An Overview of Sustainable Supply Chain for Company’s Goal
Nurhayati Sembiring and Nazaruddin Matondang
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Jalan Almamater Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia 20155
Keywords: Economic, environment, social, supply system, sustainability
Abstract: There are three common company’s goal achievement, i.e. economic, social and environmental perspective
achievement. Business profitability, stability, social equity, improvement of people’s relationship,
environmental responsibility, friendly technologies, minimize ecological scarcities and reduce the
environmental risks are examples for that company’s goal achievement. Due to that achievement, there must
be a comprehensive and integrated working system of groups that connected to all operations in various
operations. This will give benefits for customer in term of using products and services with quality manner.
This network relationship is known as the supply system. Integration between supply systems and
sustainability is contained in strategic and transparent planning and implementation steps. The longstanding
economic performance improvement from each organization is achieved in the organization's aim in the
fundamental coordination of business operations between the main organizations. For implementing
sustainability in the supply system, good management is needed. This is known as Sustainable Supply Chain
Management (SSCM). SSCM contains information, materials and capital flow management along with
collaboration between companies throughout the supply system. The company's efforts to decrease the
negativity of environmental effects in their supply systems require SSCM to be combined with various
For having a better quality of company’s
achievement, there are three common perspectives
that business operations must have(Boukherroub, et
al, 2015). The focus of economic perspective is
about business profitability, stability and
significantly financial improvement. Achievement
for social perspective could be measured by social
equity and improvement of people’s relationship.
Environmental perspective focus to environmental
responsibility, friendly technologies and minimize
ecological scarcities and reduce the environmental
risks. All of these opportunities could be achieved
by company’s management when there is a balance
between natural case (environment), social case
(responsibility), and business case (economic)
(Gomes, et al, 2015). All of this goals are called
company’s sustainability goals. This definition
suggests to focus on the societies, the companies
serve, and sustainment of nature’s resources (Winter
and Knemeyer, 2013).
The use of the ISO standard that has been used
extensively nowadays, has resulted in the attention
to the company's sustainability and becoming a hope
in the future. Following are the ISO standards that
are widely used (Lodziensis, 2017): (1) ISO 14001,
is an application of the environmental management
operation. Inside of anybasic requirements that must
be met by the company (and any confirmation about
it); (2) ISO 14040 series, used as a product life cycle
evaluation model; (3) ISO 14020 series, used to get
the exact environmental label of a product. (4) ISO
14062, which is a practical guide to product design
that considers environmental aspects
(environmentally friendly design approaches and
relationships with partners in the supply chain); (5)
ISO 14064, to develop programs aimed at reducing
greenhouse gas emissions; (6) ISO 14051, contains
guidelines for accounting for the costs of material
flow in the supply chain. Using this ISO standard,
means that there must be a comprehensive and
integrated working system of groups.
This working system is connected to all
operations in various operations. This willgive
benefits for customer in term of using products and
services with quality manner. This network
relationship is acknowledged as the supply system.
The aim of the supply system is to give benefit in
Sembiring, N. and Matondang, N.
An Overview of Sustainable Supply Chain for Company’s Goal.
DOI: 10.5220/0008551701990203
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology (ICONART 2019), pages 199-203
ISBN: 978-989-758-404-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
term of using products and services sent to
customers. "Sustainability is not only establishing
our choices and actions for economically
advantages, but also environmentally and socially
responsible. Social problems in the supply system
are described as product-related product operation
that influence human safety, community
development and welfare " (Bag, et al, 2014).
To maintain the present case and analyze
opportunities for the following research on
sustainable SSCM, some articles have reviewed.
From a methodological side, article review is an
explicit, fundamental, approachable for analyzing,
classifying, and clarifying the reference journals
(Winter and Knemeyer, 2013) Figure 1
demonstrates an analysis of the elemental article
review methodology.
Step 1 choosing period of paper publication
Several studies in the Period between 2007 and
2019 have been chosen as the main references. The
selection of this period of time is considered to have
sufficiently represented thinking that is a developing
Step 2 choosing journal
In this journal, a decision was made to spotlight
on specific subjects for the analysis. International
journals such as Journal Supply Chain
Management, Management Science, Journal of
Physical Distribution and Logistics Managemen,
Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Social
Science and Humanity, had beenselected as
citations. These journals contain disciplines
logistics/SCM, Social science, operations/production
management, and social/environmental
Step 3 choosing article
The main criterion for selecting articles to be
included in the analysis is clear relationship of the
content of the article to the framework of the
previously defined text.
Step 4 analysis
The next step is to study and examine selected
articles to find out how research has developed over
time. This analysis also provides capability to
analyzethe article opportunities in current article
because it connects to the integration of
sustainability and SCM. This provides further input
and specifications concerning potential research
Figure 1: Methodology of Research
3.1 Dimension Of Sustainability
Sustainability is defined as "development that meets
current needs without reducing the ability of
posterity to fulfil their needs" (Seuring and Müller,
2008).This description is most often used.
Sustainability has two principles, one is the concept
of 'needs', especially the basic needs of the world's
poor. This must be seen as the most important
priority; Two is the idea of meeting current and
future needs is associated with environmental
conditions. Attention to all dimensions is what must
be done holistically and totally. These things are also
often termed attention to People, Planet and Profit.
Also often termed Economic, Environment and
Equity. These three "pillars" are the main topics in
reviewing sustainability (Ashby, et al, 2012).In
simple terms, the following questions represent the
meaning of sustainability (Linton, et al, 2007):
1. In the future, what resources will be needed?
2. In the future, how can a waste or pollutant be
released by having a positive effect?
3. For posterity,the extent can new sources of
exhausted resources be provided?
4. How is exploitation of renewable resources taken
into account that these resources can still be
5. How can sustainable use of technology for
processing resources with increased material
6. At what level can consumers who are market
forces drive sustainability? How do you change
your lifestyle?
7. to realize sustainability, what policies must be
The table 1 shows several indicator of
sustainable development in each dimension
(Gomes et al., 2015).
Step 4
Step 2
Step 3
Choosing journal
Choosing article
Step 1
Choosing period
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
Table 1: Indicator of Sustainable Development
Indicator of Sustainable Development
Fresh water
Oceans, seas, coasts
Institutional framework
Institutional capacity
3.2 Supply chain
The whole physical operation needed starts from the
fulfillment of crude materials from suppliers that
contain all steps of the process to produce finished
products, directly or indirectly, so that this product
finally arrives at the end user and the related
information flow is a clear definition of Supply
chain. In this supply chain, many separate
companies are interrelated based on their section in
satisfying or meeting the special needs of end
consumers. There is a close and integrated
relationship between producers, suppliers, carriers,
warehouses, retailers, and end-users of the product
(Tay, et al, 2015).
3.3 The integration between
sustainability and supply chain
Integration between supply chains and sustainability
is contained in strategic and transparent planning
and implementation steps. So that each of
company’s long-term economic performance
improvement is achieved in the group's economy
social and environmental aim in the fundamental
management of business operations between the
main organizations. In addition, for achieving
sustainability in the supply system, good
management is needed. This is known as Sustainable
Supply Chain Management (SSCM). SSCM
contains information, material and capital flow
management including collaboration between
companies throughout the supply system(Linton et
al., 2007). All objectives things contained in the
ranges of sustainable development such as economy,
environment and social, are analyzed inside of
accounts that come from the requirements of
customers and stakeholders. Therefore, the principle
that only considers profit and profitability is the only
element in the longstanding success of business and
the economy is not relevant anymore. Due to
business system is aggressive and unstable, it creates
the urgency for firms to enhance their sustainability
and profitability to accomplish their will to gain
advantage. These new business types emphasize the
obligation to boost product’s life span, material
reuse, recycling and recovery. This allows
companies to save resources, reduce costs, improve
their competitive position, fulfil those sustainability
goals and increase the customer’s loyalty. Another
goal is to achieve corporate resource self-sufficiency
through the recovery of waste (Sgarbossa and Russo,
2017). Sustainable Supply chain has been used in
many areas such as for the heavy industry, Small
and medium entrepreneur, the meat industry, health
care system, textile industry. the essence of urban
and rural eco-development ( the bamboo industry
and place making in Anji Anji, China, etc.(Singh, et
al, 2012).
3.4 Drivers towards SSCM
The company's efforts to minimize negative
environmental impacts in their supply chains require
SSCM to be combined with various concepts. Top
management has a big influence in the SSCM
application. Internal incentives to be involved in the
problem of sustainable supply, provide a strong
motivation in implementing this. Government
regulations, general standards that must be met and
customer requirements are external influences so
that SSCM can be more successfully implemented
(Tay et al., 2015). Table 2 shows some of Drivers
towards SSCM
An Overview of Sustainable Supply Chain for Company’s Goal
Drivers Towards Sustainable Practices
Internal Drivers/Enablers
External Drivers/Enablers
Strategy Issues
advantage / firm
Alignment of
SCM Company
and supply
and supply
internal CSR
of NGOs
3.5 Sustainability Performance
Economic factors namely financial aspects (capital
investment, the total operating cost of the new plant,
the revenue, return on investment, etc.) are usually
made as a measurement of SC performance. This is
always associated with Flexibility (high adaptability
in the fields of production, distribution, etc.), and
suitability of demand (production quality, service
quality, etc.), responsiveness (lead time, cycle time,
etc.), reliability (approximate reliability, service
shipment rates, etc.). Environmental and social
performance has not been the focus of attention
because performance still depends on the industrial
sector. However some standards such as the SCOR
(reference model, OECD guidelines, GRI, ISO
26000, etc. can be used to determine environmental,
economic and social performance criteria
(Boukherroub et al., 2015). Sustainability
performance criteria could be seen in table 3.
Table 3: Sustainability performance criteria
Sustainability performance criteria
Economy (Eco)
Environment (Env)
Society (Soc)
Financial performance
Resources consumption
Climate change Pollution
Hazardous materials
Safety and Health
Job creation and Wealth
Work Condition
3.6 Future research.
Future research is needed to address problems found
in many industrial fields (e.g. electronics, heavy
industry, and also in Small and Medium Industries).
Other fields such as education, banking, fisheries,
livestock, agriculture and others can also be used as
research land. Qualitative and quantitative research
can be applied to this field. Experimental research is
also needed. The application of a multidisciplinary
approach such as the use of logistics / SCM
disciplines, manufacture operations / management,
social / environmental management, strategic
management, marketing and finance. Another thing
that can also be used as the research theme is the
synergy between risk management and sustainability
related to SCM. Research related to sustainable
SCM and outsourcing or depends on initiatives seem
to be feasible for future research efforts. Things like
profit indicators, variations in supply chain
productivity, energy process performance. Ordinary
themes in the fields of logistics, product
development, supplier relations, manufacturing and
supervisory issues can also be investigated. Attempts
to link or convert existing theories and approaches to
research are needed in all these fields (Singh et al.,
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
Sustainable supply chain management is needed in
terms of competitive industrial commercialization.
There are many incentives to create sustainable
supply chains, including pressure from global
warming and environmental problems. The
implementation of effective and sustainable supply
chains will apply throughout the world. New ideas
contained in future research must always be
encouraged to strive for continuous improvement in
sustainable supply chain management.
Authors wish to express sincere gratitude to Siti
Habibah Rhadiatullah and all of the student that
helping authors for editing the template of this paper
and search the source as references to make this
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An Overview of Sustainable Supply Chain for Company’s Goal