fundamental purpose of BI thinking (Fleisher and
Bensoussan, 2015; Pirttimäki, 2007; Thierauf, 2001;
Vuori and Okkonen, 2012).
An important issue, that was not evident in the
research nor in the literature covered, was the role of
tacit knowledge. Obviously, organizations’
employees from all levels possess knowledge and
expertise that needs to be included in the insights
produced in the BI activities. This further highlights
the need to consider users of the BI products also as a
relevant source. Moreover, the nature and
characteristics of tacit knowledge, and challenges
presented by these, should be noted in the distribution
of insights. For example, an analyst is likely to form
a comprehensive understanding of the problem at
hand and issues related to it. Sharing this accumulated
knowledge is vital in order to represent the best
possible picture of reality for the decision-makers.
However, articulating tacit knowledge is not always
an easy task as there are several challenges (eg.
Haldin-Herrgard, 2000; Riege, 2005).
In this paper, we tackled this challenging issue by
representing more modern thinking of BI. Our goal
was to present a comparison of the BI models and to
point out some focal issues needing to be covered in
order to address these issues in one’s organization to
answer to modern environment’s requirements. The
presented models support organizations’ BI activities
but need to be updated to face the modern
requirements with some additional research.
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