Sentiment Analysis for Arabizi: Application to Algerian Dialect
Asma Chader
, Dihia Lanasri
, Leila Hamdad
, Mohamed Chemes Eddine Belkheir
and Wassim Hennoune
Laboratoire de la Communication dans les Syst
emes Informatiques (LCSI),
Ecole Nationale Sup
erieure d’Informatique (ESI), BP 68M, 16309, Oued-Smar, Algiers, Algeria
Research & Development & Innovation Direction, Brandt, Algiers, Algeria
Sentiment Analysis, Algerian Dialect, Arabizi, Social Networks, Supervised Classification.
Sentiment Analysis and its applications have spread to many languages and domains. With regard to Arabic
and its dialects, we witness an increasing interest simultaneously with increase of Arabic texts volume in social
media. However, the Algerian dialect had received little attention, and even less in Latin script (Arabizi). In
this paper, we propose a supervised approach for sentiment analysis of Arabizi Algerian dialect using different
classifiers such as Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machines. We investigate the impact of several prepro-
cessing techniques, dealing with dialect specific aspects. Experimental evaluation on three manually annotated
datasets shows promising performance where the approach yielded the highest classification accuracy using
SVM algorithm. Moreover, our results emphasize the positive impact of proposed preprocessing techniques.
The adding of vowels removal and transliteration, to overcome phonetic and orthographic varieties, allowed
us to lift the F-score of SVM from 76 % to 87 %, which is considerable.
Nowadays, sentiment analysis is a topic of great in-
terests in both research and industry. With billions of
comments and reviews produced every day, available
information over internet and social media is con-
stantly growing and mining user’s opinions has be-
come a key tool in different applications such as mar-
keting and politics. Such opinions can be used for
a better profiling of the users, understanding their ex-
pectations and criticisms to adapt brands services, dis-
covering public opinions about different policies or
even predicting election results (Medhat et al., 2014).
Therefrom, automatic extraction and analysis of opin-
ions from created content, known as sentiment analy-
sis (SA) or opinion mining (OM), emerged as a new
challenging thematic of Natural Language Processing
(NLP). SA field can be seen as a classification task
of whether an opinion is positive, negative or neutral
(Medhat et al., 2014). One of its biggest challenges
remains language. In social media particularly, most
users communicate with abbreviations and unstruc-
tured dialectal texts that vary significantly from region
to region and from a culture to another.
Recent studies focused gradually on Arabic lan-
guage sentiment analysis (Al-Ayyoub et al., 2019).
However, they are generally restricted to Modern
Standard Arabic (MSA), which is regulated and stan-
dardized but only used in formal communication.
Most Arabic social media texts are actually written
in dialects and often mixed with foreign languages
(e.g. French or English). This leads to another phe-
nomenon, even more challenging: the non standard
Romanization of Arabic, called Arabizi, which con-
sists on using Latin alphabet, numbers or punctu-
ation to write an Arabic word. For instance, the
word ”3jebni”, romanized form of ú
« in Ara-
bic, meaning ”I like it”, is composed of Latin let-
ters and a number (used to symbolize Arabic letter
¨ that have no phonetic Latin equivalent, but his
shape seems as the number). In literature, only lim-
ited work addressed Arabizi sentiment analysis com-
pared to Arabic script, in particular for Algerian di-
alects (AlgD). The reason behind this is complexity
of analysis due to the absence of specific and prede-
fined rules to write Arabizi, the frequent misspellings
and adapted expressions used in addition to the vari-
ety of Algerian accents that differ from one region to
We aim in this research to determine sentiment of
Algerian Arabizi. We apply a machine leaning ap-
proach to automatically classify social media mes-
Chader, A., Lanasri, D., Hamdad, L., Belkheir, M. and Hennoune, W.
Sentiment Analysis for Arabizi: Application to Algerian Dialect.
DOI: 10.5220/0008353904750482
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 475-482
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sages written in AlgD in both Latin and Arabic script
(after transliteration). To handle the specific aspects
of AlgD, very different from other Arabic dialects,
we propose and evaluate new steps as a part of pre-
processing, namely, phonetic grouping and removing
vowels. We collect and annotate (manually and using
a tailored built-in crowdsourcing tool) three datasets
to enable evaluation.
This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2,
related work is presented. Section 3 describes our
sentiment analysis approach. Section 4 presents dif-
ferent datasets and evaluation results. Finally, Section
5 concludes the paper with some future directions.
This section outlines research related to Arabic senti-
ment analysis field with focus on dialectal studies that
we present with respect to the three main approaches
used in mining sentiment, namely, lexicon based, ma-
chine learning based and hybrid approach.
Several studies were interested in Arabic and
its dialects sentiment analysis with supervised ap-
proaches (using annotated datasets to train classi-
fiers). For instance, (Cherif et al., 2015) used SVM to
classify MSA Arabic reviews and comments on ho-
tels (collected from Trip Advisor website) into five
categories: excellent, very good, middling, weak and
horrible. Likewise, (Hadi, 2015) examined different
classifiers on Arabic corpus of 3700 tweets manu-
ally annotated by native speakers in positive, negative
and neutral. The conducted experiments showed that
SVM outperformed k-NN , NB and Decision Tree
(DT) in terms of accuracy. In another work,(Abdul-
Mageed et al., 2014) presented “SAMAR” system for
subjectivity and sentiment analysis of both MSA and
Egyptian dialect. They built a sentiment lexicon con-
sisting of 3982 adjectives (labelled as positive, nega-
tive or neutral) and used SVM-light toolkit for classi-
fication. They reported an accuracy of 73.49 % for di-
alect, affecting negatively the performance. Few work
addressed Arabizi dialects. There are for example
(Zarra et al., 2017) in Maghrebi and (Medhaffar et al.,
2017; Ali et al., 2018) in Tunisian dialects. In (Med-
haffar et al., 2017), authors used several ML classi-
fiers (Multi-Layer Perceptron, SVM, NB) to deter-
mine the polarity of comments constructing the TSAC
a Tunisian corpus dedicated to sentiment analysis.
On the other side, lexicon based approaches
present the advantage of not requiring a manually an-
notated corpus. In such approaches, a list of words
with annotated opinion polarities, called lexicon, is
usually created then used to predict the polarity of
text. First studies were essentially conducted on MSA
Arabic; we refer for example to those of (Al-Ayyoub
et al., 2015; Badaro et al., 2014; Bayoudhi et al.,
2015). Thereafter, more attention has been drawn
on dialectal analysis. In (Abdulla et al., 2014), au-
thors applied a lexicon-based algorithm to tweets and
comments in both MSA and Jordanian dialect. To
construct their lexicon (4000 words), they expand a
seed of 300 words using synonym and antonym re-
lations. As to AlgD, (Mataoui et al., 2016), start-
ing with an existing Arabic and Egyptian lexicons,
built three AlgD lexicons (a keywords lexicon, a nega-
tion words lexicon, and intensification words lexi-
con). These three lexicons are then enriched by a dic-
tionary of emoticons and another of common phrases.
They tested their approach under different configura-
tions and reported a 79.13 % accuracy.
Finally, the hybrid approach combines lexicon-
based and machine learning approaches. (Mustafa
et al., 2017) proposed a hybrid approach to SA. Its
lexicon-based phase, extracts polarities of data using
a look-up table stemming technique to annotate the
training corpus, while the supervised phase uses the
annotated data to train SVM and NB sentiment clas-
sifier; which achieved an accuracy of 96 % on the
MIKA (Ibrahim et al., 2015) corpus extended with
Egyptian dialect. Similarly, (Bettiche et al., 2018)
presented a hybrid approach to determine polarity of
Arabizi AlgD comments. They reported 93.7 % in
terms of F-score.
As can be noticed from related work, different ap-
proaches have been used to analyze different Arabic
dialects. However, only few research concerns with
Algerian dialect. We propose a supervised approach
to Arabizi AlgD sentiment analysis by training and
testing different classifiers (SVM, NB, DT).
Our approach aims to analyze sentiments of a given
AlgD document retrieved from social networks. To
achieve this goal, we propose a process composed
mainly of 6 major steps (see figure 1): i) Data col-
lection to gather Algerian comments from different
social networks. ii) Language detection allowing to
identify the Algerian comments among the other lan-
guages. iii) Data annotation consisting on associ-
ating a polarity label to each comment in the Alge-
rian dataset. iv) Data preprocessing considered as the
main step in our approach presented as a pipeline aim-
ing to treat the Algerian dataset and generate a valid
& clean one, ready to be exploited by the machine
learning models. v) Data representation used to gen-
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
erate a vector from a text entry. vi) Data classifica-
tion in which the classifier is defined basing on ma-
chine learning models in order to detect the class of
messages {positive, negative or neutral}. The major
steps presented in this approach are familiar in senti-
ment analysis domain applied on regular languages
like French, English, classic Arabic. But the par-
ticularity of AlgD, that we can resume in syntactic
& semantic variation of Algerian vocabulary due to
the variety of Algerian regions (Oran, Kabyle, Sa-
hara. . . ) each one having its specific properties and
accents, motivates us to adapt the process mainly the
preprocessing step, where we propose new modules
(Transliteration, Phonetic grouping, Removing vow-
els) very useful and powerful to prepare an Algerian
text even written in Latin or Arabic characters that
will serves as an entry corpus to the classifier model.
The details about our process are given in what fol-
Figure 1: Our Algerian dialect sentiment analysis approach.
1- Data Collection: Before starting the process of
sentiment analysis & development of machine learn-
ing models, a dataset composed of an important size
of AlgD messages even written in Arabic or Latin
characters should be prepared. Many ways exists to
get an Algerian dataset like: extracting comments
from social networks, using an existing datasets like
Wach-t7ass (Mataoui et al., 2016).
2- Data Language Detection: As we note, comments
published on Algerian social networks are more often
a mix of dialect, classical Arabic, French, English and
even Tamazight. To rely to our defined problem con-
sisting on detecting sentiments of AlgD comments,
we have to start by a language detection, which is
necessary for our system. For this, our solution elim-
inates all comments which are in regular language
(French, English, Spanish and classical Arabic). This
implies that we keep just AlgD text.
3- Data Annotation: The objective of the annota-
tion step consists on associating a polarity label (pos-
itive, negative, neutral) to each message, which repre-
sents its sentiment. To annotate the different collected
comments of AlgD dataset, we propose to use man-
ual method. According to the diversity of the AlgD
due to the different regions and accents, we opted for
manual annotation which is more reliable than the au-
tomatic one. To accelerate the process of annotation,
we propose to use crowd sourcing method basing on
a double annotation, where two people annotate the
same comments in order to be sure of the given la-
bel. As the process is really complex and tiring, we
propose to use an annotating application available in to help an-
notators to accelerate this task.
4- Data Preprocessing: This step is the core of our
approach of AlgD sentiment analysis. Before start-
ing the classification of messages into positive, nega-
tive or neutral, a clean dataset should be provided to
the machine learning model in order to get a power-
ful classification model with higher score. As we no-
ticed, most comments retrieved from social networks
are not prepared and not clean, with semantic and syn-
tactic variation because they are written by different
people of different intellectual levels. Furthermore,
the richness of the AlgD leads to a variety of words
and variety of meaning for the same word according
to each region. Moreover, we identified other prob-
lems in comments like: spelling errors, presence of:
links, hashtags, gifs, stickers, special characters, etc.,
which must imperatively be removed and these mes-
sages should be deduplicated in order to have a min-
imal, unified, valid and clean corpus ready to be ex-
ploited. Our aim is to keep maximum of variant in-
formative vocabulary in order to enrich our corpus. In
what follows we will detail the pre-processing steps
(see figure 2) and focus on our contribution:
Figure 2: Preprocessing pipeline.
4.1. Tokenization: This first step permits decompos-
ing a string of characters (message or comment) into
words called Tokens ”. Tokenization is even more
important in the sentiment analysis than in other ar-
eas of the NLP, because feelings’ information are of-
ten poorly represented. A single group of punctuation
marks such as ” > :-( ” could tell the right feelings, in
this case is ”I’m upset”. Considering importance of
extracting tokens, several functions are implemented
in different languages that allow us to do this step.
4.2. Remove Noise: This step includes a set of tasks
that allow to remove the noise from the Algerian
dataset (capital letters, accents, links, hashtags ...), de-
tailed in what follows:
4.2.1. Remove Hypertext Links: In this step, all hyper-
text links (URLs) are eliminated using regular expres-
sions and algorithmic functions. This allows reducing
the size of our vocabulary.
4.2.2. Remove Hashtags: Hashtags are omnipresent
Sentiment Analysis for Arabizi: Application to Algerian Dialect
in sentiment analysis area, since it can reorient the
polarity of a sentence easily. For instance, ”win nroh,
ew khsarli TV # 3ayitouna”, # 3ayitouna is negative.
Internet users tend to use Hashtags to explain the sub-
ject that their message or comment deals with. But
in our case it does not help much to keep them since
we rely on an automatic learning approach hence the
need to remove all hashtags of our corpus.
4.2.3. Remove Repeated Letters: In this step, the pro-
cess deletes the repeated letters (more than twice) in
a word by reducing them into a single letter. Al-
though we are convinced that the repeated letters
in a word of opinion carry a stronger feeling,i.e,
they play the role of a feeling intensifier; for Exam-
ple: ’Raw3aaaaaaa’ is positive word stronger than
’Raw3a’; we must delete this intensification since the
approach for which we opt is not lexicon-based and
our goal is to build a homogeneous clean corpus.
4.2.4. Remove Stop Words: A stop word is a useless
and non-significant word appearing in a text, hence
the need to eliminate it from our corpus. For this pur-
pose, for languages such as English, French or Mod-
ern Standard Arabic, there are lists of well-known
stop words. These lists/tools are freely available like
. Nevertheless, there is no defined or elabo-
rated resource for AlgD stop words to consider hence
the obligation to create them. The difficulty lies in
identifying all the stop words or words without added
meaning in order to eliminate them later from our cor-
pus. In Algeria we have several accents, and this re-
quires to colaborate with a substantial human resource
and experienced in linguistics and dialects to encom-
pass all these stop words. To facilitate our work, we
have followed an approach aiming to create a general
void list for the dialect and which can be used as a
reliable source for future works on the given dialect
4.3. Remove Isolated Single Letters: The purpose of
this step is similar to stop words one, except that this
part does not require a predefined list, since here we
delete all the words of a single letter, because they did
not bring any useful information to this analysis.
4.4. Treatment of Capitalized Words: In order to
unify our corpus and reduce the vector of features
called also the dimension, our process transforms all
the words into lowercase in order to ensure the pres-
ence of a single instance of each word in our dataset.
4.5. Dis-accentuation: The aim of this step is to elim-
inate accentuation from some Latin letters like (
and substitute them with (e, a) in order to keep single
instance of each word in the dataset.
4.6. Stemming: Stemming or rooting is a really im-
portant step in the process of sentiment analysis since
it allows reducing the size of the corpus to the maxi-
mum. Plenty of stemmers are developed like: Snow-
used to root French or English words and keep
their Stems, basing on Porter algorithm
or ”Arabic-
used for stemming classic Arabic text, in-
corporated into the NLTK library in Snowball pack.
Otherwise, there is no stemmer elaborated for AlgD
words, mainly because dialect does not belong to any
regular language and especially with syntactic and
grammatical rules allowing rooting. So we ended by
ignoring this step in our contribution.
These next steps are specific to treat messages
written in AlgD after going through the previous steps
(Basic preprocessing). As we have already men-
tioned, the problem with Algerian dialect is that it
doesn’t rely to any orthographic rules, thus several
spellings can be observed in the corpus for the same
word. Example: We3lach, We3lech, waalach, 3lach,
Elach, oualah, olah, wealache, etc. To overcome this
problem, we propose including three steps: transliter-
ation, phonetic grouping and vowels removing. More
details are given in what follows:
4.7. Transliteration: We noticed that AlgD com-
ments on social networks can be written in two forms:
i)Arabic dialect is the standard normal Arabic writing
format. ii)Arabizi dialect which is a form of writ-
ing an Arabic text based on Latin letters, numbers
and punctuation rather than Arabic letters. In the lit-
erature, the difficulties related to sentiment analysis
in Arabizi have been underestimated, mainly because
of the complexity of Arabizi. To deal with the two
cases, we propose the transliteration step aiming to
transform a word written in Arabic form to Latin one.
Some works and systems are elaborated in Arabic-
Latin-Arabic transliteration such as Din 31635, Buck-
walter, Qalam
, etc. Our process is based on the
Qalam system for Arabic-Latin transliteration thanks
to the similarities of the latter to the Algerian dialect
= sh, p = kh,
X = dh,
H = th) Qalam is a system
of Arabic-Latin-Arabic transliteration between Ara-
bic writing and the Latin alphabet embodied in ASCII
(American Standard Code for the exchange of infor-
mation). Even though, Qalam presents some limita-
tions because some words are written differently in
both cases, eg ”FOORT” and ”Pñ
¯”, transliteration of
¯” gives us ’FOR’ and not ’FORT’.
4.8. Phonetic Grouping: This step has two essential
parts: i) unification of letters and ii) Phonetic group-
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
ing. The process begins with the substitution of num-
bers, because several words in AlgD contain numbers
that are pronounced as letters for example (kh=5, h=7,
k=9, ou=2, t=6). After unifying the words contain-
ing numbers, the process starts the phonetic grouping.
The idea is to exploit phonetic regency to maximize
its use in the categorization of comments, resulting a
resource that can be used later to correct new texts.
Our aim is to group words that are pronounced in
the same way, for example: [‘Insh’allah’, inch’allah’,
‘in’cha’alla] At the end of this step, a phonetic dictio-
nary is created where each word is associated to a list
of its corresponding phonetic codes. Subsequently,
this dictionary will be used to substitute certain words
by their most common form in the dictionary. For ex-
ample [‘Insh’allah’, inch’allah’, ‘in’cha’alla’] are as-
sociated to ANCHALA. The substitution by the most
common form participates to reduce the noise gener-
ated by the diversity of scripts for the same word in
Algerian dialect.
4.9. Removing Vowels: After analyzing how users
on social networks interact and communicate through
messages and comments, we realized that the ma-
jority of users write dialect words regardless of any
grammatical or spelling rules, especially when writ-
ing vowels. For example, they do not differentiate
between the ’a’ and the ’e’, example: ’nhabak’ or
Because vowels are not informative contrary to
consonants, we propose in our process to delete all
vowels from a given word written in Latin, in order
to fill the absence of stemmers for the Algerian di-
alect. for example: ’nchallah, inchaleh’ are associ-
ated to ”NCHL”. This step allows reducing the size
of the corpus vocabulary by grouping words that rep-
resent the same instance.
5. Data Presentation: In this phase, the pro-
cess transforms the documents (treated comments and
messages generated from the previous steps) into vec-
tors in order to be understandable by the classifier,
using 3 vectorizers :CountVectorizer
, TF vectorizer
(term frequency), TF-IDF vectorize (term frequency
– inverse document frequency)
6. Classification: In this phase, the prediction model
is created, based on a supervised classification, us-
ing the annotated and treated corpus. To accomplish
this task, we used the most popular supervised clas-
sification algorithms in the natural language process-
ing tasks, which are :Naive Bayes, Support vector ma-
chine and Decisional trees For this, the dataset is de-
feature extraction.text.CountVectorizer.html
feature extraction.text.TfidfVectorizer.html
composed into training subset,test subset and valida-
tion subset. The model should be parametrized in or-
der to find the best combination of parameters giving
the best score for each algorithm.
In this section, we will present our experimentation
methods and obtained results.
4.1 Data Collection
The lack of Algerian datasets in literature, motivates
us to propose 4 methods to collect Algerian comments
from social networks. To this end, we followed these
1. Consume an existing Algerian dataset ”Wach-
t7ass” created in 2016 (Mataoui et al., 2016). It con-
tains 12.612 comments retrieved from different Alge-
rian Facebook pages. The comments are written in
Latin or Arabic characters.
2. Collect comments & posts from Facebook pages on
which we are admins like BrandtDZ
. We have writ-
ten a python program based on Facebook Graph API
to extract comments and posts published in these
pages. We gathered about 2.569 Algerian documents
since January 2018 until April 2019.
3. Publish a Google Form that we created in order to
collect comments with their polarities (positive, neg-
ative or neutral). Our aim was to collect maximum
of annotated data from Algerian people, for this we
sponsored our form in many facebook pages and we
collected around 1.400 annotated comments.
4. Use Facepager
open source application designed
to collect public data from social networks even with-
out any access token. All data are stored in a SQLite
database and can be exported into csv files. Basing on
this tool, we have retrieved more than 20.000 com-
ments from different Algerian Facebook pages like:
Cevital, Jumia, El Bilad, Djezzy, etc. Majority of text
is written in Arabic characters. This dataset is used
for tests.
More details about these datasets are given in table 1.
For language detection, we have written a python
program to automate this step. while, we used Al-
phabet detector
python library to detect Latin and
Sentiment Analysis for Arabizi: Application to Algerian Dialect
Table 1: Dataset sizes.
Wach-t7ass Google form BrandtDZ page
NB documents 12.611 1.400 2.569
NB characters 312.396 37.080 816.511
NB words 68.986 7.390 179.271
Arabic characters of each comment. The repartition
of these characters are resumed in Fig. 3, most com-
ments are in Arabizi.
Figure 3: Comments characters.
4.2 Data Annotation
To achieve this step, we used crowd sourcing method.
For the dataset gathered from google form, it was an-
notated by default as explained before. While, for
the other datasets we used an open source platform
developed for annotation ”DOCCANO”
where we
defined our labels (positive, negative and neutral) in
order to help the annotators group composed of 22
people. Each two people work together on the same
comments for more reliability. The results of the data
annotation are given in Fig. 4
Figure 4: Data annotation results.
4.3 Data Preprocessing
As already explained, the aim of this step is to get
a valid and clean dataset with maximum informative
vocabulary and without any redundancy. During the
life cycle of a natural language processing project,
more than 50 % of time is spent on this step, which
gives us insights about its importance. The results of
preprocessing are presented in figure 5.
After the deduplication of comments and remov-
ing of tags, we pass from 29.422 to 16.785 comments.
We notice that the majority of comments are tags
and they are duplicated that’s why it’s important to
deduplicate them.
Figure 5: Results of deduplication.
We also used CLTK
for transliteration and Pho-
for phonetic grouping. At the end of the pre-
processing pipeline, the process generates a corpus of
23.618 unique words. The following barplot (Fig. 6)
shows the reduction of the vocabulary size (dimen-
sionality reduction), where:
Basic preprocessing = tokenization + remove noise +
remove isolating single letters + Treatment of capital-
ized words + Dis-accentuation.
Figure 6: Vocabulary before and after preprocessing.
We thus reduced the dimensionality of our model
by 33 %, we pass from 35.440 to 23.618 features.
This reduction is due to grouping words represent-
ing the same instance and deleting meaningless words
such as stop words. The barplots in Fig. 7 repre-
sent most frequent words among the generated corpus
”Before pre-processing” and ”After pre-processing” .
Figure 7: Most frequent words before & After preprocess-
Before Preprocessing: This part represents the most
frequent words in our corpus before pre-processing.
We clearly notice the empty words being at the top of
the ranking, in addition to the presence of two words
that represent the same instance, ”hada” and ”had”.
After Preprocessing: This part represents the most
frequent words in the corpus after the pre-processing.
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
We notice that the list is represented mostly by adjec-
tives which describe an opinion (hyl, bn, mlh, etc).
We also notice that the word ”bzf”, meaning ”a lot”,
occured 44 times before pre-processing and 161 time
after pre-processing. This means that all the words
similar to ”bzf” are grouped (bezaf, bazaf, baazef,
bezzaaf, etc.)
4.4 Presentation and Classification
In order to evaluate our model, we followed the strat-
egy described in section ’Classification’. In what fol-
Type of preprocessing used is: (S : Data with-
out pre-processing ; P : Data with basic pre-
processing (noise removal); PV : P + Vowels re-
moval; PVT : PV + Transliteration).
Data Presentation (count, TF, TF-IDF)
Classification algorithm (Naive Bayes,
SVM : Support Vector Machine, DT : Decision
For these tests, the data used are the combination
of all collected corpuses (Google Form, Wach-t7ass,
BrandtDZ dataset) to get a voluminous dataset. We
used Cross validation where the dataset is divided into
training subset, test subset and validation subset. The
model should be parametrized aiming to find the best
combination of parameters giving the best score for
each algorithm using Grid-Search. For evaluating our
model, we used two appropriate metrics: Accuracy
metric and the F-score.
Our tests and experimentations showed that SVM
outperforms other algorithms and returns the best
scores even accuracy or F-score. As detailed in fig-
ure 8, the SVM model reaches 83,28 % with TF-IDF
representation and basic presprocessing + vowel re-
moving. We argue that the preprocessing specially the
added steps of removing vowels and phonetic group-
ing are really important for enhancing the scores.
while the transliteration has a big impact on creation
of consistent vocabulary.
Figure 8: SVM accuracy results.
Even, in figure 9 the obtained results according to
F-score support our previous ones; where we reach
87,06 % with occurence representation. We notice
also, that values of F-score and accuracy are close,
this confirms that the obtained results are effective and
there is no overfitting phenomenon.
Figure 9: SVM F-measure results.
Figure 10 generated with matplotlib is a 3-
dimensional array that describes the variation of the
accuracy and F-score of the model according to the
type of processing , the type of algorithm and the type
of representation.
To simplify the presentation of our results we have
converted our 3d arrays to 2d arrays by joining the
third dimension (type of pre-processing) on the sec-
ond dimension (classification algorithm). Our strat-
egy is to use multiple combination of the 3-uples.
Figure 10: Classification models evaluation.
We note that the value of accuracy varies from
76 % to 83 % and the value of F-score from 76 %
to 87 %. Among the algorithms, we note that Deci-
sion Tree gives the worst results compared to other
algorithms. We also notice the stability of the re-
sults given by Naive bayes according to the type of
pre-processing. However, as explained before, SVM
gives better accuracy score with the TF-IDF repre-
sentation (83 %), and better F-score with the occur-
rence representation (87 %). Finally we notice that
the new preprocessing steps have a positive impact on
the value of accuracy and F-score. The treatment of
dialect text allowed us to lift the F-score of SVM to
87 % which is considerable. The added preprocess-
ing steps : Transliteration, vowels removing and pho-
netic grouping have an impact in enhacing the results
Sentiment Analysis for Arabizi: Application to Algerian Dialect
but also a big importance in constructing the Algerian
For more details, see table2 , which summarises
the results of each dataset individually.
Table 2: Best classification results of each dataset.
Accuracy F-measure
wacht7ass PV+SVM+TF-IDF 81,63 % 84,47 %
G-Form PVT+Naive bayes+TF-IDF 80,87 %
G-Form PVT+SVM+TF 78,32 %
Brandt PVT+SVM+TF-IDF 94,24 % 90,67 %
For instance, some results labled Facebook
comments are given at
In this paper, we presented a supervised approach for
sentiment analysis in Algerian dialect written in Latin
script, which gave interesting results despite the many
specific aspects of the dialect and complexity of Ara-
bizi analysis. We report results from an extensive
empirical evaluation assessing the effects of classi-
fiers, the effects of presentation types (count, TF, TF-
IDF) and those of novel contributions in preprocess-
ing phase, notably, vowels removing. Three data sets
were annotated with their respective sentiment labels
using crowdsourcing in this experiment. We achieved
an F-score of 87 % and an accuracy of 83 % using
this approach. Results revealed also that SVM out-
performs the other classifiers. Finally, the preprocess-
ing allowed us to impove f-score of SVM by 9,20 %,
which is considerable and shows the relevance of our
prior premises.
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we will test other models (random forest, gradient-
boosted trees, Latent Dirichlet Allocation model). We
could also explore other characteristics and feature
such as emoji interpretation and Irony/Sarcasm detec-
tion or other areas of opinion mining field, notably,
subjectivity analysis and rumor detection.
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