capabilities, whereas others, e.g., architecture,
construction, engineering and inspection services
have poor metrics. We believe that further research
should investigate the content of poor metric groups
and suggest possible solutions or find relevant content
within the tender documentation. We also noticed a
basic lack of data that could be used as dependent
target variables in this research area, which is why the
predictive power of the model is rather low. We
consider it entirely appropriate to consider open
public procurement procedures with one bid as cases
with great indication of corruption. A system based
on such models would be an excellent tool for experts
in the area of public procurement monitoring. For
example, due to the prevention of suspicious
activities at the very beginning of the tender
procedure, we can talk about an early warning
system. Further work should focus on including
additional indicators to enhance model accuracy as
well as applying neural networks, deep learning and
other machine-learning algorithms to achieve better
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