Study on Semantics in the Headlines of Waspada Newspaper, Medan,
North Sumatera
Salliyanti, Hariadi Susilo
The Faculty of Cultural Science, University of Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Keywords: Description, Meaning, Headline, Newspaper, Waspada
Abstract: This research is a library study obtained from Waspada Daily News, Medan, North Sumatera. The objective
of the research was to find out and to analyze the meanings contained in the headlines of Waspada Daily
Newspaper by using structural semantics theory which is referred to the viewpoint of Abdul Chaer. The data
were gathered by using scrutinizing method by scrutinizing the headlines in Waspada Daily Newspaper,
followed by using taking note method. The data were then grouped based on the use of meaning and
analyzed by using equivalent method which determining device comes from outside and is not a part of the
related language (Sudaryanto, 1993: 13). The basic technique used in this research was sorted out
determinant elements, followed by using descriptive qualitative method which analyzed the whole benefit of
interpreting descriptively. In social science, the data were language, sentences. The research also used
quantitative method in which the use of meaning in the headlines was calculated in order to find out which
one was the most dominant in Waspada Daily Newspaper, Medan. The result of the research showed that
there were denotative meaning, connotative meaning, and ambiguous meaning in the headlines of Waspada
Newspaper. The conclusion was that the most dominant use of meaning was ambiguous meaning.
Linguistic study becomes a sustainable and
worldwide topic since language is merged with
people’s daily life and activities; therefore, it plays a
vital role in human life. it is used by people as a
means of communication ti convey opinion, ideas,
notion, and intention to other people. It is also the
realization people’s behavior, either orally or in a
written form so that they can hear, understand, and
feel what is wanted to be conveyed.
Talking about language cannot be separated from
the meaning contained in it. Every utterance
produced by human utterance device should have
meaning since the principal purpose of having a
language is basically to convey a message or to
communicate meaning. Non-meaningful utterance
will not be included in a language since it has a
system as what is pointed out by Chaer (1995: 2)
that the activity to have a language is actually an
activity which expresses the symbols of language to
convey meaning in those symbols to interlocutors (in
verbal communication) or to readers (in written
One of the language activities used to convey
messages to communicate meanings is through local
newspapers. In a newspaper are there the symbols of
language which contain meanings that are used to
convey information to its readers. The symbols of
language or the sound of language cn be in the form
of words, phrases, and sentences found in the
headlines and the news. Word meaning, phrase, and
sentences should be used readers in receiving
information from the news in that newspaper.
Headlines and their content are an integral part of a
newspaper. Practically, an important thing in
receiving information about understanding the
meaning is found in its headline because the main
purpose of information is through the headlines of a
A newspaper as the source of information is very
important for people. They read newspapers
everyday in order to find out current news. Without
newspapers people will not know about news,
knowledge, and current events, let alone today there
are a lot of events which cause concern, especially
those in legal affairs, economy, corruption, and
terrorism. Therefore, without a newspaper people
will know nothing about news or current events.
Salliyanti, . and Susilo, H.
Study on Semantics in the Headlines of Waspada Newspaper, Medan, North Sumatera.
DOI: 10.5220/0009000804320438
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 432-438
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
When we buy a newspaper, the first thing we see
is its headline whether it is attractive or not. When it
is related to our affairs, we will read it thoroughly;
when it is not, we only read its titles. On this
occasion, the researcher discussed the analysis on
the use of meaning in the headlines of Waspada
Daily Newspaper in Medan, North Sumatera, which
have never been studied by other people.
The main information conveyed through a
newspaper lies on its headline. Therefore, it is highly
necessary to understand its meaning since it is not
uncommon that after reading the headline of a
newspaper, the reader is fallacious in understanding
it or fallacious in interpreting the words or phrases in
the headlines since they are different from the real
This research used structural semantic approach in
describing the language. It used the analytical theory
of the correlation between meaning and analytical
theory of meaning type (Cher, 2009: 54).
In every language, including Indonesian, there
will be meaning relation or semantic meaning
relation between words and the other language units.
A language unit includes morpheme, words, phrases,
and sentences. This meaning relation is concerned
with meaning similarity, meaning contradiction,
meaning ambiguity, and meaning excess which are
respectively called synonym, antonym, polysemi,
and ambiguity.
The theory of meaning type is distinguished
by the existence of denotative meaning and
connotative meaning based on its meaning
accuracy. Based on whether there is a sense value
in a language.
Pateda (1996:7) points out that before a person
speaks and listens to another person’s utterance, a
mental process occurs in both of them. It is the
process of arranging semantic, grammatical, and
phonological codes in the speaker and the process of
solving phonological, grammatical, and semantic
codes in the listener. In other words, there is the
process of meaning in both the speaker and the
listener. Therefore, it is evident that semantics is
linguistic sub-discipline which talks about meaning
or meaning as an object.
The research used 20 (twenty) data of headlines in
Waspada Newspaper in Medan obtained randomly
from December, 2017 until June, 2018. It also used
scrutinizing method in using the language through
the headlines of Waspada Newspaper, Medan, and
also taking note method. The gathered data were
selected or classified according to their problems.
The gathered data were then analyzed one by one
based on the theory in order to reveal the meaning
found in the headlines in Waspada Newspaper.
In analyzing the data, the writer used equivalence
method obtained from the outside which are not part
of the related language (Sudaryanto, 1993: 10). In
this case, the basic technique used was sorting out
technique of determinants. Along with referential
equivalence, this technique used referential sorting
out method to divide lingual units.
Besides the methods above, the researcher also used
quantitative method, the decision method which
used figures (Muchlis, 1992:4). Solution using
quantitative model would yield values or figures for
the variable of decision. To calculate the most
dominant number of meaning usages in the
headlines of Waspada newspaper, Medan, the
following simple formula was used:
The amount of meaning appearance
_____________________________ x
The number of the whole data
For example:
The amount of ambiguous meaning = 6
The number of the whole data = 100
6 x 100% = 6%
Thus, the amount of ambiguous meaning
appearance was 6%.
4.1 The Use of Denotative Meaning in
the Headline of Waspada
Newspaper, Medan
Data I. Sinabung Keluarkan awan panas (Sinabung
Spat Out Hot Clouds) (Waspada, January 13, 2018:
Study on Semantics in the Headlines of Waspada Newspaper, Medan, North Sumatera
The words found in the headline above is a series of
words which have denotative meaning because they
do not undergo the change in meaning from its
original objective one. The word, Sinabung means
“the name of a mount”; the word, keluarkan means
‘move from in inside to the outside.” (KBBI,
1988:413).The word, awan means water vapor
which is clotted hovering in the air” (KBBI,
1988:57) while the word, panas means “feeling as if
it were burned up or close to fire” (KBBI,
1988:641). It is, therefore, obvious that the headline
above has denotative meaning because it is
strengthened by the word, panas which is in
accordance with its real meaning.
Data 2. Seorang police Tembak Kepala Sendiri.
(A Police Office Kills Himself) (Waspada, April 19,
2018: A1)
The words found in the headline above is a series
of words which have denotative meaning because
they do not undergo the change in meaning from its
original objective. The word, seorang means “one
person” (KBBI, 1988:629), the word, polisi means
“government’s body which has the responsibility to
safeguard security and public order or to arrest those
who violate against law” (KBBI, 1988:693), the
word, tembak means “to release bullets from a gun”
(KBBI, 1988:921), the word, kepala means a part
of the body above the throat in human beings and in
some animals, the place of brain” (KBBI, 1988:420),
and the word, sendiri means “alone” (KBBI,
1988:813). Therefore, the headline above has
denotative meaning since it is strengthened by the
word, kepala which is in accordance with its real
Data 3. Kebakaran di Mardinding Empat Rumah
Hangus. (Fire in Mardinding, four houses Burned
Down) (Waspada, April 19, 2018: B12)
The words found in the headline above is a series of
words which have denotative meaning because they
do not undergo the change in meaning from its
original objective. The word, kebakaran means “the
event of burning of something” (KBBI, 1988:70),
the word, Mardinding means an area in Karo
regency, North Sumatera, the word, empat means
name of a figure (KBBI, 1988:757), the word,
hangus means “burned up completely” (KBBI,
1988:296). Therefore, the headline above has
denotative meaning since it is strengthened by the
word, hangus which is in accordance with its real
4.2 The Use of Connotative Meaning in
the Headline of Waspada
Newspaper, Medan
Data 4. Gelapkan Sepeda MotorTeman untuk Beli
Sabu. (Stealing a Friend’s Bike to Buy Drugs)
(Waspada, March 19, 2018: A5)
In the headline above there is a word which has
connotative meaning, gelapkan which has changed
its meaning, has been influenced by subjective
value, and is objective. The word, gelapkan means
“to become dark, without light” (KBBI, 1988:262)
which has denotative meaning. Therefore, the
headline above has connotative meaning which is
strengthened by the word, gelapkan which means
“to steal.”
Data 5. Rp.13 M Dana Desa di Labura
Mengendap. (IDR.13 Billion of Village Fund Not
Distributed at Labura) (Waspada, June 7, 2018: B11)
In the headline above there is a word which has
connotative meaning, mengendap which has
changed its meaning and influenced by subjective
values, and is objective. The word, mengendap
means “to bend down in order not to be recognized”
(KBBI, 1988: 230) which has denotative meaning.
Therefore, the headline above has connotative
meaning which is strengthened by the word,
mengendap which means “not to be distributed.”
Data 6. Kepolisian Menggali Keberadaan
Pelaku. (Police search for the Location of the
Perpetrator) (Waspada, July 5, 2018: B8)
In the headline above there is a word which has
connotative meaning, menggali which has changed
its meaning and influenced by subjective values, and
is objective. The word, menggali means “dig a hole
in the ground” (KBBI, 1988: 249) which has
denotative meaning. Therefore, the headline above
has connotative meaning which is strengthened by
the word, menggali which means “to search for.”
Data 7. BPOM Sisir Aceh Cegah Peredaran
Pangan Berformalin. (BPOM sweeps Aceh to
Forestall Formalin Foods Distribution) (Waspada,
March 19, 2018: B12)
In the headline above there is a word which has
connotative meaning, sisir which has changed its
meaning and influenced by subjective values, and is
objective. The word, sisir as a verb means “a device
used to tidy up hair” (KBBI, 1988: 848) which has
denotative meaning. Therefore, the headline above
has connotative meaning which is strengthened by
the word, sisir which means “to beef up control and
examine products.”
Data 8. Pidie Dapat Kucuran Dana APBN
Rp.106 Miliar. (Pidie Gets Funds from State’s
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
Budget of IDR.106 billion) (Waspada, January 3,
2018: B12)
In the headline above there is a word which has
connotative meaning, kucuran which has changed its
meaning and influenced by subjective values, and is
objective. The word, kucuran means “the gushes out
(water or blood) (KBBI, 1988: 848) which has
denotative meaning. Therefore, the headline above
has connotative meaning which is strengthened by
the word, kucuran which means “quota.”
Data 9. Petugas Keamanan PAG
DiputusKontrak. (No Contract Renewal for PAG
Security Personnel) (Waspada, January 3, 2018:
In the headline above there is a word which has
connotative meaning, diputus which has changed its
meaning and influenced by subjective values, and is
objective. The word, diputus means “no connection
because of being cut up” (KBBI, 1988: 715) which
has denotative meaning. Therefore, the headline
above has connotative meaning which is
strengthened by the word, diputus which means “not
to be renewed.”
Data 10. ASN Kemenag Jangan Gunakan
Kacamata Kuda dalam Kerja. (Kemenag Employees
Must Not Use Blinders in Working) (Waspada,
January 4, 2018: A1)
In the headline above there is a phrase which has
connotative meaning, kacamata kuda which has
changed its meaning and influenced by subjective
values, and is objective. The word, kacamata means
“thin lenses to make eyes normal” (KBBI, 1988:
374) which has denotative meaning. Therefore, the
headline above has connotative meaning which is
strengthened by the phrase, kacamata kuda which
means “do not care for others.”
4.3 The Use of Ambiguous Meaning in
the Headline of Waspada
Newspaper, Medan
Data 11. Intermilan Berguru di Legenda. Waspada,
June 1, 2018: B6)
The headline above has ambiguous meaning since it
can have double interpretation:
(1) Intermilan Learns in Legend)
(2) Intermilan Learns From the Previous
Therefore, the headline is ambiguous. In the
event of the headline above becomes Intermilan
Learns From the Pervious Experiece, ambiguity will
not occur because it has clear meaning even though
the word structure is changed.
Data 12. Meghan Markle Berhenti Merokok
Demi Bantu Pangeran Harry Merokok. (Waspada,
May 23, 2018: B7)
The headline above has ambiguous meaning since it
can have double interpretation
(1) Meghan Markle Stops Smoking.
(2) Meghan Markel Helps Prince Harry Stop
Therefore, the headline is ambiguous. In the event of
the headline above becomes Meghan Markel Helps
Prince Harry Stop Smoking, ambiguity will not
occur because it has clear meaning even though the
word structure is changed.
Data 13. Pengusaha itu Mendapatkan Bunga.
(Waspada, June 5, 2018: B10)
The headline above has ambiguous meaning since it
can have double interpretation:
(1) The Business Person Gets Flowers (from
his girlfriend)
(2) The Business Person Gets (Bank) Interest.
Therefore, the headline is ambiguous. In the event of
the headline above becomes The Business Person
Gets Bank Interest, ambiguity will not occur because
it has clear meaning even though the word structure
is changed by adding the phrase, the Bank.
Data 14. Pengusaha Baru Membangu Pabrik di
Desa. (Waspada, June 7, 2018: B6)
The headline above has ambiguous meaning since it
can have double interpretation:
(1) A New Business Person Constructs a
Factory at a Village.
(2) A New Factory is Constructed by a
Business Person.
Therefore, the headline is ambiguous. In the event of
the headline above becomes A New Factory is
Constructed by a Business Person, ambiguity will
not occur because it has clear meaning even though
the word structure is changed.
Data 15, Edy Rahmayadi Tak Mau Besar Kepala.
(Waspada, May 21, 2018: B7)
The headline above has ambiguous meaning since it
can have double interpretation:
(1) Edy Rahmayadi does not Want his Head to
Become Big.
(2) Edy Rahmayadi does not Want to be
Therefore, the headline is ambiguous. In the event of
the headline above becomes Edy Rahmayadi does
not Want to be Arrogant, ambiguity will not occur
because it has clear meaning even though the word
structure is changed.
Data 16. Gubernur Golkar Kembali
Mencalonkan Diri. (Waspada, May 20, 2018: B10)
Study on Semantics in the Headlines of Waspada Newspaper, Medan, North Sumatera
The headline above has ambiguous meaning since it
can have double interpretation:
(1) Golkar Governor Wants to be Re-elected.
(2) Governor Candidate from Golkar wants to
be Re-elected.
Therefore, the headline is ambiguous. In the event of
the headline above becomes Governor Candidate
from Golkar wants to be Re-elected, ambiguity will
not occur because it has clear meaning even though
the word structure is changed.
Data 17. Kereta Tabrak Xenia Andi dan Yono
Meninggal. (Waspada, May 23, 2018: A5)
The headline above has ambiguous meaning since it
can have double interpretation:
(1) Andi and Yono Died because their Car was
Hit by Mototrcycle.
(2) Andi and Yono died because their
Motorcycle Hit a Car.
Therefore, the headline is ambiguous. In the event of
the headline above becomes Andi and Yono died
because their Motorcycle Hit a Car, ambiguity will
not occur because it has clear meaning even though
the word structure is changed.
Data 18. Polisi Amankan 3 Paket Sabu Dari
Warga Merbau. (Waspada, May 23, 2018: B4)
The headline above has ambiguous meaning
since it can have double interpretation:
(1) The Police Help Keep 3 Packs of Narcotics
from Merbau Community.
(2) The Police Raid 3 Packs of Narcotics from
Merbau Community.
Therefore, the headline is ambiguous. In the
event of the headline above becomes The Police
Raid 3 Packs of Narcotics from Merbau
Community, ambiguity will not occur because it
has clear meaning even though the word structure is
Data 19. Beruang Merah Belum Meyakinkan.
(Waspada, June 7, 2018: B8)
The headline above has ambiguous meaning
since it can have double interpretation:
(1) A Red Bear does not Make Certain.
(2) Turkish Soccer Players, Red Bear, are not
Ready to Play.
Therefore, the headline is ambiguous. In the
event of the headline above becomes Turkish Soccer
Players, Red Bear, are not Ready to Play, ambiguity
will not occur because it has clear meaning even
though the word structure is changed.
Data 20. Susi Susanti Obor Pengobat Luka.
(Waspada, March 16, 2018: B1)
The headline above has ambiguous meaning
since it can have double interpretation:
(1) Susi Susanti is the Torch for Healing Wound.
(2) Susi Susanti Becomes the Ambassador for
Asean Game.
Therefore, the headline is ambiguous. In the
event of the headline above becomes Susi Susanti
Becomes the Ambassador for Asean Game,
ambiguity will not occur because it has clear
meaning even though the word structure is changed.
Table 1: Tabulation of Using the Most Dominant
Denotative and Connotative Meaning in the Headline of
Waspada Newspaper, Medan
Use of
Sinabung Spat Out
Hot Clouds
(Waspada, January
13, 20018: A1)
A Police Office
Kills Himself
(Waspada, March
19, 2018: A1)
Fire in Mardinding,
Four houses Burned
(Waspada, April
19, 2018: B12)
Total of the Appearance of Meaning
The number of the appearance of connotative
meaning = 3
The number of the whole data
= 20
3 x 100%
= 15%
Thus, the total of the appearance of denotative
meaning is 15%.
Use of
Stealing a Friend’s
Bike to Buy Drugs
(Waspada, March
19, 2018: A5)
IDR.13 Billion of
Village Fund Not
(Waspada, June 7,
2018: B11)
Police search for
the Location of the
(Waspada, July 5,
2018: B8)
BPOM sweeps
Aceh to Forestall
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
Formalin Foods
(Waspada, march
19, 2018: B12)
Pidie Gets Funds
from State’s
Budget of
(Waspada, march
19, 2018: B12)
No Contract
Renewal for PAG
Security Personnel
(Waspada, January
3, 2018: B11)
Employees Must
Not Use Blinders
in Working
(Waspada, January
14, 2018: A1)
Total of the Appearance of Meaning
The number of connotative meaning = 7
The number of the whole data =20
7 x 100%
= 35%
Thus, the total of the appearance of connotative
meaning is 35%. The conclusion is that the total
appearance of denotative meaning is 15% while the
total of the appearance of connotative meaning is
Tabulation of Using the Most Dominant Ambiguous
Meaning in the Headline of Waspada Newspaper,
Use of
Intermilan Learns
From the
(Waspada, June 1,
2018: B6)
Meghan Markel
Helps Prince
Harry Stop
(Waspada, May
23, 2018: B10)
The Business
Person Gets
(Bank) Interest
(Waspada, June 5,
2018: B10)
A New Factory is
Constructed by a
Business Person
(Waspada, June 7,
2018: B6)
Edy Rahmayadi
does not Want to
be Arrogant
(Waspada, May
21, 2018: B7)
Candidate from
Golkar wants to
be Re-elected
(Waspada, May
20, 2018: B10)
Andi and Yono
died because their
Motorcycle Hit a
(Waspada, May
23, 2018: A5)
The Police Raid 3
Packs of
Narcotics from
(Waspada, May
23, 2018: B4)
Turkish Soccer
Players, Red
Bear, are not
Ready to Play
(Waspada, June 7,
Susi Susanti
Becomes the
Ambassador for
Asean Game
(Waspada, March
16, 2018: B1)
Total of the Appearance of Meaning
The number of ambiguous meaning = 10
The number of the whole data
= 20
10 x 100%
= 50%
Thus, the total of the appearance of
connotative meaning is 50%.
The total number of denotative meaning,
connotative meaning, and ambiguous meaning is
15% + 35% + 50% = 100%.
To make it clear, see the following Table:
Study on Semantics in the Headlines of Waspada Newspaper, Medan, North Sumatera
The headlines in Waspada Newspaper used a lot of
ambiguous meanings which made the writer
interested in analyzing them. The use of ambiguous
meaning highly influences the content since it uses
ambiguous punctuation marks, words, and sentence
structure so that the information will make their
readers confused since they have double meanings.
The headlines in this newspaper also use connotative
meanings so that many readers do not understand
them. If the newspaper uses denotative meanings, its
readers will surely understand because they can be
found in dictionaries.
The percentage of using the meaning in the
headlines of Waspada newspaper is as follows:
denotative meaning is 15%, connotative meaning is
35%, and ambiguity is 50%. Therefore, the most
dominant meaning is ambiguous meaning (50%).
The author would like to thank the Rector of the
University of Sumatera Utara for funding this
research. This gratitude is also sent to the Dean of
the Faculty of Cultural Science who had allowed the
Indonesian Literature Study Program to be the place
of this research. Last but not least, the gratitude is
also conveyed to the organizers of the 1st ICELS
(International Conference on Education, Language,
and Society) seminar that has accepted this article to
be delivered in the session.
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Change in Meaning
The Use of Denotative
The Use of Connotative
The Use of Ambiguous
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society