Towards a Semantic Matchmaking Algorithm for Capacity Exchange in
Manufacturing Supply Chains
Audun Vennesland, Johannes Cornelis de Man, Peter Halland Haro, Emrah Arica and Manuel Oliveira
SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway
Semantic Matching, Semantic Matchmaking, Manufacturing Supply Chains.
Within supply chains, companies have difficulties in finding suppliers outside their known supplier pool or
geographical areas. The EU project MANUSQUARE aims to deploy a marketplace to match supply and
demand of supply chain resources to facilitate accurate and efficient matchmaking. To this end, a semantic
matching algorithm has been developed as one of the key enablers of such a marketplace. The algorithm
exploits formal descriptions of resources provided by an ontology developed in the project and will later be
extended to incorporate additional data from different endpoints. This paper describes the main components
of the semantic matching algorithm, which on the basis of the formally described supply chain resources
returns a ranked list of relevant suppliers given a customer query. The paper further describes a comparative
evaluation of a set of common semantic similarity techniques that was conducted in order to identify the most
appropriate technique for our purpose. The results from the evaluation show that all four techniques perform
pretty well and are able to distinguish relevant suppliers from irrelevant ones. The best performing technique
is the edge-based technique Wu-Palmer.
Complex and simple supply chains are continuously
undergoing improvements in terms of efficiency and
effectiveness, while exploring their integration with
both new and existing supply chains in related ar-
eas. A key challenge within supply chain usage per-
tains to identifying and mapping the right supplier at
the right time for the right service. Limited knowl-
edge and trust concerns often make purchasers depen-
dent on suppliers that are within reach: Local part-
ners, well-known names within an industrial sector,
Yellow-Pages or the first hits on a search engine. To
establish supplier relationships outside a known do-
main or geographic area is therefore hard, creating
limited value networks by utilizing suppliers that are
limited to a specific geographic area and industrial do-
main. Although established supply chains are contin-
uously optimized i.e. “the process of completing ful-
fillment functions efficiently and effectively” (Sherer,
2005), supply chains are not including suppliers that
better match the required services to create better
value networks, i.e. “link customer demand directly
to their networked supply chains” (Sherer, 2005). A
company could therefore benefit from matchmaking
to establish supplier relationships outside its supplier
pool or geographic area.
Accurate and efficient matchmaking of supply and
demand of manufacturing resources, including phys-
ical assets as well as human know-how, can have a
major economic impact on utilizing available capacity
for the right product at the right time. A purchaser’s
job is made more efficient, using less time, and more
effectively, finding the right supplier that delivers the
right service at the right quality, and so on. Some
of the more recent solutions have turned to semantic
technologies for formal semantic descriptions that can
be interpreted by machines to identify semantic sim-
ilarity between offer and demand (Ameri and Patil,
2012; J
a et al., 2018).
aims to de-
ploy a European Platform-enabled marketplace facil-
itating matchmaking of supply and demand of man-
ufacturing resources. To support this objective, the
project has developed the MANUSQUARE ontol-
ogy for a formal representation of manufacturing re-
sources. This ontology incorporates abstract con-
cepts as well as domain-specific concepts capturing
the knowledge of industrial sectors addressed in the
project, such as manufacturing technologies solutions
and textile and cosmetics production.
With the ultimate goal of optimising the match
Vennesland, A., Cornelis de Man, J., Haro, P., Arica, E. and Oliveira, M.
Towards a Semantic Matchmaking Algorithm for Capacity Exchange in Manufacturing Supply Chains.
DOI: 10.5220/0008364404660472
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 466-472
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
between supply and demand of manufacturing re-
sources, the semantic matchmaking algorithm consid-
ers two types of input:
1. Manufacturing resources offered by suppliers.
These resources are represented as RDF triples in
a knowledge base. The MANUSQUARE ontol-
ogy enables a formal description of the resources.
2. Various data provided by different endpoints that
can enhance the accuracy of the matchmaking and
offer added-value functionality. This can include
data from historical transactions to evaluate sup-
pliers along different dimensions, e.g. historical
matches, reputation indicators, consumer satisfac-
tion, etc.
The focus of this paper is on the first type of input
and the technical development described is a seman-
tic matching algorithm that enables matching of offer
and demand based their representation in a knowledge
base according to the MANUSQUARE ontology.
The main contributions from this work are:
An approach for a semantic matching algorithm
that matches resource demand with available re-
sources offered by suppliers.
A summary of results from a comparative eval-
uation of different semantic matching techniques
used in the algorithm.
Ideas on how supplementary data from differ-
ent sources could further enhance the results and
contribute to innovation in manufacturing supply
An initial literature study related to semantic match-
making in manufacturing logistics gave limited re-
, however, we identified the three following pa-
pers as relevant. Ameri and Patil (Ameri and Patil,
2012) suggested a multi-agent framework based on
formal semantics for connecting buyers and sellers of
manufacturing services. In order to overcome the lim-
itations of pure string equality-based similarity tech-
niques, mediating agents match offered services with
requested capabilities based on taxonomy-based sim-
ilarity and feature-based similarity. The taxonomy-
based similarity uses subsumption reasoning to de-
termine if the ontological concept(s) representing a
query can be addressed by ontological concept(s)
representing available services. The feature-based
The literature search was conducted in Elsevier Scopus and
Google Scholar
similarity refines the results from the taxonomy-
based similarity by utilising the logical constraints de-
scribed by the concepts (e.g. via property restrictions)
in order to more accurately rank the relevant services.
A weighted set similarity measure, the Tversky Mea-
sure (Tversky, 1977), was used to compute a similar-
ity score from which the offered services are ranked.
a et al. (J
a et al., 2018) devel-
oped a capability matchmaking procedure for match-
ing product requirements with resource capabilities
and possible combinations thereof. The matchmak-
ing relied on a combination of ontologies allowing to
formally express product requirements and resource
capabilities, and business rules expressing more de-
tailed parameters such as dimensions of a given re-
source. The matchmaking between product require-
ments and resource capabilities consists of two con-
secutive steps: (1) Matching of product requirements
and resource capabilities at concept level. Product
requirements are represented as individuals of con-
cepts in the general capability ontology, and so are the
available resources. Hence, there is a match between
product requirement and available resources as long
as they are members of the same ontology concept;
(2) Detailed matching of parameters. This step em-
ploys the specified business rules and checks if there
is a match between parameters specified in the prod-
uct requirement and the offered resource (e.g., if a
screw type used by a screwing machine resource com-
plies with the required screw-type defined in the prod-
uct requirement).
ock et al. (Sch
ock et al., 2018) used
matchmaking in the context of volunteering, i.e., con-
necting tasks with volunteers willing and capable of
performing them. An ontology coupled with meta-
information enabling a more explicit definition of ex-
pertise or task preference was used as a basis for the
matchmaking, resulting in a ranked list of tasks or
volunteers whose profiles match as closely as possi-
ble. The ontology included core aspects such as com-
petencies, spatio-temporal constraints and social re-
lationships. Tasks and volunteers are represented as
instances in the ontology and similarity values and
meta-information are linked to properties in the on-
tology. The matchmaking score between a given task
and a given volunteer is calculated based on (1) ag-
gregating the similarity values associated with the re-
lationships (properties) between concepts these in-
stances are members of (explicit similarity), (2) the
taxonomic structure of these concepts (implicit sim-
ilarity) and (3) meta-information such as how much
volunteers like/dislike a task, their level of expertise
and how important the task is. The former is based
on a fixed similarity value representing the strength
Towards a Semantic Matchmaking Algorithm for Capacity Exchange in Manufacturing Supply Chains
of the relationship between two facet concepts (e.g.
equivalentTo has a higher similarity value than relat-
edTo), whereas the latter is based on semantic similar-
ity techniques considering e.g. the taxonomic prox-
imity and depth of the concepts.
The semantic matching algorithm described in this
section returns a ranked list of suppliers whose of-
fered resources match a consumer query. Both the
supplier resources and the consumer query are for-
mally represented by a set of ontology concepts de-
fined in the MANUSQUARE ontology. The ontology
consists of over 1000 classes and a single resource
record as well as a query can be represented in a mul-
titude of ways. Figure 1 illustrates how a supplier
resource can be formulated using these facets in the
MANUSQUARE ontology. Here, the supplier Hack-
ett Group, which is situated in Penedo, Portugal, of-
fers welding of steel. This supplier can perform this
process between 01.10.2019 and 01.12.2019 with an
available capacity of 59 working hours. The company
is certified according to the ISO9001 quality manage-
ment standard.
Through discussion with academics and industry
representatives within the project, the following facets
are considered the most relevant parameters for the
semantic matching:
Process (P): which manufacturing process is
sought by the customer?
Material (M): which material does the consumer
want to have processed?
Machine (MA): which machine / equipment is re-
quired for performing the process?
Certifications (C): which company and/or qual-
ity management certifications are required by the
Capacity (CP): how much capacity (in terms of
production hours) is required to perform the re-
quested process?
Calendar Availability (CA): Can the supplier de-
liver by the required due-date?
The facets are included as parameters in the fol-
lowing equation which returns a similarity score be-
tween a consumer query (q) and each individual re-
source registered in the knowledge base (r):
Sim(q, r) =
s f (x) (1)
F represents the set of facets values, and sf rep-
resents a similarity function as described in the fol-
lowing. The similarity score returned represents the
average of the sub-scores computed for each facet,
and when run on a dataset, the result is a ranked
list of suppliers whose offered resources match the
facets expressed in the query. Note that a consumer
can search for a combination of different processes
and leave blank uncertain fields in the query. This is
considered when computing the aggregate similarity
For the facets Capacity and Calendar Availability
the similarity between a query and available resources
can be computed using simple Boolean matching, i.e.
either the registered supplier resource meets the con-
straints expressed by the consumer query (score 1.0)
or it does not (0.0).
For the facet Certifications, similarity is computed
using the Jaccard set similarity measure (Jaccard,
1901). The Jaccard similarity is computed by find-
ing the intersected set of certifications from a query
and a supplier and dividing this by the union of certi-
For the facets Process, Material, and Machine
other similarity measures are needed. In order to com-
pute a similarity score between the query and avail-
able resources along these facets, techniques able to
exploit the taxonomic position as well as the context
of a resource should be employed. Such techniques
are typically categorised into edge-based and infor-
mation content-based techniques (Jiang and Conrath,
1997). Edge-based techniques consider the path
distance and taxonomic position of concepts to be
matched, while information content-based methods
are based on the assumption that the more information
two concepts share, the more similar they are. Here,
the information shared by two concepts is derived
from the information content of the concept(s) that
subsume them in the taxonomy. Information content
is quantified as negative the log-likelihood of finding a
given concept in a taxonomy and basically states that
the more abstract a concept is, the less information
it holds (Resnik, 1995). In our approach, we apply
a variant of information content called intrinsic in-
formation content (Seco et al., 2004; Pirr
o and Talia,
2010) which contrasts the “conventional” information
content by not relying on usage statistics of concepts
in a corpus. The intrinsic information content of a
concept c is computed as follows:
IC(c) = 1
log(Sub(c) + 1
where Sub(c) indicates the number of subclasses of
the concept c and |C| represents the total number of
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
«Portugal»«Hackett Group»
Supplier Resource
Figure 1: Ontological representation of a manufacturing resource.
concepts in the ontology.
The example illustrated in Figure 2 further ex-
plains the approach. For a given query, a similarity
score is computed from a pairwise matching of the
facets represented by the query and the facets repre-
sented by each resource stored in the knowledge base.
Once computed, these individual facet scores are then
averaged into a semantic similarity score representing
the semantic match between the query and a resource.
The facets represented within the dotted border are
matched using semantic similarity techniques exploit-
ing the structure of the ontology.
To determine which semantic similarity technique
to employ in the semantic matching an evaluation of
four different candidate techniques was conducted.
This evaluation is described in the next section.
The evaluation is performed as a comparative evalua-
tion by running the algorithm described in Section 3
Query Resource
Process: CNCMilling
Material: MartensiticStainlessSteel
Machine: VerticalMillingMachine
Certifications: ISO9000, ISO9001, AS9100
Offered Capacity: 75 hours
From date: 15.01.2019
To date: 01.04.2019
Process: Milling
Material: AlloySteel
Machine: MillingMachine
Certifications: ISO9000, ISO9004
Requested Capacity: 125 hours
From date: 01.02.2019
To date: 15.04.2019
Semantic Similarity: 0.63
Figure 2: Example of a semantic matching process.
in four different configurations (one for each semantic
similarity technique) on a dataset consisting of sup-
plier resources. The dataset was created as follows:
1. We selected a subset of concepts from the Mate-
rial branch in the ontology (Ferrous Metals).
2. From this subset relevant combinations of mate-
rial, process and machine were established on the
basis of rules specified by domain experts. A
rule could for example define that for the mate-
rial CarbonSteel, the process LaserBeamCutting
and the machine LaserCuttingMachine is a valid
3. For the remaining facets (Certificates, Capacity
and Calendar Availability) as well as for the sup-
plier data (ID, name, location) we simulated the
content using randomly generated input.
Using the above approach we generated 900 resource
record instances that were imported into the ontology
and used as our dataset. Figure 3 shows an excerpt of
two resource records from the test data.
Each of the four algorithm configurations used
one of the following semantic similarity techniques:
Wu-Palmer (Wu and Palmer, 1994). The Wu-
Palmer algorithm is an edge-based method that
calculates a similarity score by considering the
depth of the two concepts to be matched (c
), along with the depth of their least common
subsumer (lcs):
2 depth(lcs)
) + depth(c
Resnik (Resnik, 1995). Resnik is an information
content-based method that defines the similarity
Towards a Semantic Matchmaking Algorithm for Capacity Exchange in Manufacturing Supply Chains
Gaylord-Bechtelar Rakszawa Poland 125 ISO9001, LEED CarbonSteel Shaping EDMMachine
Supplier City Country Capacity Certification Material Process Machine
Available from
Available to
Walsh LLC Berlin Germany 100 AS9000, MIL AluminumAlloy CNCMilling MillingMachine 01.02.19 15.03.19
Figure 3: Format of test data.
between two concepts as the information content
of their least common subsumer:
= IC(lcs) (4)
Lin (Lin et al., 1998). Lin extends Resnik by in-
cluding a calculation of the information content of
the two concepts to be matched in addition to the
information content of their least common sub-
2 IC(lcs)
) + IC(c
Jiang-Conrath (Jiang and Conrath, 1997) propose
a hybrid approach that is derived from the edge-
based notion by adding the information content as
a decision factor. The normalised Jiang-Conrath
similarity (Seco et al., 2004) is computed as:
= 1
) + IC(c
) 2 IC(lcs)
Apart from using different similarity techniques, the
four configurations used the same approach, allow-
ing to isolate the performance measurement to the
similarity technique applied. The evaluation was per-
formed on a machine with Intel Core i7 processor and
16 GB of RAM memory. We generated a composite
consumer query that included two sub-queries rep-
resenting different and randomised variations of the
facets. Sub-queries reflect the fact that a consumer
may want to request multiple processes in one single
query, for example both cutting and assembling metal
For each of the four configurations, the 10 top re-
sulting hits returned by the algorithm were evaluated
for correctness by three domain experts. A majority
vote was used to consolidate the evaluation results,
hence if two out of three evaluators judged a result as
correct, it was finally considered correct. The eval-
uation measure used was precision@k (Elbedweihy
et al., 2015), whereby the precision is measured rel-
ative to the rank k of the search result. For example,
precision@3 is 0.67 if 2 out of the three first search
results in the ranked list of search results are correct.
Since the experts only evaluated the top 10 search
results there is no full ground truth alignment from
which recall can be measured.
To support the domain experts in their evaluation
they were given some extra context information in the
form of a hierarchical listing of sub- and superclasses
for each of the ontology concepts relevant for each
query result. Since the domain experts had little ex-
perience with ontologies, such context information is
important for the validity and reliability of the evalu-
ation (Cheatham and Hitzler, 2014).
Figure 4 shows the results from the evaluation.
As the figure reveals, all four techniques returned
only correct search results among the top 3 suppliers.
Lin, Resnik and Wu-Palmer also achieves a 100 %
precision until the precision@6 threshold where Lin
and Resnik return 1 false positive result each while
Wu-Palmer maintains its 100 % precision. At preci-
sion@10, Wu-Palmer, the edge-based technique, ob-
tains the highest precision of 0.80. These results con-
tradict results from other experiments, e.g., those re-
ported in Resnik (Resnik, 1995) and Seco et al. (Seco
et al., 2004), where the information content-based
similarity methods perform better than edge-based
methods. One possible explanation of this is that
many of these experiments base the similarity compu-
tation on the WordNet ontology, which describes gen-
eral knowledge. When domain-specific ontologies are
used, as in our case, the results may differ (Pirr
There are some validity threats related to the eval-
uation that should be mentioned. First of all, and
in general, the task of assessing the relevance of
search results in information retrieval evaluation can
be highly subjective (Manning et al., 2010). In this
case the queries consisted of multiple parameters and
the threshold for determining their collective correct-
ness may vary. For example, should the domain ex-
perts weigh some parameters higher than others, or
should a search result be deemed correct if 5 out of 7
parameters are considered similar? Furthermore, the
experience and knowledge of the domain experts with
regard to particular details may also vary. For exam-
ple, one expert may be aware that a particular machine
is applicable to several different materials, while the
other experts may not.
Second, the domain experts used different strate-
gies for determining correct versus false search re-
sults. The first domain expert required that both sub-
queries were fulfilled by a supplier’s offered resources
in order to state a correct result. The second domain
expert considered a search result as correct as long as
the resources offered by a supplier satisfied one out
of the two sub-queries. As did the third domain ex-
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
P@1 P@2 P@3 P@4 P@5 P@6 P@7 P@8 P@9 P@10
Jiang-C onrath 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,75 0,80 0,83 0,86 0,75 0,78 0,70
Lin 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,83 0,71 0,75 0,67 0,70
Re snik 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,83 0,86 0,88 0,78 0,70
Wu-Palmer 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,86 0,75 0,78 0,80
Evaluation results semantic similarity techniques
Figure 4: Evaluation Scores.
pert, however he used a strategy whereby the score
was graded into 0 (not correct), 1 (correct, but only
for one of the sub-queries) and 2 (correct for both
sub-queries). The four returned ranked lists of search
results contained mostly the same list of suppliers,
although ranked differently. In total there where 13
suppliers returned in the four lists of search results re-
turned (out of a total of 575 suppliers included in the
dataset). Looking at the consensus of the three do-
mains experts, all three were in perfect agreement on
5 of 13 the suppliers, 2 of the 3 experts agreed that
4 of the 13 suppliers offered relevant resources, while
the remaining 4 suppliers were considered relevant by
only 1 of the domain experts.
5.1 Conclusions
This paper has described the development of a seman-
tic matching algorithm that will support matchmak-
ing between supply and demand of manufacturing re-
sources. The algorithm computes a similarity score
based on similarity along six facets which are repre-
sented both in a customer query and manufacturing
resources offered by suppliers. These facets are pro-
cess, material, machine, certifications, capacity and
calendar availability.
The algorithm employs formal descriptions
of manufacturing resources provided by the
MANUSQUARE ontology for the first three
facets. As a step in selecting a technique that can
exploit these descriptions, we conducted a com-
parative evaluation of the four common semantic
similarity techniques Wu-Palmer, Resnik, Lin, and
Jiang-Conrath. The evaluation was performed by
three domain experts, who assessed four ranked lists
of search results returned from the algorithm using
each of the four techniques.
The results from the evaluation showed that Wu-
Palmer, an edge-based technique, obtained the highest
precision overall.
5.2 Future Work
As future work, the algorithm will be extended to also
consider other types of data from various endpoints.
These data will enable matchmaking by combining
the semantic matching presented in this paper with
direct and inferred trend analyses (e.g., from histor-
ical transactions), reputation benchmarking based on
user feedback, and analyses of collaboration patterns,
to name a few.
Although this paper focused on the terminologi-
cal part (the TBox) of the ontology, we also want to
exploit ABox capabilities once more instance data is
added. One idea along these lines is to use instance
matching as a means to correct erroneous data.
While the algorithm currently uses an unweighted
Towards a Semantic Matchmaking Algorithm for Capacity Exchange in Manufacturing Supply Chains
approach to compute similarity scores, we will inves-
tigate relevant weight configurations for the different
facets. This should be done in collaboration with rep-
resentatives from the supply chain industry to ensure
that the weights respond to the search strategies used
by those with a demand for supply chain resources.
By-products resulting from production could be
used in other production processes, but are often re-
garded as waste. The categorization of by-products
across different industrial sectors can lead to new
matches that were not thought of before. As part of
the future work, we will consider a categorization of
by-products for use in semantic matching.
Finally, a forthcoming and more comprehensive
evaluation will be conducted. Such an evaluation will
include a larger panel of domain experts to assess the
results and more concrete evaluation guidelines to re-
duce the possibility of validity threats promoted by
a clearer distinction between correct and false search
The work presented here was part of the project
“MANU-SQUARE - MANUfacturing ecoSystem of
QUAlified Resources Exchange” and received fund-
ing from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 re-
search and innovation programme under grant agree-
ments No 761145.
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KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development