tion scheme adapts to changes in the model. The best
result 137.1s (10 times with forecasting) ) is 55.5%
faster than the one obtained with the basic scenario.
In this work, a symbiotic four-level scheme of the
organization of the computational process for multi-
agent simulation was proposed. The key feature of
interaction between the model and the system is con-
centrated in the virtual modeling environment, which
includes the application agents’ activities and opti-
mization results, formed by the planning and control
module. This module implements an algorithm with
the genetic optimization core and intelligent agents
for workload prediction. The obtained results show
the high efficiency of the proposed approach, as they
not only complete the set of test scenarios faster but
also increase the potential ability for scaling, by se-
lecting the right division areas of the space and reduc-
ing overhead costs. The results of experiments show
the efficiency of proposed execution scheme and GA
by the improvement of the modelling time in compar-
ison to the default schedule by 55%.
This research is financially supported by The Russian
Foundation for Basic Research, Agreement #18-37-
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Intellectual Execution Scheme of Iterative Computational Models based on Symbiotic Interaction with Application for Urban Mobility