The Mediating Effects of Strategic Foresight on the
Relationship of Management Control System with Firm
, I Made Narsa
, Basuki
, and Andi Arman
Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia,,
Abstract. The purpose of the present study was to examine the mediating effects
of strategic foresight on the relationship of management control system with firm
performance. A total of 63 samples was analyzed, the unit of analysis under study
was large manufacturing companies in South Sulawesi and the respondents were
company leaders at the middle to upper managerial levels. The analytical tool
used to test the hypotheses was the Partial Least Square (PLS) assisted by the
smartPLS version 3.0 software. Results showed that the present study
successfully demonstrated that strategic foresight was capable of mediating the
relationship between management control system and firm performance.
Optimally achieved firm performance was inseparable from the implementation
of an effective management control system and strategic foresight support. The
findings of the present study substantiate the contingency theory that
management control system can improve firm performance when considering
strategies capable of adapting to their environment. Therefore, the follow-up of
the results of this study is expected to be considered by the management of
companies in designing and implementing management control systems and
strategies effectively to improve firm performance.
Keywords: Corporate foresight activity ꞏ Firm performance ꞏ Management
control system
1 Introduction
In the current era of globalization, manufacturing companies are very focused on
performance. Measures of company success can be seen from the achievement of a firm
performance. Firm performance is an important concept related to how to manage
financial, material and human resources available in an organization and wisely used
to achieve the company's overall goals [1]. Firm performance must be measured,
reported and accounted for by the company's management. The main purpose of
performance measurement is to encourage management to be more proactive in
carrying out company activities, so that company goals can be achieved. Performance
can be measured by financial and operational (non-financial) indicators. Financial
performance is related to economic factors such as profitability and sales growth (eg.,
Ismail, ., Narsa, I., Basuki, . and Arman, A.
The Mediating Effects of Strategic Foresight on the Relationship of Management Control System with Firm Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0009854400002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 228-233
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
return on investment, return on sales and return on equity) and operational performance
are related to non-financial success factors such as quality, market share, satisfaction,
development of new products and market effectiveness [25].
The company's success in achieving improved performance is inseparable from the
selection and implementation of the right strategy. Management control systems (MCS)
and strategic foresight are the right strategies that have an impact on improving firm
performance. MCS and strategic foresight address the paradigm shift in design, strategy
selection, strategy implementation and strategy control to achieve optimal performance
improvement. MCS is a tool that helps companies identify weaknesses, clarify the
strategies set to provide value, by facilitating the implementation of strategies to
improve organizational performance [13] [24]. While strategic foresight is the ability
to create and maintain various views that have high quality in implementing strategies
that are beneficial to the organization.
Empirical research on the effect of MCS on firm performance still contains
irregularities resulting in research gaps (for example, [14] [15] [1] [20] and [5]) found
that MCS influences firm performance. However, the results of research conducted by
[11] and [24] found that MCS had a negative effect on firm performance. [6] argues
that MCS has a negative effect due to the dysfunctional behavior of managers in
manipulating actual data for the sake of performance improvement. Therefore, MCS
needs to be revised and modified to avoid dysfunctionality between company managers,
in this way MCS will have a positive impact on improving firm performance.
Based on these descriptions, this study aims to examine the relationship between
management control systems and firm performance mediated by strategic foresight.
This research was conducted at large manufacturing companies in South Sulawesi
Province, with the consideration that South Sulawesi is one of the provinces that
provides the largest contribution in Indonesia in the manufacturing industry. Therefore,
it is important to know the development performance of manufacturing companies in
South Sulawesi.
2 Literature Review
Management control system (MCS) as a set of formal and informal inputs, processes
and output controls used by management to achieve organizational goals, control is
connected by many complementary relationships [4]. MCS becomes more complex if
the company has a lot of control that depends on the environmental context and
organization. Conventionally, MCS is seen as a passive tool in providing information
to help managers with the aim of providing information that is useful in making
decisions about planning, controlling and evaluating [18] [24]. Whereas MCS is
traditionally seen as a tool to exploit existing resources, MCS can be used to support
exploration of potential resources and new opportunities [22] [9].
Empirical research on MCS shows that the concept of MCS can be linked to
corporate strategy and performance. For example, [17] tested the effect of MCS on
strategy formation. [24] links the elements of strategy with MCS and their effects on
performance. [14] examines the role of MCS on firm performance. [15] relates MCS
with strategies in achieving firm performance and performance targets, and research
conducted [3] focuses on MCS testing and its strategy and impact on firm performance.
The Mediating Effects of Strategic Foresight on the Relationship of Management Control System with Firm Performance
The implementation of strategic foresight can provide information for companies to
help decision making and improve strategies in general to encourage growth/increase
firm performance, because they are considered to have a more accurate view of the
company's current environment and company's future, besides that strategic foresight
can contribute to companies and individuals in strategic decision making. Strategic
foresight is a strategy that helps companies deal with environmental uncertainty, helps
free themselves from path dependency, helps the decision making process and
ultimately can help in improving firm performance [21]. Based on the description
above, the hypothesis in this study is explained below.
Hypothesis: The effectiveness of implementing a management control system can
improve firm performance if mediated by strategic foresight.
3 Methodology
This research is based on explanatory research, which is research that intends to
examine and explain the relationship between MCS and firm performance mediated by
strategic foresight. The focus of the study was conducted on large manufacturing
companies in South Sulawesi, which amounted to 137 companies which also made a
population. The technique of determining the sample is done by calculating the number
of samples using the sloving formula. This study uses a questionnaire sent directly to
respondents by going directly. Respondents in this study are company leaders at the
manager level on the grounds that managers generally understand the control systems
and strategies implemented by the company, in addition managers are considered to
have professional knowledge about MCS implementation, strategy and firm
The variables used in this study consisted of: a management control system as an
independent variable, firm performance as the dependent variable, and strategic
foresight as a mediating variable. Measurement of variables uses a 5-point Likert scale
to measure respondents' perceptions. The following is the measurement of the variables
used in this study. The analytical tool to test the hypothesis is Partial Least Square (PLS)
using smartPLS software version 3.0. The reason for using PLS is because PLS is able
to be used to test the causal relationships of research variables that have not received
much theoretical support or the research is exploratory [8].
4 Results and Discussion
This study uses smart Partial Least Square (smart PLS) version 3.0 to determine the
significance of the path coefficient in the prediction model or the significance of
hypothesis support [10] [8]. If the t-statistic value is higher than the t-table means the
hypothesis is accepted. This study uses a 95% confidence level (alpha 5%) or t-table of
1.96 for two-tailed testing. Testing the relationship between structural models and
hypothesis testing can be done in two stages, namely testing the direct influence path
coefficient, and testing the indirect influence path coefficient. Testing the direct
influence of this research are MCS on firm performance, MCS on strategic foresight,
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
and strategic foresight on firm performance. While indirect testing is the MCS on firm
performance mediated by strategic foresight.
MCS on strategic foresight has path coefficient with positive direction. The analysis
showed that the path coefficient was 0.520 with a t-statistic of 6.396 (t> 1.96) or
significant at the 5% level (p <0.05). This shows that MCS has a positive relationship
with strategic foresight. The effectiveness of the management control system can
increase strategic foresight in achieving long-term goals [8].
Table 1. Results of Analysis of Direct and Indirect Relations.
T statistics P value
(1) (2) (3) (4)
MCS SF 0,520 0,081 6,396 0,000***
SF Performance 0,306 0,128 2,392 0,017**
MCS Performance 0,419 0,107 3,928 0,000***
0,159 0,077 2,070 0,039**
Note : the t statistics and P value in parentheses with ***,**,* denotes significant at 1, 5 and 10 percent level.
The relationship of strategic foresight to firm performance has a path coefficient
with a positive direction of 0.306 with a t-statistic of 2,395 (t> 1.96) or significant at
the 5% level (p <0.05). This shows that strategic foresight has a positive relationship
with firm performance. The better the implementation of strategic foresight, the firm
performance will increase. The analysis shows that MCS has a relationship to firm
performance. The path coefficient is positive at 0.419 with a t-statistic of 3.928 (t> 1.96)
or significant at the 5% level (p <0.05). These results indicate that the effectiveness of
MCS implementation can improve firm performance. The results of indirect
relationship testing (mediation) showed that the path coefficient had a positive value of
0.159 with a t-statistic of 2.070 (t> 1.96) or significant at the 5% level (p <0.05).
Positive coefficient has a direct relationship between MCS, strategic foresight and firm
performance. The results of hypothesis testing which states that the effectiveness of the
management control system can improve firm performance if mediated by strategic
foresight. (Be accepted).
The analysis shows that MCS affects the company's performance if mediated by
strategic foresight. This means that, the implementation of MCS will be more effective
in improving firm performance if mediated by strategic foresight. The results of this
study support the statement [23] that design to implementation of MCS makes it easy
for companies to achieve good performance. For better performance there needs to be
a match between MCS and company strategy. Strategic foresight strategy provides
benefits for companies in making useful decisions in the future, so the company does
not only focus on achieving short-term goals. The results of this study reinforce the
contingency theory that the design and implementation of MCS can improve firm
performance if it is associated with strategies that can adapt to their environment.
Strategic foresight is a strategy that can detect the factors that cause changes in the
environment. This is consistent with the statement [12] that strategic foresight activity
has a role in observing, understanding and capturing factors that tend to encourage
environmental changes in the future. In addition, strategic foresight can help
management in making decisions about the company's future performance.
The Mediating Effects of Strategic Foresight on the Relationship of Management Control System with Firm Performance
The results of this study are a solution to the gap in empirical research conducted
by [14] [15] [1] and [5] who found a positive influence between MCS on firm
performance. Research [11] and [24] which found a negative (weak) influence on the
MCS relationship with firm performance. Thus, to strengthen the MCS relationship
with firm performance, it is better to add strategic foresight as a mediating variable.
This can indicate that the company's success in implementing MCS effectively to
improve firm performance and achieve goals expected in the future must be mediated
by a strategic foresight strategy.
5 Conclusion
The results of this study indicate that strategic foresight has a very important role in
achieving company goals. Strategic foresight is able to mediate the relationship
between MCS and firm performance. These results indicate that the implementation of
MCS will be more effective in improving performance if mediated by strategic
foresight. MCS applied by the company is substantial which leads to the achievement
of increasing firm performance, for the achievement of that performance the company
must use strategic foresight as a supporter of MCS. Strategic foresight is a contingency
variable that can adapt to the environment.
The results of the study provide theoretical implications, namely, strengthening the
contingency theory that a good implementation of MCS can improve performance if
linked to strategy. On the other hand, the practical implications in this research can be
a consideration for company management in designing and implementing MCS and
strategies effectively in order to be able to improve firm performance. The limitations
of this study only focus on one mediating variable, namely strategic foresight so that
the issues raised focus on one problem. Therefore, it is recommended to further research
to consider several contingency variables that can be used as mediating variables in
testing MCS with firm performance.
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The Mediating Effects of Strategic Foresight on the Relationship of Management Control System with Firm Performance