The Quality of Drinking Water Preparation in Drinking Water Refill
Depots in Kendari, Indonesia
Erwin Azizi Jayadipraja
*, Dedeh Nurhayati
and Muhammad Chaerul
College of Mandala Waluya Health School, Kendari, Indonesia
Jalan Jend. AH. Nasution, Kambu, Kec. Kambu, Kota Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara 93561
Health Department of Southeast Sulawesi Province, Kendari, Indonesia
Jalan Bumi Praja Boulevard Kel. Mokoau, Kec. Kambu, Kota Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara 93231
Fajar University, Makassar, Indonesia
Jalan. Prof. Abdurahman Basalamah No.101, Karampuang, Kec. Panakkukang, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90231
Keywords: Drinking water refill depots, drinking water quality, coliform, Fe.
Abstract: The society in Kendari are using drinking water have a source of drinking water refill depots. The drinking
water should qualify the physical, chemistry and microbiology rules and regulations. The population in this
study is the whole drinking water depots in Kendari that carrying by Kendari Health Department in January
2018 as many as 87 depots. The number of sample as many as 36 drinking water depots. Sampling technique
is proportionate random sampling. The result of this study is finding that from 36 depots obtaining as many
as 91, 7% water resources (water standard) is unqualified (contains coliform and Fe). After processed by
drinking water depots, the water quality is re-test and obtaining as many as 16,7% the water fickle by drinking
water depot is unqualified (contains coliform and Fe). There are still drinking water depots that the preparation
system of drinking water are unqualified by the health regulation of Republic Indonesia. So that evaluation
and supervision is necessary in term the implementation so it does not fazing health.
Water is the important thing in life because the whole
creatures in this world are needing water
(WHO/UNICEF JMP for Water Supply and
Sanitation, 2014). Predominantly water in this world
sea water as many as 97%, while as many as 2% water
is stuck in ice form and the number of clean fresh
water that can be used by people to suffice their lively
need on a day generally 1%. Clean and fresh water
can be organized as underground water, river water
and lake water (Pimentel et al., 1997).
Everyone needs water around 64, 8
liter/person/day a day (Prima et al., 2017). Indonesian
drinking water is getting clean water from local
drinking water region company, especially the
citizen, and the others are using the well or another
source. In the dry season, water crisis can be occur
and the gastroenteritis disease is appear everywhere
(Hall and Guyton, 2011). There are some sources of
drinking water in Kendari , Drinking Water Region
Company (PDAM) is distributing drinking water
however the water quality which is distributed by the
pipeline system generally turbid, rust colored and
obtaining bacteriology.
So, it needs special treatment for consuming
before it is using like filtering Total Suspended Solid
(Syauqiah, Wiyono and Faturrahman, 2018) and also
it is boiling until 100
C for slewing the bacteriology
(Barke, 2019). Today, the boiling water habit (Geetha
and Sivachidambaranathan, 2019) and water filtering
is rarely to find in citizen because it needs more
energy (the fossil fuel) and spending hours. The
citizens recently choose to use drinking water that
immediately consume which is come from the
drinking water depots around Kendari.
Drinking water depots that have operated should
be qualified in administration or technical rules
(Nurlila et al., 2019) and regulations according to
legalization regulations (Adam, 2019). Technical
regulation is begin at water quality (water standard
and drinking water), place, instrumentation that used
and operator of drinking water depots. Drinking water
should be fulfilling the physical, chemistry and
microbiology rules and regulations.
Water preparation in drinking water depots fulfils
the health standard of drinking water based on Health
Ministry of Republic Indonesia Rules and Regulation
Number 32 years 2017 about quality standard of
environmental health rules and regulation of water for
Jayadipraja, E., Nurhayati, D. and Chaerul, M.
The Quality of Drinking Water Preparation in Drinking Water Refill Depots in Kendari, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009123000920095
In Proceedings of the 2nd Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2019), pages 92-95
ISBN: 978-989-758-462-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the hygiene sanitation necessity, swimming pool,
solus per Aqua and bathing place. However in fact,
there are still drinking water distribute their water that
obtaining Fe and coliform (Wiyata, 2013).
This research is observational study. Population in
this research as many as 87 drinking water depots in
Kendari, the number of sample in this research as
many as 36 drinking water depots. This research is
using the official regulations orientation of Health
Ministry of Republic Indonesia Number. Water
quality testting in Laboratorium Kesehatan Provinsi
Sulawesi Tenggara (Dinkes Sultra, 2017).
Water resources quality (water standard).
Water standard is the water resources that using to be
the basic material that will be processing in drinking
water depot. Standard water quality can be seen in
table 1.
Table 1: Standard water quality of drinking water depots in
Kendari in 2018.
Water Standard
Drinking water quality.
Drinking water is the fickle water result by the
drinking water depot that immediately consume by
citizen. The quality of fickle water result by the
drinking water depot can be seen in table 2.
Table 2: The distribution of drinking water quality in
Kendari in 2018.
Depot Drinking Water Quality
Figure 1: The map of water quality of depot drinking water
in the whole Kendari.
Refill drinking water depot is a place where refill
drinking water is done. The depot is a place where
refill drinking water is done by using water filling
machine. This filling machine is the machine that has
function to convert water into drinking water after
several filtering processes, so the basic water is ready
to drink (Bartram et al., 2014)
Based on the result of this research obtaining the
information that from 36 drinking water depots, there
are 33 drinking water depots (91,7%) that have basic
water which is unqualified, and there are 3 (8,3%)
drinking water depots that qualified. After doing the
preparation in drinking water depot obtaining that
water quality in drinking water depots are qualified as
many as 30 (83,3%) drinking water depots, while the
water quality that unqualified as many as 6 (16,7%)
drinking water depots.
Several researches indicate water quality that
distributed in Kendari the drinking water depots is
unqualified. (Nurlila et al., 2019) found that there are
81, 8% drinking water depots unqualified (coliform
>50 CFU/100ml) from 11 drinking water depots.
Others research also found 60% bacteria (Askrening
and Yunus, 2017).
This research found the depot which the basic
water is unqualified caused of the result of physical
water inspection that there are 17 drinking water
depots are smelly, have contents Fe over the basic
quality of drinking water which has been set in (1
mg/l) as many as 14 drinking water depots. The depot
that contents the basic water has Fe contents over the
basic quality using water resources from dig well and
electric pump well. The contents of iron elements
naturally found in groundwater, especially in well
water (Khatri, Tyagi and Rawtani, 2017).
The basic water that come from Drinking Water
Region Company (DWRC/PDAM) become the basic
water usually has qualified physical quality, it caused
of the water basic which comes from Drinking Water
Region Company (PDAM) has been processing or
The Quality of Drinking Water Preparation in Drinking Water Refill Depots in Kendari, Indonesia
treatment process is not distributed yet and become
water basic by the drinking water depots.
The quality of drinking water in drinking water
depot is very determined by the preparation process
in the drinking water depot. Start from the instrument
that used in the drinking water depot, the instrument
maintenance, hygiene employee and the employee’s
treatment toward the produced water.
Drinking water should be qualified based on
Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia
Nomor 32 Tahun 2017 about basic quality of
environmental health and health regulations of water
for sanitation hygiene necessity, swimming pool,
Solus pe Aqua, bathing place. Physical parameter
condition including turbidity (<25 NTU), color (<50
TCU), Total Dissolve Solid (<1.000 mg/l),
temperature (±3
C air temperature), tasteless and
odorless, biological parameter consist of coliform
total (<50 CFU/100 ml), and E.coli (0 CFU/100 ml).
Several addition of chemistry’s parameter is included,
if there is a contamination toward that water.
Drinking water that peaceful to consume should
be free from the dirty microbe, Coliform and E. coli
is the normal flora toward the digestion access (large
intestine). The high condition of Coliform and E.coli
is caused by the disturbance of digestion system
(Adzitey et al., 2012). Smell, taste and color toward
the drinking water can be one of the first indicator of
that water is reasonable or unreasonably to consume
(Watts and Linden, 2007).
The labor drinking water depot appears not only
in Kendari but also in several regions including
developing counties. The preparation system of water
basic in drinking water depots are using reverse
osmosis or UV treatment (Pérez-González et al.,
The problem appears when the instrumental is not
taking care goodly. Some of them are not substitute
the old micro filter that not used anymore and also
some of them is not pay attention to the ultraviolet
lamp that has been expired. The sleazy instrument
make the instrument activity cannot be working
optimally. Other factors also influence the water
quality in depot like the employee’s behavior who not
keep the sanitation and hygiene.
There is shelf potential of coliform and Fe in citizen’s
drinking water that produced from drinking water
depot. Organization evaluation from local
government and resembling supervision is necessary
in drinking water depots, so the water that distributed
will qualified based on the standard of Peraturan
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The Quality of Drinking Water Preparation in Drinking Water Refill Depots in Kendari, Indonesia