necessary to
define a schema for the underlying principles of a
document-oriented database.
However, Mior et al. (2017) finding, although
the schema of a document-oriented model is
flexible, it is still necessary when designing the
schema to decide whether data is normalizing or de-
normalizing it before applying to a document-
oriented database application. Moreover, González-
Aparicio et al. (2017) observe that the normalization
of the data model is one of the important research
issues and there are no standard principles of
normalization in the NoSQL database.
In addition, there is no any a variable method to
normalize or de-normalize data to define an
embedded and reference approach for handling the
various types of relationships (Guimaraes et al.,
2015, Khan and Mane, 2013, Hanine et al., 2016,
Mehmood et al., 2017). According to Mehmood et
al. (2017), normalization and de-normalization are
the two variables that must be considered when
designing a schema. These variables can affect the
performance and storage effectively as the databases
grow very quickly. Therefore, this paper overcomes
the issues presented above by designing a schema
for a document-oriented database.
SDOD improve the concepts and data model of the
document-oriented database which present in the
previous studies Arora and Aggarwal (2013); Atzeni
et al., (2016); Bhogal and Choksi (2015); Hashem
and Ranc (2016) by providing features and
specification to design schema for a document-
oriented database. This study aims to design a
schema for the document-oriented database based on
ER Model.
2.1 SDOD Specification
The SDOD normalize the data redundancy through
two concepts; first is embedded document de-
normalization the relationships by the store a
subdocument into super-document collections, and
second is reference document that can be used to
normalization the relationship through linked the
collections between each other’s using a foreign key.
The component of ER schema is entities,
attributes, and relationships. This research represents
entity by Collection (C) and, attributes represent by
use Key-value (K), and the type of relationships
(1:1), (1: N), and (M: M) is represented through
embedded and reference document. This section
converts ER specification to the SDOD specification
based on the following Table 1.
Table 1: Specification of SDOD.
ER Specification SDOD Specification Descriptions and conditions
Strong entity Strong Entity {} Each Strong entity is representing by a collection with two braces.
Weak entity
Strong Entity {Weak entity
The weak entity is described by using embedded document into strong
Hierarchical Entity
HigherCollection {k1.ki,lower
The hierarchical entity is represented by the higher hierarchical entity with
all the related attributes and the lower collection store as embedded
Ordinary attribute {K1,…..,Ki}
The attributes of each entity are described by using K, which represents the
name of the attribute. These attributes are listed inside two braces with a
comma in between.
Composite attribute CA{ K1, …,Ki }
CA the name of the composite attribute
Ki a set of attributes names listed into the document with a comma
between them
i number of composite attributes
The multi-valued attribute is described by the name of this attribute with an
array data type and [K1..Ki] represents all of the multi-values.
Derived attribute K# The derived attribute is described by a hash after the attribute K.
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 1: Specification of SDOD. (cont.)
ER Specification SDOD Specification Descriptions and conditions
Attribute of the
(K1,….,Ki) The attributes of relationships are added to relationship document.
Primary key K The primary key is represented by an underline of the attribute.
Foreign key
The foreign key is represented by a dashed line of the attribute.
Unary relationship K@
The unary relationship is described by adding @ after the attribute K and the
name of the relationship.
relationship (1:1)
Embedded document
The 1:1 relationship is representing by using embedded document into the
related collection.
Reference document
if more relationships exist or the dataset of one side will exceed 16 MB (as
the document size is 16 MB) , then this relationship should be represented by
using the reference document.
relationship (1:M)
Embedded document
The 1:M relationship is described through the embedded document or
reference document depending on the size of the many relationship side .
If the many relationship side is small if M dataset is not exceed 16 MB or
less than a tens of thousands/hundreds of thousands/ millions records, and
also, there is no any other relationship.
Thus, 1:M is represent through embedded document, this embedded
document store into the related document.
Reference document
If the dataset of the many relationship side is exceed 16 MB or more than
tens of thousands/hundreds of thousands/millions records.
The 1:M relationship is described as a reference between two entities
through foreign key.
relationship (M:M)
Collection1 name [{K1,….
Ki},….., Collection2
name{K1,…. Ki}]
The M:M relationship describes the references between two entities. This
type of relationship is identified by creating two collections named:
Collection1 and Collection 2, and then storing the primary key of the related
collection of the document of Collection 1 inside the collection side of
Collection 2, and vice versa. If store the document of Collection 1 inside
Collection 2, then the name of the document root becomes Collection 1.
The principal concept of the NoSQL data model
involves storing data as pairs of key–value. The key
is considered as the field of a table in a relational
database, while the value associated with the key can
be any type of data structure. Unlike the case in the
relational database, all the field data should have the
same structure and may have a null value. Moreover,
this pair of key-value can be collected into a
document that can represent the field with the record
in the relational database.
Consequently, a set of related documents are
stored and represented by a collection, which
considers the table of the relational database. Each
document can be identifying by a unique key or can
be automatically created by the database. This ID
becomes an index for the document or can create
other indexes depending on the application
requirements to speed up the query process.
Relationships between the collections can be
identifying in two ways: embedded and reference
In the embedded document, the document can
contain another document. This model can lead to
the de-normalization of the database. Reference
documents consider the relationships of the
relational database, which shows the relationships
between the collections and the foreign key. A
document-oriented database store data using key-
value concept into an organized document in which
each key is used to store a value and this value can
be identified by a key. This concept can be
represented by a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
object. A JSON is a lightweight language of the data
format used to store and exchange data and it
follows the concept of JavaScript language ((Bansel
& Chis, 2016). Moreover, JSON is a serialization
format, which has schema-less data with all kinds of
data type, such as string, number, list and array and
nested structure (Florescu & Fourny, 2013).
According to Soransso and Cavalcanti (2018),
the structures of the document are able to deal with
collections of heterogeneous documents. The
document in a collection is a self-describing
structure allows finding the intended data/content
through specific parts of these documents.
The case study is the schema of W3Schools Web
A Flexible Schema for Document Oriented Database (SDOD)
site (http://www.w3schools.com/). This schema has
characteristics that are completely different from
those typically used in most applications, such as
integration restrictions, relationships, and different
data types.
The W3school schema can be similar to other
businesses that have products with categories and
these products have suppliers and then offer these
products to customers for ordering and shipping.
Therefore, this schema is chosen to implements of
mapping from a relational database to a document-
oriented database through SDOD, and then evaluates
how SDOD can cover any new business
requirements when changing the schema.
Figure 1: Entity relational schema for W3schools (Rocha
et al., 2015).
As we can see in the above schema, the product
has categories and suppliers, and the order has order
details and shipping to the customer through the
employees. Therefore, SDOD applied to map the
above schema Figure 1. It creates product collection
and store categories and suppliers as embedded
documents. Also, creates order collection and stores
the order details with shipping as embedded
documents. Moreover, these order and products can
be managing through the employee collection. The
SDOD of mapping the above schema can be as
shown following figure.
Order {
"OrderID" ,
"EmployeeID" ,
"OrderDate" ,
"OrderDetials" : {
"OrderDetailsID" ,
"ProductID" ,
"Shippers" : {
"Customer" : {
Employee {
Product {
"Category" : {
"Suppliers" : {
Figure 2: SDOD for W3schools.
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Development agility refers to the capability to meet
and respond to the business change requirements
during the development process (Rathor et al.,
2016). Agile methodologies can enable
organizations to achieve flexibility in software
development for managing unpredictable and
changing conditions (Maruping et al., 2009) .
This section evaluates the development agility to
identify business change requirements using the
W3Schools schema in Figure 1. This schema has
characteristics that are completely different from
those typically used in most applications, such as
integration restrictions, relationships, and different
data types.
In a relational database, the new field should be
added to all table records to change its schema. By
contrast, an SDOD allows adding or changing data
for a specific document in any structure without
changing the database schema. An SDOD allows the
application to use the required data and ignore the
unrequited data.
Figure 3: Schema after changing the relationship between
product and supplier.
In the W3schools schema in Figure 1, the
relationship between products and supplies is one to
one. If the W3schools schema needs to change the
business requirements by allowing one product to
have many supplies or each supplier to provide
many products, then this new requirement brings
difficulty in changing the database schema. To
incorporate this requirement in the relational
database, a new table should be added to allow the
product to have many suppliers as the current data.
The relational database schema will not allow the
same product to have many suppliers because it is
fixed and has change constraints.
The previous scenario indicates that the change
required will affect the database schema, query
level, and reporting level. Given that the database
schema needs to change, all queries related to
product and resource need to be redesigned and
By contrast, an SDOD supports a flexible
schema with semi-structured data that can add or
change relationships between entities without effect.
In the previous case, the relationships between
products and suppliers can be changed without
affecting the schema because the product collection
stores the suppliers as embedded documents and lists
suppliers for each product. In an SDOD, mapping
one-to-one or one-to-many relationships can be
through the embedded documents. Therefore, this
schema will store the many supplies as embedded
documents into each product, as shown in Figure 2.
As we can see that the SDOD is flexible schema
and can support the new business requirements. The
evaluation of this paper is used to evaluate the
development agility of business requirements and
the result shows that the SDOD provide a flexible
schema. On the other hand, JSON is more compact
than XML for semi-structured data because XML
has many rules and complexity in representing a
semi-structured data format. Therefore, JSON plays
an important role in representing semi-structured
data in a NoSQL database, as it is lightweight and
uses flexible data to deal with formatted semi-
structured data and can be compatible with most
programming languages.
This evaluation clarifies whether the proposed
A Flexible Schema for Document Oriented Database (SDOD)
method is statistically significant. The statistical
significance between the relational database and
document-oriented database is measure using T-test.
The T-test is used to compare the means from two
different groups of data and to determine any
significant difference between the means of two
groups that may be related in certain features. This
test measures the query execution time for the
relational database (Oracle) and document-oriented
database (MongoDB). This evaluation evaluates the
significance of Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete and
Join operations based on data migrations.
In Table 2, the first show the database operation
that used for this evaluation. The numbers that show
in the third and fourth columns are the times in
millisecond to execute each query for a relational
database (Oracle) and a document-oriented database
Table 2: Performance test of a relational database (Oracle)
and a document-oriented database (MongoDB).
Relational Database
(Time in Millisecond)
Database (MonogDB)
(Time in Millisecond)
2.226 0.003
1.826 0.002
2.376 0.001
0.182 0.002
0.171 0.099
16,900 2,444
18,210 5,326
58,587 340
815 2
1,925 112
94,080 582
20,085 2,390
1,514 67
2,651 140
8,266 251
3,196 799
2,752 7
1,969 210
647 3
1,028 102
1,780 155
As the above table shows, the same query was
run in MongoDB and Oracle, Therefore, this T-Test
is paired test (oracle,mongo, conf.level = 0.95,
vr.equal=FALSE, alternative="greater",
The type of T-test is paired and the input data for
this test is Oracle and Mongo database. The T-value
is 2.101 in favor of mongo with 20 degrees of
freedom; also, the p-value which is the probability of
the result is 0.02426. In addition, the alternative
hypothesis is true, the difference in means is greater
than zero, and the percent confidence interval is 95.
The T-test shows that the mean difference in the
execution time between Oracle and MongoDB is
statistically significant (i.e., p-value is smaller than
0.05 for the confidence level of 0.95, p=0.024).
The T-test shows that the mean difference in the
execution time between Oracle
(mean(Oracle)=11162.47, sd (Oracle)= 23233.4) and
MongoDB (Mean(MongoDB)=615.72,
sd(MongoDB)= 1291.533) is statistically significant
(t(20)=2.101, p=0.02). In other words, based on the
performance test shown in Table 2, there is strong
evidence that MongoDB queries execute
significantly shorter (measured in milliseconds)
compared to Oracle.
This study successfully proposes a flexible schema
that can cover all data types and properties of a
document-oriented database. Besides, this study
overcomes the issues in handling the relationships in
a complex database by covering all types of
relationships to be compatible with a document-
oriented database. SDOD provide new feature such
as flexible schema by allows adding any field in any
documents without any constrains and allows each
document to have different numbers of fields. Thus,
it can be an efficient schema for a semi-structured
data with flexible schema that will keep up with the
new business requirements.
In addition, the document and embedded
document in semi-structured data are less
homogeneous than those in structured data,
therefore, it allows each key to have different
contents in each document, and these contents can
be blend in the same document without a structure.
The future work will proposed a schema for other
types of NoSQL models.
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A Flexible Schema for Document Oriented Database (SDOD)