Willingness to Pay for Critical Land
Sulistya Rini Pratiwi
, Erry Purnomo
, Said Usman
Universitas Borneo Tarakan
Universitas Tidar
Keywords: Agroeconomiec, Border Area, Contingent Valuation Method, Externalities.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze the farmers', and to identify the factors influencing the farmers'
Willingness to Pay (WTP) in reducing the impact of critical land. The research method used to calculate the
farmers' willingness to pay the land restoration is the Willingness to Pay (WTP) Method, and The Ordinal
Logistic Regression Method was used to analyze WTP's influencing factors. The result showed that the
farmers' Average of Maximum Willingness to Pay is Rp. 21.196.-. This means that the farmers’ Average of
Maximum Willingness to Pay is lower than the average cost incurred by the farmers for the land restoration
activity, which is Rp. 58.000.-. This indicated that the farmers' awareness of the efforts to do critical land
restoration is low. The independent variable with the significant influence is the OWN (the Status of the Land
Ownership) variable. The other variables that the logit coefficient is positive are income, age, education, long
stay, family numbers, and status of land ownership. Then the variables that the logit coefficient is negative
are marital status, occupation, and land restoration activity.
Changes in land use and management reflect the
dynamic activities of the society so that the more
rapidly the dynamics take place, the faster the
changes in land use and management (Sandy, 1992).
The higher the economic activities of society will
increase land use. Unfortunately, this is not followed
by the land cultivation as the provider of
environmental services. Thus, the increased use of the
environmental service is not proportional to the
maintenance of the environmental quality, and the
benefits got from the environmental goods and
services are limited because there is some limitation
in environmental goods and services value (Bonnieux
and Goffe, 1997). The decrease of productivities
perceived because of the productive field narrower as
the effect of the overland function i.e., rice field,
moreover global issues about the increasing of the
degraded land that potentially turns into a critical
land. One of the causal factors of the process of the
critical land is the increase of population that using
the land as farm cultivation by giving no interest for
the principal of the critical land management for land
and water (Mulyani and Las, 2008).
The increasing of the degraded land can occur
because of the characteristic of the land, which is
susceptible to any harm, whether due to wildfire,
pests, shifting cultivation, encroachment,
overgrazing, or mistakes in cultivating. The critical
land is occurred due to the change in the land use in
Indonesia from farm or forest areas to be the non-farm
or built-up areas, so the water-absorbing areas are
reduced that causing degraded land, drought, or
critical clean water in the dry season, landslide, and
flood in the rainy season (Haryanto et al., 2007;
Acharya A and Kafle N 2009). The combination of
the market failure, the policy and management, such
as the ambiguous of the ownership rights, the market
price distorted, non-competition, and the adverse
incentive that affect the farmers’ perception of the
cost and the benefits of the controlling degraded land,
cause the critical land to be more severe (Coxhead,
Some researches show the increasing of the
overland function that causing the degraded land
(Ramayanti et al., 2015; Mirzabaev et al. 2016;
Tadesse et al., 2017 ). The population increase and the
economic activities cause an increase in the overland
function. Then the inefficiency cost of the degraded
land as the provider of the environmental services
Pratiwi, S., Purnomo, E. and Usman, S.
Willingness to Pay for Critical Land.
DOI: 10.5220/0009443101570162
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICONIT 2019), pages 157-162
ISBN: 978-989-758-434-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Yesuf et al. 2007; Deng & Li 2016). Taking for
example, estimating the annual cost of the degraded
land in the Mid Asia’s villages, due to the land use
and the change of the field in between 2001 and 2009
is about 6 billion USD, largely due to the desert
degradation (4.6 billion USD), followed by the
desertification (0.8 billion USD), deforestation (0.3
billion USD) and the abandon farm field (0.1 billion
USD) (Mirzabaev et al 2016).
There have been several attempts to measure the
cost of soil degradation, and several other studies
have undertaken the valuation of the environmental
services, by measuring direct and indirect use values
(Cho et al., 2005; Cho et al., 2008; Prasmatiwi et al,
2011; Suwarto et al, 2012). Each research showed the
society’s participation in reducing the impact of the
critical land or the degraded land.
This research is conducted to find out how much
the farmers' interest, and to identify the influencing
factors of how much the farmers' willingness to pay
(WTP) in reducing the impact of the critical land.
The research method used was CVM (contingent
valuation method). Contingent Valuation Method
(CVM) is a direct survey method to the samples that
are suitable with a willingness to pay (WTP) and
willingness to accept (WTA). CVM has two benefits
comparing to the indirect method. First, CVM can
take two values at once. Use value as a non-use value.
Second, the answers from CVM's questions related to
WTP or WTA can be directly corrected by the theory
with the monetary measure on it is level changes
(Lee, 1999).
CVM was used to measure the total values of
individual consumer willingness to pay public goods
under several market hypothesis scenarios (Miller et
al., 2011). This method was used because it can (1)
estimating individual WTP on the changes of
hypothesis related to the quality of economic
activities; (2) evaluating a trip with many
destinations; (3) judging the convenience of using the
environmental resources by the direct or indirect
users; (4) estimating goods valued too low.
The WTP measurement is usually related to the
environmental quality and degradation by calculating
the cost that an individual spent to reduce the negative
impact on the environment due to restoration
activities (Hoevenagel, 1996; Tanrivermis, 1998;
Veisten et al. 2004). The synergy between society and
stakeholders is needed to elevate the environmental
quality. Besides, improving knowledge of
environmental effects is also necessary. Thus, it is a
need to know the factors affecting farmers'
willingness to pay in order to restore the quality of the
environment due to the critical land.
This method assisted when doing economic
valuation analysis of critical land in the dried farm
field in Sempayang Village Malinau Barat District,
Malinau Regency, North Kalimantan Province. The
economic valuation was conducted through WTP
(Willingness to Pay) approach. The value amount of
WTP was obtained from the bidding game method.
Selecting the samples was done when collecting
data through interviews and questionnaires. The
sample target in this research is farmers who have
farming activities, whether as the landowners, as both
the landowners and the workers, or as the tenants.
This research location to take the samples was
decided based on the landowners that have the largest
critical land with width land 541,08ha, 77% of the
width total of the critical land in North Kalimantan
Analyzing the factors affecting how big the
farmers’ willingness to pay was done using ordinal
logistic analysis, with the following formula:
 (1)
Where: WTP is the respondent’s WTP value (Rp);
β0 isIntersep; β1,..., β6 is regression coefficient;
D1....D4 is Dummy; INC is Income (Rupiah);
AGE is age (year); EDUC is Education length (year);
LONG is long stay (year); FAM is number of family
members (people); WORK is kind of occupation
(activity); MAR is Marital status (D= married and
D=0 others); OWN is Landowner status (D=1 is own
and D=0 other); PROCS is land restoration activities
(D=1 yes and D=0 no); ε is error term.
3.1 Farmers’ Willingness To Pay
(WTP) as the Environmental
Restoration Efforts
The identified WTP data can be analyzed to get a
maximum average of WTP and total economic value.
The maximum average of WTP that can be used as a
new price for the environmental restoration efforts,
due to the critical land. The new price is at least higher
than the current set price because the respondents
ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology
have understood the importance of economy and
environmental value. The average of maximum
farmers’ WTP (Average of Maximum Willingness to
Pay) was Rp. 21.196,- . This meant that the price was
lower than the average price the farmers spent on the
land restoration activities, that was Rp.58.000,-. This
could be concluded that the farmers' interest in the
restoration efforts due to the critical land still lacks.
3.2 The Farmers’ WTP and The
Influencing Factors
To estimate the WTP function, the researcher used the
ordinal logistic regression model because the
dependent variables had the ordinal scale. This
method was used to examine how far the log odds'
change from some cases when the change of the
independent variables happened. The dependent
variables used in this regression were WTP
(Willingness to Pay), which had seven levels where
each with 1, 2, … and 7. The use of the logistic
regression method was meant to examine the
influence of the independent variable on the
probability of farmers' willingness to pay the WTP on
a certain relative scale compared to another scale.
This method was considered relevant enough to
describe the valuation pattern of farmer economic
value in the Malinau Regency.
In the estimation processing of the logistic
method, the iterative-reweight least square algorithm
process was used to get the parameter estimation
through maximum likelihood estimation. If the
dependent variable of the WTP method is an ordinal
variable, then the independent variables consisted of
covariant (continuous variable) and factor (nominal
variable). The estimation result of this method can be
seen in table 3, and the descriptive statistic value for
the method variables can be seen in table 1.
Tabel 1. The Description of Reseach Variable Statistic
Variable Mean Std. Dev Minimum Maximum
WTP 5.431373 1.688252 0 50000
Income (INC) 15.13195 0.7345967 2500000 8000000
Age (AGE) 37.31373 10.51568 19 60
Education (EDU) 8.705882 3.015255 0 12
Marital Status (MAR) 0.8627451 0.3475404 0 1
Long Stay (LONG) 6.705882 6.435197 1 30
Land Ownership Status (OWN) 0.5294118 0.5041008 0 1
Number of Family Member (FM) 3.647059 1.764353 1 8
Occupation (Activity) 1.019608 0.140028 1 2
Land Restoration Activity (PROC) 0.7058824 0.460179 0 1
Source: Processed Data, 2018.
Table 1 explains that the standard deviation value
of each variable was fewer than the average value of
each variable. This indicates that the spread data
about respondent answers for each variable was good.
Tabel 2. The Estimated Result of the Ordinal Logistic Regression Method on WTP Method
No. Independent Variable Coefficient Z P > | z | Odds Ratio (OR)
1 Income (INC) 0.2355 0.63 0.528 1.26
2 Age (AGE) 0.0050 0.14 0.890 1.00
3 Education (EDU) 0.0883 0.93 0.351 1.09
4 Marital Status (MAR) -1.7105 -1.48 0.139 0.18
5 Long Stay (LONG) 0.1085 1.40 0.162 1.11
6 Land Ownership Status (OWN) 2.1164 2.85 0.004 8.30
7 Number of Family Member (FAM) 0.1327 0.55 0.585 1.14
8 Occupation (WORK) -61.0827 -0.00 1.000 1.97
9 Land Restoration Activity (PROC) -0.57886 -0.94 0.346 0.56
Source: Processed Data, 2018.
Based on the estimated result, the value of the
prob<chi2 was 0,0000. This indicated that the
independent variables of the WTP method overall
significance influencing the dependent variables. On
Willingness to Pay for Critical Land
table 3, there can be seen that only one independent
variable significantly influencing the WTP method,
which is the land ownership status (OWN). That is
shown by the p-value, which was under α (5%).
Meanwhile, the other variable p-value shows that
almost all of the variables have P >|z| value above α
(0,05). It means that the variables had no significant
effect on the WTP method.
By resulting in the variant value of the samples,
the OWN variable was also the most influential
variable of farmers' WTP value because it had the
biggest z characteristic i.e., 2,85. The pseudo value of
R2 was 0.1760. That means the influence of the
independent variable on the WTP method is 17,6%.
The influencing variables were shown on the OR
value that equal to 1. The OR value greater than 1
indicated that the independent variable had a negative
The regression coefficient value for the INC
variable of 0.2355 with the p-value = 0.528 indicated
that the INC variable had no significant effect
because the p-value was greater than α (0,05). The
regression coefficient value was 0.2355, and this
means that any change of the INC variable unit will
increase the logit value or the WTP log odds as much
0.2355 units. The OR value of the INC variable was
1.26. This can be concluded that any change of 1 INC
variable unit, ceteris paribus, will result in an increase
of 26%WTP odds.
The coefficient of the AGE variable of 0.0050
with the p-value = 0.890 indicated that the AGE
variable had no significant effect on the WTP. The
0.0050 coefficient value with the OR value equal to 1
indicated that the AGE variable had no effect on the
WTP. This means that both older and younger
farmers did not differ in paying WTP.
The EDU variable had no significant effect
indicated by the p-value of 0.351. It had a positive
effect on education, only 9%, shown by the OR value
of 1.09. This means that high education will improve
insight and knowledge about the importance of
environmental restoration. Then a good environment
will be created.
The coefficient of marital status variable (dummy)
of -1.7105 indicated that the average WTP to the
married farmers was fewer than to the unmarried
farmers of 1.7105. However, the variable had no
significant effect on the WTP value. If it is based on
the OR value of 0.18, this figure indicated that the
odds of WTP was paid by the married farmers of
(0.18-1) 100% = -82% compared with the unmarried
farmers. The negative sign on the odds difference
indicated that WTP paid by the married farmers tend
to be lower than that of the unmarried farmers.
The LONG variable coefficient of 0.1085 with p-
value = 0.162 indicated that the LONG variable had
no significant effect on the WTP. The OR value of
1.11 means that the LONG variable had a positive
effect and increased the WTP by 11%. The positive
effect means that the longer the peasant farmers
occupy their occupancy, the higher the value of the
farmers' WTP. The length of stay in the dwelling
place caused the farmers to be more familiar with the
condition of the surrounding land. It is because the
farmers commonly lived near their farm fields. The
length of stay variable had a significant effect on the
amount of WTP.
The OR value of positive OWN variable (dummy)
showed the OR value greater than 1 and had a
significant effect (p-value > α 5%). This means that
the average of farmers’ WTP with the landowner
status was greater than those of the farmers with the
tenant status. The farmers who own the land tend to
pay more attention to the land. They will seek to
restore and prevent the damage of the land.
The coefficient of FAM variable of 0.1327 with
p-value = 0.585 indicated that the FAM variable had
no significant effect on the WTP. The OR value of
1.14 indicated that the FAM variable had a positive
effect. This means that the addition of family
members can lower the WTP value. The greater
number of the family member, it will reduce the
willingness to pay the effort of the environmental
restoration due to the finance allocation of the family
The coefficient of the WORK variable of -
61.0827 with the p-value > α (0,05) indicated that the
WORK variable had no significant effect. The
coefficient of the WORK variable had a negative logit
coefficient. This means that if a farmer had various
occupations, then his WTP will reduce. The various
occupations the farmers did besides doing farming
will distract the farmers' focus from the land
restoration efforts.
The coefficient of the negative land restoration
activity variable (dummy) indicated that the average
WTP of the farmers’ that doing the land restoration
activities was greater than that of the farmers’ doing
no land restoration activity. The farmers doing the
land restoration activities were more aware of the
impact felt, so they tend to make the prevention
The survey with contingent valuation (CV) method as
one of the economic valuation methods of
ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology
environmental effect, in general, can be applied well
in estimating farmers' WTP in the role reducing the
critical land with the land restoration activities. The
farmers' Average of Maximum Willingness to Pay of
Rp. 21.196,-, was lower than the average cost the
farmers spent in the land restoration activities i.e.,
Rp.58.000,-. This indicated that the farmers’
awareness of the restoration efforts to the critical land
was lack.
The independent variable having some significant
effect is the OWN variable (the land ownership
status). Meanwhile, the variables with positive logit
coefficients are the income, the age, the education, the
length of stay, the number of family members, and the
land ownership status variables. The marital status,
occupation, and land restoration activity variable
have negative effects.
The Average of Maximum Willingness to Pay is
shown lower than the cost the farmers spent. This
indicates the low participation of the farmers in doing
the environment restoration to the critical land. Thus,
improving knowledge and insight into the critical
land impact is needed so the farmers' WTP can
increase. Besides the knowledge of the impact, the
information about land restoration aspects is also
important. As a result, the farmers are expected to do
the restoration of the environmental quality
We thank the Ministry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education for the funding for this research.
And many thanks to the community of Sempayang
Village, especially to Mr. Alfius and Mr. Nurgianto
as the coordinator of the farmer. Also, to my team
survey for collecting the data.
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ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology