based on past data extracted from OLAP sessions, in
other words, our approach contains the process of
extraction of usage preferences using association
rules. Preferences can be defined based on historical
data provided from a data mining system. Preferences
can recommend to the user the axes of analysis that
are strongly related to each other, helping to introduce
valuable information in the application scenario being
Following this methodology, the user experience
is eased. The choice of the scenario parameters is one
of the phases that may be quite difficult to a user that
is not familiar with the business data. A user that is
not familiar with the data, may choose the wrong or
inadequate scenario parameters. Instead of making
the wrong choices or choosing only the scenario
parameters included in the What-If question, our
process finds and recommends the set of strongly
related to the goal analysis attributes to the user. Thus,
it is possible to the user to add relevant and important
information to the scenario, which in a default or
usual situation would not be done.
Nevertheless, there we also recognized some
limitations that need to be overcome, in order to make
the system more efficient, especially at the level of
the usage of Microsoft Office Excel functions and
within the What-If process itself. Additionally, we
need to free the system from some limitations
imposed by user’s choices done in the most parts of
the What-If process. This is must be avoided, because
a user that has limited knowledge about the business
domain or even about the simulation process to be
implemented influences the entire process negatively,
leading consequently to poor results.
Despite the several advantages of using the
hybridization methodology, there are some
drawbacks related to this process. In a first stage of
the What-If process, if the goal analysis is not done
correctly, What-If questions and scenarios will be not
correctly defined, or the preferences outcome will be
not reliable. Thereafter, performed What-If queries
will be not the most suitable process and thus the
obtained prediction will be different of what is
expected as a normal behavior of a real business
system. One way of avoiding this is to study potential
and alternative application scenarios, in order to take
the best advantages of the What-If scenario analysis
tool. Finally, the What-If Analysis results depend
strongly from the data we want to analyze. If it
contains some errors, which is a very common
situation, the result will not be very useful. In order to
overcome this kind of drawbacks, we mainly aim at
restructuring automatically the What-If scenarios,
discarding the user’s dependency and finding a way
of overcoming the limitation we found in some Excel
This work has been supported by national funds
through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019.
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