Towards a Usable Ontology for the Quantum World
Marcin Skulimowski
Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics, University of Lodz, Pomorska 149/153, 90-236 Lodz, Poland
Ontology, Quantum Mechanics, Semantic Enhancement.
We present and discuss selected issues related to the problem of representing in a machine-readable way data
and knowledge about the quantum level of reality. In particular, we propose a method of creating an ontology
for the quantum world. The method uses a mathematical structure of quantum mechanics. We apply the
method to obtain a toy ontology corresponding to the Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics. We
use the terms from the ontology to describe a simple quantum system. We also show how we can use the
ontology to create semantic enhancements of scientific publications on quantum mechanics.
The term Ontology (with uppercase initial) is usu-
ally linked to a philosophy where it means a disci-
pline which deals with the nature and structure of
reality. Another reading of the term (with lower-
case initial) corresponds to computer science, where
it means a formal, explicit specification of a shared
conceptualization (Guarino, 1998). In recent years
many ontologies corresponding to various domains
have been proposed. They play essential roles in
various fields, e.g. knowledge engineering, knowl-
edge representation, database design, information re-
trieval and extraction. Ontologies (with lowercase ini-
tial) can be divided into different kinds according to
their level of generality. The most general ontolo-
gies are the so-called top-level ontologies, describing
concepts which are independent of a particular prob-
lem or domain, e.g. space, time, events and macro-
scopic objects. An exceptional concept among them
is space. All physical (macroscopic) objects are lo-
cated in space, which is an ”arena”, a ”support” for
them. Consequently, the problem of representing
knowledge about space and macroscopic objects has
been widely discussed in the literature (Kutz et al.,
2003; Borgo et al., 1997; Casati and Varzi, 1996).
Recently, an ontology of space, time, and physical en-
tities in classical mechanics has been proposed (Bit-
tner, 2018). The crucial point is that considerations
about space and macroscopic objects are based on our
observations. Indeed, we can observe objects, their
positions in space and spatial relations among them.
Based on our observations and in general, our sen-
sual perception, we can build an ontology represent-
ing given ”part of reality”. According to the ”realism-
based” approach, good ontologies in the support of
the natural sciences (and thus also physics) have to
be reality representations (Smith, 2004). Some au-
thors have expressed doubts about this requirement
(Dumontier and Hoehndorf, 2010; Merrill, 2010). For
example, Dumontier pointed out that ontologies satis-
fying this condition face the problem of representing
issues which are very important in scientific commu-
nication (e.g. hypotheses) and objects which cannot
(yet) be shown to exist (e.g. hypothetical elementary
particles) (Dumontier and Hoehndorf, 2010). The
problem with the ”realism-based” approach is partic-
ularly evident when the domain of a considered on-
tology is not accessible through our sensual percep-
tion. This problem happens on the most fundamental
level of our world, i.e. on the quantum level
. We
are not able to observe this level directly through our
senses. However, despite this, we have successfully
explored the quantum world since the theory called
quantum mechanics (QM) was created. However, the
notion of quantum reality is still not clear. Surpris-
ingly, it is difficult to say what really (actually) ex-
ists on the quantum level. Indeed, in the mathemati-
cal structure of QM, nothing is corresponding to the
concept of a quantum object (Heller, 1994a). In con-
sequence, there are severe problems with the Ontol-
ogy and interpretations of QM (Bohm and Kaloyerou,
Throughout this paper, we use the terms ’the quantum
level’ and ’the quantum world’ interchangeably. The second
term frequently appears in the literature to emphasize the
difference between the quantum and macroscopic level.
Skulimowski, M.
Towards a Usable Ontology for the Quantum World.
DOI: 10.5220/0008365904870494
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 487-494
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1987; da Costa and Lombardi, 2014; Busch, 2002;
Rudolph, 2006). In this paper, we are going to dis-
cuss selected issues related to an ontology (with low-
ercase initial) of the quantum world. Our motivation
is twofold. Firstly, taking into account the multitude
of ontologies corresponding to the macroscopic, ob-
servable level of reality it seems interesting how to
build an ontology for the quantum level. Our sec-
ond motivation is a more practical one. We are in-
terested in the representation of data (and knowledge)
about the quantum world in a way enabling easy in-
tegration, sharing and linking the data (Skulimowski,
2014; Skulimowski, 2015). To this end, we need an
appropriate ontology for this world. A preliminary
and highly incomplete version of a quantum ontol-
ogy represented in OWL (Web Ontology Langauge)
was shortly described in one of our previous papers
(Skulimowski, 2010). In this paper, we are going to
carry out more detailed research.
The paper is organized as follows. First, to intro-
duce the reader to the amazing quantum world, we
present in Section 2 two properties of the quantum
world which are contrary to our macroscopic experi-
ence. In Section 3, we propose a method for creating
a quantum ontology. The method is used in Section 4,
where we present a toy quantum ontology and apply
it to describe a simple quantum system. We also use
terms from the ontology to create RDF links between
entities from publication on QM. Finally, concluding
remarks are given in Section 5.
The macroscopic world differs significantly from the
quantum world. In order to familiarize the reader with
the differences, we present below two interesting ex-
amples related to localizability and individuality of
entities. These two notions are essential in the onto-
logical analysis and rather evident on the macroscopic
level. Let us see how the situation looks on the quan-
tum level.
Localizability. All macroscopic physical objects
are located in space. The localization is an essen-
tial property of macroscopic objects. Consequently,
(Casati and Varzi, 1996) formulated the following ax-
iom: xyL(x, y) where L(x,y) means that entity x is
exactly located at region y of space. In his Formal on-
tology of space, time, and physical entities in Classi-
cal Mechanics Bittner assumes that from the classical
point of view every particle is located as a unique re-
gion of space at every time of its existence (Bittner,
2018). It turns out that in the quantum world, space
is no longer support for any ”quantum objects”. Ac-
cording to QM, the physical space appears as the set
of possible results of a position measurement (which
belong to our macroscopic world). That is why Heller
proposed that space should be regarded as the macro-
scopic entity (Heller, 1994a). However, from the
macroscopic point of view, the behaviour of micro-
objects looks very strange. Namely, it turns out that if
at t = 0 a microscopic particle is strictly localized in
a bounded region y
then unless it remains in y
all times, it cannot be strictly localized in a bounded
region y, however large, for any t > 0 (Hegerfeldt,
1998). In other words, a particle which is initially
strictly localized after that becomes non-localizable
because it is spread over all space. This result contra-
dicts our macroscopic experience.
Individuality. We can describe macroscopic ob-
jects. The description of an object can be seen as a set
of properties that apply to this object. Based on the
properties, we can distinguish objects by comparing
their properties. Consequently, using the properties
of objects, we can also ascribe individuality to them.
This statement is evident on the macroscopic level. At
the quantum level, the situation is more complicated.
Namely, when two quantum systems, each of which
could originally be considered as having a complete
set of definite properties, have once interacted, it is
generally no longer possible to think of either of them
as having a complete set of definite properties of its
own (D’Espagnat, 1999). However, we can assign
the set of specific properties to a compound quantum
system consisting of these two systems. In quantum
world the best possible knowledge of a whole does not
necessarily include the best possible knowledge of all
its parts, even though they may be entirely separate
and therefore virtually capable of being the best pos-
sibly known’, i.e., of possessing, each of them, a rep-
resentative of its own (Schr
odinger, 1936). Heller re-
calls a well-known example: if two particles interact
with each other and then go apart, it is not possible
to consider them as two different quantum objects, or
even as two parts (subobjects) of the same object each
of which would be found in a state independent of the
other (Heller, 1994a) . The two (entirely separated)
particles do not have definite properties of its own.
We can say that these particles lack the individuality,
which is a very characteristic property of macroscopic
The above two examples suggest that our experience
obtained in the macroscopic world may not be useful
at the quantum level. Consequently, the tools of for-
mal ontology created based on our macroscopic expe-
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
riences (observations) may be useless in the ontolog-
ical analysis of the quantum world. So how to create
an ontology for the quantum level?
The Hidden Structure. We have no direct access
to the quantum world. All, we have is the theory
called quantum mechanics which models the world
very precisely, i.e. its predictions agree with the re-
sults of numerous experiments. However, despite this
agreement, we have severe problems with the under-
standing of physical reality to which the theory refers.
This misunderstanding leads to interpretative prob-
lems with QM and, in consequence, with the Ontol-
ogy of quantum world (Bohm and Kaloyerou, 1987;
da Costa and Lombardi, 2014; Busch, 2002; Rudolph,
2006). Heller (Heller, 1994b) proposed an interest-
ing method for overcoming these problems. The ap-
proach uses an observation that everything we know
about the structure of the quantum world we owe to
mathematical models of it (Heller, 1994b). The ex-
traordinary success of QM legitimizes the statement
that the mathematical structure of QM strongly in-
teracts with the hidden quantum structure. Conse-
quently, in order to explore the hidden quantum struc-
ture, we have to analyze the mathematical structure of
QM. The analysis of this structure will give us knowl-
edge about entities and relations it requires to exist.
Heller proposes: let us not bother about the ”world”
to which quantum mechanics supposedly refers, and
let us consider only univers de discours of this theory.
By the univers de discours of a physical theory I mean
the collection and only the collection of objects, rela-
tionships, sets, and so on, which is presupposed by the
mathematical structure of this theory (Heller, 1994a).
Thus, we can treat the Heller’s approach as the mod-
ified Quine’s program: we postulate the existence of
only those objects that are presupposed by the math-
ematical structure of the theory (Heller, 1994b). It is
worth to stress that the reconstruction of the univers
de discours for the case of empirical theories using
complex mathematical structures may not be a simple
task. However, this effort can pay off. According to
Heller a rigorously reconstructed univers de discours
of QM can be useful in solving interpretative prob-
lems of QM. Moreover, we believe that the univers de
discours can also be used to obtain an ontology (with
lowercase initial) for the quantum world, which can
be useful in the creation of semantic enhancements of
scientific papers.
Conceptualizations and Ontologies. An ontology
corresponds to a conceptualization, which is a simpli-
fied view of the world we want to represent for some
purpose (Guarino, 1998). In order to obtain an ex-
plicit specification of a conceptualization, we have to
fix a language we want to use to talk about the concep-
tualization and constrain the interpretations of such
a language using suitable axioms which usually have
the form of a first-order logical (FOL) theory (Guar-
ino et al., 2009). A set of such axioms is called an
ontology. In order to create an ontology for the quan-
tum world, we propose the following 3-steps strategy.
First, we consider the univers de discours U of
QM as defined by Heller, i.e. the collection of
objects, sets, relationships which are presupposed
by some mathematical structure of QM, e.g. the
Hilbert space formulation of QM.
Then we choose from U essential elements to ob-
tain a conceptualization.
Finally, we create a set of axioms for the concep-
One can object that an ontology obtained in this way
will be an ontology of QM rather than the ontology
of the ”real” quantum world. It is true. Notice, how-
ever, that in this particular case, the theory is the only
way to explore the quantum world. We can say that
the theory gives us a unique ”access” to the world.
Moreover, it is worth to note that the ontology ob-
tained in this way will not be unique. This non-
uniqueness is because we can formulate QM by em-
ploying several mathematical structures, e.g. Hilbert
space formalism, C*-algebraic approach, Feynmann’s
approach. Each of these structures contains different
collections of objects, relationships, sets and so on
(Heller, 1994a). Therefore, we will obtain different
conceptualizations and different ontologies. At first
sight, this multitude of quantum ontologies may seem
confusing. However, this is not the case taking into
account our primary motivation, i.e. usability. In-
deed, these various ontologies can be used to enrich
with machine-readable data publications using vari-
ous mathematical formalisms (structures).
Finally, it is worth to mention that if we are in-
terested in the Ontology (with uppercase initial), we
have to go one step further. Namely, we have to con-
sider representation invariants which are preserved
if we change from one mathematical structure to an-
other. According to Heller, the collection of these in-
variants constitutes the structuralist ontology of the
quantum world (Heller, 2006).
Axioms for the Quantum World? An ontology is a
set of axioms in the form of FOL theory for a concep-
Towards a Usable Ontology for the Quantum World
tualization of some domain, which in our case is the
quantum world. One can doubt whether it is possible
to create such axioms because QM and, in general,
physical theories are not axiomatic systems. Some
terms (names) from logic are indeed used by physi-
cists, e.g. axioms, postulates, consequence, equiv-
alence and contradiction. However, they cannot be
treated in a strictly logical way. Physical theories
are rather models of reality (Wole
nski, 1991). De-
spite this, there have been attempts to formulate strict
logical axioms for physical theories (Suppes, 1974;
Madarasz et al., 2006). According to the advocates of
axiomatization, we can better understand the physi-
cal theory by proving a basis of explicit postulates for
the theory (Madarasz et al., 2006). Moreover, hav-
ing axioms for physical theory, one could ask what
happens if we change one or more axioms. All ax-
iomatic approaches to QM were sharply criticized by
Mielnik, who noticed that axioms in physics can be
very deceptive, even if they look obvious (Mielnik,
1980). According to Mielnik, strict axiomatic foun-
dations of QM can be an obstacle in the further de-
velopment of the theory. Putting aside the discussion
Figure 1: Axioms for ontology, not for quantum mechanics.
about axiomatization of QM let us clarify that we are
not going to formulate axioms for QM. Our goal is
much more modest. We intend to specify a conceptu-
alization for QM and not QM using suitable axioms.
We believe that it is possible because a conceptual-
ization is a simplified ”model” of the theory (see Fig.
1), i.e. it contains only selected entities and relations
from the univers de discours of QM.
In this section, we are going to propose a toy ontology
for the Hilbert space formulation of QM. The detailed
description of this formulation falls outside the scope
of this paper. It can be found in any textbook on QM
(see, e.g. (Isham, 1995)). For simplicity, we limit
ourselves to the following basic facts:
1. A state space of a quantum system is given by a
Hilbert space.
2. Observables (physical quantities) are self-adjoint
operators defined on the Hilbert space
3. Vectors in the Hilbert space represent states of a
quantum system.
4. Real eigenvalues of a self-adjoint operator corre-
spond to results of a measurement of observable
represented by this operator.
5. The Schr
odinger equation describes the time evo-
lution of quantum states.
Let us now consider the univers de discours for this
formulation of QM. According to Heller it contains
objects, relationships and sets which are required by
the mathematical structure (Heller, 1994a). Listing
all elements of this collection is not an easy task.
Below, we limit ourselves to the following set of
relations, which are the backbone of the Hilbert
space formulation of QM and are usually present in
publications on this formulation:
1-ary relations:
StateSpace(x) - x is a state space.
HilberSpace(x) - x is a Hilbert space.
VectorHS(x) - x is a vector is a Hilbert space.
Observable(x) - x is an observable.
SAOperator(x) - x is a self-adjoint operator
State(x) - x is a state.
SchroedingerEq(x) - x is a Schr
odinger equation.
Hamiltonian(x) - x is a Hamiltonian operator.
Real(x) - x is a real number.
Binary relations:
isElementO f (x,y) - a state x belongs to a state
space y.
x y - a state x is orthogonal to a state y.
hasEigenVal(x,y) - an operator x has an eigen-
value y.
hasEigenV (x, y) - an operator x has an eigenvector
hasMeasurementR(x,y) - a result of a measure-
ment of an observable x may be y.
correspondsToEigenV (x,y) - an eigenvalue x cor-
responds to eigenvector y
solO f Schroedinger(x, y) - a state x is the solution
of a Schr
odinger equation y.
Tenary relations:
commutator(c,x, y) - c is the result of the commu-
tator of x and y.
For brevity, we consider only self-adjoint operators.
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
meanValue(x,y,z) - an observable x in a state y
has the expected value z.
uncertainty(d,o,x) - d is the dispersion of an ob-
servable o in a state x.
timeEvolution(x,y,h) - x is a state which evolved
from a state y according to Hamiltonian h.
4-ary relation:
probabilityO f R(p, r,y,o) - p is the probability of
obtaining result r in a state y, in the measurement
of o.
In order to specify our conceptualization more
precisely, we propose the following simple set of
axioms specifying the quantum domain
Taxonomic information
StateSpace(x) HilberSpace(x)
Observable(x) SAOperator(x)
State(x) VectorHS(x)
Hamiltonian(x) Observable(x)
hasMeasurementR(x, y) hasEigenVal(x,y)
Domains and ranges:
x y State(x) State(y)
hasEigenVal(x,y) SAOperator(x) Real(y)
hasEigenV (x,y) SAOperator(x) VectorHS(y)
isElementO f (x,y) State(x) StateSpace(y)
hasMeasurementR(x, y) Observable(x) Real(y)
solO f Schroedinger(x,y)
State(x) SchroedingerEq(y)
We can specify the properties of the relations:
Symmetry: .
Irreflexivity: isElementO f , hasMeasurementR,
hasEigenVal, hasEigenV , correspondToEigenV ,
solO f Schroedinger, .
Asymmetry: isElementO f , hasMeasurementR,
hasEigenVal, hasEigenV , correspondToEigenV ,
solO f Schroedinger.
Using the above basic set of relations, we can formu-
late more axioms, e.g.:
hasEigenV (x,y
) hasEigenV (x,y
) y
6= y
hasMeasurementR(x, y) hasEigenVal(x,y)
correspondsToEigenV (x, y)
z SAOperator(z)
hasEigenVal(z,x) hasEigenV (z,y)
For brevity, we present only selected axioms.
In the formulas below, we omit the quantifiers xy ...
The proposed conceptualization contains only the
most essential entities from the Hilbert space formu-
lation of QM. Note that, it consists of physical entities
(e.g. Observable) and purely mathematical (e.g. ha-
sEigenVal) entities. It is quite reasonable taking into
account that the conceptualization we obtained from
the mathematical structure of QM. In the future, all
mathematical relations and axioms should be taken
from the appropriate mathematical ontology. We can
also observe that the ontology contains nine classes
(1-ary relations), but there are only five taxonomic re-
lations. Moreover, note that for almost all binary re-
lations domains differ from ranges. The reason for
this is that the structure of QM contains relations be-
tween entities of different types. Consequently, there
is only one symmetric relation (). All other relations
are irreflexive and asymmetric. It is interesting, that
the proposed conceptualization does not contain any
transitive relation (the transitivity is usually required
in the case of mereological relations). Note also that,
apart from binary relations there are also ternary rela-
tions (e.g. commutatorOf, meanValue) and even one
4-ary relation (probabilityOfR). These relations are
fundamental in the formalism of QM.
It is worth to mention that in our ontology, there is
no quantum counterpart of the predicate L related to
the location in space mentioned in Section 2. The re-
sult obtained by Hegerfeldt tells us something about
the expected value of a particular self-adjoint opera-
tor N (corresponding the probability to find a particle
or system inside some region V ) (Hegerfeldt, 1998).
Consequently, formalization of the result would re-
quire the use of the predicate meanValue, the operator
N and some quantum state x.
Example. Let us now try to use the terms from our
ontology to represent knowledge about some quan-
tum system. To this end we consider the electron
described by the Hamiltonian operator
H =
1 + ασ
where α R,
0 i
i 0
is the Pauli spin-matrix and
1 is the unit 2 × 2 matrix.
Hilbert space for this system is C
. The spin opera-
tors for this system are given by:
0 i
i 0
0 i
i 0
0 i
i 0
After some calculations one can show that
The detailed explanation of this quantum system falls
outside the scope of this paper. All we want to show is
that the knowledge about this quantum system can be rep-
resented using terms from the proposed ontology.
Towards a Usable Ontology for the Quantum World
The possible results of measurement of the ob-
H are 1 ± α.
The Schr
odinger equation:
i (3)
If the state at some time t = 0 is |ψ
i =
at some later time t the state will be:
i = e
(solution of equation (3))
The probability of obtaining result ~/2 (corre-
sponding to state | ↑i) in state (4) is given by:
i) =
h↑ |ψ
= cos
i) =
h↓ |ψ
= sin
The expected result of S
in the state (4):
i =
The uncertainty in state (4):
The commutator of
i 0
0 i
= i~
We can see that the above description of the quantum
system contains formulas of two kinds:
A. expression = numerical value (depending on a
certain parameter)
B. expression 1 = expression 2
Examples of type A formulas are: (5), (6), (7), (8).
Examples of type B formulas are: (1), (2), (3), (4) (9).
Below we accept the following convention: for for-
mulas of type A, the use of a formula number #n
means the reference to a numerical value on the right
side of the formula. For formulas of type B, the use of
a formula number #n means the reference to the whole
formula. For example, by #6 we refer to the value
, by #1 we refer to the formula σ
0 i
i 0
The following symbols appear in the description
of our quantum system:
,1 + α, 1 α,
Below we use the following simplified (text) versions
of these symbols:
Using the vocabulary from our simple ontology, we
can describe the quantum system presented above as
Exemplar inferences:
State(#4), SchroedingerEq(#3)
The ontology proposed in this paper is very sim-
ple and require further work. However, the ontology
is enough to show that terms from it can be used to
create semantic enhancements for scientific publica-
tions on QM. There is a vast amount of literature on
semantic publishing and semantic enhancements of
scientific publications (Shotton et al., 2009; Shotton,
2009). In general, the enhancements facilitate the in-
tegration of data and knowledge between articles. Be-
low, we show that the terms from the proposed ontol-
ogy can be used to create RDF (Resource Description
statements. For this purpose, the on-
tology should be represented in OWL (Web Ontology
language. For reasons of space, we do not
address the issue in this paper. It was preliminarily
discussed in our previous paper (Skulimowski, 2010).
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Moreover, we need a method of assigning URIs (Uni-
form Resource Identifiers) to entities from scientific
papers. For this purpose, we can use the URL of a
paper and a local name of an entity from the paper:
articleURL#LocalName (Skulimowski, 2014). Be-
cause all the entities considered in the above exam-
ple come from the same publication, we below omit
articleURL. For simplicity, we also omit the prefix
related to the namespace of the proposed ontology.
Below, we present examples of RDF statements using
relations from the proposed ontology.
Unary relations allow describing types of entities
from scientific papers on quantum mechanics. For
<#S_x> a :Observable .
<#H> a :Hamiltonian .
<#3> a :SchroedingerEq .
Binary relations allow representing relations be-
tween entities from scientific publications. For
<#psi_0> :isElementOf <#Cˆ2> .
<#H> :hasMeasurementR <#1-alpha> .
<#4> :solOfSchroedinger <#3> .
N-ary relations, where N > 2 - it turns out
that many important concepts of quantum me-
chanics correspond to relations which link
more than two entities e.g.: meanValue(x,y, z),
commutator(x,y,z). In OWL n-ary relation can be
represented as classes with n properties. Instances
of such class correspond to instances of the rela-
tion (W3C, 2006). For example, the commutator
relation we can represent as follows:
_:c a :Commutator;
:element1 <#S_x> ; :element2 <#S_y> ;
:value <#S_z> .
The mean value relation:
_:m a :MeanValue; :ofObservable <#S_x> ;
:inState <#psi_t> ;
:value <#7> .
Please note that we need several new relations to
implement the above two relations formally.
In this short paper, we have proposed a method for
obtaining a semantic ontology for the quantum world.
The method uses the fact that the full knowledge we
Throughout this paper, we use Turtle syntax for RDF
have about the quantum level we owe to quantum
mechanics (Heller, 1994a). Consequently, we pro-
pose to create an ontology from the univers de dis-
cours of this theory defined as the collection of ob-
jects, relationships, sets and so on which are presup-
posed by the mathematical structure used in the the-
ory (Heller, 1994a). An ontology obtained by using
the proposed method is not unique because quantum
mechanics can be formulated using various mathe-
matical structures. Ontologies of QM corresponding
to these structures can be used to create semantic en-
hancements and RDF links between entities from sci-
entific papers using various formalisms. Moreover, it
is worth to mention that the ontologies obtained us-
ing the proposed method do not face the problem of
hypothetical entities pointed out by critics of realism-
based approaches in natural sciences (Dumontier and
Hoehndorf, 2010). Such entities, even if only hypo-
thetical, can be usually represented somehow in the
mathematical formalism of the theory.
We have applied the proposed approach to the Hilbert
space formulation of QM and presented a toy ontol-
ogy based on this formalism. The reason for choos-
ing this formulation was that most of the articles on
QM use it. However, taking into account the goal we
want to achieve (create an ontology as a set of axioms
in a FOL language), the more natural candidate for
creating an ontology is another ”formulation” of QM
namely called yes-no measurements (Mielnik, 1968).
The point is that yes-no measurements possess spe-
cific properties analogous to those of logical systems.
That is why their set is called quantum logic.
Future studies should focus on the development
of a more mature ontology for Hilbert space formu-
lation of QM and other formalisms of QM (e.g. C*-
algebraic approach, Feynmann’s approach). The toy
ontology presented in this paper is very simple and
contains only selected terms from the Hilbert space
formulation of QM. If we want to create more precise
semantic enhancements for advanced publications on
QM, we have to broaden the set of relations and ax-
ioms in the ontology. We believe that to create a use-
ful ontology of quantum mechanics (used, for exam-
ple, in creating semantic enhancements), the explicit
formalization of this theory is not required. Never-
theless, the axiomatization of quantum mechanics re-
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KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development