The government has made a strategy for
implementing solar energy by issuing regulations and
also cooperating with private parties and foreign
countries. The production of solar panels is also being
encouraged, at this time the national industry has been
able to produce solar panels with a composition of
local content that continues to increase. However, the
dissemination of photovoltaic are quite low and need
to be encouraged by private investment support. At
the same time, the government has to be more active
in synchronising the rules in technical, administrative
and financial point of views.
Technically the use of solar panels is well
understood. Several studies on equipment settings
have been carried out to determine the orientation of
the solar panels. The research to analyse the main
function of photovoltaic for generating electrical
power has also been carried out. For examples are for
household electricity and street lighting and other
automation systems. Additional advantages of
photovoltaic technology to absorbing heat have been
proposed in several studies on photovoltaic/thermal.
Furthermore, there are some potential
improvements in the photovoltaic application in
Indonesia. Such as the utilization of heat energy
which comes with the photovoltaic. The knowledge
of absorbing heat from the photovoltaic surface need
to be explored more. Thermosyphon and heat pipe
could be introduced as a superconductor. Moreover,
the lacks of potential land area need to be solved by
presenting the floating photovoltaic. It means that the
photovoltaic is installed on the surface of the water
such as in lake, pond or sea.
The authors would like to thanks, P3M Politeknik
Negeri Jakarta for funding this research through
“Hibah Penelitian Produk Unggulan 2019” with
contract number 215/PL3.18/PN/2019.
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