Healthcare Associated Infections Control and Nurse Uniforms
, Krisna Yetti
and Tuti Nuraini
Department of Nursing, Universitas Esa Unggul, Jl. Arjuna Utara No.9, Jakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus Depok, Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: Healthcare Associated Infections Control, Uniform, Nurses, the Chain Breaker, Hospital.
Abstract: Healthcare Associated Infections control is an effort to improve patient safety in hospitals. Nurses and
uniforms act as one way to break the chain of infection. This study aims to identify the views of nurses in
Healthcare Associated infections cont rol through nurse uniforms. The research design uses descriptive
phenomenology, the process of collecting data is done by Focus Group Discussion. Participants in this study
were taken by purposive sampling of 16 participants, data analysis using the Giorgi method. The results of
the study identified themes: headscarves, sleeves, jewelry and watches, as well as footwear or shoes as part of
Healthcare Associated infections control through uniform. It was concluded that the nurse’s uniform as one
part of the infection chain breaker in the hospital. It is recommended the role of the nursing manager to
establish detailed rules for nurse uniforms during service in the hospital.
Patient safety according Peraturan Menteri
Kesehatan No. 11 tahun 2017 is a system that
makes patient care safer, including risk
assessment, identification and management of
patient risk, reporting and analysis of incidents,
the ability to learn from incidents and their follow-
up, as well as the implementation of solutions to
minimize risks and prevent injuries caused by
mistakes caused by carrying out an action or not
taking the action that should be taken (Haryati,
Yetti, Afriani, Handiyani, 2019). The
implementation of patient safety in hospitals is
often not optimal due to role of nurses in the
implementation of patient safety. Gunes research
(2016) shows the results that many nurses in
Turkey still have a negative perception of the
culture of patient safety in their institutions. This
was also expressed by Freixas Sala et al. (2017) that
only 16% of nurses are dedicated full time in the
patient safety program. Nurses are a profession that
lasts for twenty-four hours accompanying and
being close to patients. The role of nurses to
improve patient safety is to try to break the chain of
infection. Handayani's research (2006) found that
data significantly increased the number of
microorganism colonies on uniform use on the
second day compared to the number of colonies
before uniform use.
The phenomenon at the hospital today is nurses
rarely use white uniforms so we did not know how
long the uniforms have been used. White color on
the uniform will show color changes from day to
day. Uniforms that are used are also often added
accessories such as brooches or bracelets on the
wrists. If nurses wear headscarves, it is often seen
that nurses only tie back and often fall forward
while taking action in nursing. This was seen in
several hospitals, both in the capital and in the
regions, at government or private hospital.
However, researchers see that there are still some
hospitals that apply regulations in the use of
uniforms in their hospitals. The hospital is usually
an international hospital. Apart from the concept
that is owned by the hospital management,
researchers are interested in getting a picture of the
perception of nurses who are in hospital
management related to the regulations applied in
the use of uniforms. A good hospital regulation
where when all members under the auspices of
management understand the purpose of the
This study aims to obtain an overview of what
components are understood by nurses in the effort
to control infection so that patient safety can be
guaranteed. Specifically, this study aims to know
the correct way to wear the hijab, to know the
settings for the nurses' uniforms, know the use of
jewelry and watches, and to know the correct use of
Antia, ., Yetti, K. and Nuraini, T.
Healthcare Associated Infections Control and Nurse Uniforms.
DOI: 10.5220/0009562700400044
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health (ICOH 2019), pages 40-44
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
footwear or shoes. This research is important as an
effort to increase the awareness of nurses in the use
of uniforms so that the infection chain breaker is not
only through washing hands but also by paying
attention to the use of uniforms that are worn
every day. For educational institutions, through
this research can be used as a scientific foundation
in managing the use of student uniforms while in
hospital. For the general public, the results of this
study if implemented will reduce the number of
HAIs among clients in the inpatient room and
reduce the risk of spreading HAIs from the hospital
to the community.
Quality nursing care needs to be sought to meet the
needs of patients optimally. The optimal
fulfillment of the patient's needs is expected to be
able to improve the patient's health status and not
cause additional unwanted health problems while
the patient is hospitalized. Undang-Undang No. 38
tahun 2014 states that nursing services are a form
of professional service based on nursing
knowledge and tips addressed to individuals,
families, groups, or the community, both healthy
and sick, which are an integral part of health care
services that good nursing services will also
contribute well on health, safety, and patient
safety in hospitals. Nurses who work for 24 hours
caring for patients certainly have a big share not
only in healing, but also risk causing incidents that
can harm patients and hospitals. Management of
services and management of nursing care are two
things that must be carried out optimally by all
managerial levels of nursing led by a Director of
Nursing to ensure quality care and patient safety.
Management according to Weiss and Tappen
(2015) is doing a job through other people. Or in
other words, nursing service management is a way
to manage nurses to provide professional services
based on nursing knowledge to individuals,
families, groups, or communities, both healthy and
sick. Management of nursing services needs to be
supported by good management of nursing care.
Management of nursing care is defined as an
activity to solve or improve needs and quality of life
by assessing needs, planning care and
implementing care for people who need support
because of health problems (Cho et al, 2015).
TKRS 13 Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit 2017
said that every Care Professional is directed to
support a safe culture. Safety culture is defined as
"a collaborative environment in which all care
professionals treat one another with respect, the
head encourages effective teamwork and supports
psychological security, the team learns from
mistakes and is almost injured, the caregiver is
aware of the limitations of human performance in
systems that are complex (stress recognition), and
there is a visible process of learning and
implementing improvements through briefings. At
TKRS 13 Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit 2017,
behaviors that did not support safety culture were
conveyed, including: threatening others that would
affect staff morale and endanger patients.
Effective hygiene and preventing infections
are absolute in all healthcare settings. Although
there is no conclusive evidence that uniforms and
work wear play a direct role in spreading infection,
the clothes that staff wear should facilitate good
practice and minimize any risk to patients. Uniforms
and work wear should not impede effective hand
hygiene, and should not unintentionally come into
contact with patients during direct patient care
activity. Similarly, nothing should be worn that
could compromise patient or staff safety during
care, for example false nails, rings, earings other
than studs, and necklaces. Local policies may
allow a plain ring, such as a wedding ring (United
Kingdom Department of Health, 2010). These are
recommended good practices based on evidence
from the literature reviews, testing and effective
hand hygiene procedures: wear short-sleeved tops
and do not wear white coats during patient care
activity, change immediately if uniform or clothing
becomes visibly soiled or contaminated, dress in
manner which inspires patient and public
confidence, change into and out of, or cover
uniform completely when travelling to and from
work, wear clear indentifiers, wash uniforms and
clothing worn at work at the hottest temperature
suitable for the fabric, clean washing machines and
tumble driers regularly, have clean, short,
unvarnished fingernails; tie long hair back off the
collar. Poor practice includes go shopping in
uniform or engage in other activities outside work,
wear false nails during patient care activity, wear
any jewellery while on duty other than a smooth
ring or plain stud earrings, including a wrist-watch,
on the hands or wrists during direct patient care
activity, wear neckties/lanyards during direct
patient care activity, carry pens, scissors or other
sharp or hard objects in outside breast pockets,
wear numerous badges, wear prominents facial
piercings or display tattoos, dress untidily and in an
unprofessional manner.
Healthcare Associated Infections Control and Nurse Uniforms
The method used in this study is a qualitative
research method with a phenomenological
approach. This research was conducted on private
Hospital, nurses who were attended by 16 nurses
representing the care unit. The method use Focus
Group Discussion, the place were three times, the
first group was 5 nurses, the second group was 6
nurses, and the third group was 5 nurses.
Participants represent each type of nursing room
where children are represented by 2 (two) nurses,
adult care rooms are represented by 7 (seven)
nurses, ICU / CCU rooms are represented by 2 (two)
nurses, polyclinic rooms are represented by 2 (two)
people, space IGD was represented by 1 (one)
person, and NICU room was represented by 2 (two)
nurses. All participants were female. The data
collection tools used in this study are: a) The
researcher herself as a discussion guide, b)
Unstructured discussion guidelines that contain
open-ended questions to explore data in
accordance with the research objectives, c) Field
notes used to take notes researcher observations
during the discussion process. In analyzing the
data of this study the researcher used the Giorgi
method where clarification was carried out
together with the supervisor.
Participants said attention should be given to
appearance and uniforms to prevent HAIs. It was
revealed by 13 participants, with age over 30 years
were seven participants, Bachelor degree were
eight participants. Work experience under 5 years
revealed were five participants, 5 to 10 years were
three participants and more than 10 years were five
participants. The category of prevention of HAIs
was mostly revealed in the third DKT, four out of
five participants revealed this category. One
participant even though not expressing the
category still shows agree with the expression of
other participants. The expression is shown
through non- verbal expressions through the nod
of the head signifying agree with the expression.
Prevention of HAIs by paying attention to the
length of the veil used, the veil is inserted into the
clothes. Other components that must be considered
are the sleeves, jewelry and watches as well as
footwear or shoes. Illustrated from the following
participant's statement:
"If we have put the
headscarves in the hospital, it is already good ...
because it reduces contamination
" (FGD 15 May
"Even if wearing a veil is not long ... so wash
your hands without nosocomial infections."
15 May 2015)
If it's possible to use a wedding ring only ...
the watch was originally also not allowed, we
were given a watch that was hung on a shirt to
calculate the pulse, but a few months later the
watch was broken so we were allowed to wear the
watch again. But besides that it shouldn't be used
... for HAI’s
(FGD 18 may 2015)
"It's not possible even when we want to put
infusion, our veil down and it covers. Nosocomial
infections must also be able not to interfere when we
do activity
(FGD May 20, 2015)
Those who wear the headscarf, the sleeve is
3 fingers below the elbow ... but if you do not wear
the hijab the arms are normal ... so as not to get
hit when working ... no nosocomial infection
(FGD 18 May 2015)
Uniform is one of the media for nosocomial
infections. Uniforms worn by nurses to facilitate
each user's movement and minimize the risk of
contact with patients (LeTexier, 2005, Royal College
of Nursing, 2014). Good management of uniforms
such as changing uniforms in hospitals can reduce
the risk of spreading pathogens from hospitals to
homes and home to hospital (Marcus, 1998,
Handayani, 2006). Uniforms must be managed well
so that they can control the occurrence of HAIs by
changing clinical uniforms every day (Handayani
& Megapurwarsa, 2006). Uniforms must also be
clean at all times. Public opinion indicates that
clean service from nurses can be seen by changing
uniforms at workor covering uniforms when
outside the work area (United Kingdom Department
of Health, 2010).
Participants revealed one way to prevent HAIs
through the use of headscarves that are inserted
into clothing, the size of the headscarf is not too
long, the shape of the arms measuring three-
quarters of the arms. Minimal use of jewelry is also
a thing that can reduce the spread of HAIs, in this
case only using a wedding ring. Some participants
revealed that the use of bracelets is still permissible
as long as not in large quantities. The phrase reflects
not yet fully understood by the participants about
the purpose of applying the policy of using jewelry
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
during service. The expression reflects the use of
jewelry more to the image formed to the patient that
nurses must be simple, not just because to prevent
HAIs. Affirmed by Salisbury, 1997 and the Royal
College of Nursing, 2014, the use of rings, except
wedding rings are permitted during service but
care must be taken of hand hygiene when
washing. Jewelry can be used but in a minimal form
so as to maintain the health and safety or
cleanliness of the jewelry components when doing
activities (Quiambao-udan, 2009; Wilson, et al.,
2007). The role of managers is very necessary in
giving direction so that a correct understanding of
the use of jewelry in the appearance of nurses
(Gillies, 1994; Huber, 2010; Lin, et al. 2007; Longest,
1996; Manulang, 1983; Marquis & Huston, 2008;
Siagian, 2002). Management to improve nurses'
understanding of the prevention of HAIs is very
important. Researchers believe that good
management in terms of direction can increase
nurses' efforts to reduce the number of HAIs
through appearance and uniform clothing. Good
understanding makes nurses limit themselves when
going to use jewelry during business hours.
Directing can be done by periodic supervision and
motivation or by holding and involving nurses in
seminars on the topic of prevention of HAIs. This
directive process will be more effective because
nurses gain knowledge and have the desire to
change themselves from within themselves, not
from the leadership (Hewlett et al., 2009).
The interaction between researchers and nurses
at the hospital was obtained information, many
hospitals hold seminars on various topics
including HAIs. Seen from the results of the FGD,
the expression of the prevention of HAIs was
expressed by thirteen participants out of sixteen
participants. The number of these expressions
reflects the understanding of the prevention of
HAIs through uniform appearance and clothing
understood by almost all participants.
Of the thirteen participants, seven participants
were over 30 years old and had a Bachelor's degree
in nursing were eight people. The distribution
shows cognitive factors are strongly influenced by
the level of education and experience of
individuals. Toha (2008) explains that perception is
essentially a cognitive process experienced by
everyone in understanding information about their
environment, both through vision, hearing,
appreciation, feeling, and smell. A person's
understanding is inseparable from the existing
organizational climate. A positive organizational
climate shapes the satisfaction and motivation of its
members (Fumham, 2003; Gillies, Franks, & Child,
1990; Runtu & Widyarini, 2009). The results
showed that the longer a person interacted with a
positive organizational climate formed a good
understanding of its members.
This study illustrates nurses' views on controlling
HAIs through the uniforms they use. The results of
the study through the Integrated Group Discussion
found participants revealed the prevention of HAIs
by paying attention to the length of the veilused, the
veil put into clothing. Other components that must
be considered are the sleeves, jewelry and watches
as well as footwear and shoes.
Hospital agencies need to emphasize the
importance of managing nurse uniforms through
firmer policies, especially in the use of
headscarves, sleeves, accessories (brooches) and
watches as well as footwear or shoes. This
research is one of the bases for subsequent studies
including the ability of germs to survive in nurse
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ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health