Isolation and Characterization of an Antioxidant Compound from
Kayu Hitam Leaves (Diospyros celebica Bakh.F.)
Helmina Br. Sembiring
and Yuni Romasni Purba
Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Kayu Hitam (Diospyros celebica Bakh.F.), Isolation, Characterization, Methyl Gallate, Antioxidant.
Abstract: Isolation and characterization of an antioxidant compound from kayu hitam leaves (Diospyros celebica
Bakh.F.) had been done by extraction and column chromatography method. Kayu hitam leaves powder was
extracted with methanol and methanol extract reextracted with aquadest. Aqudest extract was partitioned with
ethyl acetate and ethyl acetate extract repartitioned with n-hexane. The residues which are phenolic
compounds were separated by column chromatography (SiO2, chloroform: methanol 90:10, 80:20, 70: 30,60:
40). The isolate obtained was purified with a preparative thin layer chromatography and obtained 9.5 mg of
pure isolate in the form of yellow solid. characterization of pure isolate was determined by UV-Vis, FT-IR
and 1H-NMR spectroscopic analysis. Based on the analysis carried out it can be characterized that the pure
isolate obtained is methyl gallate. The antioxidant activity of methyl gallate was determined based on the
DPPH free radical scavenging method. The activity of the methyl gallate was classified as strong with IC50
value of 4.41 µg / mL.
Kayu hitam (Diospyros celebica Bakh.F.), classified
as luxury wood species. Other names of kayu hitam
in Indonesia including eboni, toetandu, sora, kayu
lotong, kayu maitong, etc. (Prajadinata et al, 2011).
Kayu hitam is endemic to Indonesia that distributes
from Northern Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi to
Southern (Larekeng, 2016). It is durable and strong
wood, the heartwood with black and reddish brown
stripes makes the texture very beautiful and widely
used for luxury furniture, sculpture, carving, fan,
statues, decorative tools, fancy veneer, musical
instruments and ornaments (Prajadinata et al, 2011).
Sawdust from the processing of kayu hitam can
function as a fungicide. At a concentration of 5%
sawdust ethanol extract can cause a clear zone of 11
mm against the growth of Phytophthora palmivora
Butler (Alwi et al., 2010) and Minimum Bactericidal
Concentration (MBC) value of S. aureus and E. coli
were 12% and 13% respectively (Wahyuni et al.,
2018). This is due to, the sawdust extract contain
chemical compounds such as tannins, saponins and
terpenoids (Wahyuni et al., 2018). Ethanol extract of
kayu hitam also had acute toxicity with LD50 value
of 5.168 mg / kg against male mice (Mus musculus)
(Syam, 2016. The toxicity of a plant depends on
various factors, including quanti-consumed, time of
exposure, different parts of the plant, individual
chemistry, climate and soil, and genetic, species
differences and strength of secondary metabolites
(Mounanga et al, 2015).
Secondary metabolites are products of
metabolism found in plants. Secondary metabolite
compounds are divided into several parts, including
phenolic compounds (Cheynier et al, 2013).
Phenolics are characterized by having at least one
aromatic ring with one or more hydroxyl groups
attached (Crozier, et al., 2006). Phenolics are
important components of the human diet due to their
potential antioxidant activity and their capacity to
diminish oxidative stress induced tissue damage
resulted from chronic diseases (Khadem and Marles,
Antioxidants are compounds that neutralize
chemically active products of metabolism, such as
free radicals which damage the body. Sources of
natural antioxidants are primarily phenolics that may
occur in all products and parts of a plant such as fruits,
vegetables, nuts, seeds, leaves, roots, and bark (Hajaji
et al., 2010) and also in woody plants such as Toona
sureni (Ekaprasada, et al., 2009 and in the
Archidendron jiringa plants (Lubis, et al., 2018).
Br. Sembiring, H. and Romasni Purba, Y.
Isolation and Characterization of an Antioxidant Compound from Kayu Hitam Leaves (Diospyros celebica Bakh.F.).
DOI: 10.5220/0008919802340238
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology Innovation (ICOCSTI 2019), pages 234-238
ISBN: 978-989-758-415-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Herein we report the isolation characterization of
an antioxidant compound obtained from kayu hitam
leaves and its antioxidant activity. Chemical structure
was determined based on spectroscophy data
interpretation and antioxidant activity based on
scavenging activity of DPPH(1,1-diphenyl-2-
picrylhydrazil) radical method and ascorbic acid was
used as positive control. Isolation and
characterization of an antioxidant compound
obtained from kayu hitam leaves never been reported.
2.1 Materials
Kayu hitam leaves were collected from the front yard
of the Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Sumatera
Utara, Indonesia. Identification of plant was done at
Herbarium Medanense (MEDA) Universitas
Sumatera Utara. Silica (70 230 mesh, E-merck) for
column chromatography, FeCl
5%, chloroform (p.a
E Merck), silica 60 F254 (E.Merck) for thin layer
chromatography, TLC Preparative 60 F254, Benzene
(p.a E Merck), Acetone (p.a Merck) methanol (p.a E
Merck) and DPPH (Sigma Aldrich). Methanol as
solvent was distilled before used.
2.2 Instrument
H-NMR spectrum was recorded on a Agilent
2NMR 500MHz spectrometer instrument with
CD3OD as a solvent and TMS as an internal standard
and chemical shifts are given in δ (ppm). IR spectrum
were recorded on FT-IR (Shimadzu), UV spectrum
were recorded on Spectrophotometer UV-Vis
(Hewlett Packard Agilent), solvent evaporation with
rotary evaporator (Heidolph), monitoring sample
spots with UV lights (254nm / 356nm, UVGL 58) and
measuring antioxidant activity with a UV-Vis
spectrophotometer (SP-300).
2.3 Procedure
2.3.1 Extraction and Isolation
This extraction and isolation were done based on
Megawati, et al (2015) with a slight modification. The
leaves powder of kayu hitam (1800 g) was macerated
with 8L methanol for 2 x 24 hours. The macerate is
collected, concentrated with a rotary evaporator and
dried on a water bath. Methanol extract (209.63g) was
dissolved with aquadest, the filtrate obtained were
reextracted using ethyl acetate. The solvent in the
ethyl acetate fraction is evaporated to obtained Ethyl
acetate extract. Ethyl acetate extract (32.25 g) was
dissolved with methanol and reextracted by using n-
hexane. The methanol layer was dried using a rotary
evaporator so that the dry methanol extract (12 g) was
obtained. The phenolic compounds in the methanol
extract were separated by using column
chromatography using chloroform: methanol (100:0;
90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40 (%v/%v). Isolates were
collected in the vial every 10 mL and analyzed by
TLC using chloroform: methanol 90:30. Each
fraction with the same Rf value was c combined and
evaporated. Fraction 38-92 (100 mg) at Rf 0.29 was
purified by preparative TLC (Hostettmann et al.,
1995) with chloroform: ethyl acetate 50:50 (% v /%
v) and produced one band spot at the Rf 0.45. The
band spot was crushed, eluted and tested with 5%
, evaporated to obtain pure isolates 9.5 g in the
form of yellow solid. The pure isolate was
identification by UV-Vis, FT-IR and
analysis and antioxidant activity test.
2.3.2 Antioxidant Activity Test
Use Antioxidant activity test for pure isolate from
kayu hitam leaves was done based on free radical
scavenging method using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-
pikrylhydrazil) developed by Molyneux (2004) and
Saranya et al., (2017). Samples and ascorbic acid
were dissolved in methanol (p.a E Merck) with
concentrations of 0.5, 10, 15 and 20 µg/mL. The
inhibition percentage can be determined using
equation formula (1) as follow:
𝒊𝒏𝒉𝒊𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 =
𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆−𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
Isolation and Characterization of an Antioxidant Compound from Kayu Hitam Leaves (Diospyros celebica Bakh.F.)
3.1 Isolation and Characterization
Kayu hitam (Figure 1A) used in this study was the
Ebenaceae family, a species of Diospyros celebica
Bakh. F. with the local name kayu hitam. Pure isolate
was isolated from kayu hitam leaves (Figure 1B) was
phenolic compound, this was evidenced by the
formation of black colloid on the addition of FeCl3
5%. The pure isolate is a yellow solid (Figure 1C).
Identification of phenolic compounds was
determined by UV-Vis, FT-IR and
spectroscopic analysis.
The UV-Visible (CH3OH) spectrum λ
290 nm
which is the length of the gallic acid group (Sujata,
2005) is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 1: A Kayu hitam plant, 1B Kayu hitam leaf, 1C Pure
Figure 2: Spectrum UV-Visible of pure isolate.
This can be supported by the calculation of the
wavelength for UV-Visibel in theory. Main
Chromophore (246 nm), m-OH (2 X 7 nm = 14 nm),
p-OH (25 nm), so that it is obtained λ
285 nm.
Based on the calculation results λ
pure isolate
corresponds to λ
comparative compound that is
gallic acid (Pavia, 2001).
Figure 3: Spectrum FT-IR of pure isolate.
Figure 4:
H NMR spectrum of pure isolate.
FT-IR spectrum of pure isolated was shown in
Figure 3. The FT-IR spectrum for pure isolates
showed (KBr, ν max, cm
) 3468.01 (O-H), 3311.78
(C-H), 2955.02 (C=H), 1618.29 (C = O), 1313.52 (C-
H), 1251.80 (C-O), indicated that the pure isolate has
a group commonly found in phenolic compound
(Andersen and Markham, 2006).
H NMR spectrum
of pure isolate shown in Figure 4. Based on
spectrum (Methanol-D6, 500 MHz, (ppm)) δ 7.04
(2H, s, H-2, H-6), δ 3.81 (3H, s, OCH
), indicated that
pure isolate had two aromatic protons and three
methyl protons. The data in FT-IR and
spectrum are similar to FT-IR and
H NMR data
reported by Ekaprasada, et al. (2009). Based on data
analysis and interpretation carried out on the UV-
Visible, FT-IR and
H-NMR spectrum and
Spectrum reported by Hisham, et al. (2011) it was
stated that pure isolates obtained from the leaves of
kayu hitam plant was simple phenolic compound,
methyl gallate with the structure shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Structure of Methyl Gallate.
ICOCSTI 2019 - International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology Innovation
3.2 Antioxidant Activity of Pure Isolate
Table 1 showed the percentage of inhibition and IC50
values of methyl gallate and ascorbic acid as positive
Table 1: IC50 of ascorbic acid and methyl gallate.
IC50 value of methyl gallate had no significantly
different with ascorbic acid. It showed that methyl
gallate has proton donating ability and could
scavenge the free radical of DPPH.
Pure compound had been isolated from kayu hitam
leaves. Based on the data spectrum UV Vis, FT-IR
and 1H NMR the pure compound was methyl gallate.
Methyl gallate is an antioxidant compound with IC50
value 4.41 μg/mL.
Each We would like to thank to Herbarium
medananse (MEDA), Laboratory of Natural Sciences
Chemistry Faculty of mathematical and Science and
Laboratory of Research, Faculty of Pharmacy
University of Sumatera Utara for identification of
sample, isolation and absorbance measurements in
determining antioxidant activity of pure isolate. We
would also like to thank to Lanang solakhudin and
Elvira Hermawati for the analysis of
Spectrophotometer UV Visible, FT IR and
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, ITB Bandung.
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ICOCSTI 2019 - International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology Innovation