The Effect of Ewom, Brand Image, Brand Trust on Community
K. Y. S. Putri
, Saparuddin Mukhtar
and S. Bekti Istiyanto
Department of Communication, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Department of Magister Management, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Department of Communication, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, Indonesia
Keywords: Brand Image, Brand Trust, Electronic Word of Mouth, Intelligence People.
Abstract: This research aims to analysis the effect of eWOM, Brand Image, Brand Trust on Community Intelligence.
Electronic word of mouth is marketing through new media that is very prevalent today. Brand trust is a
consumer need that is trusted by consumers. Community intelligence is a condition of society at the level of
education and economic empowerment of the community. This research was carried out by previous
research by H. Samuel, Keane and Smith. This research is positivist by predicting future conditions on the
problem. The research respondents were the people in the big city in Indonesia. The results of the study
were the influence of eWom, brand image, community brand trust has a good influence on people's
intelligence. EWom is very potential in this condition. Brand image positive potential for these variables.
The intelligence of the Indonesian people is very active in new media. Brand image in Indonesian society
does not yet have the same standard. Brand trust in Indonesian society has many variations. The community
does not have a brand image at this time. People believe in trends. The conclusion of the research is the
influence of electronic research on word of mouth, brand image, brand trust towards people's intelligence.
New media is currently very used by the community.
Electronic word of mouth is currently being
followed by the people of Indonesia. The current
brand image is no longer an important thing in
society. Brand trust is not an important thing in
Indonesian society. Indonesian human intelligence is
always looking for things that can boost Indonesian
human intelligence in order to be equal to other
nations. New media is always used by humans
today. So that some of the current public views on
the brand image, brand trust shifts to things that are
the current trend. This study wants to examine
teacher space sites that have emerged in Indonesia.
Many benefits obtained by the teacher room user.
But we want to see from the perspective of
communication and marketing.
Electronic word of mouth is an electronic media
that is often used by the public personally. The new
media that is currently appearing is helping the
community today. Many new media individuals
appear today. For example Whats Up, Line and
many more. Kompas Data, Facebook leader, Mark
Zuckerberg, reported the business performance of its
companies for the fourth quarter of 2017.
WhatsApp's chat service showed significant growth
by gathering 1.5 billion monthly active users
(MAU). That number increased 14 percent
compared to MAU WhatsApp in July 2017 which
amounted to 1.3 billion. Daily active users (DAU)
are in the range of one billion. Every day, WhatsApp
handles more than 60 billion message exchanges
between users throughout the world. This growth is
predicted to continue to increase, along with the
wider internet penetration. For "Story" products,
Zuckerberg said WhatsApp was in second place and
Instagram in the first place. Both are owned by
Facebook. Ironically, Snapchat, which pioneered the
Story feature, only collected DAU 178 million.
WhatsApp Story and Instagram Story each penetrate
the 300 million DAU figures, as compiled by
KompasTekno, Thursday (1/2/2018), from
TechCrunch. Facebook's decision to acquire
WhatsApp is arguably a smart business choice. At
that time, in 2014, WhatsApp only had 450 million
MAU and 315 million DAU. Facebook believes in
the potential of WhatsApp so that it dares to pay 19
Putri, K., Mukhtar, S. and Istiyanto, S.
The Effect of eWom, Brand Image, Brand Trust on Community Intelligence.
DOI: 10.5220/0008429101900195
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World (ICIB 2019), pages 190-195
ISBN: 978-989-758-408-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 253.3 trillion
The brand image is Ruang Guru is the first
virtual learning space in Indonesia. The process that
occurs in the Ruang Guru is that users can ask
questions and discuss with the teacher on the Ruang
Guru’s site. By paying and following the material on
the site. This virtual learning space can be accessed
by elementary school students up to high school
level. Brand image level organization of Ruang
Guru is a new organization, because by using new
media and mainstream media is very helpful in the
introduction of society. However, because this level
of research must be the same, the unit of analysis of
this study is the brand image model used by Ruang
Guru, namely Iqbal Ramadhan. Iqbal is an artist who
is currently very liked by teenagers in Indonesia this
day. Ruang Guru uses the Iqbal model with several
criteria. Iqbal is an artist with good artistic
achievements, singers from childhood to adulthood,
and now he starred in teen films which are a trend in
Indonesia. As well as Iqbal in terms of learning
achievement, he continued his studies abroad. This
side makes Ruang Guru used Iqbal Ramadan as a
model. Iqbaal Ramadhan is one of the most
influential teenage public figures. After being a
member of Coboy Junior (then CJR), Iqbaal also
became the main actor in the film Dilan 1990. Iqbaal
Ramadhan is a scholarship winner at United World
College (UWC), Montezuma, United States (US).
Iqbaal is the only Indonesian student that accepted in
his class. As Ruang Guru's brand ambassador, Iqbaal
not only became a spokesperson and campaigned for
Ruang Guru products only, but also participated in
teaching several English language learning materials
on the learning platform for elementary, middle and
high school. In addition, Iqbaal also provides input
in various other Ruang Guru programs to remain
relevant to today's young generation.
Brand trust is now a very important thing in
human life. Because new media overwhelms
information available by new media. Sites that sell
their products in the media must be trusted by users.
New media users must get full trust in the products
available in new media. New media is very difficult
to get public trust. Therefore Ruang Guru must be
trusted by the community. Ruang Guru is a new
brand, so Ruang Guru always builds its brand trust
so that people believe it. The Ruang Guru
educational application records a significant growth
of users. Now the application made by Belva Devara
has been used by 9 million users. Even though at the
end of 2017, Ruang Guru only recorded 6 million
users. In this year, Ruang Guru targets 10 million
users. But in this quarter, the local application
received an additional millions of users.
Today’s, the intelligence community is highly
tested by the globalization of the world. Current
media speed greatly influences human intelligence.
Because new media presents a very interesting
visual, so users without thinking too long directly
use the message in new media. Attractive messages
and visual content make users interested and spoiled
by new media. The community is accustomed
nowadays with visualization rather than having to
read and write every message they want to make.
Today's motoric intelligence is very good. But social
intelligence and people's morale now be a concern.
Humans now have difficulty interacting with other
people. They are closer to the new media. Where
sites or messages in new media can contain news or
incorrect information.
In the era of social media like today, the
distribution of hoaxes (liar news) becomes
something very serious. The impact can disrupt the
community, not only in cyberspace, but also in real
life. Many bad cases occur due to hoaxes, because
many people who deliberately use hoaxes as their
weapons of war. Especially in the political year like
today. Various parties try to continuously overcome
the spread of hoaxes. What the government does, for
example, regulates through the ITE Law. While
what was done by platform developers, they tried to
provide news reporting and filtering features.
Including what WhatsApp has done for the past time
by limiting the Forward feature.
The Research results, DailySocial tried to
explore the characteristics of hoax distribution from
the perspective of platform use. In collaboration
with the Jakpat Mobile Survey Platform, we asked
2032 smartphone users across Indonesia about the
distribution of hoaxes and what they did when
receiving hoaxes. The following are some of the
findings: (1) the most hoax information is found on
the Facebook platform (82.25%), WhatsApp
(56.55%), and Instagram (29.48%). (2) the majority
of respondents (44.19%) are not sure they have
expertise in detecting hoax news. (3) the majority of
respondents (51.03%) of the respondents chose to
remain silent (and did not believe in information)
The Effect of eWom, Brand Image, Brand Trust on Community Intelligence
when meeting hoaxes. (
This study wants to question whether there is an
effect of electronic word of mouth, brand image,
brand trust on human intelligence. The purpose of
this study is the results of this study can explain the
effect of electronic word of mouth, brand image,
brand trust on human intelligence in the content of
messages contained in new media. The benefits of
academic research are the results of this study can
explain and develop a study of marketing
communication regarding the influence of electronic
word of mouth, brand image, brand trust on human
intelligence in new media. The benefit of practical
research is that the results of this study can examine
predictions of the effect of electronic word of mouth,
brand image, brand trust on people's intelligence so
that it can be used by any product maker in new
media to increase human intelligence.
Previous research was conducted by Jeffry Layne
Blevins, James Jaehoon Lee and Etin E. McCabe, on
Tweeting for Social Justice in #Ferguson: Affective
Discourse in Twitter Hashtags.
( This
research differs from Jeffry’s research which is
based on the affective side of people. Similar
research was conducted by Kinkin under the title
"Representation of Media Literacy of Health
Communication Dimensions in Indonesia" (Kinkin
Yuliaty Subarsa Putri, 2018. Atlantis Press,
Proceedings of the Internasional Conference of
Communication Science Research). The next
research used Responses to Conflicting Information
in Computer-Mediated Communication: Gender
Difference as an Example, by Chingching Chang.
( The
difference with this research is that the product used
in this study is an increase in intelligence. Gender
could be measure for responding to conflicting
information in computer mediated communication.
The next similar research by Valerie Barker and
David M. Dozier, Ami Schmitz, Weiss, this research
about Hernessing Peer potency: Predicting Positive
Outcomes from Social Capital Affinity and Online
Engagement with participatory Websites.
( This
research object is different from Kinkin and Jeffry.
The object of this research is an information
technology product in increasing the intelligence of
high school students in Jakarta.
Word of mouth is a process of word of mouth
using internet or web media. With activities in
electronic of mouth, consumers will get a high level
of market transparency. In other words consumers
have a higher active role in the value chain cycle so
that they can influence products and prices based on
individual preferences. (Park and Kim, 2009). The
electronic dimension of mouth according to Goyette 2010 is (1) the intensity of defining intensity
(intensity in electronic word of mouth is the number
of opinions received by consumers in a social
networking site, (2) positive valence is comments
that are disseminated by consumers positive, (3)
negative valence is a comment that is disseminated
by consumers that is negative, (4) word of mouth
content is a comment that is conveyed between users
about the content of products such as quality, usage
and others (http:// library /
eThesisdoc / Bab2 / 2014-1-00271-MN%
20Bab2001.pdf (definition of ewom-brand image-
brand trust in intelligence)
Brand image or brand image is a description of
consumer associations and beliefs towards certain
brands (Tjiptono, 2005; 49). According to Kotler
about brands, a brand image is a number of beliefs
about the brand. According to Aaker, brand image as
to how brands are perceived by consumers. Brand
image indicators (Sutisna, 2002: 66) are (1)
consumer perceptions of product recognition, (2)
consumer perceptions of quality, (3) consumer
perceptions of size, (4) consumer perceptions of
endurance, (5) consumer perceptions of packaging
design or model, (6) consumer perception of product
color, (7) consumer perception of price, (8)
consumer perception of local. (Phillip Kotler and
Keller, Kevin Lane, 2007).
According to Delgado et al (2003) brand trust as
an expectation or expectation with confidence in the
reliability and intention of a brand in situations
involving risk for consumers. Brand trust means
consumers are generally willing to rely on the
brand's ability to carry out its functions (Moorman et
al in Chaudhun and Holbrock, 2002).
Brand trust as the willingness of individuals to
trust the brand's ability to satisfy their needs
(Kumar, 2009:69). According to Luk and Yip,
(2008, 53) brand trust includes intention and trust
and plays the facilitator in the buying process. Lau
and Lee stated that brand trust factors are (1) brand
characteristics have a very important role in
determining consumer decision making to trust a
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
brand. Because consumers make an assessment
before they make a purchase. Brand characteristics
relating to brand trust include several things, which
can be predicted, have reputation and competency,
(2) company characteristics in a brand can also
affect the level of consumer confidence in the brand.
Consumer knowledge about companies that predict a
brand is one of the basics of consumer
understanding of the brand. These characteristics
include a company, desired company motivation and
integration of a company, (3) consumer brand
characteristics are two groups of 9 consumers and
brands) that can influence brand trust. These
characteristics influence leadership between
consumer emotional concepts and brand personality,
brand preference, and brand experience.
Understanding of intelligence that was raised by
the following experts: (1) according to Gregory,
intelligence is the ability or skill to solve problems
or create products that are valuable in one or more
certain cultural buildings. (2) according to CP
Chaplin, intelligence is the ability to deal with and
adapt to new situations appropriately and effectively,
(3) according to Anita E. Woolfolk, intelligence is
the ability to learn, all knowledge gained, and the
ability to adapt to new situations or the environment
in general.The types of intelligence that are
generally understood today consist of; intellectual
intelligence or intelligence quotient (IQ), emotional
intelligence or Emotional Quotient (EQ), and
spiritual or Spiritual Quotient (SQ) intelligence. The
following is an explanation of each type of
intelligence, (1) Intellectual intelligence or
Intelligence Quotient (IQ): is a form of an
individual's ability to think, process, and master his
environment to the maximum and act in a directed
manner. This intelligence is used to solve logical and
strategic problems, (2) Emotional Quotient (EQ), is
the ability to recognize, control and organize one's
own feelings and feelings of others deeply so that
their presence is pleasing and coveted by others.
This intelligence gives us awareness about one's
own feelings and those of others, gives empathy,
love, motivation, and the ability to respond to
sadness or joy appropriately, (3) Spiritual Quotient
(SQ), which is a source inspire and soar a person's
spirit by attaching themselves to the values of truth
indefinitely. This intelligence is used to distinguish
good and bad, right and wrong, and understanding
moral standards. (
This research uses quantitative research.
Quantitative research which explains a phenomenon
with other phenomena. Research method by
distributing questionnaires to respondents who used
Ruang Guru. Respondents are high school students
in Jakarta. Time of study in December 2018 and
January 2019. The validity of the electronic word of
mouth KMO is .89 with a significance of .000,
KMO's brand image is .74 with a significance of
.000, KMO's brand trust is .88 with a significance of
.000 and KMO's community intelligence is .86 with
a significance of .000. Electronic reliability of word
of mouth is .84, brand image is .85, brand trust is .85
and intelligence is .91. It is meaning that the
research process can be continued in the next stage.
The results of the descriptive study of all the
variables in this study were responded positively by
the respondents of the teacher room users. Electronic
word of mouth in this study responded positively to
this research. The brand image was responded
positively also by respondents of this study. Brand
trust was responded to by the respondents of this
study. Community intelligence was also responded
by positive respondents.
The electronic dimension of word of mouth is
the intensity of defining in electronic word of mouth
the many opinions experienced by consumers in a
social networking site. This dimension of the
descriptive results is positive. The relationship with
the concept of marketing communication. Where the
electronic word of mouth requires transparency of
community members in it. Intelligence in using new
media is also very necessary for its users.
The brand image of the research object in the
teacher's room is also positive in this study. Brand
image is a description of consumer associations and
beliefs about a particular brand. Research
respondents believe that using the teacher's room
can help them overcome school tasks. Although the
teacher's room has a fairly strong brand image, but
because of technological advancements, it can help
its users.
The brand trust received a positive response from
respondents in this study. Brand trust is brand trust
or user expectations with confidence in the
reliability and intention of a brand in situations
The Effect of eWom, Brand Image, Brand Trust on Community Intelligence
involving risk for consumers. Even though Ruang
Guru is new, but consumer confidence in this brand
is very strong. Ruang Guru is a new brand and new
technology in using explanations of teaching and
learning activities with upper level students.
Information technology is very much the foundation
of Ruang Guru to offer consumers. New product but
has been trusted by the community. It could be the
next phenomenon of traditional schools where
teachers and students meet in class, there will be no
Community intelligence of this study was also
positive for the respondents. The intended
intelligence is to be able to solve problems.
Intelligence does not have to be top in formal
school. But intelligence in thinking and solving any
problem is needed now. With various information
that appears in new media. Users can intelligently
solve existing problems.
The regression analysis of this study between the
influence of electronic word of mouth has an
influence on the intelligence of the strong
community with r = .5 with a significance of .000.
the influence of brand image has a strong strength
with r = .51, with a significance of .000. the
influence of brand trust on the intelligence of a
strong community with a significance of .000 and r
= .52. meaning that the influence of all variables in
this study is strong with good significance. This
means that the influence of electronic word of
mouth, brand image and brand trust on people's
intelligence has a strong trend.
Previous research strongly supports the results of
this study. With respondents who are still teenagers,
being responsive to information technology strongly
supports new things that are currently developing.
The reflection of this research is that this research
can be developed with other things and can be in
different contexts.
The effect of electronic word of mouth, brand
image, brand trust on strong community intelligence.
Reflection of this research is the respondents are not
respected of brand image and brand trust. They are
very attracted by electronic word of mouth. Because
people trusted of new media through trusted. This
research can proceed to a different context and look
at previous studies. Technological advances are very
helpful and new ones are immediately accepted by
society. If the benefits can be directly felt by the
The researcher expressed his gratitude to the
Chancellor, Acting. Universitas Negeri Jakarta,
Chancellor of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Dean
of the Faculty of Social Sciences Universitas Negeri
Jakarta, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Dean
of the Faculty of Social Sciences Universitas
Jenderal Soedirman, Middle Java. The researcher
also thanked the research team that the results of this
study could be accepted at ICIB 2019. Thank you,
the researchers conveyed to the 2019 ICIB
committee. Hopefully the results of this study can be
beneficial to the community. Aamiin
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The Effect of eWom, Brand Image, Brand Trust on Community Intelligence