The Impact of CGPI Award towards Financial Performance of
LQ45 Firms
Mochammad Fahlevi and Nendi Juhandi
Kusuma Negara Business School, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: CGPI, ROA, GCG, LQ45.
Abstract: Corporate governance is highly recommended by the government for large companies in Indonesia. Very few
companies that have IPOs in Indonesia apply corporate governance, so there is still little research that
addresses the impact of corporate governance on corporate performance. The researcher tried to analyze the
impact of corporate governance on the financial performance of companies listed on LQ45. Analysis uses
company samples taken from 2015-2017. From previous research, it can be indicated that the implementation
of corporate governance has a positive and significant influence on company performance. However, from
this analysis, the results show that the Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) Award has no effect
on ROA, this is different from other variables such as the percentage of independent commissioners and the
size of the board that have a positive effect on ROA of companies registered with LQ45.
Basically, the issue of corporate governance is
motivated by the agency theory which states agency
problems arise when the management of a company
is separate from its ownership. Owner as company
capital suppliers delegates their authority to the
management of the company to professionals
managers. As a result, the authority to use the
resources owned by the company is entirely in
executive hand. This raises the possibility of a moral
hazard where management does not act the best for
the interests of the owner because of a conflict of
interest. Manager with the information they have can
act only to benefit themselves at the expense owner's
interests because the manager has company
information that the owner does not have (asymmetry
information). This will affect the company's
performance and eliminate investor confidence in
return on the investment they have invested in the
company. Examples of deep cases the banking
industry like the case of Bank Bali Indonesia in 1997
where bank managers transferred investment funds
existing to fund certain political parties.
Research on the relationship of good corporate
governance and company performance has been
carried out, both studies that use corporate
governance assessment indexes and corporate
structures (mechanisms) governance. Darmawati et
al. (2005) examined the relationship between
corporate governance and company performance.
According to Iskandar & Chamlao (2000) in
Lastanti (2004), mechanisms in corporate supervision
Governance is divided into two groups, namely
internal and external mechanisms. The internal
mechanism is a way to control the company by using
internal structures and processes such as the general
meeting of holders shares, the composition of the
board of directors, composition of the board of
commissioners and meeting with the board of
directors. While the external mechanism is a way to
influence companies other than by using internal
mechanisms, such as company control and the market
In the study Zulkafli and Samad, 2007 (cited by
Praptiningsih, 2009) examined about corporate
governance mechanism in measuring the
performance of banking companies through the
Monitoring Mechanism Ownership, Internal Control
Monitoring Mechanisms, Regulatory Monitoring
Mechanisms, and Disclosure Monitoring Mechanism.
In this study more in-depth study of the mechanism
corporate governance conducted by Zulkifli and
Samad (2007) in his research. Variable that will be
studied including the Ownership Monitoring
Mechanism including Controlling Shareholder
Ownership, Government Ownership, and Foreign
Ownership. The Internal Control Monitoring
Fahlevi, M. and Juhandi, N.
The Impact of CGPI Award towards Financial Performance of LQ45 Firms.
DOI: 10.5220/0008433605550561
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World (ICIB 2019), pages 555-561
ISBN: 978-989-758-408-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Mechanism includes Size Board of Directors, Board
of Commissioners, size of Independent
According to the Corporate Governance on
Indonesia (FCGI) forum, corporate governance is a
set of rules that govern the relationship between
shareholders, management (manager) of the
company, creditors, government, employees and
stakeholders other internal and external matters
relating to their rights and obligations or in other
words a system that controls the company where the
term corporate This governance arises because of the
agency theory, where the management of a company
separate from ownership. This separation allows a
conflict of interest between a company owner with
company management (management or directors). In
this case it is possible to have a different attitude
between company owners and internal directors
company management includes different attitudes in
the face of risk. Conflict these interests can be
minimized by the mechanism of good governance
(corporate governance). Corporate governance will
be a bridge between interests management with the
interests of shareholders in the management of a
company and provide a mechanism for controlling,
managing and conducting business management
including risk management.
In addition to the above, corporate governance
also provides a structure facilitate the determination
of the goals of a company, and as a means for
determine performance monitoring techniques
(Darmawati et al., 2004). Also presented by Newel
and Wilson (in Sabrina, 2010) in an article entitled A
Premium for Good Governance which states that
theoretically good corporate governance practices can
improve financial performance, reduce the risks that
arise due to managerial actions that tend benefit
The results of a study conducted by Bozz-Allen &
Hamilton in 1998 showed that the index of Good
Corporate Governance (GCG) in Indonesia is the
lowest in other East Asian countries. Survey of
International Transparency 2005 about the
Corruption Perception Index placing Indonesia at
number 140 out of 159 countries surveyed with a
value of 2.2. This shows that the international
community's perception of corruption in Indonesia is
still high. CLSA Asia Survey Markets Markets 2005,
the Asian CG Association placed Indonesia at the
bottom (ranked 37th out of ranked 40 in 2004) among
10 other Asian countries under Malaysia, Thailand
and the Philippines (Hidayah, 2008).
Research conducted previously both in developed
countries and in developing countries uses corporate
implementation measurement different governance.
For example research conducted in European
countries, variables used to measure corporate
governance is Deminor's Corporate Governance
Rating which consists of 300 criteria grouped into 4
parts, namely Rights and Obligations of
Shareholders, Range Defense Takeover, Disclosure
Corporate Governance and Structure and Board
Function (Bauer et al., 2003). Wulandari (2005) uses
one characteristic of corporate governance namely
internal corporate governance mechanism (number of
board directors, the proportion of the board
independent commissioner) and mechanism external
corporate governance (institutional ownership) in
measuring corporate governance variables.
Measurement level of corporate governance
implementation in this study using size developed by
Indonesian Institute of Corporate Governance /
The measurement is called Corporate The
Governance Perception Index (CGPI) in the form of
a score. CGPI is an assessment the implementation of
corporate governance based on 7 dimensions of GCG,
namely: commitment to corporate governance,
governance of the board of commissioners,
committees functional, board of directors, treatment
towards shareholders, treatment towards other
stakeholders and transparency, integrity and
Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is a set of
systems regulate and control the company to create
added value for stakeholders. GCG spurs the
formation of professional management patterns,
transparent, clean and sustainable. General Corporate
Good Guidelines Indonesia's governance in 2006
compiled by KNKG mention five principles GCG,
namely transparency, accountability, responsibility,
independence and fairness, and equality. There are
two principles main in GCG. First, clarity of rights
shareholders to obtain correct (accurate) information
time. Second, the company's intention to disclosure
accurately, timely and transparently to all
performance information company, ownership, and
Corporate governance is guidelines for managers
to manage company best practice. Manager will make
financial decisions can benefit all parties
(stakeholders). Managers work effectively and
efficient so that it can reduce capital costs and able to
minimize risk. The effort is expected to produce high
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
profitability. Investors will earn income (return) in
line with expectations. Profit per shares increase so
shares the company is much in demand by investors.
This will result in a value company increases.
Agency relations perspective is the basis used to
understand corporate governance. Concept Corporate
governance arises as an effort to control or overcome
management behavior that matters yourself
especially those related to rights residual control
right. GCG implementation within the company
expected to be able to avoid it disgraceful practices
carried out by directors and other parties who have
relationship or interest in the company. Corporate
governance is a series of mechanisms that can protect
minority parties (investor outsider or minority
shareholders) from the expropriation carried out by
managers and holders controlling share with
emphasis on the legal mechanism (Shleifer and
Vishny, 1997 in Darmawati, et al., 2005).
In the book (Brigham and Erhardt, 2005),
corporate governance is defined as a set of rules and
procedures that guarantee managers to apply value-
based management principles. Bass The Committee
on Banking Supervision-Federal Reserve stipulates
that the bank is a critical component economy. They
provide commercial company financing, basic
financial services for a broad segment and access to
payment systems (Brigham and Erhardt, 2005). The
importance of national economic banks is underlined
by the fact that universal banking is an industry
regulator and banks have access to safety nets
government. This is very important. Therefore banks
must have strong corporate governance.
Internal control is very important for companies
due to the existence of internal controls then it can
direct, supervise, and measure the resources of a
company to make it better. Internal control can
prevent loss or waste of processing of company
resources. other than that can also provide
information about how to assess company
performance and company management as well as
provide information that will be used as a guideline
in planning.
2.1 Benefits of Corporate Governance
Corporate governance as a control mechanism
(disciplinary forces) which effectively harmonizes
interests shareholders with interests management.
Every management decision was taken based on
interests existing shareholders and resources used
solely for the sake of interest growth and increase in
value company. Managers work effectively and
efficient so that it can reduce capital costs and able to
minimize risk. This action will result in high
profitability. Therefore the application of good
corporate governance in the company affects
positively company operational performance.
Investors will get a high return if profitability
generated by the company high. High profitability
will have an impact on the earnings per share increase
so that the company shares attracted many investors.
Therefore the application of good corporate
governance good will make investors give a positive
response to performance company and increase
market value company.
Good corporate implementation governance is a
necessity for every company. Company reason
implementing good corporate governance not
because of a small or large company (company size),
not because the company has a composition of assets
heterogeneous or not because of companies have the
opportunity to grow high in general need external
funds to expand thus encouraging the company to
make improvements in implementation corporate
2.2 CG on Financial Performance
Financial Performance is a display the whole
condition of the company during certain period of
time which is results or achievements that are
influenced by company operational activities within
utilizing the resources that are owned (Helfert, 1996).
Company performance reviewed from a financial
perspective typical associated with profitability.
Corporate strategy in perspective long-term finance
will affect shareholder value.
Companies tend to depend on capital from
external parties to finance their operational activities.
Companies must be able to convince them the capital
owner that investment is they plant it has been placed
precise and efficient and ensure that management acts
the best for company interests
Benefits for companies that are implementing
good corporate governance as stated by Achmad
Daniri quoted by Djatmiko (2002) is that the essence
of good corporate This governance will be
economical maintain business continuity, fine
profitability, and growth. Corporate governance is a
guideline for managers to manage the company best
practice. The manager will make financial decisions
that can benefit all parties (stakeholders). Managers
work effectively and efficiently so that they can
reduce the cost of capital and able to minimize risk.
Business it is expected to produce high profitability.
Investors will get income (return) accordingly with
expectations. Impact of implementing good corporate
The Impact of CGPI Award towards Financial Performance of LQ45 Firms
governance besides being able to eliminate KKN and
create and accelerate the working climate more
healthy also increases trust investors and creditors.
Here is the link between applying good corporate
governance with company performance.
Implementation of good corporate governance will
make investors respond which is positive for
company performance and increase the market value
of the company.
2.3 Corporate Governance Perception
Index (CGPI)
The Indonesian Institute of Corporate Governance
(IICG) is an independent institution that conducts
corporate dissemination and development
governance in Indonesia. CGPI is research and
application ranking program good corporate
governance at Indonesia in public companies that are
organized by IICG. This program implemented since
2001 based on the thought of the importance of
knowing so far where public companies have applied
the principles of good corporate governance. The
participation of this program voluntary.
Definition of corporate governance used to
compile the framework methodology of CGPI for
companies whose shares are listed on the JSX. The
aim of the CGPI program is to stimulate the company
to race to implement good corporate governance in
the interest of the term company length. Next to that
too awarded company so that the company is
motivated implementing corporate governance and to
map specific problems faced by companies in
Indonesia in applying the good concept of corporate
governance (SWA, 2001). Index this perception is
obtained through three approach namely: share
ownership minority, interview with representatives
company and public information analyst includes
financial reports, corporate sites, and mass media
CGPI ranking research is conducted by using the
survey method through a questionnaire filled with
self-assessment by issuers. Preparation of
questionnaires based on corporate principles
governance applied by the agency namely the OECD
and the KNKG covering Accountability,
Responsibility, Fairness and Transparency.
Description these principles into question items are
carried out in accordance with the Act No. 1 of 1995
concerning PT, Law No. 8 1998 concerning the
Capital Market, guide GCG implementation, OECD
principles, good business practices (best practices)
and rating criteria has been carried out in various
countries like Australia, Germany and the
Philippines. Question items are formulated can be
classified in several groups called criteria
implementation of GCG or implementation
dimensions GCG is a commitment to governance
company, the board of commissioners governance,
functional committees, the board of directors,
treatment of shareholders, treatment of other
stakeholders as well transparency, integrity and
So far, things have been the different
implementation of CGPI from year to year is the
development of methodologies and tools measure in
assessing the application of GCG. This matter done
to minimize limitations happened in previous years
and fight for the index presented CGPI is truly
credible. Results CGPI Outputs and Ratings in the
form of research and rating reports CGPI, the
publication of research results and CGPI Award and
Publishing ranking Best Practices Book by IICG.
This study seeks to find the effect of corporate
governance on financial performance. The sampling
technique in this study used the purposive sampling
sample chosen was the companies listed as companies
included in the LQ45 list and classified based on
CGPI awards.
1. The company has the largest capitalization in
the last 12 months
2. has the highest transaction value for the past
3. the company is on the stock exchange for 3
4. The company has good financial aspects
5. From 60 companies, 45 companies were
selected with the largest capitalization and the
best performance
6. shares listed on the joint stock price index
The researcher determines the criteria of the company
which will be used as the research sample as follows:
1. Must have an annual report
2. Publish annual report at IDX website
3. Listed in LQ45
This study uses secondary data as data to measure
variables and look for influence. This study will also
collect other additional data which are normal logs of
total assets as a proxy for company size.
This study will use regression analysis to examine
the relationship between LQ45 corporate governance
and company performance. The use of regression
analysis is to ensure that there are independent
variables and control variables that are used to test
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
teir influence on the dependent variable.
The equation below will be used to test the
FPi,t= a + IC1i,t + BSi,t + CGPI + Sizei,t (1)
FPi,t : Financial performance (ROA)
IC1i,t : Independent Commissioner (percentage)
BSi,t : Board Size (Number of Director)
CGPI : Awardee (dummy variable)
SIZEi,t: Total Asset
This chapter will analyze the relationship and the
effect of independent variables to the dependent
Table 2: ROA Mean of CGPI and non-CGPI.
ROA Mean
We can observe the results above the LQ45 index
that gets ROA for those who get the 4.4% CGPI
award. and those who do not get 8.4% ROA, which is
higher than the recipient. These results indicate that
ROA is lower for companies that get awards, and the
average difference test shows a significant difference
at = 0.01. Explanation of facts will be presented in
the discussion of regression results.This section will
discuss about the regression analysis of this research.
The researcher has formulated the regression
equation, as follows,
FPi,t= a + IC1i,t + BSi,t + CGPI + Sizei,t (2)
Table 4: Regression Coefficient.
1. CGPI has Sig. value of 0.638. Sig. the
probability value of 0.05, or 0.6> 0.05, then
H1 is rejected and Ho is accepted
2. Board Size has Sig. value of 0.050. Sig. the
probability value of 0.05, or 0.50 = 0.05,
which means H1 is accepted and Ho is
3. the Independent Commissioner has a Sig. value
of 0.2. Sig. the probability value of 0.05, or
0.2> 0.05, then H1 is rejected, and Ho is
4. Company Size has Sig. value of 0,000. Sig. the
probability value of 0.05, or 0,000 <0.05, then
H1 is accepted, and Ho is rejected.
5. The Adjusted R-square this shows that 10.7%
of the variation in ROA is explained by all
independent variables and controls in the
6. F-test results in Sig. value of 0.001 (less than
= 0.01), it can be concluded that this model is
valid for use in predicting ROA.
From the result in the table above, we can make
the regression formula equation as follows:
FPi,t= (27.664)+ 0.874 BS2 6.478 Size
Conclusions from the regression results:
CGPI on ROA negative this is consistent with
previous research conducted by Cahyaningtyas &
Hadiprajitno (2015), and Prasinta (2012), who claim
that the implementation of good corporate
governance certainly has an effect on operational
performance, however, GCG implementation still
does not affect the improvement of financial
performance and market response.
Board size is positively related to ROA. This is
consistent with previous research conducted by
Ozcan & Riza (2016), Belkhir (2009), and Coles
(2008). the results show that it is significant.
Therefore it can be concluded that the size of the
board contributes to financial performance because it
has a significant positive effect on ROA.
This study shows that CGPI awards and companies
that implement corporate governance do not have a
direct effect on profits. we can see that companies that
are registered in the LQ45 index have a smaller
The Impact of CGPI Award towards Financial Performance of LQ45 Firms
percentage of profits when the company gets the
CGPI award, because the application of corporate
governance is not something easy and cheap, so the
impact of corporate governance is to sustain the
company in the long term not profit in the short term,
because the value of a company is more important
than a profit.
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The Impact of CGPI Award towards Financial Performance of LQ45 Firms