company will increase. Managerial share ownership positively affects the company's
financial performance with the ROA ratio, suggesting that good financial performance
can be influenced by the amount of managerial shares in the company. While
managerial shareholding proved to be negatively affected by the company's financial
performance using the ratio of ROE and EPS, while the percentage of managerial stock
ownership is the greatest owned by the company Bumi Resources Minerals TBK
(BRMS) amounted to 0.560 or 56%.
Institutional share ownership affects the company's financial performance using
ROA and ROE ratios. Institutional ownership plays a very important role in minimizing
agency conflicts between managers and shareholders. The presence of institutional
investors is considered to be an effective monitoring mechanism in every decision taken
by the manager (Amyulianthy, 2012). Based on the results of the study using the three
accounting ratios, it can be concluded that foreign share ownership affects the
company's financial performance using ROA and ROE ratios, the greater the proportion
of the party's shareholding Will increase the company's financial performance by
looking at the profit generated from all total assets and profits generated by the entire
total company's equity.
The independence of the Audit Committee proved to be negatively impacted by the
company's financial performance using ROA, ROE, and EPS ratios, with the
independence of the Audit Committee lowering the financial performance of the
administration. Descriptive statistical results stated that a minimum value of 33.3%
indicates that the sample company has only 1 Independent audit Committee, the
minimum value is owned by 26 sample companies, meaning there are still many
companies that do not has a sufficient independent audit committee. In addition, the
audit Committee of 1 person in the sample company will also affect the outcome of the
research, because the number of audit committees in an enterprise consists of three to
five people and has a background in accounting and Other things related to internal and
external oversight of the company.
Based on the research results it can be concluded that the quality of audit (BIG4 or
Non Big4) negatively affects the company's financial performance using ROA, ROE,
and EPS ratios. It proves that the KAP can decrease the company's financial
performance. The BIG4-affiliated KAP tends to perform a faster audit than the BIG4-
partner KAP, as the BIG4-affiliated KAP can conduct its audit more efficiently and
have a level of flexibility in schedule Higher time to complete the audit on time and
affect the company's financial performance. The research results there are 13 companies
audited by KAP BIG4 and 66 companies audited by KAP Non Big4, if a company is
audited by one of the companies of audit services BIG4 and the quality of audit meets
the quality standards of audit received, then The company's performance is expected to
be better as well as financial reporting will be more transparent. However, many sample
companies are not audited by KAP BIG4 so that the independence is less than maximal
and will affect the outcome of this research.
Reporting Lag (RL) negatively affects the company's financial performance using
ROA and EPS ratios, and positively affects the company's financial performance using
the ROE ratio. Timeliness of financial reporting is a reflection of the number of days a
company needs to compile financial statements that will be reported. Timeliness of the
preparation or reporting of a company's financial statements can affect the value of the
financial statements. The timeliness of reporting a company's financial statements can
affect the value of the financial statements. Delays in information will cause negative
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting