Economic Loss Analyses Due to Tuberculosis at Kolaka Regency in
South-East Sulawesi Province
La Ode Saafi*, La Ode Kamalia and Risal
STIKES Mandala Waluya Kendari Jalan Jend. AH. Nasution, Kec. Kambu, Kota Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara 93561
Keywords: Tuberculosis, economic loss.
Abstract: Tuberculosis can cause pain and even death, as well as can cause psychosocial and economic problems. The
purpose of the study was to determine the economic losses due to tuberculosis in Kolaka Regency. This study
was an analytical survey, the sample was all tuberculosis patients in 2018. The indicators used to measure the
economics loss due to tuberculosis were government costs, household health costs, economic value of
productive time lost due to illness and death. Analysis of government and household costs were calculated
based on the cost component used for the treatment of tuberculosis, analysis of economic values due to illness
using the analysis of years life with disability (YLD) and economic value dies using years of life lost (YLL)
analysis amounting to Rp.452,482,857. Household health costs amounted to Rp.28, 699,500. Economic value
due to illness amounting to Rp.612, 068,012. While economic value died by tuberculosis in the amount of
Rp.4, 717,807,453. The total economic loss due to tuberculosis in Kolaka Regency during 2018 were Rp.
The main objective of the health development
program was to increase the equity and health efforts
that were successful and efficient and affordable by
all members of the community. One of which is an
effort to control and prevent tuberculosis that aims to
reduce the morbidity, mortality and cases of
tuberculosis and prevent the spread and reduce the
impact social and economic losses, so it does not
become a public health problem (Getahun et al.,
2016; Collins, Hafidz and Mustikawati, 2017).
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by
microorganisms Mycobacterium tuberculosis which
mostly attacks lung organs in addition to other organs.
Tuberculosis is commonly found in developing
countries as a result of the country's inability to
provide adequate services in the field of health,
education, and socio-economic welfare to the
community (World Health Organization, 2012).
Based on the World Health Organization (WHO)
global report in 2018 at the global level it is estimated
that the number of new TB cases is as many as 3.2
million cases where most TB sufferers are of
productive age (15-55 years), in Indonesia (World
Health Organization, 2018).
Losses from the economic aspect can be caused
due to the costs incurred to tackle tuberculosis which
include: direct costs, indirect costs and household
costs. TB is also associated with economic lost, this
is caused because the population group of
economically productive age (15-59 years) around
75% who suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis
(Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2019).
In Kolaka Regency in 2018 the number of positive
acid-resistant bacterial pulmonary tuberculosis
(BTA) sufferers was 235 with a case detection rate
(CDR) of 24% (Kolaka, 2017). Tuberculosis
treatment requires a long time period of 6-8 months
and requires a very high cost. However, until now
there has been no data regarding the real cost of
tuberculosis treatment. In fact, the data is needed to
provide input to policy makers in the framework of
budget planning to controlling and preventing
tuberculosis (Collins, Hafidz and Mustikawati, 2017).
This study wants to analyse the economic losses
due to tuberculosis in Kolaka Regency which carried
out treatment at puskesmas and hospitals. The choice
of calculating the economic burden derived by
tuberculosis patients and their family members is very
high, both direct costs from the government, but also
household health costs as well as the substantial loss
of income due to illness and death (Collins, Hafidz
Saafi, L., Kamalia, L. and Risal, .
Economic Loss Analyses Due to Tuberculosis at Kolaka Regency in South-East Sulawesi Province.
DOI: 10.5220/0009125901480151
In Proceedings of the 2nd Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2019), pages 148-151
ISBN: 978-989-758-462-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and Mustikawati, 2017). Based on the above, the
purpose of this study was to calculate the total
economic loss due to tuberculosis in Kolaka Regency
from the case finding to the end of treatment.
This type of study was a descriptive study, which was
to analyse the estimated economic losses due to
tuberculosis in Kolaka Regency in 2018. This study
was carried out in 14 Puskesmas and 1 Hospitals,
spread over 12 District Areas in Kolaka Regency.
Data collection and analysis is conducted from May
to July 2019.
The population in the study were all patients with
tuberculosis in Kolaka Regency in 2018 totalling 235
people. The sampling method was census. Data
collection was done through observation, structured
interviews using interview instruments, and
collecting data through documentation that is looking
at documents that are related to this study. Data
obtained were analysed to determine government and
household health expenditures. The economic loss
due to illness and death were analysed by the
Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) method
(Murray et al., 2012).
The socio-economic characteristics of tuberculosis
patients in this study indicate that 70% are male and
30% are female or the proportion of female patients
is 1: 2, 82% are aged 15-59 years, 47% work in the
informal sector like fishermen and farmers.
3.1 Government Budget for
Tuberculosis Control
The funding for tuberculosis treatment with the DOTS
program in Kolaka Regency is sourced from the
regional budget (APBD) of Rp. 297,477,857, - which
is focused on financing TB diagnosis and treatment
activities (Indonesia, 2018; World Health
Organization, 2018). While the funding for the TB
control program comes from the National Budget
(APBN) through the health operational assistance
fund (BOK) of Rp. 141,050,000, - which was used for
indirect activities for prevention and promotion, and
funding came from grants from the global TB
component fund of Rp. 13,955,000, - which is used for
program supervision and monitoring (Getahun et al.,
2016; Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia,
Efforts to tackle tuberculosis elimination are not
only enough to rely on the availability of service
personnel, adequate logistics and active involvement
of community participation, but also important is the
availability of adequate amounts of the budget. In
2018 the Kolaka Regency government allocated a
health budget for the prevention of diseases of Rp.
1,471,682,500, - while the budget for the tuberculosis
eradication program is Rp. 452,482,857, - then the
amount of the Kolaka District health budget for
efforts to control tuberculosis by 31%. This condition
is an illustration of how high the commitment of
policy makers (stakeholders) at various levels in
Kolaka Regency in organizing tuberculosis
prevention efforts.
3.2 Household Expenses of
Tuberculosis Cases
Costs incurred by households in the treatment of
tuberculosis patients obtained in this study consisted
of transport costs incurred by patients while
undergoing examinations and taking drugs at the
Puskesmas or Hospital. Transport costs obtained are
the real value of each patient's transport expenditure
then accumulated to Rp. 28,699,068. Household
expenditure from the point of view of service users is
the amount of funds that must be provided to be able
to use services, which are included in this expenditure
is every expenditure made by consumers in order to
obtain health services (Getahun et al., 2016; Collins,
Hafidz and Mustikawati, 2017).
In this study, the household costs that are
calculated are only expenses for transportation costs,
but fees for eating and drinking are not counted
because tuberculosis treatment services do not require
a long time. The results of an analysis conducted by
Gani (2000) in Yogyakarta Regency reported that
tuberculosis in Indonesia caused economic losses for
household expenditure of Rp. 25,021,947,850.
Compared to household expenditure due to
tuberculosis in Kolaka Regency, it can be seen that
the economic loss for household expenditure due to
tuberculosis is 0.14% of the total value of economic
losses for household expenditure due to tuberculosis
nationally (Kolaka, 2017).
Economic Loss Analyses Due to Tuberculosis at Kolaka Regency in South-East Sulawesi Province
3.3 The Economic Value of Productive
Time Lost Due to Suffering of
Costs of productivity or lost income are related to
losses incurred due to loss of work time due to
seeking treatment or stopping work due to illness.
Based on the results of this study it was found that the
total economic value due to illness was Rp.
612,068,012, - with 221 patients. Indicator of lost
productive time is how long productive time is lost
due to a person or group of people experiencing
illness, disability or death due to a certain health
problem (Getahun et al., 2016)
Income of patients with missing tuberculosis is
calculated during the examination period until the end
of treatment (success rate). In this study the patient
has passed the examination period for diagnosis and
at least has entered the final stage of the treatment
program. Calculation of income of patients who were
lost when taking anti-tuberculosis drugs and because
they stopped working due to tuberculosis and died
(Ahmad et al., 2009; Ayles et al., 2013; Collins,
Hafidz and Mustikawati, 2017).
In this study it was found that the majority of
sufferers' age groups were productive ages 15 - 59
years namely 182 people (82%) and the status of
patients was also mostly as heads of families i.e. 129
people (58%). This condition can give an illustration
that the sufferer's family will experience family
economic difficulties because the person suffering
from illness is the head of the family who acts as the
main focus of the family in earning a living as well as
other family members who fall into the age group of
workers (Ahmad et al., 2009; Nurjana, 2015).
The actual income of patients with pulmonary TB
an average of Rp. 1,622,872 per month or Rp.
19,474,462, - per year, as well as patients with
pulmonary TB who are sick will lose productive time
as much as 10,920 days (29.9 years). If converted into
rupiah value, the economic value can reach Rp.612,
068,012. Pulmonary TB patients who died also lost
productive time as much as 121,910 days or 334 years
whose economic value reached Rp. 4,717,807,453.
Thus, the economic value due to illness and death due
to pulmonary TB in Kolaka Regency in 2018 reached
Rp. 5,329,875,465
3.4 Economic Losses Due to Death of
Tuberculosis Patients
Patients with tuberculosis who died during 2018 in
Kolaka District were 14 people, by conducting the
Years of Life Lost (YLL) analysis, the economic loss
value of Rp. 4,717,807,453, - Economically, people
or people with tuberculosis who die will surely lose
their work opportunities or will be completely lost,
which in turn cannot earn income. The assumption of
the economic value of lost time can be interpreted as
the loss of one's income due to death.
In this study, the total economic loss of
tuberculosis patients was the total value of the
government budget allocation, household health
expenditure and the economic value of productive
time lost due to illness and death. The total losses
incurred due to tuberculosis in Kolaka Regency
amounted to Rp.5, 811,057,822.
Government health budget for medical expenses for
patients with pulmonary TB in the district of Kolaka
in 2018 amounting to Rp. 452,482,857. Household
expenditure for the treatment of pulmonary TB
patients in Kolaka Regency in 2018 amounting to Rp.
28,699,500. Costs lost (economic value) due to illness
by patients with pulmonary TB in Kolaka Regency in
2018 amounting to Rp. 612,068,012. Costs lost
(economic value) due to death before reaching an
average life expectancy due to pulmonary TB disease
of Rp. 4,717,807,453. Lung TB disease in Kolaka
Regency in 2018 caused a total economic loss of Rp.
From this research, it can suggest that the amount
of economic losses caused by tuberculosis requires
serious efforts in controlling and preventing
tuberculosis. For policy makers to conduct a
financing analysis of tuberculosis disease control and
prevention programs so that the allocation of costs
can be maximized and utilized effectively and
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International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung
Disease. doi: 10.5588/ijtld.16.0898.
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Economic Loss Analyses Due to Tuberculosis at Kolaka Regency in South-East Sulawesi Province