Traditional Society to Direction of Modernization using Empirical
and Comparative Approach in Legal Anthropology
Emy Handayani
, Gatot Rambi Hastoro
Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Institute for Research and Community Services Sahid University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Traditional Society, Modernization, Empirical and Comparative Approach, Legal Anthropology
Abstract: The traditional society and modern society provide an enormous influence in the life of social change society
to achieve progress and needed rules governing the life of society. Should change the traditional towards
modern society should be addressed properly for benefit of the next generation in social life through norms,
behaviours that avoid deviation of social change traditional and modern what we see at Dago Pojok at
Bandung City.
Dago Pojok is a location which recently as one of
icons of Bandung, because in there, we can see
traditional society and modernization with the
concepts of Creative Village, society participation
indirectly adding society mind more advanced, so that
create society desire to go ahead and change the
direction of modern.
It can be concluded that the traditional community
turn out to be identical modern city, with variable
Talcot Parson who have relationship based on feeling,
action, interaction, communication turn into a special
group that is limited by space and time. Nevertheless
with the times, the Dago Pojok Creative Village
Bandung society has changed from a traditional
society towards a modern society.
The traditional values are not just limited to
formal institutions and individuals in people’s live
and have been accustomed to a paterns of behaviour
habits that modern because traditional cultural change
towards modern society, so that social change (
Akhmad Solihin ) can be seen from the technology
development as a means to a change of cultural
patterns in traditional although modern societies that
bring modern culture in all aspects of traditional
community life often happens when a traditional
society turn towards modern society.
To that end, the law protection in traditional and
modern society would able to protect its people in
avoiding the occurrence of deviations in social
change life so that forming a urbanity society who
regulated, orderly, comfortable, and give hope of a
future life better, as the embodiment of the Dago
Pojok creative village Bandung.
Social Change include elements of culture, either
in the form of material or immaterial, that the
emphasis is on the influence material culture elements
to immaterial elements ( William Ogburn )
These changes include the structure , functions,
values, norms, institutions, and all aspects resulting
from the interaction between people, organizations or
communities, including changes in terms of culture (
Bagya Waluyo )
According to Gillin, understanding social change
is a variety of ways of life that have been received,
either because of changes in geographical conditions,
material culture, demographic composition,ideology
and for their diffussion or new discoveries in the
Social Change has characteristic that describe that
a certain society have changes toward progress.
Talking about the characteristic features of traditional
social change is a traditional change toward
modernization in social change society.
As the opinion of the expert of legal anthropology
named Sir Henry Maine, there are two main classes
Handayani, E. and Rambi Hastoro, G.
Traditional Society to Direction of Modernization using Empirical and Comparative Approach in Legal Anthropology.
DOI: 10.5220/0009872000002905
In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar (ASAIS 2019), pages 53-56
ISBN: 978-989-758-468-8
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of human society. First , traditional society, second
modern society in community.
1). Traditional Societies
Traditional term is derived from the tradition or
traditum which means something that is forwarded
from the past to the present. something that can be
passed on objects, and ideals that exist in a society.
Traditional society some are able to open themselves
to new discoveries and to the modern society. Its later
associated with social change. So for example
traditional societies have different characteristic with
modern society include
a) less oriented toward change
b) technology usage is simple or less advanced
c) the level of education is still low
d) communications which do with outside society
still so little
e) traditional term is derived from the latin word
“traditum” which means something that is
transmitted or passed from one generation to the
next. Something that can be passed on objects,
patterns of behaviour, value systems and norms
system, expectations and ideals that exist in a
society. Something that inherited can be : ( Roger
and Shoemalker )
1/ the value system, can be trust, belief, religion,
or idea
2/ how to life
3/ technology
4/ institutions or social institutions
So in traditional societies, general cultural elements
which bring social cultural changes are easily
accepted by local people for example in the elements
that easily adapt to the state of society that accepts the
element and is considered by local people bring big
2). Modern Society
The modern term is derived from the word “modo”
which means “now”, so people considered modern if
its residents living with value systems, ways of
thinking, feeling and acting, new technology and
social organization, appropriate to the today
circumstances. Example of society is the city society.
Wilbert Moore contends the concept of
modernization is a complete transformation of
traditional or pre-modern society that it technology
pattern and social organization related such as on
progressive and prosperous country from economy
aspect and relatively stable from politic aspect and
relatively stable from politic aspect.
Soekanto Soerjono for modernization is a process
of becoming modern. So that modernization can be
interpreted as a way of life according to the
circumstances that now exist, or the present time.
Harsojo defining the term modern as an attitude
of mind which has a tendency to prioritize something
new compared to something that is tradition .
Definition modern society is a society that prefers the
rationality of science and technology as
manisfestation rather than anything that is tradition,
customs, and others.
The researcher decipher that a society can be
called a traditional society when living with a values
system, ways of thinking, feeling and acting,
technology and institution inherited from generation
are well maintained in traditional societies are rural
communities, that way to modern society.
Such as the opinion stated by Koentjaraningrat
stating that modernization as an effort to live
appropriate with era and the present world
constellation, example Dago Pojok village is a
traditional community that will cause change towards
modern society to have a symbol as the creative
to obtain the data are complete and accurate (Valid
and reliable), required certain methods ( Soekanto,
Soerjono )
1) Approach Method to legal anthropology, namely
is empirical and comparative approach. The
empirical approach is an approach that directly
view culture intheir communities and be more
relevant to the fact that eist in traditional and
modern societies
2) Research Population
The study population is the association of art and
culture Dago Pojok Village has an open space
with a settlement below 10.000, the population is
still rare 163 heads of household
3) Sources of Data
Primary law materials (literature review, the
literature related to this research). Secondary law
materials consists of research results, scientific
journals related to the object under research, and
laws and regulations in force.
4) Data Collection Methods
Researcher obtain resources through
interview/interviews with respondents are
required to explore the data in Dago Pojok
ASAIS 2019 - Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar
Village, such as initiator creative activities does
and the goverment of Bandung
5) Analysis data
The research data received will be analyzed by
using analysis of anthropological approach such
as empirical and comparative in legal
4.1 Traditional Society toward Modern
Identification that in society, certainly there are
changes in traditional and modern, although slowly
among others :
(1) No society that stops growing, every society
definitely change, only that sooner or later
(2) Changes that happen in certain social institutions
will be followed by changes in other institutions
(3) Rapid social change will lead to disorganization
(4) Social Disorganization will be followed by a
reorganization through various adaptations and
(5) Changes cannot be confined to the material or
spritual fields only, both will be oven
Thus, every human in the society ;ife both
traditional societies and modern societies will
surelly experience changes both changes in
values and social norms, organizational
behaviour patterns, the layers of society, power
and authority, social interaction of creative Dago
Pojok Bandung, Then it will look new symptoms
in a society oriented ( Abraham ) on the
technology progress, innovation destination and
attitudes in Traditional societies, because on the
progress of the technology, the purpose of
innovation and change attitude, because of
traditional attitudes based on experience
accumulated on tradition, on the contrary modern
society, emphasis on material values, use of time,
openness to new experiences, individualism, so
the dago pojok representations and integration of
traditional towards modern society.
4.2 Empirical and Comparative in
Legal Anthropology
To the researchers conclude that in traditional
societies toward modernizationi legal anthropology
can be analyzed in an empirical dan comparative
approach to the legal anthropology research as
described below :
(1) Empirical Approach
As proposed by Sir Henry Maine that devide the
two main classes of human society that is both
traditional community customs have changed
because of cultural influence from outside the
village who had entered despite strong binding
customs still in peoples lives to give effect to the
relevant society as a traditional community and
modern society.
(2) Comparative Approach
In traditional societies it is said that in case of
conflict in society solved by traditional leaders
adapted to the customs regulations in force. In
modern society, regulations to resolve problems
that happen in the community using the rules
that have been created by the country.
So we need a rule that regulates public life of
both traditional and modern society in society
concerning any changes in the social system,
social values, attitudes, social interaction and
behaviour patterns in traditional and modern
1) In modern society, we can see the life patterns
and behaviour of some people who seem
different from the life patterns and behaviour
that is practiced by the majority of members of
the traditional society in general.
2) In traditional society towards to modern society
should be addressed properly for the benefit of
future generation in society life, both traditional
societies although modern and understand some
studies approaches in legal anthropology
public are expected to be examined problems
that happen in traditional societies towards
modern society well in accordance with the
society development and in accordance with the
laws in force in the community, both traditional
and modern societies, as has been described in
the above research.
I would like to thank Dr. Mawar From Jakarta, Wen
Lii PhD from Taiwan and Dr. Ahmad from Malaysia
Traditional Society to Direction of Modernization using Empirical and Comparative Approach in Legal Anthropology
for their extraordinary support in this paper
publications process.
I would like to thank my colleagues for their
collaboration as name for Gatot Rambi Hastoro. You
supported me greatly and we are always willing to
help me.
Please let me know if thats all right and even if its not,
know that Im sorry so very grateful for your help
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