Aside of concluding the reports, some assurors, primarily consultants and
certificatiom bodies also provide commentries or recommendations. Consultants seems
to focus on adding value to organisation strategic direction [13]. In contrary, accountant
assurors are lacking in providing commentaries or recommendation. This confirms
previous studies that this is could be associated with the issue of the verifier’s
competence [14].
Provision of assurance on sustainability reports in Indonesia is considering low (43
companies or 17.77%) with the mining and finance sectors are the leader. This data
confirm prior studiy [25] that found that assurance practice in developing countries is
lagging behind. This could be due to absence of mandatory regulation. This study
would also to highlight that based on analysis of sustainability reports, majority of the
43 companies (18%) that adopted independent assurance stated in the report that they
aware that by seeking independent assurance could increase the credibility and
reliability of the report. In contrast, the majority of the 199 remaining companies (82%)
acknowledge that the use of external assurance by independent third parties could
ensure the quality and reliability of the information presented in the report. However
they claimed that adopting assurance is not a requirement to be “in accordance” with
the GRI guidance. It seems that they prefer to provide internal verification or third party
verification as substitute to external assurance. This could indicates lack of awareness.
In this sense, they perceived that the adherence of the information disclosed to the
guideline is sufficient rather than seeking external assurance.
Reflecting in this phenomena and considering the target in the OJK’s Sustainable
finance roadmap is sustainability reports to become mandatory [26], companies need
to take additional measures to increase the quality of reported information. As
development of sustainability reporting is approaching and so the demand of
accountability of user is elevating, third party assurance is becomingly important. In
other words, the production of the report is not sufficient on its own. Companies need
to think beyond bothering the amount information to be disclosed or complying the
guideline. Otherwise, information credibility is likely to become an issue for companies
that fail to obtain assurance for their reports.
This study identified three main groups of assurors namely accounting firm,
consulting firm, and certification bodies. Consistent with prior studies [10-11],
accountant dominate the assurance market. Accountant from non-big four accounting
firm consistently dominate while assurance provision by non-accountant assurors is
rapidly growing and becoming major competitors in the assurance market.
Accountant adopting a cautious approach and tend to use traditional audit technique
at providing limited assurance levels. In contrast, consultant assurors take a more
evaluative approach even they aim the same limited/moderate level as accountant [13].
Intriguingly, even all the assurors akin to limited level, as much 42% the wording of
the reports was in positive form. It appears that users may not be fully understand the
distinction between the two assurance opinion [24]. However, this practice could lead
to expectation gap among user due to unclear level of testing and assurance provided
One key concept in sustainability reporting is that of stakeholders. However, none
of the assurors engage stakeholders‘ participation in the assurance process. This is also
reflected in the addresse of the statements. Majority of the as
surance statements are