The Correlation of Work Loads and Work Positions on Risk
Occurrence of Myogenic Low Back Pain on Sand Mining
Safun Rahmanto
, Ali Multazam,
and Anggun Retno Muninggar
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Jalan Bandung Nomor 1 Malang 65113 East Java Indonesia
Keywords: Low Back Pain, Workload, Work Position, Sand Miners, Kalimujur
Abstract: Low Back Pain is a condition of pain that is felt in the lower back area, usually felt between rib bones to the
lower fold of buttocks, and can reduce human work productivity. Workload and work position are the factors
of concern in the incidence of Low Back Pain. This research was observational analytic using a cross-sectional
method, and the study was conducted on 25-27 February 2019. Respondents in the study were sand mining
workers in Kalimujur Lumajang Regency as many as 63 respondents. The technique of taking respondents
uses purposive sampling. Based on the results of the Spearman correlation calculation (α <0.05) the workload
relationship with the risk of back pain is below p-value 0,000, then H0 is rejected. The results of the study
were correlation calculation work relationship with the risk of back pain below p-value 0,000, then H0 is
rejected. From these results, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between workload and work
position on the risk of low back pain in Kalimujur sand miners in Lumajang Regency. There is a relationship
between workload and work position to the risk of low back pain in sand miners in Kalimujur Lumajang
Lumajang district is one of the areas in East Java
Province. Lumajang Regency has an area of 1,790.90
km2 and has 1,006,458 inhabitants. The majority of
the people in the Lumajang area work as sand miners
to meet the needs of their families. Sand miners in the
Lumajang area, at the time of work, many of them did
not use machines, but instead used simple methods,
namely with hoes or shovels to collect sand.
In Lumajang the mining industry is one of the
industries that is prioritized by the government of
Lumajang Regency, where Lumajang Regency is
known as one of the best sand-producing industries in
Indonesia. Based on a preliminary study conducted
by researchers at the Kalimujur sand miner in
Lumajang Regency, which amounted to 73 active
miners through interviews as many as 8 respondents
stated experiencing low back pain.
Low back pain is a pain that is felt in the lower
back area, in the form of local pain or radicular pain
or both pain. Pain that is usually accompanied by pain
radiates to the legs and feet. Pain that can reduce the
productivity of human performance and can be
caused due to muscle fatigue or other diseases such as
malignant tumors (Rinaldi, Utomo and Nauli, 2015).
Research at Pasir Gintung Market in Bandar
Lampung explained that there were 32 workers
(66.7%) experiencing back pain and 16 workers
(33.3%) not complaining of back pain. The results of
this study indicate a relationship to the occurrence of
low back pain, namely work period, workload, and
work position. Whereas at age, IMT and smoking
habits do not have a specific relationship to the
occurrence of low back pain (Andini, 2015). Sand
miners are one of the jobs that are very vulnerable to
health. Every day the sand miners usually work for 6-
8 hours per day carrying heavy loads and wrong body
positions coupled with repetitive movements.
The workload is a job with a burden that must be
borne by a person or group of people within a certain
period with normal conditions. Sand miners, while
doing their work by swinging the sand that has been
collected into the truck in a bent and standing
position. To load trucks in a day, sand miners can
swing 1300 more swings. This condition can cause
fatigue in the muscles of the waist, arms, and neck to
become tense. The number of factors that influence
complaints of low back pain such as heredity, age,
Rahmanto, S., Multazam, A. and Muninggar, A.
The Correlation of Work Loads and Work Positions on Risk Occurrence of Myogenic Low Back Pain on Sand Mining.
DOI: 10.5220/0009126801870190
In Proceedings of the 2nd Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2019), pages 187-190
ISBN: 978-989-758-462-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sex, body posture deformity, physical activity, work
period, and length of time at work. Other than that,
other factors can affect the occurrence of low back
pain, namely physical factors such as body tension at
work, frequent lifting of weight, and body position
that is not ergonomic when working. Smoking history
and trauma can also cause a factor in the occurrence
of low back pain (Kaur, 2016).
This study used an observational analytic design with
a cross-sectional approach where data collection from
independent variables and dependent variables was
taken at one time. In this study, researchers will look
at the relationship between workload and work
position to the risk of low back pain in sand miners in
Kalimujur Lumajang Regency. Respondents in this
study were sand miners in Kalimujur, amounting to
63 people with a sampling method that was purposive
In this study the researchers took the data in the
form of sand miner's workload using the QEC (Quick
Exposure Check) method, working position data
collection using the REBA (Rapid Entire Body
Assessment) method and data collection on the risk of
Low Back Pain using NBM (Nordic Body Map). This
study used the Spearman correlation test, and
conclusions were carried out using SPSS to compare
the P-value with (sig 2 tailed) with a value of α 0.05.
H0 is accepted if p> 0.05 and H1 is accepted if p
Figure 1: Characteristics of Respondents by Age
From Figure 1, it can be seen that those who work in
the sand mining in Kalimujur, in terms of ages 26-35
years, there are 24% (15 miners), there are 25% (16
miners), ages 36-45, aged 46-55, 29% (18 miners),
while 56-65 years old there are 22% (14 miners)of a
total of 63 miners It can be concluded that
respondents with ages 46-55 years are the highest
number of respondents and age 56-65 years are the
least number of respondents.
Winata (2014) research, cases in low back pain
are very rare at 0-10 years of age, low back pain often
occurs at the age of 20 years, and up to the age of 50,
this can occur because of etiological factors in the old
age group. In line with the research conducted by
Idyan (2008), as we get older, there will be
degeneration in the bones and this condition can
occur from the age of 30 years.
At the age of 30, there is a degeneration that can
damage the tissue; there is a change in scar tissue, a
reduction in the fluid, which causes reduced bone and
muscle stability. Getting older and increasing age, the
flexibility of the muscles decreases so that it can
cause stiffness in the muscles and joints. In addition
to stiffness, the narrowing of the space between the
vertebral bones results in a lack of flexibility in the
The following are the results of data analysis the
correlation of workloads and work positions on risk
occurrence of low back pain myogenic on sand
mining in Kalimujur Lumajang District.
Table 1: Correlation between Workload and Risk of Low
Back Pain
Sig. (2-tailed) Correlation Coefficient
0.000 0.622
Sig. (2-tailed) Of 0,000 or less than 0.05 (p <0.05)
means that H1 is accepted, so it can be concluded that
there is a significant relationship between workload
and the risk of low back pain. Correlation coefficient
of 0.622 means the level of strength of the
relationship between workload and the risk of low
back pain including strong correlation. The number
of correlation coefficients in the table shows positive
numbers, which means the relationship between the
two variables is in the same direction. This shows that
the higher the workload, the higher the risk of low
back pain.
Table 2. Correlation between Work Position and Risk of
Low Back Pain
Sig. (2-tailed) Correlation Coefficient
0.000 0.668
Sig. (2-tailed) Of 0,000 or less than 0.05 (p <0.05)
means that H1 is accepted, so it can be concluded that
there is a significant relationship between work
positions and the risk of low back pain. The
HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference
correlation coefficient of 0.668 means the level of
strength of the relationship between work positions
and the risk of low back pain including strong
correlations. The number of correlation coefficients
in the table shows positive numbers, which means the
relationship between the two variables is in the same
direction. This result shows that the higher the
position of work, the higher the risk of low back pain.
Andini (2015) explains that work with heavy
loads can cause a large burden on muscles, tendons,
ligaments, and joints that can cause muscle fatigue,
muscle damage, tendon damage, and damage to other
tissues. Physical loading that the body receives during
work can result in musculoskeletal injury to the body.
The burden received by the correct body is not to
exceed 30-40% of the maximum ability of workers in
8 hours a day and pay attention to the prevailing clock
regulations (Suma’mur, 1989).
The research conducted by Risdianti (2018) about
the relationship between workload and complaints of
low back pain, which has a significant relationship to
complaints of low back pain in the female pelvis in
Pasar Legi Surakarta. Whereas, the research
conducted by Nurzannah, Makmur, and Umi (2015),
which is about the relationship between workload and
low back pain events, also has a significant
relationship with the occurrence of low back pain in
unloading workers in Belawan Port, Medan. Also,
research conducted by Al Miqdam (2017) on sawmill
workers also shows a connection between wood
lifting and the incidence of low back pain.
Sand miners at work tend to be bent and in a
dynamic state. The position of the head and back of
the sand miner also tends to bend because the position
when taking sand to be transferred to the sand
transport truck is lower than his body position. Work
that is bent and repetitive will cause spasm and pain
in the back area muscles because of the emphasis on
excessive muscle in the back area. Research
conducted by Samara (2005), which is about the
attitude of work bending and turning during work, can
increase the risk of occurrence of low back pain of
2.68 times compared to the work attitude of the
upright body.
The research conducted by Kusuma, Hartanti, and
Hasan (2014), which is about the Influence of
Working Position of the Genesis of Low Back Pain in
The Workers at Kampung Sepatu Miji, has a
significant relationship to the risk of low back pain.
The correlation between work attitude standing on the
waist segment of workers who work in the cleaning
service section with musculoskeletal complaints has
a significant relationship to complaints of low back
pain. Where some officers complained of low back
pain when cleaning the bathroom with awkward
positions such as rotating position and sideways
movement and each position had a high risk for low
back pain.
Work positions carried out by miners with the
wrong position (too bent) and out of habit will
increase the risk of injury to the musculoskeletal
system. High-risk work positions also have a high risk
of low back pain. On sand miners in Kalimujur
Lumajang Regency, while working with a dynamic
and repetitive back position, especially in the lumbar
region, can cause spasm and pain. If excessive
contraction, the circulation of blood to the muscles
decreases, it can result in decreased oxygen supply,
which eventually occurs accumulation of lactic acid,
and this is one of the causes of the emergence of pain
in muscles (Tarwaka and Andi, 2004).
Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded
that: There is a correlation between workload and
work position to the risk of occurrence on low back
pain to sand miners in Kalimujur Lumajang Regency.
Andini, F. (2015) ‘Risk Factors of Low Back Pain in
Worker’, Jurnal Majority, 6(1).
Kaur, K. (2016) ‘Prevalence of Low Back Pain (LBP)
Complaints on Farmers in the Payangan Public Works
Unit UPT in Gianyar April 2015’, Intisari Sains Medis,
5(1), pp. 49–59.
Kusuma, I. F., Hartanti, R. I. and Hasan, M. (2014) The
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Low Back Pain in The Workers at Kampung Sepatu,
Kelurahan Miji, Kecamatan Prajurit Kulon, Kota
Mojokerto. University of Jember.
Al Miqdam, R. M. (2017) The Correlation Between Burden
and Complaints of Lower Back Pain in Woodworkers.
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
Nurzannah, Makmur, S. and Umi, S. (2015) Relation of
Risk Factors to the occurrence of Low Back Pain in
Loading and Unloading Workers in Belawan Port,
Medan. Univeristy of Sumatera Utara.
Rinaldi, E., Utomo, W. and Nauli, F. A. (2015)
‘Relationship of Work Position to Bricks Industry
Workers with Low Back Pain Events’, Online Journal
Students of Nursing Study Program at the University of
Riau, 2(2), pp. 1085–1093.
Risdianti, D. (2018) The Correlation Between Workload
and Low Back Pain Complaints (LBP) on Female
Pelvic Flank in Surakarta Legi Market.
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
The Correlation of Work Loads and Work Positions on Risk Occurrence of Myogenic Low Back Pain on Sand Mining
Samara, D. (2005) Static Sitting As a Risk Factor for Lower
Back Pain in Female Workers. Medan University.
Suma’mur, P. K. (no date) Occupational Safety and
Accident Prevention. Jakarta: Gunung Agung.
Tarwaka and Andi (2004) Ergonomics for Occupational
Health and Productivity Safety. Surakarta: Uniba Press.
Winata (2014) ‘Diagnosis and Management of Lower Back
Pain from Occupational Viewpoints,’ Kedokteran
Meditek, 20(54).
HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference