total number of course institutions only 60 courses and training institutions have been
accredited by BAN PAUD and PNF. There are still very small around 3.5% of
institutions that have been accredited. Of these, there are 3 institutions that have
accredited A, courses and training institutions, 12 institutions accredited B and 45
institutions accredited C. ( There are still around 96 % of
course institutions that have not been accredited or around 1682 course institutions.
Many factors cause this to happen, one of them is because many courses in North
Sumatra have not been managed according to national education standards. Course
institutions are only managed traditionally in the sense that management is still done
by the owner of the institution without any other administrative staff. When the owner
of the institution is not in place, the operation becomes stagnant and even temporarily
closed until the owner returns. Such management can cause the quality of education
services in institutions to decline. Whereas the quality of education services if managed
properly will provide a positive contribution to the realization of customer satisfaction
and loyalty. Conversely poor management of services can result in the operation of the
institution to be ineffective and inefficient.
Based on this, we need a form of LKP management that is more effective and
efficient in order to facilitate the course institutions in managing the educational
services they carry out. Management that can utilize various existing institutional
resources such as humans, infrastructure and work methods of each element involved
in the delivery of educational services in institutions.
Development of Management Services for Course and Training Services through
the Course Management Information System (SIM-K), utilizing computer technology
through internet network access. The development of information technology is now
easily accessible to anyone, the use of the internet makes the range of distance and time
become increasingly narrow. Internet technology is also able to help document and
archive data stored in an electronic format neatly. The ability to utilize the benefits of
information technology leads educational institutions to better carry out their
operational activities.
2 Literature Review
Course and Training Institute is one form of Non-formal Education unit organized for
the community that requires the provision of knowledge, skills, life skills, and attitudes
to develop themselves, develop the profession, work, independent business, and / or
continue their education to a higher level [1].
Management information system or SIM is a planning system part of the internal
control of a business that includes the use of people, documents, technology, and
procedures by management accounting to solve business problems such as product
costs, services, or a business strategy. Management information system is an
information system that in addition to processing transactions also can generally be said
as a series of activities ranging from collecting, processing, storing data to presenting
information for management that is used as a basis for decision making in order to
achieve goals [2].
According to other experts that management information systems can be defined as
a collection of interconnected subsystems, gathering together and forming a single unit,