Relationship of Pesticide Exposure with Hypertension for Farmers in
Juhar District, Karo Regency in 2019
Rio Ferdi Yuandra
, Taufik Ashar
, Rahayu Lubis
,and Fithri Handayani Lubis
Public Health Faculty, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Universitas No. 21 Kampus USU, Medan 20155, Indonesia
Public Health Faculty, Health Institute of Deli Husada Deli Tua, Jl. Besar Deli Tua No. 77, Deli Serdang, Indonesia
Keywords: Pesticide Exposure, Hypertension, Karo District
Abstract: Hypertension or high blood pressure is an increase in abnormal blood pressure in the arteries, also known as
"silent killer", risk factors for hypertension is sex, gen, smoking, obesity, cholinestrase, excessive use of
pesticides can cause poisoning that is decreased cholinesterase activity which can cause hypertension. In
2018, hypertension is the third highest disease in the Juhar, where the majority of the population works as
farmers (88.54%). The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship pesticide exposure with
hypertension in farmers in Juhar District, Karo District in 2019. This study was quantitative study with cross
sectional research design. Data obtained through interviesws with questionnaires and blood pressure
checked. The results of the study of 35 farmers sampled were 14 people (40%) had hypertension. Chi-
square test results showed that there was a relationship between the duration of spraying (p= 0.094),
spraying techniques (p= 0.034), the use of personal protective equipment Self (p= 0.041) with hypertension,
while years of service (p= 0.685) had no relationship with hypertension. The public health center has an
active role in providing counseling, periodic hypertension checks. It is suggested to Ministry of Agriculture
to monitor and supervise the use of pesticides in farmers, and for the farmers to pay attention in using
personal protective equipment, spraying techniques, and not spray more than 4 hours/day.
Based on World Health Organitation (2015), there
are around 1.13 billion people in the world suffering
from hypertension, it is estimated that 1.5 billion
people will be affected by hypertension in 2025, and
every year 9.4 million people die from hypertension
and complications (Ministry of Health, 2018) .
In Indonesia, based on Riskesdas data (2018), the
prevalence of hypertension in the population aged
18 years was 34.1% and an increase of 8.3% from
2013. The highest prevalence occurred in South
Kalimantan (44.1%) and the lowest in Papua
(22.2%). Data from Riskesdas (2013), hypertension
in North Sumatra, the highest hypertension sufferers
were in Karo District at 37.5%, afterwards Humbang
Hasundutan and Gunung Sitoli.
Profile of the Karo District Health Office, the
number of cases of hypertension were ranked third
with the highest incidence in the Karo District
Health Center with a total of 13,689 cases (11.84%).
The Juhar public health center report found that in
October 2018 hypertension was the 3rd highest
disease out of the 10 highest disease lists in the
Juhar public health center with 135 cases. In 2013
the prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia was
recorded at 25% occurred in the group of farmers /
fishermen (Riskesdas, 2013).
Hypertension is also known as a silent killer
(silent killer) because patients suffering from
hypertension are usually not accompanied by
complaints or symptoms. In general, people who
suffer from hypertension just know that they suffer
from hypertension after complications occur
(Ministry of Health, 2013).
The risk factors for hypertension are gender,
obesity, smoking habits, diabetes mellitus, and
cholesterol levels in the body.
In general it is estimated that hypertension is
found twice as much in the diabetic population
compared to non-diabetics. Hypertension is known
to accelerate and aggravate complications due to
diabetes such as coronary heart disease, stroke,
diabetic nephropathy, diabetic retinopathy, and
cardiovascular disease due to diabetes, which
doubles when accompanied by hypertension.
Yuandra, R., Ashar, T., Lubis, R. and Lubis, F.
Relationship of Pesticide Exposure with Hypertension for Farmers in Juhar District, Karo Regency in 2019.
DOI: 10.5220/0009472602620269
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 262-269
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Hypertension is a major factor in life expectancy and
complications in diabetic patients and determines the
evaluation of nephropathy and retinopathy of
diabetics in particular.
One of the causes of hypertension is insulin
resistance/hyperinsulinemia. The association of
primary hypertension with insulin resistance has
been known for several years, especially in obese
patients. Insulin is a suppressor because it increases
levels of ketekolamin and sodium reabsorption. The
relationship between diabetes and hypertension is
more complex and is not related to nephropathy. In
diabetic patients, hypertension is often part of the
metabolic syndrome of insulin resistance.
Hypertension may appear for several years in these
patients before diabetes mellitus appears.
Hyperinsulinemia enhances the pathogenesis of
hypertension by decreasing sodium excretion in the
kidneys, stimulating activity and tissue response to
the sympathetic nervous system, and increasing
vascular surrounding resistance through vascular
hypertrophy. The active management of
hypertension (<130/80 mmHg) reduces the
development of macrovascular and microvascular
Pesticides on the body can cause various
negative effects on health. Several studies have
identified these effects, and found to affect various
organ systems, especially the nervous system
according to Wiadi (2017). There are various factors
that can increase blood pressure. Factors that can
trigger high blood pressure are behavioral factors
such as unhealthy food, tobacco use, physical
activity and use of hazardous substances, metabolic
factors such as obesity, diabetes, and excess fat in
the blood and cardiovarscular disease factors such as
coronary heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease
(WHO, 2013).
Apart from these basic risk factors,
environmental toxic substances including pesticides
can also affect new risk pathways such as
inflammation and oxidative stress. Environmental
poisons can be considered as an important risk factor
for cardiovascular disease. There is a relationship
between pesticide exposure and cardiovascular
outcomes, there is a contribution of pesticides to
cardiovascular disease (Wahab, A., 2016).
Agriculture is the sector that absorbs the most
labor in Indonesia. In increasing agricultural yields,
it is necessary to complete agricultural facilities
including agricultural equipment, artificial fertilizers
and chemical additives including pesticides
(Ministry of Agriculture, RI, 2013). Farmers tend to
use pesticides not according to indications of pest
control, but rather to use them continuously without
regard to indications for their use.
The use of excessive and uncontrolled quantities
of pesticides will pose a risk of poisoning to farmers.
The effects of pesticides depend on the dose of
pesticides, the length of time of exposure and
exposure modification factors such as the use of
Personal Protective Equipment according to
Hohenadel K (2011). There is a significant
relationship between age, sex, years of service, and
the use of personal protective equipment with the
incidence of hypertension (Louisa, 2018). There is a
relationship between the history of exposure to
pesticides with farmers' blood pressure found that
farmers with abnormal cholineterase levels have a 2-
fold increased risk of systolic pressure (Zulfania,
The community has been working as farmers for
around 10-30 years with a spraying time of around
2-8 hours / day. Farmers spraying do not use masks
and headgear when working with reasons not
comfortable and are not accustomed.
The Juhar Community Health Center Monthly
Report is known that in October 2018 there were
135 cases of hypertension. Based on interviews with
health complaints to 30 farmers, information is
obtained that there are 4 people who have narrowed
heart arteries, 9 people have high blood pressure
(hypertension), 6 people have diabetes mellitus, and
8 people have Hb levels (hemoglobin) in under
normal. In addition, all farmers interviewed had
other health problems such as itching, low back
pain, dizziness, fatigue and weakness, and some
farmers experienced complaints of frequent
urination at night. Therefore, researchers want to
examine whether there is a relationship between
pesticide exposure with the incidence of
hypertension in farmers in Juhar District, Karo
This type of research is quantitative research with
cross sectional design. Research that emphasizes the
measurement or observation of data at one time is
carried out on the dependent variable and the
independent variable. Research locations in Juhar
sub-district, Karo District, from January to May
2019. The population in this study were all farmers
living in Juhar District, with a sample of 35 farmers.
Data Collection Methods Using Primary data
obtained from interviews with respondents using
questionnaires to obtain data on pesticide exposure
Relationship of Pesticide Exposure with Hypertension for Farmers in Juhar District, Karo Regency in 2019
and blood pressure checks of respondents. Blood
pressure measurements were performed by Juhar
Community Health Center nurses using a
Spigmomanometer. Secondary data were obtained
from data from the Juhar District Health Center in
Karo District, Karo District Health Office, North
Sumatra Province Health Office and other
supporting data in this study.
Analyzed univariately to get a picture presented
in the form of a frequency distribution table,
bivariate is conducted to determine the relationship
between two variables, namely the independent
variable and the dependent variable using the
statistical test, Chi-square test, multivariate is done
to determine the strength of the relationship between
the independent variable and the dependent variable
using the Logistic Regression test.
Juhar is a sub-district located in Karo Regency
which has an area of 23.14 km2 with an area of 852
Ha of agricultural land. The population in Juhar
District is 2,611 people. Based on data from the
Karo Regency Central Statistics Agency (2017), the
number of people employed is 1817 with 1578
people (86.84%) working as farmers.
The results showed that there were 27 farmers who
had worked for more than 5 years or (22.9%).
Farmers who sprayed less than 4 hours / day were 19
people or 54.3%. Farmers spray poorly, as many as
17 people or (48.6%). There were 18 people who
were good at using personal protective equipment or
(51.4%). There are 21 hypertensive farmers (60%).
This is shown in the Table 1.
Table 1: Characteristics of respondents.
Variable n (%)
Male 22 62,9
Female 13 31,7
Body mass index
Normal 28 80,0
Obesity 7 20,0
No Smoking 20 57,0
Smoking 15 42,0
Lengh of work
5 years 8 22,9
> 5 years 27 77,1
Spraying duration
4 hour a day 16 45,7
<4 hour a day 19 54,3
Spraying technique
Not good 22 62,9
Good 13 37,1
Personal Protective
Equipment Using
Not good 17 48,6
Good 18 51,4
Normal 14 40,0
Hipertention 21 60,0
The analysis of the relationship of the
independent variable with the dependent variable
showed that there was a relationship between the
variable of spraying time, spraying technique, the
use of personal protective equipment with
hypertension with a p value <0.05, but there was no
relationship between working period with
The analysis of the relationship between the
independent variable and the dependent variable
showed that there was a relationship between the
variable spraying time, spraying technique, the use
of personal protective equipment with hypertension
with a p value <0.05, but there was no relationship
between sex, body mass index, smoking habits, and
length of service with hypertension with p > 0.05.
This is shown in the Table 2.
Table 2: Relationship of Individual Characteristics, Working Period, Exposure Time, Spraying Technique, Use of Personal
Protective Equipment with Hypertension in Farmers in Juhar District, Karo Regency.
p OR
Yes % No % Total %
Male 10 45,4 12 54,5 22 100,0 0,392 1,875
Female 4 30,8 9 69,2 13 100,0
Body mass index
Normal 13 46,4 15 53,6 28 100,0 0,203 5,200
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
Obesity 1 14,3 6 85,7 7 100,0
No Smoking 6 30,0 14 70,0 20 100,0 0,163 0,375
Smoking 8 53,3 7 46,7 15 100,0
Lengh of work
5 years 4 50,0 4 50,0 8 100,0
0,685 1,700
> 5 years 10 37,0 17 63,0 27 100,0
Spraying duration
4 hour a day 9 56,3 7 43,8 16 100,0
0,094 3,600
<4 hour a day 5 26,3 14 73,7 19 100,0
Spraying technique
Not good 12 54,4 10 45,5 22 100,0
0,034 6,600
Good 2 15,4 11 84,6 13 100,0
Personal Protective Equipment
Not good 10 58,8 7 41,2 17 100,0
0,041 5,000
Good 4 22,2 14 77,8 18 100,0
Multivariate analysis in this study used a
logistic regression test. After bivariate analysis of
all independent variables, the independent
variables are entered into multivariate analysis
with criteria if they have a p value of <0.05 and
become an important variable in this study. The
independent variables that meet these criteria are
as follows in Table 3.
Table 3: Multivariate analysis of hypertension logistic regression among farmers in Juhar District, Karo District.
Variabel Koefisien (B) p OR
95% C.I.for EXP(B)
Lower Upper
Body mass index 1,676 0,247 5,345 0,313 91,259
Smoking -1,240 0,180 0,289 0,047 1,777
Spraying duration 0,927 0,328 2,526 0,395 16,170
Spraying technique 2,153 0,042 8,608 1,084 68,331
Personal Protective
Equipment Using
1,230 0,196 3,423 0,530 22,117
Constant -4,324 0,161 0,013
Body mass index 1,784 0,191 5,952 0,410 86,507
Smoking -1,358 0,138 0,257 0,043 1,545
Spraying technique 2,019 0,045 7,534 1,043 54,442
Personal Protective
Equipment Using
1,577 0,077 4,841 0,843 27,784
Constant -4,148 0,153 0,016
Smoking -1,151 0,176 0,316 0,060 1,676
Spraying technique 2,011 0,043 7,468 1,061 52,556
Personal Protective
Equipment Using
1,678 0,050 5,353 1,002 28,607
Constant -0,456 0,506 0,634
Spraying technique 1,863 0,045 6,446 1,042 39,895
Personal Protective
Equipment Using
1,586 0,050 4,883 0,999 23,873
Constant -0,925 0,125 0,396
Personal Protective
Equipment Using
1,887 0,032 6,600 1,176 37,028
Constant -0,182 0,670 0,833
3.1 Relationship between Gender and
In the gender variable, it is known that farmers who
are male are 22 people (62.9%) and women are 10
people (31.7%). The results of the analysis of the
relationship between sex and hypertension note that
there is no relationship between sex and
hypertension in farmers in Juhar District with a
value of p> 0.05 or p = 0.392. Based on the results
Relationship of Pesticide Exposure with Hypertension for Farmers in Juhar District, Karo Regency in 2019
of this study it is known that men and women can
suffer from hypertension and everyone has the
opportunity to suffer from hypertension depending
on lifestyle and other factors that can be at risk for
This study is in accordance with
Prasetyaningrum (2014) that men or women are
equally at risk of developing hypertension compared
to women at age <45 years, but at the age of> 65
years women are more at risk of developing
hypertension. The results of this study are not in
accordance with research conducted by Amanda
(2018) where the results in the study showed a
relationship between sex variables with the
incidence of hypertension.
3.2 Relationship of Body Mass Index
with Hypertension
In the body mass index variable it is known that
farmers who have a normal body mass index are 38
people (80.0%) and obesity are 7 people (20%). The
results of the analysis of the relationship between
body mass index and hypertension can be seen that
there is no relationship between body mass index
and hypertension in farmers in Juhar District with a
value of p> 0.05 or p = 0.203. Farmers with normal
weight and excess weight can suffer from
hypertension and if examined more deeply each
person has the opportunity to suffer from
hypertension depending on lifestyle and other
factors that can be at risk for hypertension.
The results of this research are in accordance
with Sundari research (2015) showing that there is
no relationship between obesity and the incidence of
hypertension in Karang Anyar Village with a p-
value> 0.05. The results of the analysis found that
the proportion of hypertensive patients who are not
obese more than obese hypertensive patients. The
results of this study are not in accordance with
Estiningsih's (2017) study where the results of the
study conducted showed a significant relationship
between normal body mass index and excess body
mass index in hypertensive respondents.
3.3 Relationship between Smoking and
In the smoking habit variable it is known that there
are 20 non-smoking farmers (57%) and 15 smoking
people (42%). The results of the analysis of the
relationship between smoking and hypertension can
be seen that there is no relationship between
smoking and hypertension in farmers in Juhar
District with a value of p> 0.05 or p = 0.187.
Farmers with active or passive smoking habits can
suffer from hypertension and if examined more
deeply everyone has the opportunity to suffer from
hypertension depending on lifestyle and other
factors that can be at risk for hypertension.
The results of this research are in accordance
with Rinawang's (2017) research, that smoking is
not one of the risk factors of hypertension, based on
statistical tests conducted showed that there is no
significant relationship between smoking and the
incidence of hypertension. The absence of a
relationship between smoking and the incidence of
hypertension is likely due to hypertension sufferers
who have never smoked had a history of exposure to
cigarettes or smoke. The results of this research are
not in accordance with Sundari's study (2015) which
shows that there is a relationship between smoking
and the incidence of hypertension in Karang Anyar
Village with a value of p = 0.04. This is because
carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke will also
replace oxygen bonds in the blood, resulting in
increased blood pressure because the heart is forced
to pump enough oxygen to enter the organs and
other body tissues.
3.4 Relationship of Length of Work
with Hypertension
In the variable of length of work, it is known that
farmers with more than 5 years of service are 27
people or (22.9%) and less than 5 years are 8 people
or 22.9%. Based on the analysis of the relationship
between work period and hypertension, it can be
seen that there is no relationship between work
period and hypertension in farmers in Juhar District
with a value of p> 0.05 or p = 0.685, farmers who
work for more than 5 years and farmers who have
worked less than 5 years are equally at risk for
suffering from hypertension depending on the
lifestyle of the person, the person's behavior and
other factors. Exposure to pesticides does not always
directly have a significant impact on the human
body without causing sudden pain, chronic
poisoning is more difficult to detect because it is not
immediately felt and does not cause specific
symptoms and signs. However, chronic poisoning
for a long time can cause health problems.
Multivariate results showed different results
where the duration of spraying had no effect on
hypertension with a p value = 0.328.
The results of this study are the same as the
research conducted by Maarif (2016) where the
results state that there is no significant relationship
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
between work period and low levels of
cholinesterase in farmers because farmers do not
carry out agricultural activities continuously, there
are times when farmers do not carry out agricultural
activities. The length of time needed for
cholinsterase levels to return to normal depends on
the type and level of poisoning itself. In addition, the
level of cholinesterase in the blood can return to
normal if it considers good nutritional status.
The results of this research are not in accordance
with Louisa's research (2018) which states that there
is a relationship between work period and the
incidence of hypertension with a p value = 0.017.
The longer a person becomes a farmer, the more
possibilities for contact with pesticides.
3.5 The Old Relationship between
Spraying and Hypertension
In the spraying variable it is known that farmers who
sprayed less than 4 hours per day were 19 people or
(54.3%) and farmers who sprayed more than 4 hours
per day were 16 people or (45.7%). The results of the
analysis of the relationship between duration of
spraying with hypertension can be seen that there is a
relationship between spraying time with hypertension
in farmers in Juhar District with a value of p <0.05 or
p = 0.094 and an odd ratio value of 3.600. Farmers
who spray 4 hours per day will tend to be at risk of
experiencing hypertension 3,600 times compared to
farmers who spray <4 hours per day.
Based on interviews, information was obtained
that farmers often sprayed on large enough areas and
had to be completed within the same time, that is, in
1 day so pests and weeds that interfere with petati
plants could be exposed to pesticides simultaneously
to avoid pests and weeds resistant to pesticides .
Spraying pesticides with a spraying time of more
than 3 hours without a break will result in chronic
poisoning. Farmers when spraying do not use
personal protective equipment so pesticides can be
directly exposed to the body of farmers which can
increase the risk of exposure.
This study is in line with Prasetya et al, (2017)
revealed that the duration of spraying has an
influence with hypertension. spraying farmers who
exceed the safe time limit then in the long run can
have an impact on hypertension. If the spraying time
of farmers is still within the safe time limit of 1-3
hours, then poisoning due to pesticides can still be
reduced, usually symptoms of pesticide poisoning
appear after 4 hours of exposure. The longer the
farmer is exposed to pesticides, the greater the risk
that the farmer will experience poisoning. The
results of this study are not in accordance with
Louisa's research (2018) which states that there is a
relationship between the duration of exposure to the
incidence of hypertension with a value of p = 0.12.
3.6 Relationship between the Use of
Personal Protective Equipment and
In the variable of personal protective equipment
usage it is known that farmers who use personal
protective equipment poorly as many as 17 people
(48.6%) and farmers who use personal protective
equipment well as many as 18 people or 51.4%. The
results of the analysis of the relationship between the
use of personal protective equipment and
hypertension can be seen that there is a relationship
between the use of personal protective equipment
and hypertension in farmers in Juhar District with a
value of p <0.05 or p = 0.041 and an odd ratio value
of 5,000. Farmers who use personal protective
equipment poorly will tend to be at risk of
hypertension 5,000 times compared to farmers who
use personal protective equipment well.
The results of this study note that more than 50%
of farmers use personal protective equipment well,
but there are still many farmers who do not wear
long sleeves and long pants, there are still minimal
farmers who always use masks when spraying, in the
application of pesticides still very few use gloves
hands when mixing or when spraying. Pesticides are
generally contact poisons, so the use of personal
protective equipment for farmers when spraying is
very important to avoid direct contact with
3.7 Relationship of Spraying
Technique with Hypertension
In spraying technique variables, it is known that
farmers who are not good at spraying are 22 people
(62.9%) and farmers who are good at spraying are
13 people or (37.1%). The results of the analysis of
the relationship between spraying techniques with
hypertension can be seen that there is a relationship
between spraying techniques with hypertension with
a value of p <0.05 or p = 0.034 and an odd ratio
value of 6.600. Farmers who spray poorly will tend
to be at risk of experiencing hypertension 6,600
times compared to farmers who spray well.
This result is strengthened by multivariate
analysis in which the spraying technique variable has
an influence on hypertension with a value of p =
Relationship of Pesticide Exposure with Hypertension for Farmers in Juhar District, Karo Regency in 2019
In this study it can be seen that more than 50% of
farmers apply spraying techniques in the
unfavorable category. Farmers when spraying do not
pay attention to correct techniques such as not
walking backward in spraying, do not pay attention
to the direction of the wind, and do not pay attention
to spraying time. The application of pesticides is
often sprayed, which allows the liquid pellets to
drift, deviating from the application. The distance
traveled by the liquid granules depends on the size
of the granules. Grains with a radius smaller than
one micron can be considered as gases whose
infinite velocity settles, while grains with a larger
radius will settle faster.
This study is not in accordance with research
conducted by Agustina (2018) where there is no
relationship between the management of pesticides
with the incidence of hypertension with a value of p
= 0.959.
Multivariate results obtained from the use of
personal protective equipment have no effect with a
value of p = 0.05. The results of this study are in
accordance with research conducted by Louisa
(2018) there is a relationship between the use of
personal protective equipment and the incidence of
hypertension with a p value = 0.015. The use of
personal protective equipment on farmers is very
important to avoid direct contact with pesticides.
The use of personal protective equipment can reduce
the possibility of direct contact with pesticides so
that the risk of pesticides entering the body through
the respiratory, digestive and skin areas can be
p =
p = 84,4%
Based on the above equation it is known that if
farmers with spraying techniques have the
opportunity to experience hypertension by 84,4%
and hypertension caused by other factors not
included in this research variable by 15,6%.
4.1 Conclusion
There was a relationship between the spraying
technique (p = 0.034), the use of Personal Protective
Equipment (p = 0.041) with hypertension, while the
length of service had no relationship with
hypertension. Spraying techniques have the
opportunity to experience hypertension by 84,4%
and hypertension caused by other factors not
included in this research variable by 15,6%.
4.2 Suggestion
The public health center has an active role in
providing education and knowledge to farmers about
the dangers and impacts of pesticide use. Create
programs aimed at monitoring the health of farmers
by conducting periodic checks. Being considered by
the Health Service and the Agriculture Service to
make policies and programs related to the use of
pesticides properly and in accordance with
Farmers are expected not to spray more than 4
hours/day to avoid over-exposure to pesticide
chemicals so that farmers avoid pesticide poisoning.
Farmers are expected to pay attention to spraying
techniques, pay attention to wind direction and walk
backwards in spraying and using personal protective
equipment in full such as using long-sleeved clothes,
long pants, masks, gloves, hats and boots.
This research was supported by Health Institute of
Deli Husada, Health Institute of Medistra Lubuk
Pakam, Sembiring General Hospital Foundation, and
Medistra Foundation, Indonesia.
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