In the other hand, (Azman & Bidin, 2015) agreed
with (Sukri et al., 2016) that religiosity has no
significant effect on the adherence of paying zakat.
However, long time ago before the research of
(Mukhlis & Beik, 2013) believe that religiosity
affects the behavior of muzakki adherence especially
the people of Bogor Regency where they conduct
research. It is also supported by (F. binti N. A.
Mastura & Zainol, 2015) with his research on
compliance to pay zakat savings of employees of
private and public companies in Malaysia.
The renewal research had been done that
proofing the behaviour of paying zakat could adapt
the planned behaviour theory belongs to (Ajzen,
2006). However, the research also found the
intervension of normative factors that affecting the
models (Amilahaq & Ghoniyah, 2019). The
intervension is such an appeal from the workplace
that the Muslims employee should pay zakat. Then
the office facilites them through deduct automatic
salary. The program is a collaboration with some
Indonesian Zakat Institution (IZI) such as BAZNAS
(National Amil Zakat), LazisMU, and LazisNU.
Then the collaborated IZI can be called as IZI mass,
means the zakat institution who had fixed market.
1.2 Objective
The previous research that found another interesting
phenomenon on zakat management implementation,
need to be proven by analyze the significant
difference. Therefore, this study can be called as
advanced research about zakat of the author.
2.1 Zakat Definition
Zakat is the right of others (mustahiq), it is attached
in muzakki’s treasure. Therefore zakat must be
issued by muzakki then it should be distributed to
the right. The definition is confirmed by (Kurnia &
Hidayat, 2008, p. 7), that zakat is not a gift or even a
contribution/tabarru', but the rights of others.
Scientifically, zakat is one of the main
characteristics of the Islamic economic system (MA
Mannan in (Kurnia & Hidayat, 2008, pp. 8–9)). It is
based on the essence of zakat which is one form of
implementation of the justice principle. The six
principles of zakat in Islamic Economics are; the
principles of religious beliefs, the principles of
justice and equity (social goals), the principles of
productivity (unstoppable turnover), the principle of
reason (social responsibility), the principle of
freedom, and the principle of ethics and
That six principles are implicitly in line with
(Yunus, 2016) opinion that the management of zakat
based on the essence of nature can convert mustahiq
into muzakki, as exemplified in the story of the
Caliph Omar's leadership in which all his people
have become sufficiently capable that the amil at the
time got confused to distribute zakat .
Distributing zakat can also make the halal
treasure of muzakki to be holy, blessing, growing,
either meaningful to Allah. Because it can be
utilized by mustahiq, not to settle only on a muzakki.
This is as stated in QS At Taubah verse 103 and QS
Ar-Ruum verse 39.
2.2 Theory of Planned Behaviour
Theory of planned behaviour first introduced by
Ajzen in 1985. This theory is the development of the
Theory of reaction action. These theories basically
born from knowledge field of the psychologist, as is
Icek Ajzen is known well as the social psychologist.
Based on planned behaviour theory, the
important factor is the tendency to do the behaviour.
The factors affect the intention are; the attitude
toward behaviour, subjective norms, and perceived
behavioural control. The perceived behavioral
control also could be hypothesed as moderating
factor. Therefore, this research is still invloving the
complete model (Ajzen, 2006; Amilahaq &
Ghoniyah, 2019; Bidin, Deraman, & Othman, 2017;
F. Mastura, 2011; Othman & Fisol, 2017; Sukri et
al., 2016).
The zakat compliance behaviour express the
Muzakki’s behavior to pay zakat on income through
IZI. While the attitude of Muzakki express their
personal opinion of the action (the behaviour). It is
based on some indicators i.e. 1) responsibilities, 2)
usefulness of zakat for the Muslim community, 3)
the priority level of paying zakat, 4) feelings of guilt
if not paying zakat, 5) zakat utilization in general, 6)
individual contribution to Muslim society , and 7)
the importance level of Zakat (Ajzen, 2006; F. binti
N. A. Mastura & Zainol, 2015).
The subjective norms is a normative factor that
express the perception about the behaviour from the
people around him, such as family, friends, or
figures/clerics related (Amilahaq & Ghoniyah, 2019;
Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010). While the perceived
behavioural control in this study is focused on the
capability of Muslims in using financial technology
services for zakat payment.