The Relationship among the Leadership Style, Supervision,
Self-regulation against the Ability of Teachers to Teach Indonesian
Language Grade 1 Primary School Students at District Area in
Leriwarti Sutarna, Syarief Sumantri, Nurhattati
Graduate School of Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: Leadership Style, Supervision, Self-Regulation, Relationship
Abstract: The ability of teachers, especially primary school teachers to teach Indonesian language, plays an important
role in fostering a positive attitude towards the Indonesian language early on because at this level is the first
time teaching Indonesian language to students and can improve their students' skills. On the other hand
Leadership of School Principals is an important component in the development of quality education.
Supervision of learning methods, teacher pedagogy in language learning also influences learning objectives.
Self-regulation in displaying performance ineffective Indonesian language learning. The purpose of this
research is to find out and examine the direct influence of Leadership style, supervision, self-regulation and
the ability of Indonesia Language teachers to teach language in grade 1 primary school district area in
Cirebon. The research method uses quantitative research by using a survey with a correlation approach. This
research will examine or analyze the relationship between research variables, and measure the effect of one
independent variable on other variables. Relationship between the three independent variables studied
consisted of three variables, namely: Influence of Leadership style (X
), Supervision (X
), Self-regulation
), and one dependent variable, is the ability of the teacher to teach Indonesian language (Y). The result
of the hypotheses testing revealed that: (1) the higher of leadership style is higher significantly on the ability
of the teacher to teach Indonesian language (2) the higher formal of Supervision is higher significantly on
the ability of the teacher to teach Indonesian language. (3) the higher of Self-regulation is higher
significantly on the ability of the teacher to teach Indonesian language. Further analysis using the one way
ANOVA revealed that those independent variables, correlation index of self-regulation are higher than
correlation index of leadership style and supervision. Therefore the skill of the teacher to teach the
Indonesian language can be improved by enhancing self-regulation, leadership, and supervision.
Quality of learning is one of the important things in
education to plan human resources to the nation.
Competence of qualified teachers will ensure the
quality of process education fit with the aim of
education. The teacher is work to dominate various
method learning with good for the education process
to be fully meaningful and always relevant to the
aim and ingredients his teachings (Haribowo, 2003).
Leadership Head effective school is a one of the
factor for could improve quality education (Fadlhi,
2017). Leadership and Teaching Journal Initiative
University of Minnesota Research and Toronto by
Louis, Keithwood, Wahlstrom, et. al. (2010), show
that the teachers appreciate the learning process in a
climate that drives for creation learning effective,
and more evaluation high be accepted by teachers
who encourage and develop leadership. According
to Honig, Copland, Rainey, et. al. (2010),
researchers at the University of Washington, found
that head effective school focusing on quality
teaching by defining and promote high expectations
on teacher's ability. Observation class is one the best
way to give away supervision learning because
could look at activities of teachers, pupils, and
problems that arise. Bantu, Okello, & Kimathi,
(2012) mention existence relationship between
supervision and quality teaching at the level school
the base. (Dunlap, Carroll, Collay, & Wilkes, 1989)
Sutarna, L., Sumantri, S. and Nurhattati, .
The Relationship among the Leadership Style, Supervision, Self-regulation against the Ability of Teachers to Teach Indonesian Language Grade 1 Primary School Students at District Area
in Cirebon.
DOI: 10.5220/0008997502590269
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 259-269
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mention there is existence a close connection
between supervision and the implication on quality
Self Regulation is an effort individual for set self
in something activity which includes ability
metacognition, motivation, and behavior active.
Self-regulation is not a mental ability or ability
academic, but How individual process and change
something form activity. According to Bandura
(1991), the self-regulation is an ability set behavior
action that is an as influential strategy to
performance someone reaches aim or achievement.
While Swider & Zimmerman (2010) stated self-
regulation refers to thoughts, feelings, and activities
planned by self personal in a manner continuous
corresponding achievement aims his personality.
This research emphasizes and focusing on
relationship style leadership, supervision and self-
regulation to the ability of teachers to teach
Indonesian in students school the base.
1. Is there a positive relationship between
Leadership Styles against the ability of
Indonesia language teachers to teach grade 1
primary school students at the district area in
Cirebon district?
2. Is there a positive relationship between
Supervision to the ability of Indonesia
language teachers against teaching grade 1
primary school students at the district area in
Cirebon district?
3. Is there a positive relationship between self-
regulation against the ability of Indonesia
language teachers to teach Grade 1 primary
school students at the district area in Cirebon
4. Is there a positive relationship between third
variable Leadership Style, Supervision and
Self-regulation in a manner together against
the ability of Indonesia language teachers to
teach grade one primary school students at
district area in Cirebon district?
The use of this research to gives a
comprehensive perspective and factual about
condition style Leadership head of school,
Supervision, Self-regulation and the skill of teachers
to teach Indonesian teacher as an expertise of
teachers to teach Indonesian language students in
grade one primary school Cirebon district, so it
could be made into reference for leader education in
more broad areas coverage.
This research used three independent variables
and one dependent variable as following Leadership
Style, Supervision, Self-regulation and The skill of
teachers to teach Indonesian teacher as expertise of
teachers to teach Indonesian language students in
grade 1 primary school Cirebon district.
2.1 Leadership
Waters, Marzano, and McNulty, (2003) emphasizing
the high importance of effective leadership models
related to the high complexity of these aspects that
are interrelated with each other in a school. Bush &
Middlewood ( 2005) states that leadership in
education is the focus of leadership that should not
shift from the goals and objectives of
education. they observe leadership phenomena that
tend to be subjective and strongly influenced by the
system in which leadership is applied so that they
form at least three dimensions of the definition of
leadership that generally occur within educational
institutions, namely:
1) The process to affect the process of influence
2) Based on personal and professional values
3) Development and articulation of a strong
organizational vision
Regarding research conducted in the world of
education Catherine Catherine Barrett and Robert
Breyer (2014) in the Journal of The Influence of
Effective Leadership on Teaching and Learning,
mentions the influence of effective leadership in
learning. Meanwhile, Muhammad Fadlhi (2017), in
the article "Management of education quality", the
education management study journal vol 1, No 2,
2017, mentions that effective management and
strong leadership will underlie the quality-based
learning process.
Thus Conceptual definition of the leadership
style is the style used by the school principal in
managing to achieve the goal.
In this research operational definition of
Leadership style is the style used by someone who
can influence, motivate, develop, build relationships
and be able to process input and situations from
followers to make decisions that can be used for the
success of organizational goals. operational
definitions are translated into indicators involving
subordinates in making decisions, giving guidance,
empowering subordinates, supervising subordinates'
work, caring for subordinate careers and building a
positive working atmosphere.
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
2.2 Supervision
The term supervision is similar to inspection or
surveillance. In the context of the school as an
educational organization, supervision is for the
administrative and management
processes. Supervision activities complement the
existing administrative functions in the school as the
last function, namely the assessment of all activities
in achieving the objectives.
Good Carter (1959) provides an understanding of
supervision is the effort of school officers in leading
teachers and other officers, in improving teaching,
including stimulating, selecting the growth of
positions and the development of teachers and
revising educational goals, teaching materials, and
teaching and evaluation methods of teaching.
Charles Willis Boardman, et al. (1961) mentions
supervision is an effort to provide stimulation,
coordination and continuous guidance for the growth
of teachers in schools both individually and
collectively, to be more effective in realizing all the
functions of teaching and fostering the growth of
each student continuous.
The definition of Supervision described above, it
can be understood the supervision of a review that
is different. There are those who see it as an effort to
lead teachers in teaching positions, some see it as
part of the activity of participation in modern
society. Mulyasa (2006) states that real supervision
can be carried out by the principal who acts as a
supervisor, but in a modern organizational system
special supervisors are needed who are more
independent and can increase objectivity in the
development and implementation of tasks.
If supervision is carried out by the principal,
then he must be able to handle various supervision
and controls to improve the performance of the
education staff. This supervision is kind of control
so that the education activities in the school are
directed at the intended goals. Supervision and
control is also a preventive measure to prevent
education staff from making irregularities and be
more careful in carrying out their work.
The general purpose of supervision is to provide
technical assistance and guidance to teachers and
staff so that this personnel is able to improve their
quality of performance, in carrying out their duties
and carrying out the teaching and learning process.
The principles of supervision simply provide a
sense of security to the supervised
party. Supervision should be constructive and
creative, supervision should be based on reality and
actual reality. Supervision activities should be
carried out simply. In carrying out supervision,
professional relationships should be established, not
based on personal relationships. Supervision should
be based on the ability, ability, condition and
attitude of the supervised party to help the teacher to
continue to grow on his own, not dependent on the
The principle of supervision is to provide
guidance and provide assistance to teachers and
school staff to overcome problems and overcome
difficulties. The provision of assistance and
guidance is carried out directly, meaning that the
party who receives the assistance and guidance
without being forced or opened to his heart can feel
alone and commensurate with the ability to be able
to overcome it himself. If the supervisor
plans to give advice or feedback, it should be
delivered as soon as possible so as not to forget. It is
best for supervisors to provide opportunities for
supervised parties to raise questions or
responses. Supervision activities should be carried
out periodically, for example, the third month is not
according to the interests and opportunities of the
The principles of supervision above are the rules
that must be guided or used as the basis for
supervision, so that they receive serious attention
from the supervisor, both in the context of
supervisory relations with the teacher and in the
process of implementing supervision.
Suryaman dan Hari Karyono (2016) state that
supervision will increases the quality of learning in a
narrow scope, only focused on academic aspects,
especially those that occur in the classroom when
the teacher is providing assistance and direction to
The attitude of observation in the classroom,
greeting the teacher who teaches looking for an
inconspicuous place of worship is unable to
reprimand the teachers mistakes in the classroom,
noting every activity if there is using an electronic
device such as a tape recorder, camera, preparing a
checklist. Discussion of recorded observation results
is discussed with the teacher and several things that
need to be raised by the principal to prepare the time
for conversation, place of conversation, sympathetic
friendly attitude not to buy conversations should not
come out of observation data teachers are given the
opportunity to dialogue and issue opinions of teacher
weaknesses should be motivated by teachers in
correcting the weaknesses of suggestions for
improvement are given easy and practical. The
repair agreement was agreed together pleasantly.
The Relationship among the Leadership Style, Supervision, Self-regulation against the Ability of Teachers to Teach Indonesian Language
Grade 1 Primary School Students at District Area in Cirebon
Supervision closely related to that which had
been done, among others, Bantu, Edward, Okwara et
al (2012) in The Reliance between Teacher
Supervision and Quality of Teaching in Primary
Schools mentioned the relationship between the
two. As well as research conducted by Diane M
Dunlap, Burce Carroll, Michelle Collay and Paula
Wilkes in the South Pacific Journal of Teacher
Education Vol. 17, 1989, Three Studies of
Supervision and Implications for Teacher Education,
mention the close link between supervision and its
implications for quality learning.
The principle of supervision is to provide
guidance and provide assistance to teachers and
school staff to overcome problems and overcome
Based on the description above, Conceptual
Definition of Supervision is the professional
observation in the academic field which is run based
on scientific rules about the field of work to achieve
the learning objectives that have been set. And the
Operational definition of supervision is defined as
the act of inspection to carried out periodically aim
for supervising, directing, giving guidance, which is
the nature of prevention of irregularities, so that the
organizations shared goals are achieved.
Supervision in this case education supervision is
elaborated in the study and improvement of teaching
and learning situations, deceiving teachers and
enhancing teaching quality in Perceptions and
Motivation indicators, Delivering Competency plans
and Activity Plans, Mastery of Learning Materials,
Application of Educating Learning Strategies,
Application of Scientific Approaches.
2.3 Self Regulation
Self-regulation is an important aspect of determining
ones behavior. Self-regulation is an individuals
attempt to organize themselves in activity by
including the ability of metacognition, motivation,
and active behavior. Self-regulation is not a mental
ability or academic ability, but rather how
individuals process and change in a form of
activity (SM Nur Ghufron, 2010).
The standards and goals that we set for
ourselves, and the way we monitor and evaluate our
own cognitive processes and behaviors, and the
consequences we set ourselves for each success and
failure are all aspects of self-regulation or self-
regulated (Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, 2002).
According to Bandura, self-regulation is the
ability to regulate behavior and carry out such
behavior as a strategy that influences a persons
performance in achieving goals or achievements as
evidence of improvement. Zimmerman (1990) states
that self-regulation refers to thoughts, feelings, and
actions planned by oneself and occur continuously in
accordance with efforts to achieve personal goals.
The interaction between personal goals and
external influences (motivational standards, social
standards, and moral standards) is the beginning of
self-regulation. It is this standard that will determine
whether an individual will set a goal setting or
reduce the distance by trying to achieve the expected
goal. Three factors that influence a persons level of
motivation, namely: a persons ability to judge
himself objectively to achieve
something. Recognizing ones abilities properly
makes it easy for someone to achieve his
goals. Second, there is feedback that plays an
important role in increasing ones self-efficacy. The
existence of feedback helps a person make an
assessment, control and adjust the business and its
purpose to be more realistic to achieve to anticipated
time for achieving goals.
Aspects of self-regulation According to
Zimmerman, self-regulation includes three aspects
that are applied in learning, namely metacognitive,
motivational, and behavioral.
According to Matlin, metacognition is an
understanding and awareness of cognitive processes
or thoughts about thinking, he said that
metacognition is an important process. This is
because a persons knowledge of his cognition can
guide him to organize or organize events that will
be faced and choose the appropriate strategy in order
to improve his cognitive performance going forward.
Flavell said that metacognition refers to ones
knowledge of the cognition he possesses and the
arrangement in that cognition. Schank added that
knowledge about cognition includes planning,
monitoring, and improvement of performance or
behavior. Zimmerman and Pons added that
metacognitive points for individuals who conduct
self-regulation are individuals who plan, organize,
measure themselves, and instruct themselves as
needs during the behavior process, for example in
terms of learning (Schunk, 2014).
Behavior according to Zimmerman and Schank
is an individual effort to regulate themselves, select
and utilize and create an environment that supports
their activities. In this behavior, Zimmerman and
Pons say that individuals choose, compile and create
a balanced social and physical environment to
optimize achievement of the activities carried
out. The three aspects above when used individually
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
according to their needs and conditions will support
optimal self-management abilities.
Bandura stated in this behavior, there are three
stages related to self-management or self-regulation,
including Self-observation which is related to the
individuals response, namely the individuals stage
of looking at him and his behavior
(performance). Self Judgment is an individual stage
to compare performance and standards that have
been done with standards or goals that have been
made and determined by individuals. Through
efforts to compare performance with the standard
goals that have been made and established,
individuals can evaluate the information that has
been done by knowing the location of weaknesses or
lack of performance. The self reaction is a stage that
includes individual processes in adjusting and plans
to achieve goals or standards that have been made
and set (Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1988).
The environment of the cognitive social theory
states special attention to social influence and
experience in human function. This depends on how
the environment supports or does not support. The
medium according to Cobb, states that self-regulated
learning is influenced by many factors,
including self-efficacy, motivation, and goals. Based
on the description above the conceptual definition of
Self-regulation is the ability of self-
management in determining a person’s behavior to
appear in an environment. And the Operational
of Self-regulation is the ability to regulate
behavior and carry out such behavior as a strategy
that influences performance to achieve goals, there
are two factors in ones self-regulation, namely
external and internal factors. External factors consist
of motivational factors, social standards, and moral
standards while internal factors consist of self-
observation (self-observation), judgmental process,
and self reaction.
2.4 Ability to Teach Indonesian
Language Teachers
Indonesian language subjects are an important
subject taught at the primary school level because of
its use for the instruction of everyday learning. Thus
mastery of the Indonesian language needs to be
possessed by all students. "Indonesian language and
literature learning in primary school is directed at
improving students' ability to communicate in the
Indonesian language properly and correctly, both
verbally and in writing and fostering an appreciation
of literary works" (Hernawan, 2007).
According to Indihadi (2009), "Teaching
Indonesian is the process of teaching or teaching
Indonesian". Based on these opinions,
learning Indonesian primary school is to teach
Indonesian process, which in the process is a
reciprocal relationship between teachers and
students, and students with a student.
Furthermore, Indihadi stated that "Indonesian
language learning carried out in Primary School is to
teach Indonesian which is domiciled as a national
language and the language of the
country" (Hernawan, 2007). So the Indonesian
language learning in primary school emphasis on the
student's ability to communicate and understand and
be able to use the Indonesian language as the
national language. To be able to communicate well
in accordance with the rules of good and correct
Indonesian, students need to be supported by the
knowledge of Indonesian language skills and the
ability to understand the meaning of
Indonesian. One way to practice understanding
Indonesian language, teachers can train students
with reading activities, where students are required
to understand the meaning of reading texts in
Indonesian. So that Indonesian is also a means to
gain knowledge and intellectual development. This
is supported by the description of the Ministry of
Education and Culture. Indihadi (2009) states that, in
addition to improving students' communication
skills, there are other functions,
including: Improving knowledge and skills in the
context of cultural preservation and development, a
means of improving knowledge and development of
science, technology, and art, a means of
disseminating good use of Indonesian for various
issues, a means of developing the reasoning of
intellectual abilities.
Learning Indonesian in Primary Schools refers to
the objectives set by the Ministry of Education
in Resmini et al (2009), namely: students are able to
communicate effectively and efficiently in
accordance with applicable ethics, both orally and in
writing; students are able to appreciate and be proud
of using Indonesian as the language of the unity and
language of the country; students are able to
understand Indonesian correctly and creatively for
various purposes; students are able to use Indonesian
to improve their intellectual abilities and emotional
and social maturity; students are able to enjoy and
make use of literary works to broaden their horizons,
expand character, and improve their knowledge and
language skills; students are able to appreciate and
boast Indonesian literature as a treasure of
The Relationship among the Leadership Style, Supervision, Self-regulation against the Ability of Teachers to Teach Indonesian Language
Grade 1 Primary School Students at District Area in Cirebon
Indonesian human culture and intellectuals (Resmini
et al., 2009) .
Indonesian language learning directed to
improve the ability of students to communicate in
Indonesian with well and right, well in a manner oral
or write, and grow appreciation to results
creation literature, Indonesian people. Indonesian
language learning develops four basic skills, namely
listening skills, speaking skills, reading skills, and
writing skills.
Listening skills are activities to listen or pay
close attention to what people say, capture and
understand the meaning of what is heard. Listening
is different from listening, hearing only receives
information that is heard without going through the
absorption and selection of information in brain
performance so that it is only stored in short term
memory. Hearing is identical to entering the right
ear out the left ear while listening to a process of
absorption and selection of information in the brain
so that it is stored in the long term memory, this is
where the brain's performance works and develops
Speaking skills is one component
in Indonesian language learning that must be owned
by educators and students in schools. Speaking skill
requires students to communicate with other
students. As expressed by Supriyadi (2005: 179) that
most students have not spoken fluently in
Indonesian. Students who have not spoken fluently
can be accompanied by the attitude of students who
are passive, lazy to talk, so they feel afraid of being
wrong and embarrassed, or even less interested in
practicing speaking in front of the classroom.
Reading skills as well as skills to obtain
information, what we know is what we
read. Stauffer (Petty & Jensen, 1980) considers that
reading is a thought transmission in relation to
channeling ideas or ideas. In addition, reading can
be used to build concepts, develop vocabulary,
provide knowledge, add a process of personal
enrichment, develop intellectuality, help understand
and understand the problems of others, develop self-
concepts and as a pleasure. Reading has an influence
on the development of our lives, but the large
collection of books does not mean he likes to
read. Reading fondness will appear if someone is
able to express various knowledge, ideas, and
creative ideas.
Writing skills are the implementation of various
knowledge that has been obtained from listening,
reading, and speaking activities and then diverting it
into a series of words and languages that have
meaning and purpose. Pranoto (2004: 9) argues that
writing means pouring thoughts into writing or
telling something to others through writing. Writing
can also be interpreted as an expression or
expression of feelings as outlined in writing.
In the development of these four aspects of
skills, (Bredekamp, 2004) states that children
develop in all aspects of their development both
physically, emotionally, socially, and
cognitively. There is no other way unless the teacher
must have a responsibility and full attention to the
integrity of the child's development. In connection
with that, Goodman (2012) states that: Learning
languages is more, easy to occur if the language is
presented holistic real, relevant, meaningful, and
functional if the language is presented in the context
and chosen by students to be used, language learning
is learning how to express intentions in the context
of the environment of parents, relatives, and culture.
the mind depends on language and language
depending on the mind (Akhadiah, 1991). It is also
stated that according to the theory of learning,
cognitive development and language development in
children aged five to eight years or early primary
school children have the following characteristics:
the cognitive and language abilities of these children
are sufficient to learn in more formal situations,
children of that age still see things more as a whole,
something they understand more easily if
obtained through the interaction of social
experience in a manner real in pleasant situations,
familiar situations, based on appreciation,
understanding, and affection, and a conducive and
planned learning environment that is very helpful for
effective learning (Akhadiah, 1991) .
Related to that, Suriasumantri (2014) states that
language learning will be easier if learning is
holistic, realistic, relevant, meaningful, and
functional, and cannot be separated from the context
of the conversation. Process learning teacher's
holistic language to be reading language models
and write, and Act as a facilitator and provide
feedback that positive. The thing this in line with the
opinions expressed by Gunarsa that the child's
learning process through conditioning and through
observation there are models of behavior outside of
him. Integrated learning is an application of one
learning strategy based on an integrated curriculum
approach that aims to create or make the learning
process relevant and meaningful for
children (Atkinson, 1995).
In learning the Indonesian language, vocabulary
size is an important factor that influences the ability
listener's comprehensive of language vocabulary
size. The number of vocabulary is an important
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
variable in the listener's understanding. In our role as
communicators, we have four types of functional
vocabulary that vary greatly in syllable size, the type
of vocabulary is distinguished based on the number
of words that can be had at the age level, and the
condition of someone communicating.
Vocabulary and language appreciation can be
done by improving the reading culture. Reading
culture is a very important and fundamental
requirement that must be owned by every citizen if
they want to become a developed nation. Through
reading culture, the quality of education can be
improved so that in turn it can improve the quality of
human resources. The purpose of fostering reading
interest is to create a reading society ( learning
society ), a learning society in order to educate the
nation's life which is characterized by the creation of
quality human resources as a tool for national
development towards a prosperous society (Idris
Kamah, 2002). The target of the intended
development is the community as a whole in the
various layers that exist, covering all ages, sexes,
types, and levels of education, types of work or
profession, and so on. According to Frans M.
Parera (in Idris Kamah, 2002) , the policy of
fostering public reading interest was directed
through five paths, namely: coaching through
household and family channels; coaching through
the path of society and the external environment;
coaching through education (school); guidance
through institutional channels; and guidance through
functional agency channels (national libraries,
provincial libraries and district/city libraries).
Indonesian language material subject also
undergoes changes in various subject areas such as
those found in national’s curriculum 2013. This also
signifies the importance of mastery and skills of
teachers in providing Indonesian language teaching
so students can have competence in Indonesian
language (Mahsun, 2014).
From the description above what is meant by
Indonesian language teaching skills is the teacher's
professional skills in teaching students about good
and correct Indonesian language skills, especially
including listening skills, speaking skills, reading
skills and writing skills both verbal and nonverbal so
that students are easily understood according to
learning objectives and the function of language.
Based on description above conceptual definition
is the ability of the teachers teaching Indonesia to
the students in grade 1 primary school is the ability
of teachers to teach Indonesian in the 2013 national
curriculum by emphasizing them to develop
competencies in the attitude domain (KI-1) and (KI-
2), knowledge (KI-3), (KI-4) skills. In term of
Indonesian language related to listening, speaking,
reading, and writing skills. And the operational
definition is teachers' ability to teach in Indonesian
is the teacher's professional skills in teaching
students about good and correct Indonesian language
skills, especially including listening skills, speaking
skills, reading skills and writing skills both verbal
and nonverbal so that students are easily understood
according to learning objectives and language
The method used in this research is a
quantitative method. The sampling method with
surveys and correlation statistics is used to find the
relationship among the effect of the three
independent variables with the dependent variable,
separately and combined. The variables studied
consisted of four variables, namely: The relation of
Leadership Style (X
), Supervision (X
), Self
Regulation (X
), and The Ability of Teachers
to teach Indonesian language (Y).
Figure 1: Model of Research Variables
3.1 Population and Sampling
The population in the research were all teachers at
the primary school grade 1 in the region
of Cirebon district education department with as
many as 100 people. The sample in the study is part
of the population. The sampling technique used
is purposive random sampling. The technique of
determining the number of samples taken 70
people. As a trial instrument, 30 people were taken
from the sample.
The Relationship among the Leadership Style, Supervision, Self-regulation against the Ability of Teachers to Teach Indonesian Language
Grade 1 Primary School Students at District Area in Cirebon
3.2 Research Instrument
The instrument of research data was carried out
using a Likert scale questionnaire. The instrument of
questionnaires is prepared and based on the theories
used. Questions or statements on the questionnaire
consist of positive or negative questions or
statements. The items of the statement or question
on the questionnaire from the instruments of
Leadership Style (X
), Supervision (X
), Self-
Regulation (X
), and the Ability of Teaching
Teachers in Indonesian (Y) are arranged using a
scale of five.
Questioners are used to obtaining research data
condition such as validity test and reliability test.
The validity test of the instrument is made to ensure
the validity of the instrument by means
of correlating the point score of each item with the
total score result by using product moment
correlation analysis. Valid criteria whether or not the
item is consulted with a table of r, namely, r
, then the item is said to be valid, but if r
, items are declared invalid or fall.
Reliability test is done to find out where the
measurement results can be trusted or
reliable. Reliability is defined as the free size of the
random error variant. Random errors reduce the
reliability of measurement results. To test the
reliability of the instrument using the Alpha
coefficient formula from Cronbach. After
the calculation of the items of the working
instrument (X
) is obtained, the reliability
coefficient is obtained for the value of the reliability
coefficient above the critical value of 0,70 so
that the performance of instrument has high
3.3 Data Analysis Technique
The data collected in this study is processed by
stages and each variable is displayed to answer the
research objectives.
First, processing raw data is done by research
using descriptive statistics. From the data
processing, the concentration measures such as
mean, median, mode, maximum and minimum
values are presented. In addition, it will be presented
by looking for variance and standard
deviation. Distribution frequency data will be
presented in tables and graphs.
Second, testing the analysis require-
ments. First, the normality test was carried out by
the Kolmogorov Smirnov normality test, with SPSS
application. The test is done by looking for an
estimated estimate of Ŷ for X
, X
, and X
looking for L
for comparison with L
. If
< L
then the distribution Y - Ŷ for
regression Y for X
, X
, and X
are normally
The normality is carried out the statistic test is
done testing the hypothesis by using inferential
statistics (Cresswell, 2003). This analysis is intended
to test whether there is a relationship between the
independent variables Leadership Style (X
Supervision (X
) and Self Regulation (X
individually or together with the dependent variable
Ability to Teach Indonesian Teachers to Grade 1
primary students (Y)
The analysis begins with a regression equation,
both simple regression and multiple
regression. Against the regression equation, the
linear equation regression test is done by using the F
Anova test table. There is no regression equation if
F-count> F-table and there is a linear regression
equation when F- count < from F-table.
Correlation analysis is done to determine the
level of the relationship between variables. For this
reason, Pearson Product Moment correlation
formula (r) is used and the coefficient of
determination is calculated (r
) which shows the
level of relationship for each independent variable
, X
and X
on the dependent variable of data
processing skills (Y). Correlation analysis was
carried out in the form of simple correlation,
multiple correlation, and partial correlation.
Based on the analysis data above it can be
determined whether the hypothesis proposed in this
study can be accepted or must be rejected. And the
statistical hypothesis in this study research are:
= null hypothesis
= Alternative hypothesis
= Correlation between X
and Y
= Correlation between X
and Y
= Correlation between X
and Y
= Correlation between X
, X
, X
, and Y
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
The research method is a correlation study with the
treatment of basic statistical learning. The
questionnaire used to collect data was an instrument
in the form of a scale questionnaire (Likert scale) of
leadership style variable (X
), supervision (X
and self-regulation (X
) and the ability of teachers to
teach Indonesian (Y). Instruments calibrated with
item validity with product moment coefficient and
alpha Cronbach reliability. After fulfilling the
reliability calibration, validity, the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov KS normality test is carried out
( residual L
= 0.185 > L
= 0.05 and this
means that all data are normally distributed because
of L
> L
), after that Levene homogeneity
test (variable between independent variables with
significance 0.404 which means this value is greater
than 0.05 ).
Figure: The Relationship Among Variables
The results of the study are as follows: First,
testing has proven that independent variables have a
linear relationship with the ability of teachers to
teach Indonesian language (Y).
Relationships leadership styles on the ability of
teachers to teach Indonesian language
(y= 2.574 +0. 381 X1, Fh = 14 345
> Ft
= 6, 96), supervision (X
) the ability of
teachers to teach the Indonesian language to
(y= 2.585 +0.374X
, F h = 11,354
> F t
= 6, 96) self-regulation (X
) and the
ability of teachers to teach Indonesian (y = 2.810 +
0.380 X3, Fh = 14,040 > Ft
= 0.01)
= 6.96). This
means that the analysis of regression variance shows
a linear correlation.
Second, testing has proven that independent
variables individually have a significant correlation
with the dependent variable of the teacher's ability to
teach Indonesian (Y). correlation of leadership
style (X
) on the ability of teachers to teach
Indonesian (ry
= 0.347, t = 0.947). The correlation
of supervision (X
) on the ability of teachers to teach
Indonesian with ( ry
= 0.287) and self-
regulation (X
) on the ability of the teacher to teach
Indonesian (r
= 0.188).
Third, tests performed to prove there is a
relationship between the pair correlation
between leadership styles and supervision variables
and X
on the ability of teachers to teach
Indonesian (Y) (r
= 0. 661 F
= 30,262
> F
= 4.88), and the both of relationship
between leadership style and self-
regulation variables (X
and X
) on the teacher's
ability to teach Indonesian (Y) (ry
= 0.773 F
115.8 > F
= 4.88), the pair relationship
between the variables of supervision and self
regulation (X
and X
) on the teacher's ability
to teach Indonesian (Y) and we get (r
= 0.709 F
78.84 > F
= 4.88).
Fourth, the tests conducted to prove that there are
relations between the three variable pairs together
between the leadership styles (X
), the
supervision (X
) and the self-regulation (X
) on
the ability of teachers to teach Indonesian (Y) with
the equation Y = 2.968+ 0.347X
+ 0.287X
0.188 X
, with F
= 48.415 > F
t (
= 0.01)
= 6.96.
Fifth, the tests conducted to prove that there is a
correlation between the three variable pairs together
between leadership style (X
) (supervision (X
and self-regulation (X
) on the ability of teachers to
teach Indonesian (Y) (r
= 0.808, F
= 59.74 >
= 4.01).
Sixth, among the three independent variables,
separately show the teacher's ability to
teach Indonesian, acquisition of leadership style
variable correlation (r
= 0.381) was the highest
although the correlation is not too much different
from self-regulation variables (r
= 0.380). and the
smallest correlation sequence is with the supervision
variable (r
= 0.374) either on its own variable or
when paired with other variables which are quite
dominant variables. These two variables (X
and X
are very strategic to improve the ability of teachers
to teach Indonesian language.
The three hypotheses reject Ho meaning the
relationship between the three independent variables
and the dependent variable are positive.(1) the
higher of leadership style is higher significantly on
The Relationship among the Leadership Style, Supervision, Self-regulation against the Ability of Teachers to Teach Indonesian Language
Grade 1 Primary School Students at District Area in Cirebon
the ability of the teacher to teach Indonesian
language (2) the higher formal of Supervision is
higher significantly on the ability of the teacher to
teach Indonesian language. (3) the higher of Self-
regulation is higher significantly on the ability of the
teacher to teach Indonesian language. (4). The
relationship between third variable Leadership Style,
Supervision and Self-regulation in a manner together
against the ability of Indonesia language teachers to
teach grade one primary school students at district
area in Cirebon is positive
The use and result of this research could give a
suggested action to increase the skill of teachers to
teach Indonesian language students in grade one
primary school, so it could be made into a reference
for leader education in more broad areas coverage.
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The Relationship among the Leadership Style, Supervision, Self-regulation against the Ability of Teachers to Teach Indonesian Language
Grade 1 Primary School Students at District Area in Cirebon