The Detection Method of Abnormal Messages based on Deep Neural
Network on the CAN Bus
Chaoqun Xing
1, a
College of Information Science and Engineering, Ocean University of Chain, Shandong, Qingdao, 266100,Chnia
Keywords: Vehicle security, CAN bus, Anomaly detection, Deep neural network.
Abstract: In recent years, with the increase of the number of external interfaces and electronic control units (ECUs) in
vehicles, some unknown attacks about vehicle have emerged, the safety of vehicles has gradually become a
top priority for auto manufacturer and vehicle owners. In this paper, we introduce a new attack model for
the CAN bus of the vehicle and propose a deep neural network (DNN) based model to detect attacks. We
collect normal messages exchanged between the CAN bus by ECUs in real vehicles to construct normal
data sets. According to the existing methods, the ability of the attacker is quantified. Different anomaly data
sets are constructed based on the strength of the attacker. Finally, the performance of the model is verified
by using the normal and abnormal data sets. The detection rate of the proposed method is far more than the
existing methods with good robustness and stability.
At present, automatic driving and Internet of vehicle
(IoV) technology has gradually become a research
hotspot in the automotive industry. The emergence
of these two technologies make the vehicle easily
keep communications with external devices,
breaking the closure of traditional vehicle system.
Such as: vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicles to
infrastructure (V2I)(Biswas, Tatchikou and Dion,
2006). However, the risk of malicious network
attacks on vehicles will also increase with the
development of these two technologies. These
attacks may seriously affect the safety of drivers and
passengers. Many researchers in the field of
automotive safety have reported and proved various
attacks in the networked vehicle. The actual
experiments(Valasek and Miller, 2015) have proved
that attacker use the vulnerability to access some
ECUs in the vehicle remotely and gain control of
them through a series of reverse operations so as to
launch an attack on the vehicle; In(Mastakar, 2012),
an attacker connected to the vehicle's internal
network deceive all ECUs, including safety-critical
components, such as brakes and engines;
In(Checkoway et al.,2011)(Miller and Valasek,
2013), various attack scenarios in the networked
vehicle are shown, such as brake failure, the
information on the panel is incorrect, and so on.
These attacks not only seriously affect the driving
safety, but also cause the automobile manufacturers
to face a certain degree of economic loss.
In order to improve the security of networked
vehicles, relevant researchers have proposed various
defence schemes against attacks on networked
vehicles. Hoppe et al(2011) proposed a method to
detect attacks by identifying significant attack
patterns in vehicular networks (sudden increase or
decrease in the number of CAN messages in a
certain period of time, disappearance of the CAN
ID, etc.). Müter et al(2010) defined eight "anomaly
detection sensors" and six weighted "applicable
standards", and used statistical models to detect
anomalies. However, the above methods only
consider some abnormal situations of CAN bus.
They cannot monitor CAN bus comprehensively and
detect all possible abnormal behaviours. Larson et
al(2008) proposed a specification-based attack
detection method that detects the presence of an
attack by comparing the behaviour of the current
specification system with the predefined patterns.
The limitation of this method is that the system
cannot collect all the specification behaviours in the
In this paper, we use a DNN model to detect
abnormal messages on the CAN bus. We propose a
novel attack method to construct abnormal data sets,
Xing, C.
The Detection Method of Abnormal Messages based on Deep Neural Network on the CAN Bus.
DOI: 10.5220/0008869100850096
In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Vehicle, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (ICVMEE 2019), pages 85-96
ISBN: 978-989-758-412-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
which assumes that the attacker gain the control of
the engine ECU and generate abnormal messages by
arbitrarily modifying the messages sent by the
engine ECU. Abnormal messages correspond to
different movement states of the vehicle, the attacker
injects the message which is inconsistent with the
current movement state of the vehicle into the CAN
bus to launch the attack. Firstly, we collect engine
ECU’s messages in different movement states and
construct the abnormal datasets by using proposed
attack model. Secondly, we use the constructed
normal and abnormal datasets to train the DNN
model. Finally, new messages are classified using
the trained model. The experimental results show
that the model has the advantages of high
classification accuracy rate, low computational
complexity and good compatibility with vehicular
network. The contributions of this paper are as
1. Proposing a deep neural network model to
detect the attacks for CAN messages.
2. Introducing a novel attack model for the CAN
bus of the vehicle and quantifying the attacker's
ability. Different abnormal datasets are constructed
for different levels of attackers.
3. The performance of the model is verified by
The structure of the paper is as follows:
The second part mainly introduces the
background of the CAN bus; the third part
introduces the detection technology for abnormal
messages of vehicles; the fourth part is mainly about
the system model and the attack model. The fifth
part describes our method, including the structure of
network model and the analysis of experimental
results; the last part is the conclusion.
2.1 CAN Bus
The Controller Area Network (CAN) bus protocol is
a serial communication protocol that supports
distributed real-time control with high
security(Gmbh, 1991). It is one of the most widely
used network communication protocols for vehicles.
According to speeds of the data transmission, CAN
bus can be divided into two categories, one is the
high-speed CAN bus with data rate of 125kbps to
1Mbps, mainly used in nodes with high real-time
requirements, such as engine management unit,
electronic transmission control, etc. The other is the
low-speed CAN bus with a data transmission rate of
5 kbps to 125 kbps. It is used in nodes with low real-
time requirements, such as seat adjustment, lighting,
and mirror adjustment.
2.2 The Structure and Transmission
Process of Messages on the CAN
Messages on the CAN bus are mainly divided into
four types: data frames (standard data frames and
extended data frames), remote frames, error frames,
and overload frames. Standard data frames are the
most common and numerous frame types in the
vehicle, Therefore, standard data frames are studied
in this paper. Its fields include: Start Field (SOF),
Identifier Field (ID), Control Field (Control), Data
Field (Data), Cyclic Redundancy Check Field
(CRC), Acknowledgement Field (ACK), and End
Field (EOF). The identifier field determines the
priority of sending messages, it is used to avoid two
nodes competing for the CAN bus at the same time;
the control field represents the size of the data field;
the data field represents the data information carried
by the message; the cyclic redundancy check field is
used to detect errors in the message; the
acknowledgment field confirms whether the node
has received a valid CAN message. The structure of
standard data frame is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. The structure of standard data frame.
Messages on the CAN bus support multiple
access, all nodes send and receive messages through
the CAN bus in the vehicle’s network. At the same
time, messages on the CAN bus are broadcast to all
nodes connected to the bus. Each node receives
messages from other nodes, but only accepts what it
needs and ignore the others. As shown in Figure 2,
after the messages sent by node 1 are broadcast to
nodes 2 and node 3, the two nodes will check the
message to see if they need. If so, receive them;
otherwise, ignore them.
The research about messages on the CAN bus
mainly focuses on the ID and Data fields. In the
standard data frame, the ID field has 11 bits, each ID
corresponds to an ECU with a specific function in
the vehicle; the Data field contains 0-64 bits of high-
dimensional data information transmitted in the
message, representing different parameter values of
the sensor associated with the ECU. In general, the
ICVMEE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Figure 2. The process of transmitting messages on the CAN bus.
Figure 3. Topology between the engine ECU and various components.
ECU with important functions are often connected
with multiple sensors, so there is a fixed ID
corresponding to different Data fields in CAN
messages. Engine ECU is a typical example, the
change of the different bits in the Data field of the
message represents the change of the parameters of
different sensors in the engine, which is intuitively
reflected as the change of the movement state of the
vehicle. In this paper, we focus on the Data field in
the message of the engine ECU.
2.3 The Topology between the CAN
Bus and ECUs
Generally speaking, ECUs are microcontrollers or
ARM chips that are used to control, record, or
change the state of the vehicle. In modern vehicles,
there are usually dozens to dozens of ECUs to
control different modules in the vehicle. For
example, the engine control module (PCM) receives
sensor signals to control fuel supply, air distribution,
and adjustment of engine intake pressure through
complex calculation. The compensation control
coefficient of the engine is also determined
according to temperature, load, detonation and
combustion conditions.
In addition to the ECU, there are a large number
of sensors and actuators in the vehicle. Through their
coordination to complete the complex and intelligent
operation. The topology between the engine ECU
and the various components is shown in Figure 3.
The signal of each sensor in the engine is transmitted
to the engine ECU connected with the CAN bus
through the input signal conversion circuit. The
ECU receives the signal and processes it, then sends
the corresponding control message to the CAN bus.
Finally, the output signal conversion circuit
transmits the signal to the corresponding executive
unit to control the vehicle.
The Detection Method of Abnormal Messages based on Deep Neural Network on the CAN Bus
3.1 Detection Technology of Abnormal
Messages for the CAN Bus
In order to better prevent the malicious attacks on
networked vehicles, the detection technology of
abnormal messages in vehicles has been widely
studied. The technique assumes that the
characteristics of abnormal messages sent by an
attacker are different from normal messages. The
main goal is to detect attackers who attempt to
destroy the integrity, confidentiality or availability
of vehicle resources. When abnormal messages are
detected in vehicles, the detection mechanism of
abnormal messages in vehicles will promptly
informs the driver by some way to trigger
appropriate countermeasures.
3.1.1 Principle of Abnormal Messages
Detection for the CAN Bus
The simplest detection of abnormal messages in
vehicles includes two modules: analysis module and
monitoring module. The analysis module is mainly
used to process CAN messages in vehicles. The
monitoring module is mainly used to extract the
characteristics of incoming CAN messages and
determine the type of CAN messages according to
the training characteristics of existing messages. The
analysis module is a feature database, which
contains all trained features of incoming messages.
Once the monitoring module recognizes a new type,
of the abnormal message, the analysis module
records and updates the feature database. The
general process is shown in Figure 4.
3.1.2 Detection Types of Abnormal
Messages for the CAN Bus
Researchers classify anomaly detection into
signature-based detection and anomaly-based
detection(Loukas et al., 2019)(Singh and Nene,
2013)(Omar, Ngadi and H. Jebur, 2013)(Patcha and
Park, 2007). For abnormal messages, the former
extracts features from the data set of abnormal
messages, generates an intrusion detection system
model of abnormal messages and matches a
signature for each type of messages. However, It
cannot detect if an unknown or a new message is
abnormal. It is a blacklist method. The latter uses
statistical analysis to learn the basic features of each
type of the message to generate the intrusion
detection system model of anomalous messages. It
focuses on judging anomalous behaviour by
comparing with the characteristics of normal
behaviour. It is a whitelist method. Due to the
continuous development of the Internet of vehicles
technology, attacks based on the CAN bus are
endless and unpredictable. Therefore, it is difficult to
extract the characteristics of all attack events for
signature-based detection techniques. In contrast, the
anomaly-based detection method can learn the basic
characteristics of each event, so it is more suitable
for the detection of abnormal messages than the
signature-based detection.
Figure 4. Process of Abnormal Messages Detection for the
CAN Bus.
3.2 Existing Methods for Detecting
Abnormal Messages in Vehicles
The existing detection methods can be
approximately divided into period-based detection
and machine learning-based detection. In the
category of machine learning, we focus on the
detection methods of abnormal messages based on
deep learning, which are commonly used at present.
3.2.1 Period-based Anomaly Detection
Song et al(2016) is based on the fact that most ECUs
in vehicles send CAN messages at a fixed frequency
ICVMEE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
defined by the manufacturer. A lightweight detection
method for abnormal messages in vehicles is
proposed. They mainly analyse the arrival time
interval of messages on the CAN bus. When new
messages appear on the bus, they check the ID value
of the message and the arrival time of the last
message with the same ID value, and identify
anomalies by judging whether the messages appear
within the specified time interval. However, there
will be high false rate if the threshold for calculating
the anomaly is incorrect.
Otsuka and Ishigooka (2018) designed a
detection method for delayed decision periods. The
proposed system only generates error alarms if it
received multiple messages with the same ID field
within a maximum period, which can reduce the
false alarm rate. However, if the attacker injects a
CAN message with the original frequency through
the compromised ECU, the system cannot detect the
abnormal messages.
Cho and Shin(2016) proposed a clock-based
intrusion detection system (CIDS). They modeled
the clock characteristics of each ECU and analysed
the actual attacker according to the clock fingerprint
characteristics. The experimental results show that
the false positive rate of CIDS for detecting various
types of in-vehicle attacks is 0.055%. One
disadvantage of the method is that it is based on
clock offset, which is a physical quantity that may
change with the change of external environment
changes, this method cannot detect the real attacker
3.2.2 Deep Learning-based Anomaly
Detection Method
Deep learning establishes the ability to recognize
and distinguish things by simulating human
thinking. It mainly uses various intelligent
algorithms to find corresponding features from a
large amount of data, and then uses the learned
features in the classification and prediction of new
samples. Deep learning has a multi-level learning
structure, which can perform multiple abstract
transformations on the input features and has
powerful feature expression capabilities. At present,
a large number of deep learning algorithms have
been applied to the detection of vehicle’s abnormal
In(Kang and Kang, 2016), the authors propose a
detection mechanism related to abnormal messages
of vehicles based on deep neural network (DNN)
model. They first extract feature vectors from CAN
messages, then train model parameters using deep
belief network (DBN) and traditional stochastic
gradient descent method. Finally, anomaly detection
is completed by learning the characteristics of data
fields (64 bits) in CAN messages. The results show
that the detection accuracy based on DNN algorithm
is better than that of traditional machine learning
method. Kim et al (2017) designed a system that
classifies vehicle attacks using DNN model. They
used datasets from different attack models as test
sets to test the system. The results show that the
system classify the normal and attacked scenario
Nair et al(1993) established an warning
mechanism to detect abnormal messages. In the
method, CAN messages is used to generate the
transfer probability and emission probability when
the vehicle is attacked. They matched the probability
with the hidden Markov model and analysed the data
related to the time series to generate the test model.
An alert is issued when the monitored message is
abnormal. For example, when the speed of the
vehicle changes abnormally, the system will detect
an obvious abnormality in the messages related to
the speed, then the system will generate an alarm.
However, an obvious defect of the method is that the
system will not generate an alarm when multiple
physical quantities in the vehicle change
The Detection Method of Abnormal Messages based on Deep Neural Network on the CAN Bus
Figure 5. The flow of attacks in the vehicle.
Taylor et al(2016) proposed an anomaly detector
based on recurrent neural network (RNN) to detect
such as temperature. When the external environment
abnormal messages on the CAN bus. The detector
works by learning and predicting the data fields in
the next message sent by each ECU on the bus.
However, the method can only detect the abnormal
messages with the specific ID field.
Rieke et al (2017) proposed to detect abnormal
behaviour in CAN message sequence together with
the implementation of event stream processing in
vehicles. They filtered out normal events and
analysed a small number of abnormal behaviour
caused by abnormal messages. These abnormal
behaviours may cause damage to components in the
actuator of the vehicle. The disadvantage of this
method is that the model takes a long time to train
when the number of events in the vehicle is large. In
addition, because the data field of the CAN message
is not taken into account, the method cannot detect a
circumstance that the data of CAN message is
incorrect but the sequence is correct.
In (Narayanan, Mittal and Joshi, 2017), a multi-
layer context extraction mechanism is proposed. The
authors design a rule-based detection method to
obtain context information related to vehicles. They
collect messages on the CAN bus to generate SWRL
semantic rules and use rules to build context-related
vehicle information. However, similar to a
specification-based approach of machine learning is
not used to construct the SWRL URLs.
We focus on the process of destroying vehicles by
attackers, the method of obtaining normal datasets in
engine ECU of real vehicles, and the way of
constructing abnormal datasets by attackers of
different levels.
4.1 System Model
Generally speaking, messages sent by ECU contain
information of multiple sensors. In this paper, the
experimental vehicle is the 2017 Toyota Vois, we
mainly analyse the engine ECU’s messages which
contain vital information such engine speed closely
related to vehicle’s movement state.
In the model, the main attack is to modify the
content of the message sent by the engine ECU.
Different levels of attackers modify the content of
the message in different degrees. The attack process
is as follows: Firstly, the attacker gains the control
of engine ECU in some way and obtains historical
messages sent by engine ECU. Secondly, he
specifically modifies the data field of the engine
ECU’s messages according to the current vehicle’s
movement state and historical messages to generate
a series of abnormal ECU’s messages. Finally, he
disables the current engine ECU and injects
abnormal messages into the CAN bus through the
comprised ECU to launch the attack, forcing the
movement state of the vehicle to change. The attack
process is shown in Figure 5.
Due to the high similarity between the two types
of messages. we can't detect anomalies by a linear
model. Therefore, we use the deep neural network
model to quickly and accurately detect abnormal
messages in different levels to ensure driving safety.
4.2 Attack Model
At present, there are about two ways for an attacker
to enter the network of the vehicle to gain control of
the ECU. One is to inject malicious messages into
the CAN bus with some special commands through
the OBD interface inserted into the vehicle by
external devices such as laptop; another attacker
uses the remote control unit or entertainment system
to interact with the external network. They hijack
messages that communicate on the bus and forge
them to get the control of the ECU. Compared with
the first attack mode, the second is more flexible and
efficient. In this paper, the attackers mainly use the
second attack mode.
In the attack model, attackers use the comprised
ECU to get messages of the engine ECU in the
stationary vehicle, injecting messages into the
moving state of the vehicle through the comprised
engine ECU to force the vehicle to receive wrong
commands, thus forming an attack on the vehicle.
Here, we have three different levels of attackers:
weak attackers, medium attackers and strong
4.3 Data Set
Data sets are mainly divided into normal and
abnormal data sets, the normal data sets refer to the
data collected during normal movement state of the
vehicle; the abnormal data sets are mainly
constructed by attackers of different levels who
modify normal messages according to their abilities.
ICVMEE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
For normal data sets, we collect normal messages
from engine ECU of the vehicle in stationary and
driving state. We connect the USBCAN-I Pro tool to
the OBD interface of the vehicle and use
ECANTools universal test software to receive
messages of the CAN bus. During the experiment,
we first start the vehicle and keep it in a stationary
state, collecting data for 30 minutes. Then we drive
the vehicle at a constant speed of 30 km/h for 30
minutes to collect the data in a moving state. After
filtering, messages associated with engine ECU in
different states is obtained. The ID and Data fields
of the normal messages are shown in Table 1.
Because there are many kinds of data fields in
messages, we only intercept part of the content of
the data fields here.
Through the analysis and test of two kinds of
data in different states, we find that the message ID
related to engine ECU is 0x2C1. The first and
second bytes in message data field represent engine
intake pressure sensor (red part in the table), the 3rd
and 4th bytes represent engine intake temperature
sensor (green part in the table), the engine speed
sensor is represented by the fifth and seventh bytes
(blue part of the table).
As for the anomalous data set, according to the
description in the attack model, the capabilities of
the three different levels of attackers are as follows:
Weak attackers do not know the actual meaning
represented by each byte in the data field of the
engine ECU’s message, they only modify a single
byte of the data field in the message at random,
which has less impact on the vehicle. Medium
attackers and strong attackers know the physical
meaning of each byte in the data field of the engine
ECU’s message. They launch the attack by replacing
the byte of the corresponding data field of messages
in the moving state with the partial byte of the data
field in the message of the engine ECU in the
stationary state. It may cause serious malfunction of
vehicles. Specifically, the medium attacker can only
modify the bytes of data fields related to a single
sensor in a message, while a strong attacker can
modify the bytes of data fields related to multiple
sensors in a message. Abnormal message related to
the engine ECU of the vehicle are shown in Table 2,
the modifications are marked by horizontal lines.
5.1 The Network Structure
Deep Neural Network (DNN) is an artificial neural
network (ANN) with two or more hidden layers. It
has good effect in solving classification problems
with high data dimension and large amount of data.
At the same time, DNN has been widely used in
computer vision, image processing, speech
recognition and other fields because of its
remarkable classification performance(Krizhevsky,
Sutskever and Hinton, 2012)(Hinton et al., 2012).
Table 1. Normal Messages related to the engine ECU of
the vehicle.
Vehicle's movement
8 1 91 0 9A CC 0
8 2 4 1 50 D 0 F9
8 5 4B 0 8A EA
0 97
0 1 9F 6 6C BF
B A7
8 1 0 0 AF C8 0
0 1 83 FF 30 CC
6 50
0 1 22 4 38 C9 6
8 1 4 0 2 C8 0 A2
Table 2. Abnormal Messages related to the engine ECU of
the vehicle.
Source of
Weak attacker
9 1 0 0 AF C8 0
0 1 83 FF 30 CC 6
0 1 22 4 38 C9 7
Medium attacker
8 2 4 0 AF C8 0
0 1 83 1 50 CC 6
0 1 22 4 38 EA 6
Strong attacker
8 5 4B 0 AF CC 0
0 2 4 0 8A CC 6
0 1 22 0 9A CC 6
The Detection Method of Abnormal Messages based on Deep Neural Network on the CAN Bus
DNN provides an effective way to simulate the
non-linear relationship between input and output.
Therefore, we input the non-linear features in the
CAN message data field into the DNN model to deal
with the problem of abnormal CAN messages
detection in vehicles. The network model used in
this paper is shown in Figure 6. Each node in the
middle hidden layer calculates the output with the
activation function of the input value. In the network
model, the input is a set of K samples
, , d
 where d
, which contains 64-bit data field
feature vectors in CAN bus message, y is the type of
the corresponding message.
Figure 6. The Deep neural network model.
5.1.1 Activation Function
The activation function of the model is ReLU
function, which is a kind of non-linear activation
function. It can alleviate the problem of gradient
disappearance to a certain extent. At the same time,
it can directly train the deep neural network by
supervised learning without relying on unsupervised
layer-by-layer pre-training, thus speeding up the
training speed. In addition, the derivation of function
is very simple. The derivative form of the function is
very simple. Compared with other linear activation
functions, it can represent the complex classification
boundary. Functional formulas and images are
shown in (1) and Figure 7 respectively.
() max(0,)
Figure 7. Rule function.
5.1.2 Loss Function
The loss function of the model is a cross entropy
loss function, which is often used in the
classification problem of unbalanced distribution of
positive and negative samples. It is mainly used to
determine the closeness of the actual output to the
expected output and characterize the distance
between the actual output (probability) and the
expected output (probability). Generally speaking,
the smaller the value of cross-entropy, the two
probability distributions. In general, the smaller the
cross entropy, the closer the two probability
distributions are. The cross entropy loss function is:
[ln (1 )ln(1 )]
() ( )
az wxb
Where y is the expected output, a is the actual
output of the neural network, x is the sample, and n
is the total number of samples. The derivative of the
weight and the bias vector is:
L1 1
() 1 ()
() 1 ()
'( )
(() )
()(1 ())
(() )
Wn z zW
nz z
nz z
ICVMEE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
(() )
It can be seen from the above formula that the
update speed of the weight is completely affected by
σ , that is, the error. If the error is large, the
update speed is fast; otherwise, the speed is slow.
Using the cross entropy loss function can overcome
the problem that the weight of the model is updated
too slowly.
5.1.3 Classifier
The last layer of the model is the softmax classifier.
The classifier is a multi-class regression model
developed on the basis of logistic regression, which
is suitable for classification problems where the
value of a class label is greater than 2. When an
input is given, each output gets a value between 0
and 1, which represents the probability that the input
belongs to the category, finally, the category
corresponding to the input is acquired according to
the maximum probability principle.
5.2 Experiment Setup
The experiment was performed on an Ubuntu system
equipped with a 3.4GHz Intel CPU, using kears in
the high-level neural network database and the open
source TensorFlow framework as the back-end,
which involved the feature extraction, data
processing and training, classification.
5.2.1 Model Parameter
In the experiment, we used a total of 25,000
messages to train network model, Including 20,000
normal messages and 5,000 abnormal messages
from different levels of attackers. We divide
messages into the training set, the verification set,
the test set with a ratio of 6:3:1, so as to avoid over-
fitting in the training process. We used the method
of training and testing at the same time to classify
the data in each set. Finally, all the data is used as a
test set to test the overall performance of the trained
The input layer of the model consists of 64
neurons, corresponding to the 64-bit features of the
data fields in the CAN message; the hidden layer has
3 layers, each layer has 64 neurons; the output layer
contains 4 neurons with softmax function. The type
of messages corresponding to the output label are as
follows: 0- normal, 1-- weak attacker, 2-- medium
attacker, 3--strong attacker. In each training of the
model, the batch size is defined as 128, the learning
rate is 0.001.
5.2.2 Experimental Result
We measure the performance of the model by using
classification accuracy rate, which is the percentage
of the number of messages correctly classified as a
percentage of the total number of messages. We
specifically analysed the classification accuracy rate
of each type of messages and the classification
accuracy rate of all messages of the model. The
experimental results are shown in Figure 8. In order
to enhance the reliability of the experimental results,
we use the k-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) as baseline
to classify the same datasets. The experimental
results are shown in Figure 9.
Figure 8. Classification accuracy rate under the DNN.
It can be seen from the confusion matrix that
when a small part of the data is used as the test set,
The Detection Method of Abnormal Messages based on Deep Neural Network on the CAN Bus
the classification accuracy rates of the two models
are: 98.240%, 87.160%; when all the data are used
as the test set, the accuracy rates are: 99.504%,
93.660%. Therefore, no matter part of the data or all
of the data are used as the test set, the classification
accuracy based on the deep neural network model is
much higher than the traditional machine learning
5.3 Analysis of Results
5.3.1 Impact of Different Levels of Attackers
on the Performance of Models
Figure 9. Classification accuracy rate under the KNN.
According to the confusion matrix, the accuracy rate
of the recognition of messages is different, that is,
the classification accuracy rate of the model changes
with the level of the attacker. For the abnormal
messages sent by different levels of attackers, the
overall classification accuracy rate of the two
models is shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Classification accuracy of two network models
for different types of messages.
Type of
Classification accuracy rate of the
Normal 99.875% 96.825%
98.500% 91.800%
98.000% 87.150%
97.800% 79.450%
As can be seen from the table, the recognition
accuracy rate of both models declines with the
enhancement of the attacker’s level. This is because
weak attackers may only modify constant bytes that
are independent of sensor parameters. It is relatively
easy for the model to recognize messages whose
features vary greatly; Medium attackers can modify
the bytes associated with a certain sensor’s
parameter. The modified message is more similar to
the original message, models are not easy to
recognize such messages; Strong attackers can
modify more bytes than medium attackers. The
characteristics of modified messages are more
similar to normal messages, these messages are
difficult to recognize by models.
5.3.2 Impact of the Number of Hidden
Layers on the Performance of the
We try to modify the number of hidden layers of the
neural network model to find a network model with
the best performance. Figure 10 describes the
classification accuracy rate of each type of messages
and all messages under different hidden layers.
It can be seen from the line graph that the
classification accuracy rate of the model is high
when the hidden layer is 4, regardless of the certain
type of message or all messages. At this time, the
performance of the deep neural network model is
ICVMEE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Figure 10. Classification accuracy rate of the model under different hidden layers.
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quantified and different anomaly data sets are
constructed. Finally, Normal messages of engine
ECU and abnormal messages from different
attackers verify that the deep neural network model
has high classification accuracy for each type of
messages. Which proves that deep neural network
has a good effect in the detection of abnormal
messages on the CAN bus.
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ICVMEE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering