(PDAMs). The indicators measured only use three aspects, namely financial aspects,
operational aspects, and administration aspects.
Kaplan and Norton (1996) developed the concept of balanced scorecard (BSC) to
complement financial performance measurements (or known as traditional
measurements) that are important for corporate organizations to reflect new thinking in
an era of organizational competitiveness and effectiveness. This concept measures
company performance by using criteria that describe the company's vision, mission,
and long-term strategy. These criteria are divided into four perspectives: (1) financial
perspective, (2) consumer perspective, (3) internal business process perspective, and
(4) learning and growth perspective.
PDAM is a company engaged in the field of water supply services. One of the
objectives of establishing a PDAM is to meet the needs of the community for clean
water, including the provision, development of facilities and infrastructure services and
distribution of clean water, while the other goal is to participate in developing the
economy to support regional development by expanding employment, and seeking
profit as the main source of financing for the region. PDAM as one of the BUMDs is
expected to be able to provide an adequate contribution.
This study was conducted to determine the differences in financial and non-financial
performance in the PDAM Jambi Province specifically for PDAM Tirta Mayang,
which began implementing the Balanced Scorecard approach in preparing the
Company's Work Budget Work Plan since 2018. The problem raised in this study is
how to measure Financial and Non Performance Finance for PDAMs in Jambi Province
using the traditional approach and by using the Balance Score Card approach, and
which measures are more appropriate for measuring PDAM performance.
2 Literature Review
Performance is a picture of the level of achievement of the implementation of an
activity of an activity / program / policy in realizing the goals, objectives, mission and
vision of the organization as outlined in the formulation of the strategic planning
(strategic planning) of an organization. Performance measurement as a periodic
determinant of the operational effectiveness of an organization, parts of the
organization, and employees based on the targets, standards, and criteria that have been
set previously.
Another understanding of performance measurement is a process of evaluating
work progress against predetermined goals and objectives, including information on
the efficient use of human resources in producing goods and services; quality of goods
and services (how well goods and services are delivered to customers and to what extent
customers are satisfied); the results of the activities are compared with the intended
purpose; and the effectiveness of actions in achieving goals.
2.1 Performance Evaluation with Traditional Systems
In accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 47 of 1999 concerning Guidelines for Performance Assessment of