pronoun, (vi) conjunction, (vii) preposition, (viii) and
numeral. Chaer (2012: 162-169) states that word have
forms with phonological order which are stable and
unchanging and have mobility into sentences.
According to Chaer, word can be grouped into (i)
nouns, (ii) verbs, (iii) adjectives, (iv) prepositions, (v)
conjunctions, (vi) adverbs, (vii) pronouns. Noun is a
word that states a thing or is an object; an example is
students, universities, and lecturers. Verb is a word
that states an action or action; Examples are writing,
influencing, and bathing. Adjectives are words that
can be distributed behind the very word, can provide
very construction; for example is rich, smart, and
good. Conjunction is a word that can be moved or
used to connect words with words, or one sentence
sentence with another part; examples are therefore, if,
and that. Adverb is a word that gives information on
verbs, or adjectives. Kridalaksana (2014: 30)
conveyed the word categorization which he called the
word class. According to him, words can be
categorized into (i) verb, (ii) adjective, (iii) noun, (iv)
pronoun, (v) number, and (vi) adverb. Anda, root
word in English is called root; root is a morpheme in
the core of a word that can be added to the 'morpheme
at the core of word to which affixes are.
Sukaesih’s research infomed that terms of
financial management generally is phrase, Hasyim’s
research informed that term of research generally
phrase and word; the its word class is noun, verb,
adjective, and adverb. Khoirunnisa found that term of
cultural forming word and phrase and the term of
culture has a meaning related to food culture,
ecological culture, material culture, and social culture
In this study, there are 204 data (the term of emotional
intelligence) in the form of root words. From the 204
data, the distribution of types of root words used to
represent the term emotional intelligence can be
described as follows: noun: 124; verb: 24; adjective:
Based on Table above, it can be seen that the most
dominant type of root used to represent the term
emotional intelligence is noun (60%). This condition
can be called fair because nouns can be used to express
knowledge more fully (Wiratno, 2018: 279-280).
When reviewed based on Goleman's emotional
intelligence framework (1999), namely (1) self-
awareness, (2) self-regulation, (3) motivation, (4)
empathy, and (5) social skills, the distribution of 204
emotional intelligence term data in the form of roots
the word can be decribed as follows. Self awareness:
50; self-management: 105; motivation: 40; emphaty:
5; social skill:4.
4.1 Discussion
The first finding of the study is that the type of
emotional intelligence term in the form of the most
dominant root is a noun type. The next type of term
that is dominant is adjective, then verb. That nouns,
adjectives, and verbs are the type of words that most
express the term emotional intelligence can be called
logical or rational because the three types of words
are types of English words / parts of speech (Wiratno,
2003: 91-92), with lexical word categories (Djatmika,
2014: 5-27).
There are 4 lexical words (content words), words
that have meanings and references: verbs adjectives,
and adverbs; There are 4 grammatical words, namely
words that have meaning when used in grammatical
construction or grammatical construction:
conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns, and
preface/determiners. The word lexical is also called
the main/major word type, while the grammatical
word is called the complementary/minor word type
(Kridalaksana, 1984).
Nouns, adjectives, and verbs are the types of
words that express the most emotional terms. They
can also be referred to according to the
definition/existence of terms, ie words or phrases
used as names or symbols and which carefully
express meaning, concepts, processes, conditions, or
distinctive traits in the fields of science, science,
technology, and art (Pedoman Pembentukan Istilah,
2007). Meanings and concepts are expressed with
nouns, the process is expressed with verbs, while the
nature is expressed with adjectives (Wiratno, 2003:
The results of this study inform that the term
emotional intelligence is more represented by nouns.
These findings are the same as those found by other
technical term translation studies (Hasyim, 2015).
Werdiningsih in his research on economic terms and
Hasyim on research terms. Thus, this research
strengthens and deepens the results of previous
studies, by adding information that technical terms
are also represented by adjectives and verbs. As is
known that this study informs that the term emotional
intelligence is represented by nouns (60%), adjectives
(38%), and verbs (12%).
The study of root words and invented words
belongs to the realm of morphology, which is a
branch of linguistics that examines grammatical
forms and functions of words, including studying
morphemes and their combinations; Morphology is