Intervention Pursed Lips Breathing Exercise for Decrease Breathelness on
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Sabirin Berampu, Ari Wibowo, Isidorus Jehaman, Redi Tantangan, Timbul Siahaan, Raynald
Ignatius Ginting
Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy, Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam, Indonesia
Keywords: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Breathelness mechanism and Pursed Lips Breathing Exercise.
Abstract: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a chronic lung disease characterized by limited air flow in
respiratory tract that is not completely reversible and is progressive. Helped to reduce mortality in patients
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by breathing exercises, namely Pursed Lips breathing exercise.
The study aims to determine the effect of pursed lips breathing exercise on reducing the scale of tightness in
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This method is pre experimental with design using one
group pre-test and post-test design, samples are 18 respondents with purposive sampling technique that is
adjusted to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data analysis uses paired sample t-test. The results showed
that the administration of pursed lips breathing exercise influenced the reduction of the tightness scale in
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Giving pursed lips breathing exercise is very effective
against reducing the scale of shortness of breath in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
(COPD) is a chronic lung disease characterized by
limited air flow in the respiratory tract that is not
completely reversible and is progressive. Some
problems will arise that result in respiratory failure
which is defined as ventilation failure and
oxygenation failure due to respiratory center
disorders, repiratory muscle disorders and acute
inflammation of lung tissue that causes shortness of
breathing (Muliasaria, Indrawatib, 2018 and Endrian,
Noviati, Trisnawati, et all, 2019).
World Health Organization (WHO) report there
is 600 million people got COPD in the world with 65
million people heavy COPD. In 2002 COPD was the
fifth leading cause of death in the world and is
estimated to be the third leading cause of death
worldwide in 2030. More than 3 million people died
from COPD in 2005, which is equivalent to 5% of all
deaths globally (WHO, 2015).
Mortality due to COPD is increasing. As for the
World Health Organization (WHO) report in the
World Health Report in 2012, five major lung
diseases accounted for 17.4% of all deaths in the
world, each with 7.2% lung infections, COPD 4.8%,
tuberculosis 3.0%, lung cancer / trachea / bronchi
2.1%, and asthma 0.3%.
Decreased quality of life in COPD patients is
supported by the results of a study conducted by
Reherison in France in 2009-2010 of 400 COPD
sufferers over 40 years. The results showed that
COPD affected the decline in quality of life in 50.6%
of respondents with a p value < 0.02. Decreased
quality of life in COPD patients was most influenced
by decreased tolerance of activity (Rehersion, 2014).
According to the Gold Initiative for Chronic
Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), which is referred
as COPD, is lung disease that can be prevented and
treated, characterized by a continuous flow of air that
is usually progressive and is associated with an
increased inflammatory response in the airways and
lungs to particles or gases that are poisonous or
dangerous (GOLD, 2015).
In Indonesia, prevalence of COPD cases
according to the Ministry of Health of Republic of
Indonesia (2014) mentions in Central Java Province
as much as 3.4%. The results of the North Sumatra
Provincial Health Office research, in 6 (six) General
Hospitals in North Sumatra, COPD Incidence Rate
(AK) in 2010 was 5.8% and in 2014 it increased by
7.2% (DINKES, 2014) .
Berampu, S., Wibowo, A., Jehaman, I., Tantangan, R., Siahaan, T. and Ginting, R.
Intervention Pursed Lips Breathing Exercise for Decrease Breathelness on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
DOI: 10.5220/0009469601960202
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 196-202
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
However, this does not rule out the possibility
that this percentage figure can increase along with the
increasing number of smokers, and air pollution that
exceeds the threshold in North Sumatra Province.
Based on the results of preliminary study survey
which was obtained from the Medical Record of the
Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital, data on COPD
sufferers in 2016 were as many as 170 people while
in September to December 2017 there were 50
Medical management of COPD clients (Zhang,
Mehta 2018) among others, with pharmacological
and non-pharmacological treatment. According to
Ghanbari, Shirmohamadi, Paryad, 2018, the handling
of COPD disease clients does not only rely on
pharmacological therapy, but also non-
pharmacological therapy which is carried out by
Physiotherapy is form of health service aimed at
individuals or groups to develop, maintain and restore
body movements and functions throughout the life
cycle using manual handling, increased motion,
equipment (physical, electrotherapy and mechanical),
function training, communication (PMK No 56,
Some physiotherapy interventions can be done
by reduced scale of tightness are warming and
relaxation such as giving short wave diathermy,
infrared, chest physiotherapy and effective cough
exercises. One technique for administering Chest
Physiotherapy is breathing exercises that can be done
including inspirational muscle exercises such as
pursed lips breathing exercise.
Pursed lips breathing exercise is a breathing
exercise to regulate the frequency and pattern of
breathing to reduce air trapping, improve alveoli
ventilation to improve gas exchange without
increasing respiratory work, regulate and coordinate
respiratory rate so that breathing is more effective and
reduce shortness of breath. Pursed lips breathing
exercise is a breathing exercise for the patient sits and
inspires when the patient's expiration exhales through
the mouth almost closed like whistling slowly
(Mendes, Moraes, Hoffman, et all, 2018).
The advantages of physiotherapy using the
pursed lips breathing exercise technique are exercises
that are easily performed by all patients who
experience breathing problems or shortness of breath.
Besides being easy to do pursed lips breathing
exercise also has no side effects, just if the patient
often does this exercise technique will be very helpful
to reduce shortness of breath.
Some literature reveals that use of pursed lips
breathing exercise seems to be an effective way of
reducing dyspnea, reducing respiratory rate, and
increasing gas exchange in COPD patients. This
positive effect appears to be related to the technique's
ability to reduce airway constriction during
recurrence of disease (Potdar, 2018).
The researchers have examined the effects of
pursed lips breathing exercise on the parameters of
ventilation and arterial blood gas in people with
COPD. They uniformly report that the technique
reduces the respiratory rate and partial pressure of
carbon dioxide in arterial blood can increase tidal
volume. Pursed lips breathing exercise also increases
the persial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood and
also the percentage of hemoglobin (Sakhaei,
Sadagheyani, Zinalpoor, 2018).
The results of Sachdeva's research, Pawaria,
Kalra (2018) that there is an effect of giving pursed
lips breathing exercise on reducing the frequency of
attacks in patients with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. Budiono, Mustayah,
Aindrianingsih, (2017) research results show that
there is an effect of giving pursed lips breathing
exercise to decrease Respiratory Rate (RR) and
Increased Pulsed Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) in
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
with p value = 0.000 for Respiratory Rate (RR).
The results of Bakti's research (2015) show that
there is an effect of giving pursed lip breathing to
decrease the level of shortness of breath in patients
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with a
value of P = 0.014 for the control group and P = 0.002
for the treatment group. Sachdeva, Pawaria, Kalra,
research results (2018) showed that there was an
effect of pursed lips breathing exercise on increasing
vital lung capacity in patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease with a p value of
0.001. Based on the background above and the
author's interest to find out more about the benefits of
pursed lips breathing exercise in COPD cases. So the
authors take the title "The Effect of pursed lips
breathing exercise on the Reduction of Shortness
Scale in COPD Patients at GrandMed Lubuk Pakam
Hospital". The purpose of this study was to identify
the characteristics of COPD patients undergoing
inpatient at the Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital in
This study uses pre experimental method with the
design used in this study, namely by using one group
pre test and post test design. The sampling technique
used in this study was to use a purposive sampling
Intervention Pursed Lips Breathing Exercise for Decrease Breathelness on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
method carried out by including all patients
undergoing inpatient at the Grandmed Lubuk Pakam
Hospital in April-May 2018 with a diagnosis from the
doctor being a COPD and the results of a positive X-
Ray Photo of COPD that meet the inclusion and
exclusion criteria. The number of samples in this
study were 18 people.
The therapeutic method used in this study is
breathing exercises carried out to get better breathing
regulation from previous breathing which is fast and
shallow to become slower and deeper breathing. The
purpose of breathing exercises, 1) adjust the breathing
pattern and respiratory rate so that it reduces air
trapping, 2) improve the ability of the chest wall
movement, 3) improve ventilation without increasing
respiratory energy, 4) train breathing so that tightness
is reduced, 5) improve the movement of the
diaphragm, 6) increase patient confidence so that it is
The procedure for implementing Pursed Lips
Breathing Exercise (Figure 1) includes:
Adjust the position of the patient by sitting on a
bed or chair.
Put one patient's hand in the abdomen (just
below proceccus xipoideus) and the other hand
in the middle of the chest to feel the chest and
abdomen movements when breathing.
Take a deep breath through the nose for 4
seconds until the chest and abdomen feel lifted
up and keep the mouth closed for inspiration and
hold the breath for 2 seconds.
Exhale through closed lips and slightly open
while contracting the abdominal muscles for 4
seconds (Smeltzer, 2008).
This exercise can be done by the patient himself
every 2-3 hours as much as 6 times
Figure 1: Intervetion Purs Lips Breathing Exercise
Respondents in this study were chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease patients in GrandMed Lubuk
Pakam Hospital in 2018. With a sample of 18 people.
Based on table 4.1 above, the number of respondents
based on age 51-60 years was 5 people (27.8%), 61-
70 years as many as 6 people (33.3%), 71-80 years as
many as 6 people (33.3 %), and 81-90 years by 1
person (5.6%). Based on the gender of male
respondents as many as 15 people (83.3%) and
women as many as 3 people (16.7%). Based on the
work of self-employed respondents as many as 8
people (44.4%), Farmers as many as 7 people
(38.9%), and civil servants (Civil Servants) as many
as 3 people (16.7%).
Based on Table 1, the MRC scale measurement
results before giving pursed lips breathing exercise
that has an MRC scale value of 2 are 2 people
(11.1%), who have an MRC scale value of 6 people
(33.3%) and those who have an MRC scale 4 grades
were 10 people (55.6%).
Table 1. Result measurement breathleness with MRC
scale pretest Pursed Lips Breathing Exercise
MRC scale n Percentage
Value 0 - -
Value 1 - 0%
Value 2 2 11,1%
Value 3 6 33,3%
Value 4 10 55,6%
Total 18 100%
According to table 2, MRC scale measurement
results obtained after giving pursed lips breathing
exercise, MRC scale in patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease has improved with a
value of 1 by 1 person (5.6%), improvement in value
2 by 8 people (44.4%), improvement value 3 as much
as 8 people (44.4%), and improvement in value 4 as
much as 1 person (5.6%)
Table 2. Result measurement breathleness with MRC
scale posttest Pursed Lips Breathing Exercise
MRC scale n Percentage
value 0 - -
value 1 1 5,6%
value 2 8 44,4%
value 3 8 44,4%
value 4 1 5,6%
Total 18 100%
The mean result of the MRC scale before giving
pursed lips breathing exercise was 3.44 and standard
deviation = 0.705. The mean of the MRC scale after
giving pursed lips breathing exercise was 2.50 and
standard deviation = 0.707. The difference mean Pre
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
and Post treatment pursed lips breathing exercise was
0.94 with a standard deviation = 0.002.
Hypothesis test results using Paired Sample T-
Test obtained p value = 0,000. From these results it
can be concluded that there is an effect of pursed lips
breathing exercise on reducing the scale of tightness
in COPD patients at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam
Hospital in 2018.
Based on the results of 18 minority patients aged 81-
90 years as many as 1 person (5.6%) and the majority
age was 61-70 years and 71-80 years as many as 6
people (33.3%). The results of Fajrin, Indra &
Burhanuddin, 2015 and Raad, Smith, Allen, 2019)
showed that the characteristics respondents based on
age were the most stable in COPD patients > 60 years
These results indicate in elderly patients the
cardiorespiratory system decreased endurance and
decreased function. Changes in the lung wall cause
compliance to decrease and there is a decrease in the
elasticity of the lung parenchyma, an increase in
mucous glands and thickening of the bronchial
mucosa. An increase in airway resistance and
decreased lung function such as forced vital capacity
(FVC) and first-second forced expiratory volume
(Force Vital Expiration Volume 1 / FEV1) (Khairani,
Based on the results of research conducted on 18
characteristics of the majority male patients as many
as 15 people (83.3%) and women as many as 3 people
The results of Ritianingsih, Irawaty & Handayani
(2011) research showed that the characteristics of
respondents based on gender were 21 male (58.3%).
The results of this study are also in line with research
conducted by Rahmatika in Aceh Tamiang Hospital
in 2007-2008 based on the severity of severe COPD
suffered by many men because awareness of
treatment increased after the disease became severe
(Permadi, Putra, 2018).
These results show because of the influence of
association. The fewer women who smoke are likely
due to the influence of norms in the community,
namely female smokers are considered to have
negative behavior (Almagro et al, 2010). Male
activity that is very much can also cause lung
disorders one of the factors is often working under the
hot sun, exposed to dust for a long time and continues
to repeat so that it can cause decreased
cardiorespiratory endurance and impaired lung
Based on the results of research conducted on 18
respondents the characteristics of the majority of jobs
are entrepreneurs as many as 8 people (44.4%) and
minority jobs are Civil Servants (PNS) as many as 3
people (16.7%). The results of Fajrin research, Indra,
Burhanuddin 2015 and Raad, Smith, Allen, 2019)
showed that the characteristics of respondents based
on employment in stable COPD patients were self-
employed (54.3%).
This shows that entrepreneurial work is closely
related to allergic and bronchial hyperactivity,
workers who work in dusty environments and are
exposed to chemicals affect the nervous system and
are at risk of suffering from COPD. Another factor
influencing the increased risk of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease in self-employed is the smoking
habit that is generally still practiced by self-employed
Shortness of breath is something that is felt by
the patient during inspiration and expiration, causing
disruption of functional activity. Based on the results
of research conducted on 18 people on the MRC scale
measurement before giving pursed lips breathing
exercise that has an MRC scale value of 2 people
(11.1%), who have an MRC scale value of 6 people
(33.3%) and who have an MRC scale value of 4 as
many as 10 people (55.6%), with the average MRC
scale results before being pursed lips breathing
exercise treatment is mean = 3.44 with a standard
deviation = 0.705.
In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease there is
respiratory muscle disorder that is affected by muscle
contraction and respiratory muscle strength. The loss
of lung elasticity causes hyperinflation and chronic
airway obstruction that interferes with the process of
expiration so that the volume of air entering and
leaving is not balanced and there is air trapping. Air
trapping in a long time causes the diaphragm to
flatten, contractions are less effective and its function
as the main muscle of breathing is reduced against
lung ventilation. Various intercostal muscle
compensation and additional inspiration muscles
commonly used in additional activities will be used
continuously until the role of the diaphragm decreases
to 65%. Breath volume shrinks and breath becomes
short so that alveolar hypoventilation occurs which
will increase O2 consumption and decrease patient
reserve power. The frequency of respiration increases
as an attempt to compensate for the small airways and
cause typical shortness of breath (Ubolnuar,
Tantisuwat, Thaveeratitham, et al, 2019).
Intervention Pursed Lips Breathing Exercise for Decrease Breathelness on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Based on the results of research conducted on 18
people on the MRC scale measurement after giving
pursed lips breathing exercise, the MRC scale in
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
has improved with a value of 1 by 1 person (5.6%),
improvement in the value of 2 by 8 people ( 44.4%),
improvement in value 3 by 8 people (44.4%), and
improvement in value 4 by 1 person (5.6%), with the
results of the MRC scale after being given pursed lips
breathing treatment mean = 2.50 with a standard
deviation = 0.707.
People with COPD who experience
hyperinflation of the diaphragm are lower and flatter.
In that situation the movement of the respiratory
muscles is not effective. Breathing pursed lips
breathing exercise aims to provide subjective benefits
to sufferers, namely reducing tightness, anxiety and
tension due to tightness. Pursed Lips
BreathingExercise breathing is done by the patient
sitting and breathing by exhaling through a closed
mouth (like whistling) for 4-6 seconds. This method
is expected to cause pressure during expiration so that
air flow slows and increases pressure in the
abdominal cavity which is passed on to the bronchioli
so that airway collapse during expiration can be
prevented (Sakhaei, Sadagheyani, Zinalpoor, 2018).
Besides giving pursed lips breathing exercise can
regulate the frequency and pattern of breathing so as
to reduce air trapping, improve alveoli ventilation to
improve gas exchange without increasing respiratory
work, regulate and coordinate respiratory rate so that
breathing is more effective and reduce shortness of
breath (Xu, He, Han, 2017).
Breathing exercises pursed lips breathing
exercise consists of two mechanisms, namely deep
inspiration and deep and long active expiration. The
process of expiration is normally a process of
exhaling without using excess energy. Breathing
pursed lips breathing exercise involves a long
expiration process.
Breathing exercises with pursed lips breathing
exercise help improve pulmonary compliance to
retrain the respiratory muscles to function properly
and prevent respiratory disstress (Sachdeva, Pawaria,
Kalra, 2018).
Based on the analysis of the Paired T-Test, the
pretestmean = 3.44 with standard deviation = 0.705
while the posttestmean average = 2.50 with standard
deviation = 0.707. The analysis results obtained p
value = 0,000 (p <0.05) which means that there is a
significant influence between the average scale of
MRC before and after pursed lips breathing exercise
to reduce the scale of tightness in patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and breathing
exercises pursed. These lips breathing exercises are
good for physiotherapists to apply to patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for the
development of physiotherapy interventions
(Imashiro, Minakata, Hayata, et all, 2019).
Shortness of breath in patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease before pursed lips
breathing exercise has not yet experienced changes in
the shortness of breath scale, which means that the
patient is still suffering from respiratory muscle
disorders that are affected by muscle contraction and
respiratory muscle strength. The loss of pulmonary
elasticity in COPD causes hyperinflation and chronic
airway obstruction that disrupts the process of
expiration so that the volume of air entering and
leaving is unbalanced and there is air trapping, after
pursed lips breathing exercise which can be seen from
a decrease in the MRC scale, where the patient is able
to adjust the frequency and pattern of breathing so as
to reduce air trapping, improve alveoli ventilation to
improve gas exchange without increasing respiratory
work, regulate and coordinate respiratory rate so that
breathing is more effective and reduce shortness of
breath (Mohamed, 2019).
Pursed lips breathing exercise is a breathing
exercise that consists of two mechanisms namely
deep inspiration and long and deep active expiration.
The process of expiration is normally a process of
exhaling without using excess energy. Breathing
pursed lips breathing exercise involves a long
expiration process.
Deep inspiration and long expiration will certainly
increase the strength of intra-abdominal muscle
contraction so that the intra-abdominal pressure rises
beyond the time of passive expiration. Intra-
abdominal pressure which increases even stronger
will certainly increase the movement of the
diaphragm upward making the thoracic cavity
smaller. Thorak cavity is getting smaller causing intra
alveolar pressure increases so that it exceeds
atmospheric air pressure (Potdar, 2018). Long
exhalation when breathing pursed lips breathing
exercise will also cause airway obstruction to
decrease so that respiratory resistance decreases.
Decreased respiratory resistance will facilitate the air
inhaled and exhaled so that it will reduce shortness of
breath (Mohamed, 2019).
The assumption according to the authors of this
study is that pursed lips breathing exercise is a
breathing muscle exercise that aims to improve the
ability of the muscles of respiration, breathing
patterns, lung ventilation. So that in patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease will cause a
balance in the brain that controls the delivery of
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
oxygen to the tissues. Tissue carbon dioxide pressure,
chest wall stretch receptors, tissue oxygen demand,
oxygen delivery, and respiratory work can be fulfilled
so that the patient feels relaxed and shortness of
breath is reduced.
Based on the statistical tests and discussion above, it
can be concluded that Physiotherapy interventions
with lip exercises that are moved affect the reduction
in shortness of breath in COPD patients
Thank you:
Chancellor of the Medical Institute Medistra
Lubuk Pakam who has provided financial
support and facilities so that research can be
carried out properly and smoothly
Director of the Grandmed Lubuk Pakam
Hospital who has given permission to carry out
this research
To all patients who have agreed to be a research
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ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology