Hate Speech on Social Media:
Netnographic Studies on Facebook Fanpages 2019 Change the
Mohammad Agung Akhdani, Nawiroh Vera
Universitas Budi Luhur
Keywords: Hate Speech, Netnography. Social media, Facebook Fanpages
Abstract: Social media is often a means to spread the utterance of hatred. Many cases of hate speech that we can see
on social media. The purpose of this study is to see what forms of hate speech on social media are posted by
Facebook fanpages 2019 Change President. The approach used in this study is descriptive-qualitative with
the Netnography method. Netnography is a method used to see social or cultural phenomena that occur in
cyber space. Phenomenon of hate speech by facebook fanpages 2019 Change the President to be analyzed
by using four levels, namely media space, media documents, media objects and experience. The results of
this study at the level of the media room, Facebook fanpages 2019 Change the President was used as a
media that spread the utterance of hatred. at the level of media documents, content posted by facebook
fanpages 2019 Change President in the form of writing, photos, memes, pictures and videos containing
utterances of hate speech. At the level of the media object, one user with another user can interact through
the comment column. However, the interaction that occurred in the comments column also indicated
speeches of hatred. In the level of experience, this Facebook fanpages are used to invite or incite other users
to also make an indication of the expression of hatred towards certain parties.
Based on the report issued by digital annual we are
social and hoot suite, social media growth this year
reached 13 % with the total number of reached 3
billion. The, from the use up still dominate.
Figure 1. (Source: https://wearesocial.com/)
Figure 2. (Source: https://wearesocial.com/)
2018 active users of Facebook recorded two
thirds market by a number of users more than 2, 17
billion. Rose by almost 15 % compared to the
previous year .From the data was quoted as saying in
the Kompas tekno in we are social, 3/2/2018.
Indonesia contributed the number of facebook user
its fourth largest the order globally with a number of
users 130 million has gone up by about 6 % from the
previous year. The social media now make each
users can access share information through the
internet network without know time.
Akhdani, M. and Vera, N.
Hate Speech on Social Media: Netnographic Studies on Facebook Fanpages 2019 Change the President.
DOI: 10.5220/0008930001030107
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on IT, Communication and Technology for Better Life (ICT4BL 2019), pages 103-107
ISBN: 978-989-758-429-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
According to Caleb T .Carre and Rebecca
A.Hayes (2015), social media is media based the
internet that allows users had the opportunity to
interact and which the percentage of uranium
themselves, good in real or delayed, with a wide
audience and not being driven the value of content
and perceptions used-generated interaction with
others .This means that social media is currently
very affect the lives of participate in community
events. Unfortunately, the development of
communication technologies it often abused by
people or certain groups to shall advance towards
and defamatory. Social media is often a means to
spread hatred. Many cases resentment speech we can
see in social media. The internet provide ideal for
investors hate speech, not only because one of them
is anonymity but also because the internet provides
distribution of cheap and instant and can access and
posted in many places (Cohen-almagor , 2011 ).
According to Jubany and Roiha (2015), hate
speech all sorts of expression, spread incite,
promoting or justify. Racial hatred. Hate speech
includes any of their intended to harm the, ethnic
group, religion or national, violate the principles of
dignity and respect for the cultural divide between
people. Hate speech in cyberspace become more
serious due to not just made in a community to
gather and protest. But, in further speech hatred
designed for threatening a group publicly and acting
as propaganda for organizations offline. A hater of
group, using the site web to allot the ideology and
other propaganda to connect to the site and for
recruiting new members, support violence and
threatening the other (Cohen-almager, 2011) .In a
more far, the speech sound hatred in the virtual
world considered move could set a violent onset and
discrimination in the real world between certain
Share is one of the characteristic of social media.
This medium are not just producers of content that is
built of and consumed by the users , but also in
distributable as well as developed by the users ~
(Benkler, 2012: Cross,2011). In Indonesia the
proliferation of social media content that contain
hate speech was during the 2019 to general election.
This research focus on hate speech by Facebook
Fanpages 2019 Replace The President. Facebook
fanpages 2019 replace the President it has 12.617
followers and 12.450 likes.Some member’s fanpages
speech is spreading hatred for the presidential
candidates that is Jokowi & Maaruf Amin. The
following post and some comments from facebook
fanpages 2019 replace The President.
Figure 3
Figure 4
This research using by methods of netnography.This
method research culture in a society, the difference
is that citizens who are focus. Netnography is the
world community digital. Netnography have evolved
to help us understand the online world in a more
comprehensive. Approach netnography adapted to
help scientists learn, not only, forum , chat and news
groups, but also, blog audiovisual, a chart picture,
and, podcasting, communities, virtual world the
players, game mobile, and social media.
Netnography is ethnography online of a group
that studies, complex cultural practices catch our
attention to the base and an abstract idea a, meaning,
social practices, relations language and. system of
signs. In addition, with research methodology of
netnography, researchers analyzed, comparing and
interpret the communication based on speech hatred
in the cultural, by understanding the habit or
behavior in facebook fanpages 2019 replace the
president .
Rulli Nasrullah (2014), offer analysis method.
Cyber media. This method consisting of 4, level
ICT4BL 2019 - International Conference on IT, Communication and Technology for Better Life
namely (media space), (media archive), (media
object), and (experiental stories).
3.1 Analysis based on communication
Researchers have read some of the posts in these
Fanpages such as written text, images and photos
that contain elements of hate speech. From several
posts and comments on this Fanpages, researchers
have classified the data containing hate speech for
research purposes. From some of the posts and
comments contained on this Facebook Fanpages,
researchers have selected various kinds of issues
containing hate speech elements.
Figure 5: Display of Facebook Fanpages 2019 Change
From the sample above, there was a post by
Facebook Fanpages on March 13, 2018 which
contained the release of Siti Aisyah from
punishment in a Malaysian court. This news has
become a controversy, some have supported and
some have not. Then, the posts from the Facebook
Fanpages contain hate speech elements, where the
contents of the posts are as follows:
“Si #Jancuk kacung taipan PDIP mendustai
rakyat Indonesia dan dunia. Perdana menteri Dr
Mahathir Mohammad membantah si dongo.”
In the post, there were several headlines on
online news that discussed the case of the release of
Siti Aisyah from punishment in a Malaysian court.
This case is a controversy, because there are several
online news stories that say that the release case is
purely legal. There is also online news that says Siti
Aisyah's case was released thanks to Jokowi's lobby
to PM Mahathir. In this case, Facebook Fanpages
2019, the President gave a response through his post
containing elements of hate speech. Hate speech in
the text is found at the beginning and end of the
sentence. The first sentence there is the word
"Jancuk" which is the Javanese language and the
meaning is fucks. There is also the word "Kacung"
which means maid. "Jancuk" and "kacung" were
addressed to Jokowi, then at the end of the sentence,
"Dongo" said, "Prime Minister Dr Mahathir
Mohammad denied the Dongo." Dongo means Lack
or Fool. It's clear that this post contains the element
of hate speech. The post on these Fanpages spread
hatred so that the public was provoked to comment
negatively on the topic of the conversation.
The level of media space, various devices
provided by Facebook as social media, are basically
a means to interact and exchange information with
other users. In this fanpages page in the post section,
there is a photo cover where the picture shows that
Facebook Fanpages supports number two candidate
pairs, namely Prabowo-Sandi.
Based on the results of this post, the researcher
received 15 comments, 104 likes, and 29 times were
shared. Furthermore, the researchers categorized the
comments based on these postings, namely those
that were pro, contra and neutral. In the pro
category, it will be marked with comments that
support or give a positive response to the post. Then,
the counter category will be marked with comments
that do not support and do not respect or commit
abuse. Neutral categories meant here are comments
that are not included in the category of supporting or
rejecting or having nothing to do with the issues of
the post. Neutral categories here include accounts
that only give likes in the form of emoticons as well
as comments.
Figure 6: Comment Facebok Fanpages 2019 Change
President (Pro)
Hate Speech on Social Media: Netnographic Studies on Facebook Fanpages 2019 Change the President
Figure 7: Comment Facebok Fanpages 2019 Change
President (contra)
At the level of media documents on Facebook
Fanpages2019, the President's Change consists of
various types of content in it such as writing,
images, photographs and videos. In the post
published on March 13, 2018, the data is based on a
pro account of 10 accounts. While the contra is only
1 account and 4 are neutral. there are also accounts
that only give likes emoticons to posts and
comments. The researcher found indications of hate
speech in the comment column related to the
postings of these fanpages. The researcher chose a
pro comment and a contra comment on the fanpages'
posts. In picture 3 above, it can be seen that the
comment shows the agreement with these fanpages.
However, these users respond to posts by using rude
and disrespectful words like "Goblok and Tai"
(means: Stupid and Shit). the word is categorized as
the word hate speech. Besides the pro comments
above, researchers also found contradictory
comments on the posts of this fanpages. Facebook
account named Edi Jupriyanto commented on the
posts of this fanpages using images. In figure 4 there
is a photo of Prabowo-Sandi as well as other
political figures. Then, there was the writing
"Coalition of Liars and Production Present Present".
This commentary contains elements of hate speech,
because the response made uses the words "shit".
According to Javanese terms, kampret is a bat child.
The researcher saw that each post containing
elements of hate speech could provoke other users to
comment with words or utterances of hatred.
At the level of media documents, researchers
found that there are comment columns that can be
used by other users to convey their arguments or
opinions about posts on these fanpages, giving rise
to pro and contra opinions. In addition, not only the
comment column is used by other users to convey
their arguments and opinions. But, what about the
comments expressed by other users, used to drop
other individuals with speech of hatred through the
messages conveyed in the comments field.
Based on the analysis, the researchers saw that
the posts submitted by Facebook Fanpages 2019
Replace the President, always led to responses or
comments from netizens both pro, contra and
neutral. However, some posts and some comments
still contain utterances of hatred, both in the form of
written text, photos and images. In this context,
researchers use levels on media objects to describe
how Facebook users interact or engage in virtual
space or on the online world. New technology and
the presence of social media today can change the
culture of account owners or other social media
users. Seeing this change, it refers to users of social
media to spread hate speech through mentions and
From the results of the analysis and discussion about
the utterances of hatred on social media with
Netnographic Studies on Facebook Fanpages 2019
Change this President, it can be concluded as
1. Facebook Fanpages 2019 Change the
President is one of the fanpages that is used to
spread hate speech on social media. Through
its posts, these fanpages take action to express
hate by responding to issues that are currently
being discussed, and provoking other users to
utter hate speech to certain parties.
2. Media documents contained on Facebook
fanpages 2019 Change this President, has
various kinds of information and posts in the
form, photos, videos, images, memes, and also
captions / statuses that contain utterances of
hate. The content contained in this fanpages
contains discussions about politics, race,
ethnicity, religion.
3. In media objects that are on facebook
fanpages 2019 Change the President,
researchers see the interaction activity that
occurs in other users in the comments column.
The interactions that are carried out on users
are by utilizing the facilities that have been
provided by Facebook, namely in the
comments column, by giving likes and shares
to the posts that are on these fanpages.
4. At the level of media experience, researchers
see that there is no match for answers from
admin fanpages 2019 Change the President to
ICT4BL 2019 - International Conference on IT, Communication and Technology for Better Life
posts, and also from user comments on these
fanpages. Admin fanpages said that "we have
removed many comments that insult the
opposition, because we consider them
immoral, immoral and not accompanied by
real facts and evidence", but what has been
mentioned is very different. In this fanpages,
researchers see that there are still many posts
and comments that contain elements or are
indicated by hate speech, so that they can
provoke other users to take part in acts of
speech hate.
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Speech: A Comparative Cross-Country Analysis,
Universitas de Barcelona.
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Nasrullah, Rulli. 2017. Media Sosial Perspektif
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Sumber online
Cohen-Almager, Raphael. 2011. “Fighting Hate and
Bigotory on the Internet”. Policy & Internet. Vol. 3, h.
ting_Hate_and_Bigotry_on_the_Internet diakses pada,
23 September 2018, pukul: 19.00 WIB.
Hate Speech on Social Media: Netnographic Studies on Facebook Fanpages 2019 Change the President