Identify Theft Detection on e-Banking Account Opening
Roxane Desrousseaux, Gilles Bernard and Jean-Jacques Mariage
LIASD Laboratory, Paris 8 University, France
Machine Learning, Fraud Detection, Behavior, Pattern, Banking, Identity Theft.
Banks are compelled by financial regulatory authorities to demonstrate whole-hearted commitment to finding
ways of preventing suspicious activities. Can AI help monitor user behavior in order to detect fraudulent activ-
ity such as identity theft? In this paper, we propose a Machine Learning (ML) based fraud detection framework
to capture fraudulent behavior patterns and we experiment on a real-world dataset of a major European bank.
We gathered recent state-of-the-art techniques for identifying banking fraud using ML algorithms and tested
them on an abnormal behavior detection use case.
Banking activity is changing. The customer relation-
ship, hitherto physical and face-to-face, is becoming
digitalized. Customers no longer need to go to agen-
cies and carry out by themselves more and more on-
line procedures. Even account opening is now of-
ten completely digital and banks need to insure that
the prospect (i.e person not yet customer) is the per-
son that he/she pretends to be and the reasons for its
account opening. Banks are particularly concerned
about detecting identity theft because this type fraud
can lead to huge losses of money, when an identity
theft has obtained a personal loan for example. This
type of fraud also generates a bad image of the bank
and is subject to international sanctions in the case of
an account used for financial trafficking.
Banks once had a close relationship with their
customers which is now often remote. The AI ap-
proach is based on Knowing Your Customer (KYC)
by knowing his behavior. For banking, the KYC
mainly refers to the requirement of checking a cus-
tomer’s ID when opening a new account. However,
faking an ID is so easy that identity theft is one of
the fastest-growing banking issues. There is no better
way to know your future client and identify risk than
by analyzing his/her behavior.
The main focus of this study is to help decide
whether a prospect opening a banking account on the
bank’s website is the person he/she claims to be.
Analysis of interaction between bank and cus-
tomer on a mass scale is new. The scientific com-
munity has put much effort to propose solutions that
could benefit to the banking industry. Non-linear
techniques as neural networks (NNs) seem doubtless
appropriate for detecting elaborate and heterogeneous
banking frauds. NNs offer means of dimensional re-
duction that maintain the characteristics and complex-
ity of the data structure. By preserving the relation-
ships, they make it possible to work on reduced for-
mats while also giving the ability to analyze more
complex problems (Zaslavsky and Strizhak, 2006).
The scientific literature signals as financial anomalies:
transactional fraud, money laundering, impersonation
or creation of false accounts, account theft, promo-
tional abuse, user behavior, cybersecurity.
The analysis of abnormal activity requires a large
amount of past data to learn what characterizes a be-
havior, based on time series, over several scales of
time. The main idea is to model a normal behavior
and find the deviant ones. Anomaly detection leads to
specific problems identified in the literature: 1) defin-
ing what a normal behavior is, because types of be-
haviors are numerous, 2) difficulty to adapt to a nor-
mal change of behavior without causing false alarms.
In order to model user’s behavior on a website or ap-
plication, many researches use variables such as the
number of visited pages, the keystroke or click speed,
the number of failed connections, the IP address and
device used, the number of specific events in a cer-
Desrousseaux, R., Bernard, G. and Mariage, J.
Identify Theft Detection on e-Banking Account Opening.
DOI: 10.5220/0008648605560563
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2019), pages 556-563
ISBN: 978-989-758-384-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tain time-lapse (Shanmugapriya and Ganapathi, 2017;
Mazzawi et al., 2017).
Detection of banking anomalies gathers informa-
tion on the customer, his accounts, his geographical
location, time, and information related to his sub-
scribed products. The space of banking transactions
is characterized by potentially large dimensions and
sparse vectors. The data brings together millions of
transactions per day, millions of individual account
activities, hundreds of product types. It is difficult to
effectively extract relevant attributes; money launder-
ing for example can range from a single transaction to
a series of complex transactional activities spanning
over several months. In terms of engineering, this
represents one of the worst forms of dimensionality
disorder with large scale differences and overloading
of variables.
Confidentiality restrictions of banking related data
have limited the progression of research. There is a
real lack of access to financial data for fraud detection
research. In order to deal with this problem, novel
approaches in fraud detection involve the use of sim-
ulators to produce enough financial data which con-
tains both the normal and fraudulent behavior. This
technique uses the advantages and benefits of simu-
lation, applied to financial domains to avoid the legal
and privacy concerns of real datasets. The main con-
cept behind the approach is to learn how the real cus-
tomers behave and interact as described by the real
data, and through simulation, recreate this behavior
by simulated fictitious customers in a way that does
not represent a leak of private financial records.
The main research topic in the literature concern-
ing banking fraud is the detection of fraudulent credit
card transactions (Ngai et al., 2011; Krishnapriya,
2017; Anandakrishnan et al., 2018). A multitude of
techniques have been applied, ranging from simple
regression to sophisticated NNs. In a study (Sun-
darkumar and Ravi, 2015), Logistic Regression per-
formances on credit card churn prediction and insur-
ance fraud detection was compared to an undeter-
mined Decision Tree model, Support Vector Machine,
Probabilistic Neural Network, Group Method of Data
Handling and Multi-Layer Perceptron. More recently,
studies focus on using more elaborated NNs for de-
tecting transactional fraud, like Convolutional Neural
Networks (Fu et al., 2016), Autoencoder and Genera-
tive Adversarial Network (Chen et al., 2019).
In a study, (Wang et al., 2017) use Recurrent Neu-
ral Networks (RNNs) for detecting fraudulent trans-
actions on an E-commerce site which is similar to our
experiments because they also used browsing history
to characterize users behavior. They ignored all ses-
sions that did not lead to an order, labelled the fraudu-
lent orders using a business’s department sample and
modeled web sessions as sequences of clicks. They
also included information like dwell time (time spent
on a particular page), page loading time, browsing
time, geolocation, URL. . . Clicks of the same session
are fed into the model in the time order, and a risk
score is outputted for the last click (i.e. the check-
out action) for each session, indicating how suspi-
cious the session is. Performances of RNNs (vary-
ing number of layers and of neurons) are compared
to traditional methods including logistic regression,
Naive Bayes, SVM and Random Forest. Results are
validated using historical data and their research con-
cluded that their framework was able to support the
transaction volumes they had, while providing an ac-
curacy never achieved by traditional methods based
on aggregate features.
To our knowledge this is the first study on detect-
ing banking identity theft with ML algorithms on a
real-world dataset. The remainder of this paper is or-
ganized as follows: next section presents a description
of the real dataset used for our study. We will then in-
troduce the experimental setup with algorithms tested
and assessment metrics used. Finally we will provide
some results and analysis.
In this section we introduce the dataset used for de-
tecting identity theft, the preprocessing steps done
such as feature creation, and the preliminary statis-
tical analysis that allowed us to get more insights on
the fraudulent patterns.
3.1 Dataset Description
Data is provided by our industrial partner and due to
confidentiality policy it can not be provided in public
access. The dataset consists in navigational logs, con-
taining information about users activity on the bank’s
website. The browsing information captured in these
logs is spread among 50 tables (Page table, Click
table, Geolocation table, Device Table, etc. . . ). The
initial volume of logs available was enormous (Click
table for example represents between 50-90 millions
of lines per month). Approximatively 11 month of
browsing stored in a Hive database on a Hadoop clus-
ter, representing more than 2 million connexions per
month, 80 000 – 85 000 sessions for account opening.
The first preprocessing step was to gather, filter
and aggregate the navigational logs. Fraud team pro-
vided files containing samples of prospect numbers
Identify Theft Detection on e-Banking Account Opening
and their corresponding label (account opened or re-
fusal because of a manual identity theft detection by
the expert teams).
At some point of the online boarding process,
the prospect is assigned a prospect number and has
to login to his/her temporary account, to upload
his/her ID justification and other supporting docu-
ments. Prospects can take several web sessions to
complete their onboarding process, they can decide
to interrupt their inscription, come back later to ter-
minate and submit their form.
In our study, we filtered out navigational sessions
of interest by finding all sessions and activity related
to the prospects included in our sample. This was
done by finding trace in the navigational logs of a con-
nexion on the temporary account. The join queries
between all navigational tables are done on primary
database keys such as the web browsing session id,
session timestamps and other action/trigger event ids,
keys we can use to link information included in the
scattered data source. We created the explanatory
variables with Spark, we modeled the general behav-
ior of each prospect on the bank’s website and on-
boarding form: number of sessions, sessions dura-
tion, navigation speed (between pages, clicks), types
and average number of pages visited, device used,
screen resolution, geolocation, information provided
for account opening. The information given on the
online form can be numerical (savings amount, prop-
erty titles value) or categorical (income bracket, type
of working contract. . . ).
Finally we looked at the nature of the features cre-
ated, transformed and scaled them properly following
the general rules. Continuous values are scaled in the
range of 0 to 1, distributed normally with mean 0 and
standard deviation 1 (this is not fixed but ensuring a
correct range of input can help training). For cate-
gories without ordinal relationship, we used a One-
hot encoding, producing a binary vector with 0 in all
dimensions except 1 for the category the data belongs
3.2 Preliminary Statistical Analysis
After gathering the data and constructing the features,
we did a preliminary analysis of the dataset. This step
is essential in every Data Science project and can pro-
vide interesting insights on the data. In our study,
we plotted variable distribution and correlation ma-
trix using Python visualization libraries and found the
following facts:
Number of pages visited per session and click
speed don’t evolve over time and stay approxima-
tively the same for each user session (thus behav-
ior doesn’t change so much).
A bigger number of pages visited does not always
mean longer sessions.
Fraudsters tend to be faster in their navigation and
make shorter sessions.
All fraudsters declare the same kind of profile rev-
This section is divided into three subsections. In the
first subsection we will describe the ML models used
for identity theft detection and preprocessing stage.
In the second, the assessment metrics used. The last
section presents our results.
The questions we wish to address are the follow-
Which algorithms are going to work best; espe-
cially do multi-layer NNs have better results than
standard classifiers?
Will oversampling lead to better performances?
More generally how will preprocessing affect de-
tection results? Will the results be better with
multi-layer Autoencoder (AE) than with Principal
Component Analysis (PCA)?
4.1 Machine Learning Models
We present here the ML classifiers used in this study.
The low proportion of abnormal observations (out-
liers) is an issue in anomaly detection and unbalanced
learning. Anomalies are scarce and therefore little
present, and standard ML algorithms are not able to
learn classes of data that are not enough represented
in the learning dataset. Therefore, specific algorithms
have been devised for this task.
We studied three types of ML models: basic mod-
els, outlier dedicated algorithms, both from Scikit-
Learn library, and sophisticated NNs built with Keras
library. In the preprocessing stage, for dimension re-
duction, we compared PCA (from Scikit-Learn) with
Multi Layer AE (built with Keras) before applying
these models.
4.1.1 ML Classifiers
The following basic models were tested: k-Nearest
Neighbors (k-NN), linear SVM (SVM), CART De-
cision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), Multi Layer
Perceptron, in reality a Bilayer Perceptron with just
NCTA 2019 - 11th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
one hidden layer (BLP), Adaboost, Naives Bayes
(NB) and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA).
As specific outlier detection models, we have cho-
sen three algorithms that are gaining popularity in
such tasks: Local Outlier Factor (LOF), Isolation For-
est (IForest), One-class SVM (OCSVM). A multitude
of variants of these algorithms have been proposed.
As a more sophisticated model, we built a Multi
Layer Perceptron (MLP) with three hidden layers
having rectified linear unit (ReLu) as activation func-
tion, a sigmoid function for the last layer, and a bi-
nary cross entropy loss function because we are in a
binary classification problem. The number of neurons
of each hidden layer is set to 80% of the number of
input features, as this was the value that gave the best
preprocessing performances.
We give below a brief description focusing on the
less well known algorithms.
IForest (Liu et al., 2008). This algorithm is based
on decision trees. The method takes advantage of two
quantitative properties of the outliers: (a) they have
fewest instances and (b) their attribute values greatly
differ from those of the more frequent classes. Thus,
outliers are more likely to be isolated early in the tree
and hence have shorter paths to the root.
LOF (Breunig et al., 2000). The LOF algorithm fo-
cuses on analyzing local densities of the data space.
It identifies regions of similar density and consider
as outliers data points from lower density regions. It
is based on k-NN; the density is estimated from the
distances between neighbours, computing the local
reachability of a point, given by the inverse average
reachability distance from its k neighbours (equation
lrd(p) = 1/
(p o)
where KNN(p) is the set of ps nearest neighbours.
The (asymmetric) reachability distance rdist from o
to p is defined by equation 2.
(p o) = max{k dist(o), d(p,o)} (2)
The final LOF score then compares the locally rel-
evant lrd values:
(p) =
atsch et al., 2000). In 2000, the popu-
lar Support Vector Machines algorithm was adapted
to focus on outliers in the following way. The idea is
to classify all non outlier data in one group, compute
the probability distribution of this group. A discrim-
inant function compares the probability of member-
ship of a given point, comparing it with a parame-
ter ρ [0,1]; this parameter is estimated by solving a
quadratic function. Let x
be training exam-
ples belonging to one class X, where X is a compact
subset of R
. Φ : X H is a kernel map which
transforms the training examples to another space.
Then, to separate the data set from the origin, one
needs to solve the following quadratic programming
ρ (4)
subject to
(w · Φ (x
)) ρ ξ
i = 1, 2, . . ., l ξ
0 (5)
If w and ρ solve this problem, then the decision
f (x) = sign((w · Φ(x)) ρ) (6)
will be positive for most examples contained in the
training set.
4.1.2 AE Dimensional Reduction
We provide below a description of the multi layer
sparse Autoencoder NN that we used for preprocess-
ing, against PCA.
AE. An AE is an autosupervised NN that applies
backpropagation and whose objective is to learn to re-
produce input vectors {x(1),x(2),...x(m)} as outputs
{ ˆx(1), ˆx(2),... ˆx(m)}.
In other words, it learns an approximation of the
identity function. By forcing constraints on the net-
work, such as limiting the number of hidden units,
interesting structure about the data can be discovered.
Anomaly detection using dimensionality reduction is
based on the assumption that data has variables cor-
related with each other and can be embedded into a
lower dimensional subspace in which normal samples
and anomalous samples appear significantly different.
Consider an AE with several hidden layers; acti-
vation of unit i in layer l is given by equation 7.
= f
i j
+ b
where W and b parameters are respectively weight
and bias.
Given a training set of m examples, the overall
cost function to minimize is shown in equation 8.
Identify Theft Detection on e-Banking Account Opening
J(W,b) =
kx(i) ˆx(i)k
The first term in the definition of J(W,b) in equa-
tion 8 is an average sum-of-squares error term. The
second term is a regularization term, a weight decay
term aiming to prevent overfitting. The weight decay
parameter λ controls the relative importance of each
of those terms. Four main extensions of AEs have
been developed: Sparse (Deng et al., 2013), Denois-
ing (Vincent et al., 2008), Contractive (Rifai et al.,
2011) and Variational (Goodfellow et al., 2014).
The sparsity constraint we chose in our study
forces the neurons to be inactive most of the time, but
interesting structure in the data can still be discovered.
To enforce the constraint
= ρ , where ρ is a spar-
sity parameter (usually close to zero), we add an extra
penalty term to our optimization objective that penal-
significantly deviating from ρ. Many choices
of the penalty term are possible but common choice is
based on the concept of Kullback–Leibler divergence
(see equation 9).
(W,b) = J(W, b) + β
) (9)
where J(W, b) is defined in equation 8, and β controls
the weight of the penalty term.
In Keras library, the Dense function constructs a
fully connected NN layer. If we enforce a representa-
tion constrained only by the size of the hidden layer,
the hidden layer is learning an approximation of PCA.
To add a sparsity constraint on the activity of the hid-
den representations, so fewer units fire at a given time,
we add in Keras an activity regularizer to our Dense
layer. When we add more than one hidden layer to
an AE, it helps to reduce a high dimensional data to
a smaller code representing important features. The
network used in our study is a 4-layered sparse AE
where each layer is a sparse encoding layer reducing
the number of features by 25% (we observed better
performances with a smooth decay of neuron number
in each layer). Each hidden layer becomes a more
compact representation than the last hidden layer.
4.2 Assessment Metrics
The most frequently used metrics are accuracy and
error rate. Considering a basic two-class classifica-
tion problem, then a representation of classification
performance can be formulated by a confusion ma-
trix (contingency table), as illustrated in table 1. In
Table 1: Confusion matrix. P, N stand for predicted posi-
tive and negative classes, p, n for ground-truth positive and
negative label.
Program prediction
Ground truth
p n
(True Positive)
(False Positive)
(False Negative)
(True Negative)
Count: P
this paper, the minority (fraudulent) class is used as
the positive class and the majority (non fraud) class
as the negative class. With this convention, accuracy
and error rate are respectively defined as in 10 and 11.
Accuracy =
T P + T N
+ N
ErrorRate = 1 Accuracy (11)
It can be difficult to mesure performances of a
classifier on unbalanced data. In the case of highly
skewed datasets, ROC curve may provide an overly
optimistic view of an algorithm’s performance. Un-
der such situations there are three standard assessment
metrics which are useful to unbalanced learning, de-
fined as follows:
Precision =
T P + FP
Recall =
T P + FN
F1-Score =
(1 + β)
· precision · recall
· precision + recall
where β is the relative importance of precision and
recall, usually β = 1.
For our study, we focused on precision, recall
(sensitivity), F1-score and specificity (false alarm
4.3 Evaluation Results
All the hyper-parameters of the models mentioned
above have been tuned using GridSearch() class. Per-
formances described in this subsection are calcu-
lated on a k-stratified cross validation (Mosteller and
Tukey, 1968).
In the preprocessing stage, we tested dimension
reduction using PCA or Multi Layer AE, removal
NCTA 2019 - 11th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
of categorical features, removal of features with low
variance, and oversampling.
To compute confusion matrices and evaluate per-
formance metrics of the classifiers, we divided our
dataset (2200 non fraud / 396 frauds) into a learning
dataset (70%) and a testing dataset (30%). Test set
consists of 660 observations of class 0 (non fraud) et
119 observations of class 1 (fraud). Anomalies are
equally distributed in both learning and test datasets.
Each observation is described by more than 250 fea-
tures (including categorical features with One-hot
representation). Tables 2 to 5 show performances ob-
tained by the candidate models on different prepro-
cessings of the dataset.
Performances are worse on the PCA reduced data
for every classifier and thus demonstrate it is unsuit-
able to our problem. MLP achieved best F1-score
(0.83) on the PCA preprocessing (where the simpler
BLP only performed 0.67). Table 3 shows classi-
fier performances after having applied dimensional
reduction using Multi Layer sparse AE. Performances
are improved for all classifiers. Best performance
was achieved by OCSVM with a F1-score of 0.90.
Tree based models like AdaBoost, DT and RF per-
formed well too. On the 119 fraudulent cases in test
dataset, RF correctly classified 93 of them (with 2
false alarms) and DT detected 101 of them (with 8
false alarms). The MLP also achieved a good F1-
score of 0.84 but with very little improvement com-
pared to performances on PCA preprocessing.
We had more than 20 categorical features in our
initial dataset. When embedded using the One-hot
representation, this created a sparse data matrix with a
lot of low variance features. We decided to test candi-
date models with removal of these attributes and per-
formances picked up as shown in Table 4. OCSVM
with F1-score of 0.93 performed best, followed by
SVM with a F1-score of 0.91. Both of the SVM-
based models were able to detect all fraudulent cases.
We also observed that Naive Bayes made its best per-
formances with this preprocessing with a F1-score of
Table 5 shows performances after oversampling.
In our case, we created synthetical copies of the
fraudulent cases until we reach a balanced distribu-
tion (same number of fraud/non fraud observations).
Test dataset consists of 660 non fraud cases and 660
fraud cases. As expected, classification performances
picked up and all models achieved their best scores
(with a minimum F1-score of 0.68). Random For-
est got the best F1-score of 0.99 (7 false alerts and 5
frauds missed). SVM and OCSVM were able to de-
tect all fraudulent cases and raised less than 30 false
Overall, IForest and LOF did not perform well, as
they mislabeled the fraudulent cases as normal and
caused too many false alarms. They were capable of
detecting at least 75% of the frauds on the oversam-
pled dataset but they were far from meeting Random
Forest or SVM based models performances.
Table 2: Performances with PCA dimensional reduction.
Algorithm Accuracy Recall Precision F1 Score
k-NN 0.8929 0.4797 0.7252 0.5775
SVM 0.9402 0.6085 1.0000 0.7566
DT 0.6737 0.7190 0.8735 0.7888
RF 0.9479 0.6994 0.9453 0.8040
BLP 0.9183 0.5656 0.8484 0.6787
AdaBoost 0.9437 0.7525 0.8612 0.8032
NB 0.2858 0.9570 0.1710 0.2901
QDA 0.8536 0.0404 1.0000 0.0776
IForest 0.4568 0.4604 0.8195 0.5896
OCSVM 0.8447 0.8908 0.4953 0.6366
LOF 0.3880 0.3250 0.8730 0.4736
MLP 0.9538 0.7601 0.9233 0.8338
Table 3: Performances with AE dimensional reduction.
Algorithm Accuracy Recall Precision F1 Score
k-NN 0.9318 0.6464 0.8737 0.7431
SVM 0.9564 1.0000 0.7778 0.8750
DT 0.9666 0.8487 0.9266 0.8860
RF 0.9641 0.7815 0.9789 0.8692
BLP 0.9332 0.7143 0.8252 0.7297
AdaBoost 0.9537 0.7676 0.9156 0.8351
NB 0.6470 0.6723 0.2532 0.3678
QDA 0.3979 0.9412 0.1951 0.3232
IForest 0.9148 0.5378 0.8486 0.6584
OCSVM 0.9730 0.8232 1.0000 0.9030
LOF 0.9248 0.5909 0.87640 0.7058
MLP 0.7330 0.8359 0.8470 0.8414
The amount of time needed for learning and the
time needed for labeling a new observation are two
important criteria that we have not yet taken into ac-
count in this study. Our raw logs needed a heavy ini-
tial cleaning step, and feature creation was the most
CPU consuming. Once the final dataset prepared and
the large learning data matrix created we focused on
reducing the dimensionality disorder by selecting the
best features and by applying different reduction tech-
niques. The preliminary analysis mentioned (sub-
section 3.2) revealed that several categorical features
were useless. With feature selection and application
of dimensional reduction we were able to train all
models in acceptable time although BLP/MLP were
very long to train as their number of hidden neurons
was quite large.
Identify Theft Detection on e-Banking Account Opening
Table 4: With low variance and category features removal.
Algorithm Accuracy Recall Precision F1 Score
k-NN 0.7253 0.8159 0.8535 0.8343
SVM 0.8509 1.0000 0.8504 0.9191
DT 0.9476 0.7601 0.8801 0.8157
RF 0.7723 0.8563 0.8726 0.8644
BLP 0.7369 0.7977 0.8805 0.8371
AdaBoost 0.7272 0.7850 0.8022 0.8298
NB 0.8027 0.9163 0.8600 0.8873
QDA 0.2114 0.0781 0.9005 0.1438
IForest 0.6675 0.7668 0.8281 0.7963
OCSVM 0.9451 1.0000 0.8722 0.9318
LOF 0.9537 0.7601 0.9233 0.8337
MLP 0.8124 0.9527 0.8455 0.8959
Table 5: Performances with oversampling.
Algorithm Accuracy Recall Precision F1 Score
k-NN 0.8097 0.9009 0.8777 0.8891
SVM 0.9713 1.0000 0.9442 0.9713
DT 0.9689 0.9682 0.9697 0.9689
RF 0.9909 0.9924 0.9894 0.9909
BLP 0.9523 0.9621 0.9435 0.9527
AdaBoost 0.9826 0.9712 0.9938 0.9824
NB 0.6750 0.7076 0.6643 0.6853
QDA 0.5477 0.9758 0.5477 0.6833
IForest 0.7222 0.8209 0.8466 0.8336
OCSVM 0.9886 1.0000 0.9778 0.9888
LOF 0.9333 0.6590 0.8729 0.7510
MLP 0.9667 0.9803 0.9543 0.9671
From a business validation point of view, we se-
lected the best models (oversampled Random Forest
and OCSVM) and tested classification to all historical
onboarding accounts (only non fraud). We observed
that our framework labeled some of them as fraud-
ulent and reported them to the dedicated team. On
these alerts, 25% were totally false alerts. In the re-
maining 75%, approximatively half of them were ac-
tually fraud cases mislabeled (often discovered later
and not updated in the tracking file). The other half
were accounts actually under observation because of
fraud suspicion.
In this paper we proposed a ML-based framework for
detecting identity theft on e-banking account open-
ing. We aggregated massive amounts of data, com-
bined several types of features, including behavioral
browsing characteristics. We applied different pop-
ular preprocessing techniques such as oversampling
and dimensional reduction with PCA. Most recent
scientific work now supports the use of auto- or un-
supervised NNs to detect anomalies and reduce di-
mensions while preserving information. In particu-
lar, studies have shown that AEs are able to detect
much more subtle anomalies than conventional linear
techniques such as PCA (Sakurada and Yairi, 2015).
We benchmarked 12 classifiers with different prepro-
cessings and concluded that using multi layer sparse
AE did improve our classification performances com-
pared to PCA. We also observed a clear improvement
of performances just by removing the embedded cat-
egorical features, outperforming scores on PCA and
AE preprocessing. This clearly demonstrates the im-
portance of the training dataset used and the feature
engineering process. However, applying a dimen-
sional reduction was imperative in our case as each
observation was described by a large number of fea-
tures and without dimensional reduction step, classi-
fiers did require a lot more training time. Like other
related banking fraud research (Quah and Sriganesh,
2008; Ahmad et al., 2017; Ryman-Tubb and D’Avila
Garcez, 2010; Kamesh et al., 2019) our work will
now focus on adapting our framework for real-time
streaming data and on the extraction of comprehensi-
ble rules for the business team.
Integrating data-level solutions with classifiers,
resulting in robust and efficient learners, is very pop-
ular in recent years for unbalanced problems (Abdi
and Hashemi, 2016). Some works propose the hy-
bridization of sampling techniques and the use of a
cost-sensitive learning or of kernel-based methods.
We applied the same techniques in our study and
performed expected results: tree-based models (DT,
RF, Adaboost) and SVM based models achieved best
scores, especially with oversampling.
In such cases where the unbalance ratio in the
data is so important, the anomaly is poorly repre-
sented, lacks a clear structure and potentially strong
variance is induced. Direct application of relation-
ship based preprocessing methods such as oversam-
pling can actually damage the classification perfor-
mance and lead to over-fitting. In our case, business
validation on historical data indicates that the selected
RF and OCSVM models are able to fit on new obser-
Our proposed framework is an interesting decision
making tool for detecting identity theft on the digi-
tal account opening. We discovered interesting fraud
patterns and overall, we observed the same results as
other related works: behavior of the fraudsters is sta-
tistically different from legitimate users and real users
browse following a certain pattern. In contrast, fraud-
sters behave more uniformly, generally going directly
to the purpose of their theft, browsing quickly. Un-
NCTA 2019 - 11th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
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Identify Theft Detection on e-Banking Account Opening