because they cannot attend all ICT training as their
teaching schedule is sometimes very tight.
Figure 2: lecturer-level barriers
Talking about the speed of the internet at PNJ,
82% lecturers agree toward the statement of
Discouraging speed of the internet at PNJ, while
18% lecturers disagree. This fact tells us despite the
ICT training held by PNJ authorities, they also have
to enhance the speed of the internet at PNJ to
support the lecturers in using the ICT in the
Last statement on Lesson time loss due to
technical problems shows that 91% agree and 9%
disagree. This technical problem includes the
internet speed, the application that cannot be
installed due to the difference of computer software
and the electronic devices provided in the classroom
like in-focus, speakers and etc.
As mentioned earlier, the barrier in adopting ICT in
the classroom is classified into two sections,
intrinsic and extrinsic barriers. Hendren (Al-Alwani,
2005) defined intrinsic barriers as relating to
teachers, administrators, and persons and extrinsic
barriers as concerning organisations rather than
personals. Based on the findings in PNJ, it can be
said that the lecturers actually have a positive
attitude on the ICT use in the classroom. They do
not take using ICT as a burden and a workload for
them. They also like to take part in any ICT training
held by the institution though they cannot participate
in almost all of them. However, having negative
experiences in teaching English using ICT has
terrified them to adapt this teaching method.
The negative experiences include the failure in
adapting software in teaching materials, students’
reaction toward the ICT materials like violation to
copy rights and lesson time loss due to technical
problems. Some older lecturers have also confessed
that the use of the computer itself has feared them,
because they are not capable of operating computers.
This fact eventually decreases the lecturers’
confidence in applying this teaching method. As
Beggs (Beggs, 2000) said that lecturers’ “fear of
failure” made them less confident and Balanskat et
al. (Balanskat, Blamire, & Kefala, 2006)added that
the restraints in lecturers’ knowledge about ICT
creates the anxiety in using ICT in their class and
therefore it makes them less confident to use the ICT
in their teaching.
Newhouse (Newhouse, 2002) stated that those
teachers who lack the skills and knowledge on the
use of computers are not enthusiastic about the
innovations of additional learning related with
carrying the ICT use into their teaching learning
process. The incompetence of the lecturers was
caused by the limited access they have to computers,
like some of them do not have portable computers
and others do not have adequate access to any
computers in PNJ especially in teaching English.
At extrinsic or institutional level, the findings
show that there are two major issues in PNJ. The
first one is the lack of effective ICT training and the
second one is the speed of Internet access.
According to some experts, the lack of effective
training is the barrier that most commonly discussed
in the literature is (Beggs, 2000; Balanskat, Blamire,
& Kefala, 2006).
Looking at the PNJ case, the authorities of PNJ
have actually held some ICT training. However, to
some lecturers’ perception, the ICT training held did
not meet the needs of lecturers and was not
customised to levels of PNJ English lecturers. Some
of them complained that the level was quite high and
sophisticated, while the computer competence of the
lecturers is still very limited. So, to adapt the ICT
training to the classroom is almost impossible. In
addition to that, not all ICT training can be
implemented in the classroom, some of them are
very effective if they are implemented in a language
laboratory, which not all departments have one.
The speed of the internet is actually another
matter. If lack of effective training in PNJ becomes
an issue for lecturers with limited capability in
operating computers, the speed of the internet is
actually the issue of those who can operate
computers well. Lesson time loss due to technical
problems is one of the impacts of the internet speed.
This eventually makes the lecturers rethink of
maximizing the ICT use in their class.
Agree Disagree