
with equal distribution of examples in training would
be 1/50, i.e. only 2%. The accuracy achieved was
12.7%, that is substantially higher than the default.
Four clusters for which the evaluation was con-
siderably above average, were chosen for the sub-
sequent study of the temporality between news and
tweets. These were Brexit, Football - Euro 2016, Air
transport incidents and Politics. Regarding Football
- Euro 2016 the football national team was a rather
constant subject of discussion on social media in the
first semester of 2016, culminating in the final month
with its participation in the European Cup. However,
the same did not happen on the news side, where
the most frequent articles were published towards the
end of the period under observation. A similar pat-
tern was observed for Brexit. This indicates that, for
some texts, the press is more event-oriented, contrast-
ing with the more permanent focus of Twitter users.
The analysis Air transport incidents, which included
Brussels bombings, revealed that the press had a more
prominent role in the news diffusion, while comments
in social media appeared afterwards. Regarding the
cluster Politics, no pattern was identified. Perhaps,
with a more refined level of partitioning certain tim-
ing patterns would be more easily identified.
Regarding future work, we believe that the results
could be improved by adopting ontologies that would
enable to compute semantic distances between arti-
cles and tweets. Besides, tweets could also be ex-
panded with the use of synonyms or through word
embeddings (Mikolov et al., 2013). This would en-
hance the matching process of tweets to the lexicon
obtained from the articles.
This work has been supported by the project Centro-
01-0145-FEDER-000019 - C4 – Cloud Computing
Competences Centre” cofinanced, through the Sup-
port System for Scientific and Technological Re-
search - Integrated SR&TD Programs, by the Portugal
2020 Program (PT 2020), in the framework of the Re-
gional Operational Program of the Center (CENTRO
2020) and by the European Union through the Euro-
pean Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
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