History of Indonesia's War Independence in Novel Larasati by
Pramoedya Ananta Toer: New Historicism Approach
Andri Wicaksono, Emzir, and Zainal Rafli
Department of Language Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Historical Reality, War of Independence, New Historicism
Abstract: The historical reality in Indonesian novels with a New Historicism perspective focuses on history and
literary issues. The Indonesian novel, Larasati, by PramoedyaAnantaToer represents the historical events of
the Indonesian struggle (period 1945-1949) in different colors with historical texts in general. Therefore,
this study aims to describe in depth the objective-imaginative reality of the nation's struggle in the novel
The research method used was qualitative interpretive with a parallel reading between literary texts on
events that represent the history of the nation's struggle. The results show, in general, that historical reality
during the war for independence, namely the struggle to continue to uphold the independence. The novel
illustrates the situation of the Indonesian revolutionary upheaval after an uncertain proclamation due to the
absence of stability of power. On the one hand, de jure Indonesia is an independent nation, but on the other
side Dutch power still persists. Finally, the results of this study may have implications on the growing sense
of nationalism as a manifestation of the strengthening of the nation's character through creating prime
qualified human resources.
As one of the products of literature, novels play an
important role in giving a view to addressing life in
an imaginative artistic manner. This is possible
because the issue discussed in the novel is a matter
of man and humanity. Novel developments in
Indonesia quite rapidly, as evidenced by the many
new novels published. The novels have a variety of
themes and content, among other social problems,
which generally occurs in the community, including
those associated feelings and psyche. This is very
interesting to talk about because the soul is the
essence of life of animate creature.
Novel as a form of literary work is expected to
bring positive values to the audience so that they are
sensitive to problems related to social life and
encourage good behavior. Novels are also
expressions of social phenomena in aspects of life
that can be used as a means of knowing humans and
their times. The novel that is increasingly shining in
the present is nothing but a continuous story about
humans that is polished in such a way by creative
This understanding implies the bargaining
position of literary works as a form of expression
and reflection of literary thoughts on the reality of
life faced in the past. The connection between the
development of the literary world and social change
in society is made possible by the function and
position of literature as part of the system of cultural
arts. The development of literature in various forms
including historical novels is a way for writers to
express and express ideas in a novel work that still
retains elements of history as an important part of
novel substance.
Compared to historians, writers actually have
more free space when they want to convey a
reflection of their evaluations of past history. As the
Mahayana (2005) said, subjectively, writers can
interpret and construe the facts or events of
historical importance. It can also deliver other
alternatives behind historical events.So, writers can
make historical facts and events as the background
of their creative work. However, they can also use
historical facts and events to convey critical notes or
to reveal events that might have escaped historical
records.However, as a creative work these parallels
are not as 'plagiarized' of historical reality. Literary
works choose material contained in society
(including historical reality), process it in
combination with the author's imagination so that the
Wicaksono, A., Emzir, . and Rafli, Z.
History of Indonesia’s War Independence in Novel Larasati by Pramoedya Ananta Toer: New Historicism Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0008993400320040
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 32-40
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
reality in the novel with reality in Indonesian history
is not exactly the same.
When literary works can be used as historical
references, literature has proven itself to be a science
that not only speaks of creativity and a series of
imaginations, but can also function as a historical
document. So those, the humanities can eventually
penetrate the confines of a binding nature as a
Literary works of historical value are usually
taken from history. Likewise with the use of
language, between historical writings and literary
works are different. History is more likely to use
referential symbolism by pointing explicitly at
objects, thoughts, events, and relationships. While
literature has more subjective messages from the
author (Kuntowijoyo, 2006). Historical literary
works are historiography.
The relationship between literary work and the
reality that occurs in society shows that to
understand literary works, studies are needed that
involve the relationship between literary works and
social aspects.By understanding literary works in
relation to the national struggle, it is not impossible
for a literary reader to rediscover the reality or
historical representation depicted in literary works.In
this case, history, especially relating to past events,
is not only found in historical texts, but also in
literary works, such as novels.Based on a
preliminary reading of a number of modern
Indonesian novels, can be found a number of novels
depicting the events of history of national struggle
during the war of independence (1945 - 1949) that
have occurred in Indonesia.The background
selection here is determined to facilitate the
collection of existing historical literature; literature
as a historical document.
In Taum's research (2013), material objects used
are also literary texts and non-literary texts, namely
texts narrating the years 1966-1998 which are
examined according to historical blocks. In
accordance with the approach model used, these
texts are seen as discursive formations produced
based on an episteme which is a grammar of
knowledge production.
Previous studies of the War of Independence
(Wicaksono, 2018a; 2018b) showed that during the
revolutionary period, Indonesian literature,
especially novels, was concerned with various
representations of the War of Independence. Among
the various means of representation / such as history
textbooks, monuments, museums, and the media
generally dominated and voicing the interests of the
ruler (state), literature has the attitude and views are
not always in line with the willingness. For this
reason, this study is in-depth to bridge the historical
findings contained in the literary text.
These problems will be analyzed using the New
Historicism approach by Greenblatt. In his study,
both theoretically and in practice, Greenblatt (in
Brannigan, 1998) focused on the issue of history and
literature.The disciplinary expansion which includes
the study of textuality, language and representation
is basically based on historical analysis; the effect of
literary criticism on history, namely by reading
history as a text.
The historical reality in Indonesian novels with a
New Historicism perspective is theoretical studies
and practices that focus on historical and literary
The expansion includes the study disciplinary
textuality, language, and representation are basically
based on a historical analysis; the effect of the
history of literary criticism, by reading history as a
text.In this case, the historical reality relating to past
events is not only found in historical texts, but also
in literary works, for example Indonesian novels set
against the war of independence from 1945 to
1949.The novels which are characterized by the
background during the independence war are one of
the works of Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Pramoedya
Ananta Toer's novel which is the focus of this
research is Larasati (2003).The novel allegedly
represents the historical events of the Indonesian
struggle (the period 1945-1949) in different colors
with historical texts in general.
In accordance with the elaboration on the
problems in literary (novels) with history, in this
paper it is pursued on the issue of historical reality in
a novel set in the war of independence.In more detail
the purpose of this study is to describe in depth the
history of the nation's struggle (objective-
imaginative reality) found in the novel Larasati by
2.1 Historical Value in Literary
The process of the values of human life is realized,
identified, and absorbed into a more conscious
possession and then developed. But, values can help
us realize, acknowledge, deepen, and understand the
nature of the relationship between values and their
roles and uses for life. According to
Koentjaraningrat (2009), there are similarities in
science and knowledge about values, namely value
History of Indonesia’s War Independence in Novel Larasati by Pramoedya Ananta Toer: New Historicism Approach
is something that is considered valuable by humans
or groups of humans. A value if lived by someone,
will greatly influence the way of thinking, how to
behave, or how to act in achieving the goals of his
life. The value contained in literary works depends
on the perceptions and understanding that the reader
gets through literary work. Not all perceptions and
understandings are obtained as expected. This value
can only be obtained by the reader if the reading
work touches his feelings.
Good literary works always contain values. The
value is packaged in the form of the structure of
literary work, which implicitly is in the plot, setting,
character, theme, and mandate. In the beginning,
literature was indeed closely related to the problem
of creativity and intense with the imaginary region.
However, in the latter era, with the presence of new
methods in examining literature, it turned out that
the document (works) of literature could be used as a
historical source (historical textbook).These genre
novels have destined history as their object, even
surrendering themselves to swimming in a series of
histories that are often hidden by time spans.The
new role of this literary work is controversial,
because although it could be used as a source of
history, on the other hand the literary work remains
inseparable from its substance imaginative at once
fictitious.According to Kuntowijoyo (in Surur,
2015), history is different from literature in terms of:
ways of working, truth, overall results, and
Historical novel was born as an answer to the
problematic intellectual and literary a time by using
the past as a reflection. Historical reality appears in
historical novels. According to Lukacs (in
Kuntowijoyo, 2005), in historical novels there are
various indicators, namelyhistorical authenticity,
historical faithfulnes, and local colour.Another
opinion expressed by Sumardjo and Saini (1988)
which gives a term in the study of historical values,
namely factual and fictitious terms; more
specifically objective reality (facts) and imaginative
(fictitious) reality.This fact in literature studies is
more prominent when compared to its imaginative
side that imaginative reality created by writers
departs from objective reality.
2.1.1 Objective Reality
Objective reality is a fact that really exists and
occurs in the real world so that it can be verified by
empirical data (Nurgiyantoro, 2009). The presence
or absence of data stated in literary works that are
empirically proven is the one that distinguishes
works of fiction and non-fiction. Events, places, and
figures revealed in fiction can be imaginative,
whereas in non-fictional works such things are
factual. The word fact comes from Latin, namely
factum (past participle form of the word facaere) and
in English is equivalent done as a past participle
form of the word to do. In German, the word has a
meaning for the word alignment factum, ie tatsache
same meaning, which is' already done with real
action (Susanto, 2012). Thus, the fact of having an
understanding as a result of human action, acting
and doing visible.
When associated with facts and fiction, reality
and fabrication in a broad sense, history turns out to
be contrary to literature. As it is known that history
is a reality, a factual event that happened in the past.
While the essence of literature is imagination and
creativity.But, historians and writers see it in a
different perspective. Fact and fiction not to be
contrasted, but combined to find the hidden element
in providing an understanding optimally to each
field of science.True literature is an imaginative
work, but inventions based on reality.Reality as the
nature of history also considers the relevance of
imaginative elements contained (Ratna, 2011).From
that sense, it can be abstracted meaning of facts and
imagination, although it is different and difficult to
put together, both can mutually support each other.
Objective reality (historical facts) in the mind of
history is a realist statement. Historians express
everything by expressing it seriously and
fundamentally. The statement is confirmed by
reality. Conversely, a writer describes facts in free
interpretation so that his imaginary elements change
the meaning of facts. Thus, although three writers
write the same facts, different works will be born.
2.1.2 Imaginative Reality
Literature is the work of the author's imagination.
However, with the capability of understanding on an
issue in depth, imagination structure will provide a
more accurate picture than with science. In the
relation of literature as imaginative works with facts
or reality are very thin because writers first move
from the realist thing and then interpret, explaining
in a work that is of course imaginative. Therefore,
imaginative literature has the authority to provide
information, explanation, understanding, and new
views, and gives meaning to the reality of
life(Spring, 2012).
As a literary genre, novels contain elements that
include authors, content creation, language media,
and intrinsic elements of fiction. Author gives his
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
presentation with an explanation or commentary,
dialogue or monologue, and behavior (Spring,
2012).Thus, fiction (novel) is an imaginary reality
that is structured such writers of various elements
forming, such as events, conflict, character, and so
on. Fiction can also be an interpretation of events
that occur in the author's imaginary world. Things
that need to be considered here, although fiction is
included in imaginative literature, with a larger
measure of imagination than biography, history, and
memoirs; fiction can also be used as a reflection of
history and is used as a historical reference to actual
events in the past.
When literary works can be used as historical
references, so literature has proven itself as a science
that not only speaks of the issue of creativity and a
series of imagination, but can also function as a
historical document. Moreover, the study of
literature can eventually penetrate the confines of a
binding nature as a science.
2.2 New Historicism Approach
New Historicism was introduced by Greenblatt (in
Carter, 2006) opposites and opposing views Old
Historicism states that "Historicism just did not put
the process of history as something that is
irreversible and inevitable, but he is likely to know
the limits or constraints on individual intervention
"The background of the emergence of New
Historicism is the lack of usefulness of literary
science in people's lives. Literature only examines
texts contained in literary works, both poetry, prose
and novels. The crisis then gave birth to a
development movement by placing literary works as
a cultural product of society, so that they had a
complex historical connection with the dynamics
that occurred in society. The criticism of Levinson
(in Foulcault, 2006) see a masterpiece in the context
of its time and are related to the discourse that
dominates, but do not put it as a kekontemporeran or
worldview of the author: the aim is' to know a work
not as work, or as readers the original or what is
known by its author '.
History is a discourse; perspective and thinking
about the world. This perspective assumes that
history, literature, economics, politics, religion, and
others, are discourses, in which one discourse with
another discourse is interrelated. Greenblatt and
Callagher (in Fathoni, 2013) pay more attention to
New Historicism in five aspects, namely:1) the use
of anecdotes, 2) the use of representations, 3)
interested in the history of the sequence or cluster, 4)
paying attention to small things that are ignored, and
5) ideological skepticallyanalysis.Barry (2010) states
that there are three layers that can be done in an
effort to explain historical phenomena through text.
First, through ideology, namely an academic phase
to unveil the ideology behind the text. Secondly,
through discursive practices that occur in their own
time, namely efforts to explain the practices of
discursiveness that have ever occurred. Through
text, discursive practices can be read, dismantled,
and adequately explained.Third, through discursive
practices that occur today, namely when the text is
in the struggle and struggle of discourse in the
present context.
So far, we understand, although historical studies
can reveal "trends", any historical study cannot
guarantee that the "trend" will continue. In other
words, "trend" does not have "law".Popper (in
Yuliantoro, 2013) considers "the evolution of life on
earth, or from human society, a unique historical
process so that the description of it, however, is not
law, but only a single statement from history". Any
statement that affirms a trend at a particular time and
place will be a single historical statement and not a
universal law.
By emphasizing the link between text and
history, Greenblattt breaks down the tendency of
textual formalist studies in the tradition of ahistorical
new criticism, which sees literature as an
autonomous aesthetic region, separated from aspects
deemed to be "outside" the work (in Budianta, 2006)
Literature, according to the perspective offered by
new historicism, cannot be separated from social,
economic and political praxis because it takes part in
it. Thus, the separation between inside and outside,
extrinsic-intrinsic can not be maintained anymore
because all texts, both literature and non-literary are
products of the same era with various battles of
power and ideology, so different from new criticism
which only examines literary works, new historicism
links between literary and non-literary texts.
Study of New Historicism used is based upon
three basic assumptions, namely: (1) that every
action expressive closely related to the practical
tissue culture material; (2) that literary texts and
non-literary texts circulating are inseparable; (3) that
there is no discourse whatsoever, both fictional and
factual, which gives access to absolute truth and
cannot change or express the nature of humanity
without other alternatives.
History of Indonesia’s War Independence in Novel Larasati by Pramoedya Ananta Toer: New Historicism Approach
The research method used is qualitative interpretive
with a parallel reading between literary texts on
events which represent the history of the Indonesian
struggle during the independence war (1945-1949)
with historical texts that describe the same events.
The object of the study is limited to objective and
imaginative reality in the novel Larasati by
Pramoedya Ananta Toer using analaisis knife with a
New Historicism approach. The technique used is
content analysis. Content analysis is a technical
analysis of the various sources of information
including printed materials (books, articles, novels,
newspapers, magazines and so on) and non-print
materials, such as music, pictures and objects.
Content analysis begins their analysis by using
certain symbols, classify that data with certain
criteria and perform predictions with specific
analytical techniques as well. Analysis of the data
used in this study is an interactive model. This
interactive data analysis consists of data collection,
data reduction, data and conclusions or data
Larasati's novel by Pramoedya Ananta Toer
generally presents the historical reality during the
war for independence, namely the struggle to
continue to uphold independence. In this novel
described the situation in the early throes of the
Indonesian revolution of independence is erratic due
to the lack of stability of power. On the one hand,
the de jure Indonesia is a nation that has been
independent, but on the other hand the Dutch power
remains. For some people this kind of situation is
actually used to seek personal gain, but some people
actually burn their nationalist spirit (Wicaksono,
So even Setiawan (2007) in a study called the
Larasati in the novel called by the name of Ara is a
very famous movie star. With hir social status, she
should be able to do anything for her own interests.
In reality, invaders desperately need a figure that
will be used as a tool to influence and even instill the
thoughts of invaders against colonized people. The
medium of film is very effective medium compared
to other media in the insert ideology, thoughts,
attitudes, and behavior of the colonized against the
colonized. The offer is very tempting for anyone,
even for Larasati that she said“...dalam
bayangannya terbentang dari depan gilang-
gemilang” ("... in his shadow stretching from the
front glittering"). However, Ara quickly realized and
continued to express her opposition to the invaders.
She does not want to sell her homeland. This attitude
is reinforced by the expression as follows.
“Tapi biar bagaimanapun,aku tidak akan
berkhianat. Aku juga punya tanah air. Jelek-jelek
tanah airku sendiri, bumi dan manusia yang
menghidupi aku selama ini. Cuma binatang ikut
Belanda” (Ananta Toer,2002:13)
("But after all, I will not betray. I also have a
homeland. The bad things are my own homeland,
the earth and the people who have supported me all
this time. Only animals join the Netherlands")
Larasati figures who represent 'fighters' from the
republic's stronghold want to gain independence in
the real sense, have two views, namely the idea of
independence as a nation that wants to be de facto
and de jure recognized as a state and freedom of self
(Wicaksono, 2018b)
“Setiap republikein mestinya republikein sejati.
Satu kesalahan bisa membuat dia jadi khianat
tanpa maunya sendri. Kapan kau berangkat ke
Jakarta?” (Ananta Toer,2002:22)
("Every representation should be a true
replicator. One mistake can make him betrayed
without himself. When did you leave for Jakarta?
"(Ananta Toer, 2002: 22)
The nation's warriors are happy to be called as
republikein, the Republikein as the Unitary State of
the Republic of Indonesia which aims to achieve the
ideals of the August 17 1945 Proclamation is Res
Publika, ‘Only for the public interest; prioritize the
Public Interest '(Arif, 2015). The word republikein
comes from the Dutch language whose meaning
remains loyal to the Republic of Indonesia and
opposes the NICA / Netherlands Indies Civil
Administration. In practice, the Republikein has two
categories, namely cooperative and non-cooperative.
Non-cooperatives are represented in fighters and
youth who prefer to fight in the vanguard of the
elders who fight from behind the negotiating table
and political lobbies.
Literary works are the result of the culture of the
community so that they have a complex historical
connection with the dynamics that occur in society.
One of the main characters is Foulcaut. His two
main works, namely The Archeology of Knowledge
and History of Madness, explain that the truth of
knowledge is culturally a subjective truth. In
addition, his exploration of the concept of insanity
came to the conclusion that truth has a close
connection with power.
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
There are historical truths that are expressed
fictitiously, such as the mention of characters (which
actually exist in the world). But, the name is
disguised from the actual mention. In the Larasati
novel there are figures "Colonel Surjo Santoso and
Chaidir and Jassir". Both names represent real
figures, namely Suryo Sentono, Chairil Anwar, and
H.B. Jassin.
“Tetap, tuan kolonel. Semua dimulai dan
diakhiri di bawah lindungan laras Meriam tuan
kolonel Surjo Sentono- maaf, tuan kolonel Surjo
Sentono.” (Ananta Toer,2002:64)
("Still, sir, colonel. All began and ended under
the protection of the barrel of the gun, Mr.
Colonel Surjo Sentono, sorry, Mr. Colonel Surjo
Suryo Santoso is the Colonel of the KNIL, the
supreme leader of the NICA (Dutch) artillery. In the
novel, this character is disguised under the name
Surjo Sentono. But it was intentional that
Pramoedya mentioned the name Surjo Santoso.
Surjo Santoso is the highest rank Inlander soldier
who reaches the rank of Colonel. He got the rank
after choosing to join NICA instead of supporting a
newly independent Indonesia. This was revealed by
Didi Kartasasmita (in Hutagalung, 2010: 123) who
heard that some KNIL officers had stood behind
NICA, such as Colonel Suryo Santoso. Then the
Dutch were given the command to lead the bombing
forces or artillery battalions at Jagamonyet, Jakarta
(Matanasi, 2012: 98).
Bagus! Bagus sekali! Kolonel Drest
menyambung sambil tertawa ramah. “En,
bagaimana pendapat kolonel Surjo Santoso?”
kolonel artileri itu menggeleng.(Ananta
("Nice! Very good! Colonel Drest connected
while laughing kindly. "En, how about colonel
Surjo Santoso?" The artillery colonel shook his
The name SuryoSentono in the novel Larasati is
a manifestation of a real character, namely Suryo
Santoso, a NICA officer who during the pre-
independence period was a KNIL Lieutenant. Suryo
Santoso is a KNIL officer who refused to join the
Republic of Indonesia and entered the TNI and
entered NICA.
Raden Mas Sardjono Soeria Santoso is a
biological child of the Ethical Politics. He came
from East Java and tasted Western-style secondary
school. Until he was accepted into the Royal
Netherlands Military Academy, the Koninklijk
Militaire Academie (KMA), in Breda. According to
Harry Albert Poeze (in Matanasi, 2018),
SoeriaSantoso was the first Javanese to be accepted
by KMA Breda in 1918. After independence, he
preferred to be Dutch. He was the highest-ranking
officer of the "native" blood who in this novel
served in the field of field artillery, similar to
historical reality.
In this context, Wiyatmi (2012) illustrates that
New Historicism offers renewal in seeing literary
relations with history. Literature in this case is not
only seen as a mirror that transparently and
passively reflects the culture of its people, but
literature also contributes to building, articulating
and reproducing conventions, norms, and cultural
values through verbal actions and creative
imagination. The above view is reinforced by
Susanto's findings (2012). According to him,
literature is also considered a cultural product that
represents the reality of the surrounding society in
its time. Such a view is considered that literature is
an illustration of the age as engineering, not as a fact
so that the literary picture is only in the form of
footage of past events. In fact, the presence of actual
events or past reality is not considered a fact, but as
fiction or fantasy.
Furthermore, the realist figure revealed in the
Larasati novel is the character of Khairil Anwar.
However, in the story disguised as Chaidir.
Diameninggal! Dia Revolusi itu sendiri! Dan
aku aku sendiri telah patah dua di sini. Aku
Revolusi itu sendiri juga, seperti kata Chaidir.
Apa nasibnya Revolusi kemudian? Chaidirmati.
Chaidir anak kerempeng bermata merah itu
(Ananta Toer, 2002: 147).
(He died! He - the revolution itself! And I - I've
broken two myself here. I - the Revolution itself
too, as Chaidir said. What is the fate of the
Revolution then? Chaidir is dead. Chaidir is a
red-eyed skinny child).
Chaidir is a poet who once met Ara in Yogya.
An artist who has the spirit to fight to help
revolution with art, but many leaders who doubt and
play down the role of art in revolution. His meeting
with Chaidir influenced Ara in looking at and
interpreting the revolution. Revolution needs
everything, anything that people can give to the
revolution must be accepted and not rejected. In
Chaidir's view, the fall of Yogya was in the hands of
the Dutch due to arrogant and disrespectful leaders.
When reading the name of the character
"Chaidir" who was an artist and died during the
independence war in the novel Larasati, it was
revealed that "name" had a cognate word (term in
contrastive linguistics) with the name "Chairil
Anwar". This figure is known by the Indonesian
History of Indonesia’s War Independence in Novel Larasati by Pramoedya Ananta Toer: New Historicism Approach
people as one of the greatest poets that Indonesia has
ever had. He is a poet of the class of '45. On April
28, 1949, Chairil died. There are several versions of
the pain. But certainly, chronic tuberculosis and
syphilis at the age of 27 years. From the newspaper
news, Ara found out that her fellow artists had died,
Chaidir. With Chaidir's death, for him, the
revolution itself died.
Di bawah koran Belanda itu tergelar harian
Fajar, yang dikeluarkan oleh RVD (Jawatan
Penerangan Pemerintah Belanda). Di sebuah
pojok terdapat berita kecil “Penyair Chaidir
Meninggal” dan di bawahnya “Bekas, Perdana
Menteri berpidato pada upacara
penguburannya.” (Ananta Toer,2002: 152)
Then the real figure who was not revealed was
Hans Bague Jassin or better known as H.B. Jassin, a
literary critic popular with the Japanese occupation
and the beginning of Indonesian independence, and
he also ordained Chairil Anwar as a pioneer of the
Literature Force ‘45. Then also mentioned the name
of another 1945 writer and critic, namely Zuber
Mari kita temui Jassir, kritikus sastra kita.
Sesedah itu Uzman. Kau sudah lama kenal dia.
Mereka sudah punya rombongan sandiwara
Amatir?” Ara tertawa terbahak. (Ananta Toer,
2002: 89)
("Let's meet Jassir, our literary critic. As fun as
Uzman. You have known him for a long time.
They already have amateur theater groups. "
"Amateur?" Ara burst out laughing.)
From the reality in terms of characterization, the
following is discussed the historical reality of the
setting and events. The setting of the story of the
novel Larasati is dominant in Jakarta in the range of
1949. In addition, it is also called an area or place
that refers to historical settings and events, including
the city of Bekasi after the Dutch and Yogyakarta
occupied by the Dutch.
Nanti jugadi bumi penjajahan. Bekasi yang
bakal menentukan! Bekasi! Tapi biar
bagaimanapun aku tidak akan berkhianat. Aku
juga punya tanah air(Ananta Toer, 2002: 13)
“Lupakan, lupakan yang di seberang kali Bekasi
sana. Kau seniman. Seniman mesti netral kalua
ada sengketa politik atau meliter. Seni
selamanya untuk seni.”(Ananta Toer, 2002: 38)
(Later too - on earth colonization.Bekasi that will
determine! Bekasi! But in any case I will not
betray. I also have a homeland)
("Forget it, forget the one on the other side of
Bekasi there. You're an artist. Artists must be
neutral if there is a political dispute or meliter.
Art forever for art).
Bekasi was in ruins, the houses were burned to
the ground, the corpses were lying under the cover
of NICA soldiers. The beginning of the Bekasi battle
was triggered by the killing of 26 people, consisting
of crew and passengers of a British-owned aircraft
that landed in an emergency in the middle of rice
fields in the RawaGatal area, Cakung. His body was
buried in the former Tangsi of the Dutch police in
Bekasi. General Christison called on the government
of the Republic of Indonesia to immediately return
the prisoners. If Bekasi is not to be made a sea of
The incident that occurred on December 13,
1945, has destroyed the City of Bekasi, West Java.
More than 3,000 houses were burned by British
soldiers who were then joined in Allied forces. The
brutal actions of the British army were criticized by
the international community (Imelda Sari and Adi
Amir, 2006).
Moving the events of the fall of the city of
Yogyakarta to the Dutch. News on the radio gave a
picture of the dire situation, Yogya fell. Yogyakarta
is the last base of defense for the Indonesian camp.
After Jakarta was occupied by the Allies and the
Netherlands, the capital moved to Yogya, along with
the president and representatives along with national
ministry and army staff.
Berita-berita dari radio kian lama kian banyak
menggambarkan tentang bentrokan-bentrokan
bersenjata. Mula-mula di dekat Yogya, kemudian
di sebelah baratnya. Dan makin lama makin
banyak terjadi ke arah barat. Bila tempat-tempat
bentrokan tersebut ditandai, dan diberi garis,
akan nampak garis yang terus-menerus menuju
ke arah barat dari Yogya menuju ke Jakarta
(Ananta Toer,2002: 162).
... Berita tentang kompromi antara revolusi dan
kontra-revolusi akan melahirkan negara
Indonesia Serikat... (Ananta Toer,2002: 170).
(The news from the radio increasingly illustrates
the armed clashes. First near Yogya, then to the
west. And more and more it happens to the west.
If the places of the clash are marked, and given a
line, there will be a continuous line going west
from Yogya to Jakarta).
(...News about the compromise between
revolution and counter-revolution will give birth
to the United States of Indonesia).
Ara wants to write the truth in history. The
history of its own version is not contaminated by
istanasentris and inheritance of feudal systems
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
that always favor the government, that the
government is always right, policies that are
proclaimed and / or launched are always true and
widely recognized by its citizens. What became
Ara's thinking did not come purely from her
thoughts and reflection, but there was
involvement from another perspective, in this
case was the perception of her artist friend,
Chaidir.“Seluruh kedudukan yang enak diambil
orang-orang tua. Mereka hanya pandai korupsi.
Rencana-rencanaku kandas di laci-laci. Tapi kau
tahu sendiri-itu semua di Yogya lebih banyak ku
kira. Angkatan tua itu sungguh-sungguh
bobrok!” (Toer, 2003: 22)
("The whole position is good for old people.
They are only good at corruption. My plans ran
aground in drawers. But you know for yourself -
I think all in Yogya. The old generation is really
Pramoedya Ananta Toer in this revolutionary
novel is not only recording heroic stories of heroism,
but also completing with the hypocrisy of the
revolutionaries, sluggishness, talk of many but
empty of leaders, betrayal, and a bunch of love
New historicism views history or the world
referred to by literary works as not merely a
coherent and unified background that is
transparently accessible. Historical reality is no
longer single and absolute, but consists of various
versions that are full of contradictions,
disconnections, plurality, and diversity. So, the
relation between history and literature is the
intertextual connection between various texts
(fiction and factual) that are reproduced in the same
or different periods of time (Wiyatmi (2012). From a
part of Larasati's journey from Padalaman
(Yogyakarta) to the Occupied area (Jakarta) it was
photographed how Republican humans viewed
Based on the findings of the data and discussion
above, the following are conclusions from the results
of the studies that have been analyzed. The form of
historical reality (objective reality-imaginative)
contained in the novel Larasati by Pramoedya
Ananta Toer is considered effective in exploring and
exploring the phenomenon of literary texts. The
historical reality during the independence war was
the struggle to continue to uphold independence. In
this novel depicted the situation of the upheaval of
the Indonesian revolution from the point of view of
women fighters who were not only fighting with
arms, but also determinating to uphold
independence. Larasati wants to obtain complete
independence, namely independence as a nation that
wants to be de facto and de jure recognized as a state
and independence for its own person.
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