video domain and adapt it to the language domain.
The resulting sparse S matrices were then (1) pro-
jected back into the word space (compare figure 1),
(2) verbalized using extraction summarization (i.e.
with their surrounding sentences) and placed one af-
ter another to form the storyline, (3) we asked col-
leagues to evaluate the storylines (e.g. (Janaszkiewicz
et al., 2018)). In this informal evaluation the method
of (Zhou and Tao, 2011) gave the best results.
To stem the information deluge, many researchers
have proposed algorithms and techniques to mitigate
the often overwhelming stream of information. These
approaches are most often tailored to specific users,
kinds of information, or circumstances, see the very
comprehensive overview of (Strother et al., 2012).
We take the view that different kinds of informa-
tion streams, from news feeds, to mail exchanges,
to twitterstorms, all keep the reader in suspense of
the developing storyline. This allows us the unify-
ing approach of studying how to capture such sto-
rylines. We presented the analogy of book pages
to video frames, hence borrowed heavily from tech-
niques from the processing of surveillance videos. We
used the mathematics developed in the area of com-
pressed sensing and showed how it can be applied in
the linguistic domain for the discovery of storylines.
We have not extensively experimented to validate the
approach, but we showed that the sound underlying
mathematics, the cognitive plausibility, and the infor-
mal experiments are promising and warrant further in-
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