The Effect of Plyometric Trainings on the Leg Muscle Power
Enhancement of Women’s Volleyball Junior Athletes
Bayu Santoso
, Hari Amirullah Rachman
Departement of Sport Science, Graduate School,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Front Jump and Side Jump Plyometric Training, Leg Muscle Power.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of plyometric training on the leg muscle power
enhancement of the women’s volleyball junior athletes at Yuso Yogyakarta. This research employed
experiment methods with the design of “two group’s pre-test post-test design”. The population in this
research were the women’s volleyball junior athletes at Yuso Yogyakarta which consist of 30 athletes. The
sampling technique was purposive sampling, with following criteria: (1) The chosen athletes have been
training more than three years; (2) The athletes were between 14 to 18 years old; (3) The athletes were able
to participate in the conducted pre-test, treatment, and post-test. As a result on that consideration, 18 out of
30 athletes were chosen as the participants. Muscle leg power requires vertical jumps with a jump aid and
Harman Formulation. The data were analyzed using T test. The result of analysis showed that: (1) There
was a significance effect of the front jump plyometric training on the leg muscle power of the women’s
volleyball junior athletes at Yuso Yogyakarta with t count 3.357 > t table 2.306, significance value of 0.010
< 0.05, enhancement percentage of 8.586%. (2) There was a significance effect of side jump plyometric
training to the leg muscle power enhancement of the women’s volleyball junior athletes at Yuso Yogyakarta
with t count 3.577 > t table 2.306, significance value of 0.007 < 0.05, and enhancement percentage of
3.976%. (3) The front jump plyometric training was more effective to increase leg muscle power with the
different percentage of 4.610%.
Volleyball is one of favourite sports in Indonesia,
including in Yogyakarta. In its development, there
have been some volleyball clubs in Yogyakarta
which actively participate in the regional, province
to national levels of championship. Many teenagers
joining the clubs have won the championships
ranging from junior to senior levels. Each volleyball
club in Yogyakarta is currently in the race to
develop its athletes which are competitive and
eligible in any event and are excellent in any
In volleyball games, there are several factors that
influence athletes to excel in order to obtain
maximum achievement, namely techniques, tactics,
and mental as well as physical condition. LA84
Foundation (2012: 57) describes the components of
physical training in volleyball games. They are
divided into four categories: endurance, speed,
strength and power. All those physical components
in volleyball are athletes’ need to achieve maximum
performance. Without having a good physique,
volleyball athletes will find it hard to achieve
maximum performance.
Good physical ability will help athletes to master
volleyball techniques, i.e. the smashing technique
which is the main weapon of a volleyball player to
turn off an opponent and get points. When
performing this technique, it takes a high jump as
well as a hard and directed blow. For that, the
players need power of their legs, arms, back and
stomach. Another technique is called blocking. This
technique is also the main weapon for defense to
stem the opponent's smash and turn off the ball in
the opponent's area. In addition, this also requires
high jumps and good movement techniques.
The physical component especially the power of
legs is very influential for volleyball athletes in
jumping when performing smashing and blocking
techniques so as to produce a good high jump that
can help athletes in doing good smashes and blocks.
Santoso, B. and Rachman, H.
The Effect of Plyometric Trainings on the Leg Muscle Power Enhancement of Women’s Volleyball Junior Athletes.
DOI: 10.5220/0009784402680272
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 268-272
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Speed and strength when jumping are also important
factors in volleyball.
Power training methods can use a variety of
strength training or plyometric exercises. Pliometrics
is one method of trainings to enhance the power of
legs and the height of jumping. Plyometric training
is very easy for athletes to do during training in the
field. However, the structured pliometric exercises
are rarely applied during training sessions.
Plyometric training has many benefits for
volleyball athletes, because volleyball games that
require good power. Thus, this training can help the
athletes when smashing and blocking by increasing
the jump height. Donald A Chu (2013: 36) explains
that proper pliometric movements have a large
impact on increasing power related to sports
involving Stretch-Shortening Cycle (SSC). Front
jumps and side jumps are the forms of pliometrics
that emphasize speed and height of jump.
Yuso is a volleyball team in Yogyakarta which
has a tiered coaching. The training program is
distinguished from the level of beginners, teens,
juniors to seniors. In its implementation the
pliometric training program has not been maximally
given to junior level athletes. In preparing an
exercise program, pliometric training needs to be
studied in terms of its dose of exercise that covers
the training load, number of sets, rhythm, repetition,
and recovery. Those elements are very influential to
determine the achievement of a training goal. The
preparation of a structured and systematic training
program has not been done by many trainers to
achieve the training objectives.
Based on the experience during microcoaching
and field practice education at the Yuso club, many
junior athletes have not got a good leap. In this case,
there are many factors which help athletes to have a
good leap, one of which is the athlete's physical
strength. The junior athletes in that club have not
got good physical strength so that they mostly
cannot make a good jump.
The forms and types of pliometric training are
needed to be presented by volleyball coaches to
avoid the athletes’ boredom. Plyometric front jump
and side jump exercises are the examples of
pliometric training to increase the leg muscle power
of volleyball athletes. Variations in this exercise are
needed when athletes feel bored with strength or
speed training.
Based on the underlying background above, a
research was conducted in Yuso volleyball club
Yogyakarta aimed at using pliometric front jump
and side jump exercises to increase the athletes’ leg
power. The research was entitled “The Effect of
Plyometric Trainings on the Leg Muscle Power
Enhancement of Women’s Volleyball Junior
2.1 The Type of Research
This research was a quasi-experimental research,
meaning that the sample was not quarantined or
dormant. According to Suharsimi Arikunto (2010:
36) experimental research is a study that is intended
to determine whether there is a result of something
imposed on the subject. The research design used in
this study was "Two Groups Pre-test Post-test
Design"; the design of the study that had a pretest
before being treated and posttest after being treated.
2.2 Time and Place of Research
The research was conducted on February 18 - March
29, 2018. The pretest was held on February 17, 2018
and posttest on March 30, 2018. The treatment was
carried out for 18 meetings with a frequency of
exercise of three times in a week; on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdayso at the Yuso volleyball
court in Yogyakarta.
2.3 Research Subject
The population in this study were Yuso Yogyakarta
volleyball athletes, totaling 35 athletes. According to
Sugiyono (2011: 120), sample is part of the numbers
and characteristics possessed by the population. The
sample can be taken from a population. According to
Sugiyono (2011: 126) purposive sampling is a
technique of determining samples with certain
considerations. The criteria for determining this
sample include the Yuso's female volleyball athletes:
(1) who has been training for more than 3 years, (2)
whose ages are between 14 to18 years old, (3) who
are willing to take the pretest, treatment and posttest.
Based on these criteria, 18 athletes were chosen as
they were suitable to be the research participants.
2.4 Instruments and Data Collection
The research instrument is a tool used by the
researchers in collecting data so that their work is
easier and the results are better, in the sense of being
meticulous, complete, systematic, and easy to
process (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2010: 192). The
The Effect of Plyometric Trainings on the Leg Muscle Power Enhancement of Women’s Volleyball Junior Athletes
instrument was for the initial measurement (pretest)
and final measurement (posttest) using the vertical
jump test from Brian Mac (2012: 4) with the
Harman formula. The purpose of the test is to
measure the leg muscle power.
2.5 Data Analysis Technique
The data in this study were analyzed by conducting
normality, homogeneity and hypothesis testings with
the help of SPSS 20.
2.5.1 Normality Test
The purpose of the normality test is to test the
normal distribution of the data to be analyzed.
2.5.2 Homogeneity Test
The purpose of the homogeneity test is to ensure that
the groups that make up the sample come from a
homogeneous population.
2.5.3 Hypothesis Testing
After the prerequisite test is fulfilled, the hypothesis
is tested. Hypothesis testing uses the t-test with the
help of SPSS 20, namely by comparing the mean
between pretest and posttest. If the value of t count
is smaller than t table, then Ha is rejected, if t count
is greater than t table then Ha is accepted.
3. 1 Research Result
The results of data analysis could be described as
3.1.1 Group A (Front Jump Pliometric
Group A for front jump plyometric training consists
of 9 athletes. The results of the study are known as
follows. Based on the data analysis, the pretest on
the leg power resulted in the mean value of 794,689,
minimum value of 592.2, and the maximum value of
1028.8, while the posttest resulted in the mean value
of 826,922, minimum value of 608.3, and maximum
value of 1038.5. In addition, the pretest on vertical
jump resulted in the mean value of 44.22, minimum
value of 38, and maximum value of 55, while the
posttest resulted in the mean value of 46.78,
minimum value of 42, and the maximum value of
3.1.2 Group B (Pliometric Side Jump
Group B for side jump plyometric training consists
of 9 athletes. The results of the study are known as
follows. Based on the data analysis, the pretest on
the leg power resulted in the mean value of 787,989,
minimum value of 542.1, and maximum value of
1016.9, while the posttest resulted in the mean value
of 819.322, minimum value of 581.7, and the
maximum value of 1017.4. In addition, the pretest
on vertical jump resulted in the mean value of 44.33,
minimum value of 39, the maximum value of 53,
while the posttest resulted in the mean value of
45.44, minimum value of 41, and maximum value of
3.1.3 Prerequisite and Data Analysis of the
Test Results
The normality test was done using the Shapiro-Wilk
formula with the SPSS 20. The data are said to be
normally distributed if the significance value
obtained is greater than 0.05. The following are the
results of normality test calculations:
From the data above, it can be seen that all data
(pretest and posttest) have p value (Sig.) of more
than 0.05 (> 0.05). It can be concluded that the data
are normally distributed.
The purpose of the homogeneity test is to find
out the similarity of variance or test that the data
obtained come from homogeneous samples.
From the table, the Sig. value scores 0.884 and
0.814 which are greater than 0.05. This means the
data are homogeneous.
The hypotheses proposed in this study are: (1)
There is a significant effect of applying plyometric
front jump training on enhancing the leg muscle
power of women’s volleyball junior athletes at Yuso
Yogyakarta. (2) There is a significant effect of
applying plyometric side jump training on enhancing
the leg muscle power of women’s volleyball junior
athletes at Yuso Yogyakarta. (3) Polyometric front
jump exercises are more effective than side jump
exercises in increasing leg muscle power.
The results of the t-test on group A, it can be
seen that t count values 3.357 and t table values
2.306 (df = (n-1) = 9) with a significance value (p)
of 0.010, and a percentage increase of 8.586%.
Therefore, this result showed that there is a
significant difference in group A (front jump
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
From the results of the t-test on group B, it can
be seen that t count values 3.577 and t table values
2.306 with a significance value of p of 0.007.
Because t count 3.577 is > t table 2,306, a
significance value of 0.007 is < 0.05, and a
percentage increase of 3.976%, this result showed a
significant difference in group B (side jump
From the results of the t-test it can be seen that t
count values 2.455 and t table values 2.306 with a
significance value of p of 0.040. Therefore t count
2.455 is > t table 2.306, the significance value 0.040
is <0.05, and the difference in percentage increase is
4.61%. This means that there are significant
differences between group A and group B. Thus, the
front jump training applied for group A is more
effective in enhancing leg muscle power.
3. 2 Discussion
This study aimed at determining the effect of front
jump and side jump pliometric trainings on
enhancing the leg muscle power of women’s
volleyball junior athletes at Yuso Yogyakarta.
The statistical results show that group A athletes
who received the treatment of pliometric front jump
training and group B who received treatment for
pliometric side jump training for 18 meetings both
experienced the enhancement of leg power. By
joining the training process for 18 times, it can
enhance the power of the legs significantly.
3.2.1 Increased Group a Leg Muscle Power
(Front Jump Exercise)
The results of the analysis showed that there were
effects of leg power before and after the pliometric
front jump exercise. This was indicated by the value
of t count 3.357 and t-table 2.306 df = 8, while the p
value is 0.010 (table 5). Because t count 3.357 is > t
table 2.306 and p value 0.010 is <0.05, it means that
there is a significant effect.
This means that the front jump pliometric
exercise has a significant influence on the leg power
enhancement of women’s volleyball junior athletes
at Yuso Yogyakarta. This enhancement is due to the
activity of pliometric front jump, i.e. is to jump
forward in explosive movements with different
heights every week. The example of pliometric front
jump training is to jump in a motion that explosively
passes through as many as 10 obstacles with a height
of 30cm by paying attention to repetitions, sets,
recovery, and intervals. Each repetition is given a
complete recovery time (t.r) and interval time (t.i)
(complete recovery). Comparison of recovery time
(t.r) 1: 5, while for interval time (t.i) 2 minutes. The
pliometric front jump exercise is similar to a vertical
jump test, so that the trained muscular spindles will
be the same.
3.2.2 Increased Group B Leg Muscle Power
(Side Jump Exercise)
The results of the analysis showed that there was a
significant influence of side jump training on
enhancing the leg power of women’s volleyball
junior athletes at Yuso Yogyakarta. This was
indicated by the value of t count of 3.577 and t table
2.306 while the significance value of p 0.007 (table
6). Because t count 3.577 is > t table 2,306 and
significance value p 0.007 is <0.05, it means that
there is a significant effect.
The athletes’ leg power has increased in side
jump pliometric exercises because this movement
involves Stretch Shortening Cycle (SSC). This is in
accordance with the statement of Donald Chu (2013:
36) that a proper plyometric movement involving
Stretch Shortening Cycle (SSC) has a large impact
on increasing power.
3.2.3 Front Jump Exercise is More Effective
in Increasing Leg Muscle Power
The results of the analysis showed that there is a
significant difference on the leg power enhancement
of women’s volleyball junior athletes at Yuso
Yogyakarta. This was indicated by the increase in
the percentage of group A (front jump exercises) by
8.586% greater than the increase in the percentage of
group B (side jump exercises) which is 3.976%, with
a difference in percentage of 4.610% (table 7).
Plyometric front jump exercises are more effective
because in these exercises, the athletes move
forward to jump high in accordance with the
movement of the leg power tests including vertical
jumping and muscular spindle training.
4.1 Conclusion
Based on the research findings and discussions,
some conclusions can be drawn as follows: a) There
is a significant effect of applying plyometric front
jump training on enhancing the leg muscle power of
women’s volleyball junior athletes at Yuso
Yogyakarta; b) There is a significant effect of
The Effect of Plyometric Trainings on the Leg Muscle Power Enhancement of Women’s Volleyball Junior Athletes
applying plyometric side jump training on enhancing
the leg muscle power of women’s volleyball junior
athletes at Yuso Yogyakarta; c) Polyometric front
jump exercises are more effective than side jump
exercises in increasing leg muscle power.
4.2 Implications of Research Results
Based on the research findings, discussions and
conclusions, there are several implications that can
be stated as follows: 1) It is needed to provide good
understanding for volleyball coaches in particular
and other kinds of sport coaches whose movements
resemble volleyball games such as basketball,
badminton, soccer and other sports in general about
the effectof pliometric front jump training on
enhancing athlete's leg power; 2) Ront jump training
is a variation of training used to increase the
athletes’ power especially their power of legs.
4.3 Suggestion
By referring to the research findings and
discussions, it suggested that: 1) It is best to do a
research using larger samples; 2) The research
should be carried out when the athletes have no
activity or no event held in the near future; 3) The
presence of strength training is needed before
applying plyometric exercise, because strength is the
prior requirement for plyometric exercise; 4) There
is a need for other researchers to conduct the
plyometric training for the upper body to increase
the power of athletes.
Arikunto, S., 2010. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan
Praktek. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta.
Chu, D., 2013. Plyometrics. Human Kinetics. United
LA84 Foundation, 2012. Volleyball Coaching Manual,
LA84 Foundation, United States.
Mac., B., 2012. Sargent Jump Test. Diakses tanggal 19
Mei 2016 dari
Sugiyono, 2011. Metode penelitian Kombinasi (Mixed
Methods). ALFABETA, Bandung.
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)