enumeration did not do work or worked for less than an hour, but had a permanent job,
but while they did not work because of illness, strike and others (BPS, 1999: 32).
Specifically, a request describes the maximum amount of labor employed by the
employer to be employed at each possible wage level within a certain period of time.
The demand for labor by employers can be seen in the short run (short run) and long
run (long run). In the short term employers are more likely to increase employment if
they want to increase production. In the long run, the tendency of companies to
substitute towards the use of relatively cheaper inputs. The amount of labor demanded,
both in the short term and in the long term has a negative relationship with wage levels.
According to Connell, (2009: 133) changes in labor demand can be influenced by
various factors, namely the demand for production (output) produced by labor, labor
production, the amount of labor available in the labor market, and the price of other
resources (substitute goods).
The terminology of wages means labor income received from the employer because
he is considered to have done work (Soepomo, 2002: 152). From the above
understanding, there are several things that cause given wages to someone. First: wages
are earned because of services that have been given by someone to the owner of the
object of work in accordance with the work (Kartasapoetra, 2007: 93). Second: wages
are earned because someone has done work that should be done or not doing work,
because of the dispensation for workers who are sick or unable for reasons that are
acceptable to both employers, this is contained in Government Regulation No. 8 of
1981 concerning wage protection (the drafting team of the Republic of Indonesia
Department of Labor, 1996: 21 Article 5 Paragraph (1) Letter a).
The National Wage Research Council, states that wages are an acceptance as a
reward from the employer to the recipient of work for a job or service that has and will
be carried out as a guarantee of a decent survival for humanity and the production is
expressed or valued in the form of money stipulated according to an agreement, law or
regulation and paid on the basis of an employment agreement between the employer
and the recipient of work (Handoko, 2005: 118).
According to Law No. 33 of 1947, concerning compensation payments to workers
who had an accident related to work relations. Article 7 Paragraphs (a) and (b) referred
to as wages are:
a. Each payment is in the form of money received by workers in exchange for
b. Housing, food, food and clothing are useless, the value of which is estimated at
the general price in that place.
According to Prisono (2006: 79) wages or salaries can be seen as a reward or
repayment to workers for the production output that has been produced, while the
minimum wage is the lowest wage that has been calculated as a basis for the provision
of wages that should be sufficient to be used as a survival cost the worker and his family
according to their level of need (Kartasapoetra, 2007: 158).
In the economy there are various types of goods and services. From year to year
they experience price increases / changes that are not uniform. There is a high price
increase and there is a relatively slow increase in price. In addition, various types of
goods are very different interests in human life. Some are often bought by consumers,
such as food, clothing and rental homes. There are also those whose purchases are not
made too often such as buying houses and cars, or traveling abroad. This difference has