Monitoring Single Site Verification (SSV) System and Optimization BTS
Network based on Android
Abdul Syukur, Siti Rahmadhani Sabri and Yudhi Arta
Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
PT. GCI Indonesia, BTS, Maintenance, Android.
Information technology is characterized by the birth of a computer and its rapid development. It started with
the creation of the first generation computers to the fifth generation computers today. PT. GCI Indonesia is a
company engaged in telecommunications. This company provides professional consulting and technical ser-
vices to work on wireless networks, transmission networks, data communication, and several other services.
Of course, going to BTS requires a variety of preparations, starting from the BTS data, the types of mainte-
nance performed, the development of maintenance, the costs needed and so forth. For now, PT. GCI Indonesia
itself still uses preparation and reporting by recording on sheets of paper which will later be reported. So from
that, the purpose of this research is to produce a monitoring system with Android and able to archive a lot of
data into the database as the report that will be used for the report.
PT. GCI Indonesia is a company engaged in telecom-
munications. This company provides professional
consulting and technical services to work on wire-
less networks, transmission networks, data communi-
cation, and several other services. PT. GCI Indonesia
sends professional technicians to check, repair or re-
new the system at the Base Transceiver Station (BTS).
Of course, going to BTS requires a variety of prepara-
tions, starting from the BTS data, the types of main-
tenance carried out, the development of maintenance,
the costs needed and so on.
To overcome this, currently PT. GCI Indonesia is
still preparing and reporting on performance in BTS
by recording on sheets of paper to be reported to rel-
evant parties. This method is fairly ineffective, con-
sidering the time, effort and efficiency of reporting by
technical and the receipt of reports by related parties.
To improve performance, monitoring should be done
more quickly and effectively. In this study, the author
tries to find a solution to these problems.
According to Nabil Bawafie in the e-ISSN journal:
2338-5197 discusses the Design of SMS-Based In-
ternet Bandwidth Monitoring System. In this study,
an automated system was developed that can pro-
vide information to engineers when there is trouble
on a network. A server is a computer system that
provides certain types of services in a computer net-
work. Servers are supported by scalable processors
and large RAM, also equipped with special operat-
ing systems, which are referred to as network op-
erating systems or network operating systems. The
server also runs administrative software that controls
access to the network and the resources contained in
it, such as files or printers, and provides access to net-
work member workstations (Bawafie and Muslihudin,
According to Nelly Indriani Widiastuti conducted
research on monitoring System Study of UNIKOM’s
Informatics Engineering Accreditation Document.
The system developed monitors activities according
to planning, identifies problems that arise so that
they can be addressed immediately, evaluates work
patterns and management used, knows the bond be-
tween activities and objectives and adjusts activities
to changing environments. This system was devel-
oped based on the web as a user interface (Widiastuti
and Susanto, 2014).
According to Asti Herliana in the journal ISSN:
2355-6579 researched Information Systems Monitor-
ing of Software Development in the Development
Phase of Web Development. This system was de-
veloped to help the projects carried out by Devel-
Syukur, A., Sabri, S. and Arta, Y.
Monitoring Single Site Verification (SSV) System and Optimization BTS Network based on Android.
DOI: 10.5220/0009186102430249
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICoSET 2019), pages 243-249
ISBN: 978-989-758-463-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
opment completed on time. In essence, this sys-
tem monitors the execution of the software and the
time tested according to the agreement (Herliana and
Rasyid, 2016).
3.1 Data Collection Technique
The research methodology is the stages that are
passed by the researcher to obtain a clear picture
of the research so the preparation of the research
methodology is as follows (Sulihati, 2016; Jumri,
2013; Risnandar et al., 2015):
1. Data Collecting is data collected, namely symp-
tom data, disease data, case data, the data is ob-
tained by conducting a search or research
2. Literature Studies conducted by collecting and
studying all kinds of information relating to the
monitoring system and everything related to the
programming model
3. System Design that is at this stage carried out
software system design that will be made based
on the results of existing literature studies. This
software design includes data structure design, in-
formation flow design, interface design, algorithm
design and programming
4. System Implementation, namely the system im-
plementation phase is carried out in stages with
reference to literature studies and system design
that has been made
5. Testing and Evaluation At this stage a program
trial is carried out to look for possible problems,
evaluate the course of the program, and make im-
provements if there are shortcomings
6. Preparation of Research Reports is carried out at
the final stage as documentation. This documen-
tation is made to explain the application to make
it easier for others who want to develop the appli-
cation further
3.2 System Planning
The description of the ssv monitoring and opti-
mization system process that is currently running
at PT. GCI Indonesia is as follows (Hutasoit and
Mubarakah, ; Auliq and Prasojo, 2018; Cahyadi et al.,
Figure 1 the manual process that occurs at this
time starts from the management of project data by
Figure 1: The Process System Manual
the Project manager, after that the BTS data according
to the agreed project will be managed by the project
coordinator and admin. The RF engineer will sched-
ule BTS that has been managed by the Project Coor-
dinator and admin. Before leaving the field, DT Engi-
neer will request operational funds to the admin with
permission from the project manager. DT Engineer
will input data services and Project Manager can see
the report on the system that is running.
3.3 Flowchart of Program
The program logic flow is illustrated through the fol-
lowing flowchart:
Figure 2 from the program flowchart it can be seen
that there is a login form display, then the user can
enter the username and password. There are 4 users
on this system, namely, Project Manager, Admin and
Project Coordinator, Drive Test Engineer and Radio
Frequency Engineer.
The program logic project manager flow is illus-
trated through the following flowchart:
Figure 3 is the access menu used by the project
manager. The menu provided for access has been ad-
justed to the conditions in the field and the rules that
apply at PT. GCI Indonesia
The program logic coodinator admin project flow
is illustrated through the following flowchart:
Figure 4 is the access menu used by the Project
Coordinator and Admin. The menu provided for ac-
cess has been adjusted to the conditions in the field
and the rules that apply at PT. GCI Indonesia
The program logic RF engineer flow is illustrated
through the following flowchart:
Figure 5 is the access menu used by RF Engineer.
The menu provided for access has been adjusted to
the conditions in the field and the rules that apply at
PT. GCI Indonesia
The program logic DT engineer flow is illustrated
through the following flowchart:
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
Figure 2: Flowchart of Program
Figure 6 is the access menu used by DT Engineer.
The menu provided for access has been adjusted to
the conditions in the field and the rules that apply at
PT. GCI Indonesia
4.1 Testing Login Access Rights Admin,
Radio Frekuensi Engineer, Drive
Test Engineer, Project Manager
The testing login admin access rights, radio frequency
engineer, drive test engineer, and project manager fol-
Figure 7 To be able to process data on the system,
Admin PT.GCI Indonesia must log into the system.
Admin must enter the username and password that has
been registered to the system. The following is the
picture of the PT.GCI Indonesia Admin committee’s
login page in figure 6. The following is the display of
PT. GCI Indonesia Admin login form
Figure 3: Flowchart of Project Manager
4.2 Testing Form Login Radio
Frekuensi Engineer (RF)
The testing form login radio frekuensi engineer fol-
Figure 8 when going to do data processing on the
system, the Radio Frequency Engineer (RF) first login
to enter the system by entering a username and pass-
word that has been registered in the system database.
The following is a test image of the login form of Ra-
dio Frequency Engineer (RF) PT. GCI Indonesia
4.3 Testing Form Login Drive Test
Engineer (DT)
The testing form login drive test engineer following:
Figure 9 when going to do data processing on the
system, the Test Drive Engineer (DT) first login to
enter the system by entering the username and pass-
word that has been registered in the system database.
The following is a picture of testing the login form of
Drive Test Engineer (DT) PT. GCI Indonesia
Monitoring Single Site Verification (SSV) System and Optimization BTS Network based on Android
Figure 4: Flowchart of Koordinator Admin Project
4.4 Testing Form Login Project
The testing form login project manager following:
Figure 10 when going to do data processing on the
system, the Project Manager first login to enter the
system by entering a username and password that has
been registered in the system database. The following
is a test picture of the Project Manager (DT) PT. GCI
Indonesia login form
4.5 Form Data Service
The form data service following:
In Figure 11 above explains that the data service
that has been inputted by the Drive Test Engineer
(DT) will be displayed in the table above where the
data is stored in the database and can use ascending
or descending shorting according to column selection
4.6 Form Graph Project per Week
The form graph project following:
Figure 5: Flowchart of RF Engineer
Figure 6: Flowchart of DT Engineer
4.7 Form Graph Project per Month
The form graph project per month following:
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
Figure 7: Testing Form Login Admin and Main Menu Ad-
Figure 8: Testing Form Login Radio Frekuensi Engineer
(RF) and Main Menu RF
Figure 9: Form Login Drive Test Engineer (DT) and Menu
4.8 Form Graph Project per Year
The form graph project per year following:
Figure 10: Testing Form Login and Main Menu Project
Figure 11: Form Data Service
Figure 12: Form Graph Project
Monitoring Single Site Verification (SSV) System and Optimization BTS Network based on Android
Figure 13: Form Graph Project Per Month
In pictures 12, 13, and 14 display graph reports
weekly, monthly and annually that can be seen by the
project manager.
After conducting research, designing and testing
the SSV Monitoring System and BTS network Op-
timization using the Android case study of PT. GCI
Indonesia, conclusions can be taken as follows:
Has successfully made the SSV Monitoring Sys-
tem and BTS network Optimization using the An-
droid case study of PT. GCI Indonesia, and based on
the results of testing that has been done using Black
box, SSV Monitoring System and BTS network Opti-
mization using the Android case study of PT. GCI In-
donesia has achieved efficiency as a monitoring sys-
tem, and the last based on the results of testing that
Figure 14: Form Graph Project Per Year
has been done using the White box, SSV Monitoring
System and BTS network Optimization using the An-
droid case study of PT. GCI Indonesia facilitates the
data storage process in accordance with field condi-
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Monitoring Single Site Verification (SSV) System and Optimization BTS Network based on Android