can be carried out by means of supervision (built in
control), improvement of the supervision system and
strengthening regulations through the application of
the precautionary principle, establishing a financial
safety net (financial safety net), stabilizing the
banking system that directs the bank to good practices
corporate governance and the fulfillment of the
principle of prudence, professionalism of the
apparatus continues to be improved so that it has high
integrity capabilities, has sufficient competence, and
has a good financial reputation or non-juridical
measures in the form of public opinion actions and
socialization of the community.
Lewerissa (2013) states specifically, law
enforcement and prevention of banking crimes can be
pursued through:
1. It is necessary to increase the ability of
investigators in the field of accounting and
2. An effective bank supervision system and this
can be done if employee recruitment
emphasizes more on mental ideology.
3. Expansion of the authority of investigators in
the context of carrying out their duties, not just
concerning bank secrets.
4. Renewal of laws in the economic field in casu
banking law.
Majority observations indicate that some
businesses are in the process of becoming
professions, some professions that take on some
business characteristics, and other jobs that are
appropriate and have even been firmly included in
business and professional roles.
These two conflicting roles are likely to create a
conflict of interest, which in turn can lead to a
deviation and violation of the rules. If a profession on
one side then doubles with a job that does not support
the profession, even if it crosses business alone, then
usually there will be a violation, because there are
multiple roles that conflict with each other. This
creates a conflict of interest.
Delegation of work roles is a common
phenomenon in modern society, partly because of the
frequency and speed with which changes in the
definition of work roles occur and new job roles
emerge. In particular, it seems clear that the role of
business and professional work.
The bankers in carrying out their profession have
operational guidelines, both in the form of formal
provisions, and ethics which are conduct norms. In
carrying out there are two roles that he lived. It
depends on how bankers can position themselves
when acting as bankers and not as bankers. When
they cannot play the two roles properly, there will be
a role conflict that can lead to violations. However, if
they can portray correctly, when as a banker and
when as a non-banker, then this banker is not the
violator. For this reason, it is necessary to understand
by bankers, so that in carrying out these dual roles,
they can truly be carried out in accordance with their
conditions, both as bankers and as employees. And
this is followed by making a good control mechanism
continuously and consistently.
I would like to thank the implementation of this
research to the Director of the Jakarta State
Polytechnic, the Deputy Director of Academic
Affairs, the Deputy Director of Administration and
Finance, the Chair of the Accounting Department and
all the leaders of the Jakarta State Polytechnic
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