The Effects of Fatigue, Role Overload and Stress on
Farmer's Work Safety
Management Departement, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trisna Negara, Indonesia
Keywords: Fatigue, Role Overload, Stress, Work Safety.
Abstract: This study aims to examine the effect of fatigue, role overload and stress on the work safety of farmers on the
plantation. Respondents in this study were cassava farmers who worked on Way Kanan Lampung plantations.
The sampling technique used convenience sampling. The number of respondents is 200 people. The data
analysis tool used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). This research is different from previous studies
that analyzed occupational safety in manufacturing companies, in this study the research settings were farmers
who worked on plantations. The results of the study indicate that the work safety model is acceptable. Fatigue
and role overload have a positive effect on stress, and stress has a positive effect on farmer's work safety.
1.1 Background
The agricultural sector in Indonesia plays an
important role, considering that more than 40% of its
workforce depend on this sector. Based on data from
the International Labor Organization (ILO), around
1.3 million people work in agriculture throughout the
world. From these data, 60% of them work in
developing countries (Forastieri, 2001). The passion
for farming, despite all the hassles, requires farmers
to do something right in managing their stress. Stress
that is not recognized and not managed properly can
lead to the risk of accidents faced by farm families
and on agricultural land. When stress levels are high,
farmers tend to make poor agricultural decisions,
resulting in frequent accidents on agricultural land
(Mamady et al., 2014). The agricultural sector is one
of the main priorities of development in Indonesia as
well as the Way Kanan District. The agricultural
sector has a strategic role in efforts to fulfill the basic
needs of the community. Support for the potential of
adequate natural resources causes nearly 80% of the
population of Way Kanan to make a living in
agriculture, plantations, forestry, and fisheries.
Way Kanan Regency has the potential of paddy
field area of ± 21,754 hectares. Haerani (2010) states
that agricultural failure rates in developing countries
are four times greater than in industrialized countries
(Haerani, 2010). Agriculture is one of the most
stressful jobs, but most farmers say they will not
exchange it for other jobs.
Simpson et al., (2004) and Sugandini et al., (2018)
state that stress has a direct relationship with the
potential for injury at work. Walker and Walker
(1987) also found that chronic stress caused
cognitive, social and physical symptoms. For
example, losing patience, back pain, behavior
problems, frequent illness, and marital problems.
Stallones (1996) notes that stress related to health
problems has not been widely discussed in the
agricultural sectorStallones (1996) concludes that
many studies are needed to understand the effect of
stress on health and safety in the agricultural sector.
This study aims to analyze the stress experienced by
farmers with antecedents of fatigue and role overload.
The consequences of the stress of farmers on work
safety were also analyzed in this study.
1.2 Originality/Value
This research has originality / value as follows: (1)
This study examines how the psychological variables
impact on farmer work safety are different from
previous studies. Previous research has looked at
work safety in the manufacturing industry
(Vanishree, 2014 and Bakker, 2017). In fact, many
researchers have tested the effect of fatigue, role
overload and safety stress analyzed from the medical
side (Mohanavelu et al., 2017). (2) This research is
Garaika, .
The Effects of Fatigue, Role Overload and Stress on Farmer’s Work Safety.
DOI: 10.5220/0008427000130017
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World (ICIB 2019), pages 13-17
ISBN: 978-989-758-408-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
based on the theory of organizational behavior and
psychological factors. The psychological factors
analyzed in this study are fatigue, role overload and
stress. Many researchers observe the influence of
these psychological factors individually on safety
farms, but this study analyzes these three factors
together in a model. This research can show that
stress is the biggest factor affecting farm safety. This
study could also show that fatigue can have an impact
on stress, although in other studies it shows the
opposite, that stress has an impact on fatigue
(Bennett, 2016).
2.1 Fatigue and Stress
Most people think that the way of life of a farmer is
generally peaceful, relaxed and healthy. However, in
reality, farmers have high stress and risky lifestyle
(Kearney, Rafferty, Hendricks, Allen & Tutor-
Marcom, 2014). The pace of the agricultural industry,
increasing health and safety regulations, weather that
cannot be predicted due to climate change, causes
farmers to experience increased stress, both physical
and mental (Seanad, 2015).
Stress experienced by farmers can cause negative
consequences, such as mental and physical fatigue,
health problems, decreased job satisfaction,
decreased performance, and serious consequences
related to accidents at work (Bin, 2008). Fatigue is a
serious problem that often occurs in plantation
cultivators (Lilley et al., 2012). Fatigue can occur
unexpectedly and generally takes longer to affect
human performance (Lubeck, 2014). Fatigue arises
from long working hours and a long time to work
without sleep (Flin, O'Connor & Crichton, 2008).
If this condition occurs continuously, it can cause
problems for farmers while doing daily work. There
are two dominant types of human fatigue, namely: (1)
psychological fatigue (subjective) and (2)
physiological (objective) fatigue. Psychological
fatigue (subjective) is fatigue due to constant
cognitive activity, while physiological fatigue
(objective) occurs because of the chemical response
that makes muscles tired. Both types of fatigue can
negatively affect agricultural work performance,
causing errors and accidents while doing farming
activities (Hockey, 2013). So that the first hypothesis
proposed in this study is:
H1: Fatigue has a positive influence on stress
2.2 Role Overload and Stress
Overload role reflects the conditions felt by workers
that their role in the job exceeds their job description
(Jensen, Pankaj, Patel, & Messersmith, 2013). A
person will feel an excess role when job expectations
exceed the available time, resources, or personal
abilities (Jensen et al., 2013). Someone who
experiences role overload will usually have feelings
that deviate from his normal function. This condition
triggers stress in the workplace as a result of obstacles
or demands that arise related to role overload
(Bakker, 2017).
H2: Role overload has a positive effect on stress.
2.3 Stress and Farmer's Work Safety
Work safety is a state of avoiding danger while doing
work. Use of machinery and heavy equipment in
agriculture such as tractors, permanent machines,
planting tools and so on are sources of danger that can
lead to fatal injuries and work accidents (Mamady et
al., 2014). The use of pesticides can also cause serious
poisoning or disease. Dust of animals and plants can
cause allergies and respiratory diseases. Another
factor that triggers work accidents in the agricultural
sector is the limited time available to complete a work
caused by climate constraints, so farmers tend to work
in a hurry without regard to their safety (Haerani,
Simpson et al., 2004 stated that there was a direct
relationship between farmer stress and agricultural
security. Elkind and Salter (1994) suggest that stress
can also cause farmers to forget about their safety at
work. The findings in the latest meta-analysis show
that there is a statistically significant relationship
between stress and accidents in farming. The majority
of findings imply that stress increases the likelihood
of accidents (Mamady et al., 2014). Thu et al., (1997)
stated that farmers who admit to having a high level
of stress experience three times the possibility of
injury in farming.
H3: Stress has a positive influence on the farmer's
work safety.
This research is a survey research. Respondents in
this study were cassava farmers who worked on
cassava plantations in Way Kanan Lampung,
Indonesia. This study uses a questionnaire for
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
collecting data. The questionnaire in this study
amounted to 13 consisting of 4 questions related to
fatigue, three questions related to role overload and
three questions related to stress adopted from Bennett
(2016). Three safety-related questions were adopted
from Nyatuame and Ampiaw (2015). Respondents'
answers refer to a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from
strongly disagree to strongly agree. The population in
this study were all farmers who worked on cassava
plantations. The sampling technique uses non-
random sampling, namely convenience sampling.
The number of respondents is 200. This study uses
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze data.
Direct influence (path coefficient) is observed from
standardized regression weights, with significance
testing using CR (Critical Ratio) value whose
function is equal to t count value. The results of the
AMOS program can be observed causal relationships
between variables by looking at the direct effects and
indirect effects and their total effects. Assessment of
significance is based on the probability value (p); the
significance limit used is the p-value 0.05. Tests for
models developed using various Goodness of Fit
criteria adopted from Hair et al., (1998) namely:
CMIN/DF (the minimum sample discrepancy
function/degree of freedom), probability, RMSEA
(root mean square error of approximation), GFI
(Goodness of fit index), CFI (Comparative fit index),
and TLI (Tucker Lewis Index).
4.1 The Characteristic of the
The characteristics of the respondents in this study
were all men, the average age was 50 years. The last
education of farmers is junior and senior high schools
with the same proportion.
4.2 The Results of Testing Validity and
The results of testing Validity and Reliability indicate
that all items in question are valid and reliable. This
is indicated by the results of the confir matory factor
analysis explaining that the four constructs (fatigue,
role overload, stress and work safety) consisting of 13
questions have standardized factor loadings 0.4.
Table 1: Results of testing validity.
Standardize Factor Loading
ue 1 0.432
ue 2 0.659
ue 3 0.783
ue 4 0.811
Role overload1 0.774
Role overload2 0.901
Role overload3 0.924
Stress 1 0.585
Stress 2 0.770
Stress 3 0.775
Work safet
1 0.850
Work safet
1 0.947
Work safet
1 0.800
Table 2: Results of testing reliability.
ue 0.922 0.862
Role Overloa
0.956 0.930
Stress 0.483 0.679
0.973 0.973
Reliability is shown by the calculation of
construct reliability above 0.7 and variance extracted
0.50. Limitation of these values refers to the opinion
of Hair et al. (1998). The results of testing validity
and reliability can be seen in table 1 and 2.
4.3 The Results of the Work Safety
Model Testing using SEM
Test results Structural Equation Modeling about work
safety using AMOS can be seen in Figure 1.
Evaluation of the results of testing the model can be
seen in table 3.
The results of the data analysis presented in Table
3 indicate that the model is acceptable because it has
a good value of Goodness of Fit Indices. Next, to test
the hypothesis of the causal relationship between
fatigue, role overload, stress and work safety is done
by observing the path coefficient. This path
coefficient shows the causal relationship between
these variables. The relationship between variables in
this study is shown in Table 4
The Effects of Fatigue, Role Overload and Stress on Farmer’s Work Safety
Table 3: Results of Evaluation Criteria for Goodness of Fit
Criteria Results
Cmin/DF 4.074
Probability 0.782
RMSEA 0.824
GFI 0.942
TLI 0.941
CFI 0.976
Figure 1: Structural Model of Work Safety.
Table 4: Path coefficient (Standardize Regression Weight)
between Variables.
Path Estimate SE C.R. Result
0.370 0.097 3.964 Supported
0.350 0.070 4.043 Supported
0.630 0.094 7.188 Supported
The results of this study explain that the structural
model of work safety is acceptable. This can be seen
from the value of the goodness of fit index which
shows good results. Work safety can be explained by
fatigue, role overload, and stress. The results of this
study indicate that there is an effect of fatigue on
stress is 37%. This result can explain that the first
hypothesis proposed in this study is supported. The
results of this study support the findings of the
research conducted by Lilley et al., (2012); Lubeck,
(2014). Lilley, et al., (2012) and Lubeck, (2014) state
that farmers who are constantly fatigued and
accumulated over time will cause stress. If this stress
occurs continuously, it can cause difficulties for
farmers when doing daily activities. Hockey, (2013)
also states that there are two forms of fatigue, namely
psychological fatigue and physical fatigue. The
fatigue that is most often felt by farmers in this
cassava plantation is psychological fatigue.
Psychological fatigue arises because there is a
pressure that the expected results are sometimes not
as predicted.
The effect of role overload on stress is 35% (the
second hypothesis supported). Role overload felt by
farmers causes stress that is felt to increase. Farmers
who feel overloaded with their role as farmers and
other roles in people's lives and their families cause
mental stress in themselves. According to Jensen, et
al., (2013), a person who feels an excess role occurs
when expectations for work exceed the available
time, resources, or personal abilities. Besides that,
farmers whose overload role will usually feel that
opportunities, constraints, or demands related to work
deviate from what they predict (Bakker, 2017).
The effect of stress on safety by 63% (the third
hypothesis supported). This shows that stressed
farmers usually do not care about their safety at work.
The higher the level of stress felt by farmers, the more
likely the farmer will experience a work accident.
This supports the findings of research conducted by
Simpson et al., (2004) and Mamady et al., (2014)
which state that stress causes farmers to forget about
This study only explores work safety models seen
from the internal aspects of farmers only. It is
recommended that the perception of safety be
observed from plantation leaders who employ
farmers on their plantations. The variables observed
in this study also have not discussed the plantation
manager's side and the influence of the farmer's
family factors. According to Kreitner & Kinicki,
(2007) and Bennett, (2016), in addition to the variable
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
fatigue, stress and role overload, which were
examined in this study, there are several variables that
can be used to predict work safety, namely
managerial behavior, management style, lack of
cohesiveness, workplace violence and family.
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The Effects of Fatigue, Role Overload and Stress on Farmer’s Work Safety