Effect of Competency, Clarity of Budget Objectives and
Effectiveness of Internal Control on Accountability and
Transparency in Village Revenue and Expenditure
Budget Management in Bengkalis Regency
Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis, Riau, Indonesia
Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of
Competence Influence, Clarity of Budget Goals and Effectiveness of Internal
Control on Accountability and Transparency in Village Budgeting (APBDesa)
Management. The extent of the application of the Competency Factor, Clarity of
Budget Objectives and Internal Control Systems using the Accountability
Framework and to find out the constraints faced by village government officials
in increasing Accountability and Transparency in APBDes Management. This
research uses explanatory research. The research location is Bengkalis Regency
with a population of 136, while the sample is 102 with a random sampling
technique. The analysis technique used is Multiple Linear Regression, hypothesis
testing uses significance level α = 0.05 with the help of SPSS version 22. The
results of hypothesis testing analysis show that the apparatus Competency
variable does not have a significant effect on Accountability and Transparency
in APBDesa Management. For the variable Clarity of the Target Budget has a
positive influence on Accountability and Transparency in the Management of
APBDesa, while the variable Internal Control System has a positive influence on
Accountability and Transparency in APBDesa Management.
Keywords: Competence · Budget Goals · Internal Control · Accountability ·
1 Introduction
Based on Law of The Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2014, villages are owned by
communities which have territorial boundaries approved and regulated by the
government, community interests based on community initiatives, original rights,
and/or traditional rights of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia [18]. The
village as an autonomous government gets special rights, one of which is related to the
management of the APBDesa. The village revenue and expenditure budget is the
responsibility of the village management holder to provide information on all village
activities and activities to the village community on the management of village funds
and implementation in the form of program plans financed with village money. In the
APBDesa it contains village revenue, expenditure and financing.
The policy on allocating Village Funds is contained in Law No. 6 of 2014. This
means that every year villages throughout Indonesia receive funding from the central
Suharyono, .
Effect of Competency, Clarity of Budget Objectives and Effectiveness of Internal Control on Accountability and Transparency in Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget Management in
Bengkalis Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0009588400002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 69-78
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
government. In practice, the implementation of Law No. 6 which was passed in 2014
still has many problems. Among other things, the amount of the budget stipulated in
the law and the issue of disbursement of funds have not yet been fulfilled. Review of
the Indonesian Parliament's State Financial Accountability Agency (BAKN) on the
results of the examination of the Indonesian Supreme Audit Board (BPK) on the
Development and Supervision of Village Fund Management (DD) activities for the
2015 fiscal year to 2018 in 80 districts, 5 cities and 1,006 districts in 33 provinces
throughout Indonesia found that there were some major problems in managing Village
Funds, both in the guidance and supervision aspects (http://www.dpr.go.id).
Problems in the aspect of fostering the management of Village Funds include the
absence of regulations for the determination of village government accounting
standards and the absence of regulations for the administration and fostering of village
officials that are complete, up-to-date and in accordance with higher regulations. In
addition, Village Fund planning has also not been carried out based on mapping of
village problems and needs. The implementation of the program development activities
have not been fully aligned with the priority scale of the use of the Village Fund.
Problems in the aspects of oversight of Village Fund management include the planning
of supervision by regional governments that have not yet considered risks. This can be
seen from the fact that there are still local governments that do not have plans and
mapping problems in making surveillance activities.
In the case of managing village budget funds, the Village Heads must be more
careful so that no maladministration occurs. But it also did not make the village heads
reluctant to release the budget sourced from the central government. Maladministration
is behavior or actions against the law, exceeding the authority, using the authority for
other purposes than the purpose of the authority, including negligence or neglect of
legal obligations in the administration of public services performed by public services
State Officials and governments that cause material and / or immaterial losses to the
public and / or individuals.
Based on the Ombudsman report, many community reports related to the village,
most of them concerned with the management of village funds. The increase in
community reports related to village funds is caused by, among others, allegations of
non-transparency, mark-up, fiction, projects that are not in accordance with needs, are
not in accordance with the rules in the management of village funds by unscrupulous
village heads. The existence of this problem has the potential to cause a crisis of
confidence in the village head. This was then reported by villagers to the Ombudsman
Accountability becomes a full apparatus control over everything that has been done
in a government, so that the role of government as an agent becomes an important factor
in accountability of the performance of government to the principal or the people. To
support the success of accountability and transparency in a government, many factors
can influence both aspects.
2 Theoretical Review
According to Halim and Abdullah [4], in the agency relationship, there are two parties
who make agreement or contract, the one who provides authority or power
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
(principal) and the one who receive the authority (agent). Agency relationship in the
government can be showed in the relationship between the people (as the principal)
and the government (as the agent). The relationship is a result of contract between
the people who utilize the government to provide services needed by the people.
Halim and Abdullah [4] mention that in the government, law is the implicit form of
contract among the executive, legislative and public.
According to Anjarwati [2], there is a conict of interest or clash of interest
between principal and agent. The conflict often time poses financial loss for many
parties, thus, both internal and external mechanism are needed to fix it. The main
problem in the relationship between agent and principal is the existence of information
asymmetry. To solve this problem, a good accountability is needed. According to
Mardiasmo [7], public accountability is the responsibility of agent to provide the
accountability, present report and disclose all activities under their responsibility to
the principal who has a right to ask for the accountability.
2.1 Competencies of the Government Apparatus
Cheng et al. [3] states that the competencies of the government apparatus also influence
the accountability and transparency of the village government. This is supported by
findings presented by the Indonesia Action-Corruption Forum (IACF 2010) which
mentions the potential misuse of Village Funds due to the lack of knowledge possessed
by the village government apparatus and the internal control system.
An equally important factor is the control system in government, because the
existence of a control system can affect the internal decision making of the village
government and can have implications for the accountability and transparency of the
village government. Furthermore, Kalbers and Forgaty [5] add that the existence of
internal control in a government also influences the level of public accountability and
transparency. The leadership in an organization has a form of control so that in the
planning system (village budgeting) the resulting output has a beneficial contribution
to the village community.
On the other hand, based on PP No. 60 of 2014, the village government will be
given funds to be managed to finance the implementation, construction implementation,
community development and community empowerment [12]. When referring to PP No.
60 of 2014 it is quite clear that the allocation of funds given to each village is very
large, which is calculated based on the number of villagers, the number of village areas,
the village poverty rate and the level of geographical difficulties. This fund is large
enough to be used by the village government to improve the welfare of residents in their
respective villages.
2.2 Clarity of Budget Objectives
The budget becomes very important and relevant in village government, because the
budget is related to performance Government that gives commitment to the community.
The budget is a political document or contract between the government and the village
community, for the foreseeable future (Mardiasmo, 2018).
Effect of Competency, Clarity of Budget Objectives and Effectiveness of Internal Control on Accountability and Transparency in Village
Revenue and Expenditure Budget Management in Bengkalis Regency
Kenis (1979) in Putra [14] said that there are several characteristics of the budgeting
system. One of the characteristics of a budget is the clarity of budget targets. In the
context of village government, budget targets are included in the Village Medium Term
Development Plan (RPJMDesa) and the Village Government Work Plan (RKPDesa).
Primayoni [8] in his research on the effect of budget target and the effectiveness of
internal control against the accountability of the performance of the government
institution revealed that both partially and simultaneously the clarity of the budget
target and the effectiveness of internal control have a positive effect on the performance
accountability of the government of Klungklung Regency. With the clarity of specific,
clear budget targets and the effectiveness of good internal controls, the accountability
of performance of government agencies will be even better. An effective local budget
must be a benchmark for achieving the expected performance, so regional budget
planning must be able to clearly describe performance targets. Clarity of budget
objectives reflects the extent to which budget targets are stated specifically, clearly, and
can be understood by those responsible for developing and implementing them.
2.3 Effectiveness of Internal Control
According to Government Regulation number 8 of 2006 concerning financial reporting
and performance of government agencies, the internal control system is a process that
is influenced by management created to provide adequate confidence in achieving
effectiveness, efficiency, adherence to applicable laws and regulations, and the
reliability of the presentation of Government financial statements [11]. Effective
internal control in a government will be able to create a good overall process of
activities, so that it will provide adequate confidence for the creation of the security of
State assets and the reliability of government financial statements, in this case will have
a positive impact on the accountability of the performance of government agencies.
The Purpose of Government Internal Control System According to PP No. 60 of
2008 is to provide adequate confidence regarding; effective and efficient activities,
reliable financial reports, securing state assets and compliance with laws and
regulations [10]. As for the elements of the Government Internal Control System,
namely Environmental Control, Risk Assessment, control activities, information and
communication and Internal Control Monitoring.
2.4 Transparency and Accountability
According to the Presidential Regulation No. 29 of 2014 regarding Government
Agency Performance Accountability System, performance is the output or result of
activities/ programs that have been or will be achieved related to the use of budget with
measurable quantity and quality [13]. Performance accountability is the manifestation
of government agency responsibility for the success or failure in performing the
programs and activities to achieve measurable organizational mission, with the
predetermined targets stated in the periodical performance report.
Transparency means the openness of the government in providing information
related to public resource management activities to those who need information. The
government is obliged to provide financial information and other information that will
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
be used for decision making by interested parties. Transparency, accountability and
fairness are separate attributes. However, the first two terms are not independent,
because the implementation of accountability requires transparency [16]. Meanwhile,
Suharyanto states that the essence of democracy is accountability, while the essence of
accountability is transparency [17].
2.5 Hypothesis
Based on the description in the Literature Review section, the following is the
formulation of a hypothesis.
H1: Competencies of the government apparatus has a positive effect on
transparency and accountability in village budget management.
H2: Clarity of budget objectives has a positive effect on transparency and
accountability in village budget management.
H3: Effectiveness of internal control positively influences transparency and
accountability in village budget management.
H4: Competencies of the government apparatus, clarity of budget objectives, and
effectiveness of internal control have a positive effect on transparency and
accountability in the management of the village budget.
3 Research Method
This study is a quantitative study performed using scientific method to build hypothesis
and proved it. The data analyzed in this study is secondary data. The variables used in
this study consisted of the dependent variable and the independent variable. The
dependent variable in this study is transparency and accountability of village budget
management (Y). The independent variables in this study are Competencies of the
government apparatus (X1), clarity of budget objectives (X2), and effectiveness of
internal control (X3). The measurement of variables uses a Likert scale wherein the
respondent states the level of agreement or disagreement regarding the existence of
statements regarding behavior, objects, or events. Answers will be given a score: Score
1 = strongly disagree, Score 2 = disagree, Score 3 = neutral, Score 4 = agree, Score 5 =
strongly agree.
In this study we determined the object of research in all village governments in
Bengkalis Regency. Number of villages in Bengkalis Regency. 136 villages. Using the
Slovin formula, the number of samples in this study were 102 villages. Sampling was
done using random sampling techniques. We employ multiple linear regression to test
the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. The data is processed
using SPSS 22.
Effect of Competency, Clarity of Budget Objectives and Effectiveness of Internal Control on Accountability and Transparency in Village
Revenue and Expenditure Budget Management in Bengkalis Regency
4 Result
4.1 Classic Assumption Test
Following is the hypothesis testing procedure. Multicollinearity test results can be seen
in the following table 1.
Table 1. Multicollinearity test results.
ance VIF
Based on the test results in table 1, because the VIF value for all variables has a
value smaller than 5, it can be concluded that there are no multicollinearity symptoms
between the independent variables. While the results of heteroskesdasitas testing in this
study can be seen in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Scatterplot.
Based on the scatterplot diagram above, visible points spread randomly and
scattered both below and above the 0-axis Y. This shows that there is no
heterokesdasticity of the regression model, so the regression model is feasible to predict
transparency and accountability in the APBDesa management based on the input of
independent variables. Normality test is carried out to determine whether the data is
normally distributed or not. The results of the normality test are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. The result of normality test.
Model Si
n Descri
X1 .64 Normal
X2 .90 Normal
X3 .71 Normal
Y .54 Normal
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
From the results of table 2 above it can be explained that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
values above can be concluded that the data has a normal distribution because the value
of Kolmogorov-Smirnov has a significant level greater than 5%.
4.2 Hypothesis Test
Hypothesis test results partially carried out referring to the t test. The t test is also called
the individual significance test. This test shows how far the effect of partially
independent variables on the dependent variable. Test results on the SPSS 22.0 output
can be seen in table 3.
Table 3. The result of t test.
l Unstandardized
t Sig
B Std.
Based on table 3, it can be seen hypothesis test 1 that the competencies of the
government apparatus variable has a t-test of 1.225 with a significance level of 0.228
that is greater than 0.05, meaning that it is not significant, where the value of t-count
(2.206) is greater from the t-table value; As for the t-table value (significance of 5%
with (df) = 102-3-1 = 98) is 1.985. Not significant here means the hypothesis is rejected.
This means that the competencies of the government apparatus do not significantly
influence the transparency and accountability of village budget management. Thus, the
first hypothesis stating the presentation of the competencies of the government
apparatus has a significant effect on the transparency and accountability of village
budget management is rejected. The results of this study indicate that the competencies
of the government apparatus do not have implications for increasing transparency and
accountability in village budget management. This supports the research conducted by
Widyatama [19].
Based on table 3, it can be seen the results of hypothesis 2 test that the variable
clarity of budget objectives has a t-count of 2.541 with a significant level of 0,000 that
is smaller than 0.05, meaning that it is significant, where the value of t-count (2.541) is
greater than the value of t -table. The t-table value (significance of 5% with (df) = 102-
3-1 = 98) is 1,985. Significant here means the hypothesis is accepted. This means that
the budgetary objectives have a significant effect on the transparency and
accountability of village budget management. Thus, the second hypothesis which states
the clarity of budget objectives has a significant effect on transparency and
accountability in the management of the APBDesa proven and accepted. The results of
this study are in line with research conducted by Kusumaningrum [6]. In this study
shows that the clarity of budget targets has a significant positive effect on the
accountability of the performance of the Central Java Province government agencies.
This study also supports research conducted by Putra [13] which shows that the clarity
Effect of Competency, Clarity of Budget Objectives and Effectiveness of Internal Control on Accountability and Transparency in Village
Revenue and Expenditure Budget Management in Bengkalis Regency
of budget targets has a significant positive effect on managerial performance of the
work unit in the Padang City area.
Based on table 3, it can be seen the results of hypothesis 3 test that the effectiveness
of internal control variable has a t-test of 5.266 with a significant level of 0.000 which
is smaller than 0.05, meaning that it is significant, where the value of t-count (5.266) is
greater than the value t-table. The t-table value (significance of 5% with (df) = 102-3-
1 = 98) is 1,985. Significant here means the hypothesis is accepted. This means that the
effectiveness of internal control has a significant effect on transparency and
accountability in village budget management. Thus, the third hypothesis stating the
effectiveness of internal control has a significant effect on transparency and
accountability in the management of the APBDesa proven and accepted. The results of
this study are in line with research conducted by Tresnawati [18], which shows that the
effectiveness of internal control has a positive effect on the performance of the Bandung
City Revenue Service. The results of this study also support Primayoni [8] research
which states that both partially and simultaneously the Clarity of Budget Objectives
and the Effectiveness of Internal Control have a positive effect on the Performance
Accountability of the Klungklung Regency Government Agencies.
To support hypothesis test 4, the following table 4 shows the results.
Table 4. The result of F test.
Model Sum of
df Mean
F Sig
25.883 .000
Based on table 4, it can be seen that the test results show an F-count of 25,883 with
a significance level of 0,000 that is smaller than 0.05. Where the calculated F-value
(25,883) is greater than the F-table value; As for the F-table value (significance of 5%
with df 1= 4-1 = 3, and df 2 = 102-3-1 = 98) is equal 2,696, then Ha is accepted. Means
competencies of the government apparatus, clarity of budget objectives, and the
effectiveness of internal control together or simultaneously have a positive effect on
transparency and accountability in the management of the village budget. Thus, the
third hypothesis stating the competencies of the government apparatus, clarity of budget
objectives, and the effectiveness of internal control together or simultaneously has a
positive effect on transparency and accountability in the management of the APBDesa
proven and accepted. The results of this research support the research conducted by
Suharyanto [17] dan Mujiono [8].
5 Conclusion
Based on the results of data analysis and hypothesis testing described in the previous
chapter, the authors draw the following conclusions:
1. Competencies of the government apparatust does not have a positive and
significant effect on transparency and accountability in village budget
management. This is supported by the t-value of 1.225 at a significance level of
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
0.228 which is greater than 0.05, which means that the t-value is smaller than
the t-table value of 1.225 <1.985.
2. Clarity of budget objectives has a positive and significant effect on transparency
and accountability in village budget management. This is supported by the t-
count value of 2.541 at a significance level of 0,000 which is smaller than 0.05
which means that the t-count value is greater than the t-table value of 2,541>
3. Effectiveness of internal control has a positive and significant effect on
transparency and accountability in village budget management. This is
supported by the t-test value of 5.266 at a significance level of 0.000 which is
smaller than 0.05 which means that the t-value is greater than the t-table value
of 5.266> 1.985.
4. Competencies of the government apparatus, clarity of budget objectives, and the
effectiveness of internal control together or simultaneously have a positive effect
on transparency and accountability in the management of the village budget.
This is supported by the F-calculated value of 25.883 at a significance level of
0.000 which is smaller than 0.05, which means that the F-calculated value is
greater than the F-table value of 25.883> 2.696
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