Identification and Analysis of Potential Antioxidants from Leaves of
Eucalyptus robusta PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk.
Chintya Cahaya
, Muhammad Taufik
, Zul Alfian
, Sovia Lenny
and Rizky Hidayati
Postgraduate Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Jl. Bioteknologi No. 1 Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Eucalyptus, Antioxidants, DPPH Method, GCMS, Cineol.
Abstract: PT Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk is a global pulp producing company that develops forest industry concessions and
stores a variety of underutilized biodiversity such as Eucalyptus robusta leaves which are widely found
around the PT Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk forest area. Eucalyptus robusta leaves produce oil that is used as
liniment, cough medicine, perfume, soap, detergent, disinfectant and pesticides. Eucalyptus robusta and
supports its antioxidant potential. Eucalyptus leaves are first described with several solvents, such as
methanol, ethanol and dichloromethane. The potential of antioxidants using the DPPH method on the 1800
Uv-Vis Spectrometer. The antioxidant activity test was carried out with the DPPH method (1.1 diphenyl
pikrilhidrazil) with a variation of sample volume 20; 30; 40; 50; 60 μL. Eucalyptus leaf extract showed
antioxidant activity with IC50 of 8,386 μg / mL. The Eucalyptus leaf extract is categorized as providing
weak antioxidant activity. Analysis of active composition that can be used in eucalyptus leaves using the
GCMS method. The main compounds contained were cineol 52%.
Eucalyptus is a genus of the Myrtaceae family and
has as many as 600 species and subspecies.
Although native eucalyptus originated in Oceania,
these tall green trees spread throughout the world
and occupy an area estimated at between 16 and 19
million hectares (Bułkowskaet al., 2016).
Eucalyptus sp. Plant. (Myrtaceae) has various
species, namely E. camadulensis, E. grandis, E.
pellita, E. tereticornis, and E. torreliana. Planting
of Eucalyptus sp. Where most are found in Sumatra
(Aceh, North Sumatra, Jambi) and Kalimantan
(West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan and South
Kalimantan) (Nair, 2000).
The Eucalyptus robusta species to be carried out
in this study was produced by PT. Toba Pulp Lestari
Tbk, which is one of the HTI companies located in
Indonesia, especially the North Sumatra province
which is the HTI with the largest area in North
Sumatra, where the total area reaches 188,055 Ha.
And the commodities mainly developed are
eucalyptus plants (Eucalyptus spp). Eucalyptus
belongs to fast-growing plants or better known as
Fast Growing Species. One location in North
Sumatra that has a high biodiversity composition is
at PT Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk where TB has
developed eucalyptus plants to be used as raw
material for paper making but which is still utilized
from eucalyptus plants still in wood and its
branches lack of utilization of Eucalyptus leaves in
the area Toba Pulp Lestari which actually has the
potential to be used as raw material for making
essential oils or better known as eucalyptus oil
which can be traded as a precursor in chemical
The effects of etiologically free radicals have
been believed to be the cause of various chronic and
aging diseases. This is because these reactive free
radicals can attack various biomolecules.
Antioxidants can come from natural or synthetic
ingredients. Synthetic antioxidants include BHA
(butyl hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butyl
hydrozxytoluene). Antioxidants derived from
natural ingredients include vitamin E (- tocopherol)
and resveratrol. Both are natural phenolic
antioxidants (Hart et al, 2003).
Cahaya, C., Taufik, M., Alfian, Z., Lenny, S. and Hidayati, R.
Identification and Analysis of Potential Antioxidants from Leaves of Eucalyptus robusta PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk..
DOI: 10.5220/0008920002450248
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology Innovation (ICOCSTI 2019), pages 245-248
ISBN: 978-989-758-415-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Synthetic antioxidants have a harmful effect if
consumed by humans. Synthetic antioxidants such
as BHT (Butyl Hydroxy Toluene), TBHQ (Tertiary
Butyl Hydroquinone) can increase the occurrence of
carcinogenesis in humans (Amarowicz et al., 2000)
and liver damage (Osawa & Namiki, 1981).
Therefore, natural antioxidants are more
recommended for human consumption. This fact
encourages a lot of research done to look for natural
ingredients that can be used as antioxidants
(Rohman & Riyanto, 2005).
The working principle of GC-MS is based on
differences in the polarity and molecular mass of
samples that can be evaporated. Samples in the
form of liquid or gas are directly injected into the
injector, if the sample is solid, it must be dissolved
in a solvent that can be evaporated. The flow of gas
flowing will bring the evaporated sample to enter
the column. The components in the sample will be
separated based on the partition between the mobile
phase (carrier gas) and stationary phase (column).
The result is a gas molecule which will then be
ionized in a mass spectrophotometer so that the gas
molecule will experience fragmentation in the form
of positive ions. Ions will have a specific ratio
between the mass and the charge (Fowlis, 1998).
The principles of the Gas Chromatography -
Mass Spectrometry tool are: Sample injection can
be done manually or use an automatic sample taker
through a rubber seal that can be closed again. The
sample is evaporated on the portal part of the
injection which is heated and subjected to
condensation at the top of the column. The column
can be a packed capillary column or column, which
will be discussed in more depth. The mobile phase
used to carry samples through the column is a gas -
usually nitrogen or helium. The column is closed in
an oven which can be set at a temperature between
room temperature and approximately 400 ° C. The
detector used is mass spectrometry (MS). The
University of North Sumatra sample is inserted into
the instrument source by heating it at the end of a
sensor until it evaporates, aided by very hollow in
the instrument If it is in the vapor phase, the analyte
is bombarded with electron electrons produced by
the rhenium or tungsten filaments, which are
accelerated towards a positive target with an energy
of 70 eV. Two types of systems are usually used to
separate ions based on load comparisons of their
mass (Watson, 2005).
2.1 Materials
The main material for this research is Eucalyptus
robusta. The solvent used in the distillation process
is aquadest. The reagents used in the DPPH test are
2,2-diphenyl-1-pikril hidrazil (DPPH) and
methanol. The instrumentation used for sampling
samples included the 1800 shimadzu UV-Vis
2.2 Preparation of Sample
Leaves are obtained from PT. Toba Pulp Lestari
which is located on Jl. Indorayon Subdistrict Dolok
Nauli, Toba Regency Samosir, North Sumatra. The
selected leaves are leaves along with stems 5-10 cm
from the top of the plant. Taking is done in the
morning at 7-9 in the morning.
The fresh leaves obtained are immediately
separated from the stem. Then the leaves are
chopped using a cutter and scissors to produce
chopped ingredients with a length of ± 0.5-1.0 cm.
Plant identification has been carried out in the
in the Department of Biology, University of North
Sumatra. Samples in the form of: Fresh leaves in a
single branch between 10-15 cm from the top.
2.3 Sample Extraction
Eucalyptus leaves dried for 24 hours at room
temperature. Then the sample is weighed as much
as 150 grams and inserted into a 1000 mL size
flask. Adding aquabides to taste is then connected
to a Stahl distiller, and boiled for ± 5-6 hours at ±
100 ° C to produce oil and distillation ends when
the distillate is clear. The essential oil obtained is
accommodated in the Erlenmeyer glass. The
distillate obtained is a mixture of oil and water.
Then the oil layer was added to CaCl
anhydrous to
bind water which might still be mixed with essential
oils, the oil layer was decanted and put into vial
bottles, stored in a coolant in a bottle and tightly
closed. Then extracted samples are stored in glass
bottles for further analysis.
2.4 Characterization
2.4.1 Analysis of GC-MS
The Specifications Instrument GC-MS QP 2010S
Shimadzu, using Column 5MS with type of ion
ICOCSTI 2019 - International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology Innovation
source Electron Impact, Injector Temperature:
C, Carrier Temperature: 50
C, Carrier: Helium,
Gas flow rate of carrier: 1.0 mL / min, Temperature
oven: 50
C for 5 minutes then 240
C for 7 minutes.,
Ionization electron: 70 ev.
The solution of each 1 μL standard sineol series
was inserted into the syringer to be injected into the
GCMS. Only the conditions adjusted to the
conditions of each piece of equipment and then
observed Mass Chromatogram data generated
interpreted data. Obtained data then in Perform
calculations to get the calibration curve and do the
determination of levels through the equation.
2.4.2 Analysis of Antioxidant Potential
Analysis of antioxidant potential in essential oils
with Ultraviolet-Visible spectrophotometry method
3.1 Test Antioxidant Activity
The DPPH radical capture method is based on
DPPH radical solution color changes due to the
administration of compounds that are antioxidant.
Antioxidant interactions with DPPH either electron
transfer or hydrogen radicals at DPPH will
neutralize the free radical character of DPPH. If all
the electrons in the DPPH free radical are paired,
then the color of the solution changes from dark
purple to bright yellow. This color change will be
observed in the form of a decrease in DPPH
Max determination was carried out by scanning
survey tests on the uv-vis spectrophotometer. This
test produces max DPPH at 517 nm. After obtaining
the max value then it is determined the reaction
time between DPPH and the test sample. This test is
carried out by reacting the DPPH with the test
material sample then observing the change in
absorbance from time to time to get a constant
absorbance reading.
Shows that the radical capture reaction by the
test material has occurred perfectly. Eucalyptus
robusta extract until the 60th minute has not seen a
constant reading, but the difference in absorbance
between times is not too large, so the reaction time
for Eucalyptus robusta extract is set to 60 minutes,
while for the test material the methanol extract
absorbance reading shows a constant value in
minutes 25th, so that the reaction time for methanol
extract is set to 25 minutes.
Even though some fluctuations in the
concentration of the test material, this radical
capture action shows an upward trend along with
the increase in concentration. Positive control of
quercetin indicates radical capture, this indicates
that the test method carried out runs correctly.
Overall the results above show that the
Eucalyptus robusta methanol extract has an IC50
value of 8,386g / mL of the test material which has
weak antioxidant effectiveness, making it less
effective as an antioxidant.
3.2 Analysis of Compound Content in
E. robusta
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of compound
content in Eucalyptus pellita using GC-MS
instrumentation. The results of GC-MS Analysis
were then carried out with data interpretation. The
Qualitative Analysis results show that there are 17
(seventeen) compounds in the form of a
chromatogram which has seventeen peaks.
The results of GC-MS analysis on Eucalyptus
robusta leaf essential oil showed that the
compounds in essential oils contained 17 (twelve)
peaks of compounds contained with a large
abundance of 52% cineol compounds from the
results of the chromatogram produced by Gas
Chromatography then broken down into
The Eucalyptus robusta test material has
antioxidant activity with an IC50 value of 8,386
wherein the compound has weak antioxidant
activity and GC-MS Analysis Results on Eucalyptus
robusta leaf essential oil shows that the compound
in the essential oil has 17 (twelve) peak compounds
contained in the abundance of cineol compounds as
much as 52%.
The authors gratefully acknowledge
Kemenristekdikti of Republik Indonesia for the
financial support via DRPM Project 2019.
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ICOCSTI 2019 - International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology Innovation