Hydrocarbon Pipeline Third Party Damage Risk Assessment using
Multi Criteria Decision Making
Marthin Simanjuntak, Utomo Sarjono Putro
School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Multi-Criteria Decision Making, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Risk Assessment, Pipeline
Abstract: Many research studies recognized Third Party Damage (TPD) as one of the significant contributors to pipeline
failure. Maintenance of hydrocarbon pipelines and its right of way (ROW) as protection from TPD is a
significant challenge because massive encroachment and fast-growing third-party activities near pipelines.
Therefore, an organization needs to use risk-based analysis for resource allocation prioritization carefully.
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) are popular
Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) technique that allows multivariable factors to be considered in the
decision-making process. Pipeline risk is a function of a multi-variable risk factor. Therefore, the combination
of AHP and SMART can be used for pipeline risk assessment. Limitation of the presented decision support
system: 1) it still has subjectivity involved, which would introduce uncertainties to the result, 2) the risk result
is a relative risk, which makes the result only can be used resource allocation. This work is expected can help
the organization for improving resource allocation for risk reduction program and maintenance activities.
Although the model is applied for pipeline risk assessment, the same principle can be applied for other risk
assessment exercise.
The pipeline is the most common hydrocarbon
transportation over long distances; it is because
pipelines are the safest, reliable, and economical. The
pipelines are designed and operated/maintained for a
purpose, which is to transfer hazardous material from
one location (source or production facility) to another
location. Hydrocarbon pipeline has risk associated
with its operation because it contains pressurized
hazardous material with flammable and toxicity
characteristics. The unintentional release of
containment could be harmful to public and personnel
safety and impair the environment.
Pipelines are subject to various failure
mechanisms (e.g., corrosion, third-party damage,
incorrect operation, material defect, etc.) with various
degrees of impact, from minor to catastrophe and
disastrous consequence, in safety, asset loss, and
environmental aspect.
Third-party damage (TPD) refers to any
accidental damage done to the pipe because of
activities of personnel not associated with the pipeline
(non-operator). The incident is not as frequent as
another damage mechanism (e.g., corrosion), but the
consequence was usually more severe. TPD is the
leading cause of oil and gas pipeline failure (Jackson,
US Department of Transportation (DOT) pipeline
accident statistics show that third-party damage was
often the initiating event of pipeline failure.
Ironically, the potential for third-party damage is
often overlooked aspects of pipeline hazard
assessment. In most cases, initial pipeline design and
construction have considered the potential of third-
party damage. However, local community
encroachments and infrastructure development
activities are threatening many pipelines. Most
Pipeline Operators had challenges to protect the
pipelines right of way (ROW) to minimize the risk of
third-party encroachment, especially in developing
Maintenance of hydrocarbon pipelines and ROW
is a major challenge. Two major factors that drive the
challenge are the need to minimize the cost of
operation and, at the same time, shall not
compromising on risk. The reality is no organization
that has an infinite resource to manage the risk.
Therefore, an organization needs to use risk-based
analysis for resource allocation prioritization
Simanjuntak, M. and Putro, U.
Hydrocarbon Pipeline Third Party Damage Risk Assessment using Multi Criteria Decision Making.
DOI: 10.5220/0009959405790586
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 579-586
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
carefully. There is a compelling need to have a more
accurate risk picture for various pipeline segments
from third-party damage hazard.
Risk is defined as the probability of an event that
causes a loss with absolute magnitude. In short, the
risk is a function of probability and consequences
(Muhlbauer, 2015). With this definition, the risk is
increased when the probability of failure increases, or
the magnitude of the loss or consequence increases.
Risk is not constant; it can change over time. Risk is
not constant; it can change with time. Risk assessment
is taking a snapshot of the risk profile at the moment
in time. The results of the risk assessment are then
used for risk reduction program to achieve risk as low
as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
Risk is a combination of multivariable influencing
factors, which in general can be grouped into
exposure and mitigation. For TPD risk, Muhlbauer
(2015) breakdown the factor as follows.
Exposure is defined as an event that, in the
absence of any mitigation or safeguard, can result in
the incident if insufficient resistance exists. Exposure
of third-party damage consists of:
i. Excavation
Excavation exposure often occurs at new construction
from heavy equipment activities. Excavation
exposure is only applicable to buried pipelines.
ii. Vehicles
Exposure for vehicles hit the pipeline is a function of
the type of vehicle, traffic frequency, speed, and
distance to facilities. Vehicles hit only applicable to
above-ground pipelines
iii. Falling object
Exposure for the falling object could from tools drop,
cranes, falling trees. Falling object exposure only
applied to above-ground pipelines.
Mitigation is defined as the type and effectiveness
of every preventive and mitigative measure designed
to block or reduce exposure. Mitigation of third-party
damage consists of:
i. Cover of depth
Cover depth is the amount of protection over the
buried pipeline that protects it from third-party
activities and impacts. In general, a more in-depth
and stronger cover provides better protection.
ii. Impact barrier
The impact barrier protects above ground
pipelines from exposure to mechanical damage,
falling object, and vehicle collision.
iii. Line locating
Line locating involves pipeline marking, line
locating devices and procedures, marking
iv. Speed control
Speed control is mainly used to reduce vehicles
v. Sign, Markers, ROW condition
The more recognizable the pipeline sign, markers,
and a ROW can reduce the likelihood of
inadvertent damage.
vi. Patrol
Pipeline patrol is the best practice of reducing
third-party intrusions. It is also intended to detect
an abnormal condition such as evidence of a leak
from pipelines. The patrol also should detect
potential third-party threats to the pipeline. Such
as when there is excavating equipment operating
nearby. The frequency and competency of the
patrol are affecting the patrol effectiveness to
prevent the incident.
vii. Public education programs
Programs to educate the public about the hazard
of critical activities such as excavation near
pipelines. This is important because third-party
damage is unintentional or due to ignorance.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) with Why Tree method
was conducted. RCA result recommends to lookback
the effectiveness of existing pipeline risk assessment
and management. There should be a stronger risk
assessment process to ensure the resource is allocated
at the right level of prioritization. External factors
such as increased level of activity around the
Company's pipeline is a consequence of growing
development and hence cannot be avoided. Increased
rate of vandalism and oil theft are complex issues
which require the involvement of central government
and law enforcer. This research focuses on
recognizing and managing things within the
Company's influence and controllability. Therefore,
the oil theft sabotage issue is taken out of scope.
The quality of the existing pipeline risk
assessment process is being questioned. At present,
hazard identification and assessment are done on a
regular basis every five years cycle. The current risk-
based inspection result has recognized the hazard of
TPD. However, it failed to be translated into an
actionable risk reduction program that fit for the
specific hazard.
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Another thing to be considered is fast-paced
external condition changes due to the development of
public infrastructures and increased population
around the Company's asset. It signals the need for a
risk assessment process that is simple and robust
enough to allow dynamic input data changes so that
the Company could have an immediate risk reduction
4.1 Risk Assessment Selection
In general, there are three alternatives of pipeline risk
assessment method: 1) Simple Decision Support
(e.g., use risk matrix), 2) Hybrid (e.g., risk scoring),
3) Probabilistic Assessment (e.g., Quantitative Risk
Based on discussion with subject matter expert,
Probabilistic Risk Analysis (e.g., QRA) does not meet
the criteria for simple and user-friendly. Therefore,
QRA is dropped from the option. As discussed to
response uptrend of third-party damage risk and a
huge number of pipeline segments to be evaluated,
simple risk assessment is expected. The remaining
option is the Matrix and Risk Scoring Method.
Despite its simplicity, the matrix method has an
inherent weakness for the consistency aspect. The
risk assessment result is highly subjective, which
relies upon the facilitator and the risk assessment
team member. An example of an index method that
has been applied in the Company is the HAZOP
technique. This method is still applicable and useful
for generic pipeline risk assessment, which represents
the worst case for the entire pipeline length. This
method is not valid if we want to differentiate risk
assessment for hundreds of segmented pipeline with
a different condition.
Muhlbauer (WKM) risk scoring technique is one
of the risk assessment methods that famous for
pipeline application. The score is assigned to each
pipeline segment attribute that contributes to the risk
level. The scores are from the suggested procedure
from Muhlbauer. The lower the score, meaning the
lower the quality of safeguard; hence the probability
of failure or risk is higher. The assigned score reflects
the importance of each item relative to the others. The
weighting factor that is used in WKM method is
criticized because different weighting factors could
result in the different final risk scores. The weighting
should be adjusted to field conditions.
Analytical Hierarchical Procedure (AHP) is a
promising method for this application. To make a
decision support system for pipeline risk evaluation,
AHP alone is not adequate. This is because AHP has
limitations in making a pairwise comparison for more
than nine criteria or alternatives. Because the number
of pipeline segments to be evaluated can reach
hundreds or thousands of segments, it is impossible
to evaluate each segment risk with conventional AHP
A combined AHP and SMART method then is
considered. The SMART method is utilized to
determine the pipeline rating score for each attribute
(subfactor) of risk influencing factors. The risk
assessor will rate the attribute (subfactor) of risk
influencing factor. The minimum rating will be
assigned for poor conditions and a maximum rating
for excellent condition. The higher the score meaning,
the better the condition or lower risk. These rates are
multiplied by the risk factor weight before finally
adding all together to obtain the total risk score (0-
100 scale).
The risk score is calculated with the below
wj = Risk influencing factor weight using AHP
aij = Alternative score performance against factor
using SMART
4.2 AHP and SMART
The AHP, developed by Saaty (1980), provides an
intuitive way to analyze complicated problems.
Practitioners have widely used AHP because of its
ease of applicability and the structure of AHP, which
follows the intuitive way in problem-solving. AHP is
a theory of measurement that uses pairwise
comparisons along with expert judgments. It is one of
the most popular Multi-Criteria Decision Making
(MCDM) techniques that allow subjective as well as
multiple objective factors to be considered in the
decision-making process. The AHP allows the active
participation of subject matter experts to reach an
agreement and gives them a rational basis for making
The first step in AHP is problem formulation to
determine the goal for the decision analysis. In this
case, evaluation TPD probability of failure or risk
score of each pipeline segment. After the goal is
defined, the next step is the identification of risk
influencing factors with its attributes first and second
level AHP hierarchy. Once a hierarchy is built, the
expert or decision-maker begins a prioritization
procedure to determine the relative importance of the
Hydrocarbon Pipeline Third Party Damage Risk Assessment using Multi Criteria Decision Making
attribute in each level of the hierarchy. It uses "pair-
wise comparisons," and matrix algebra to weight
criteria, and the decision is made by using the derived
weights of the decision criteria. The decision-maker
does not need to provide a numerical judgment;
instead, a relative verbal scale or judgment according
to their importance. Table 1 explains the AHP scale.
For example, if two factors are judged having the
same level of importance, the pairwise score will be
1. If one factor is assumed to be remarkably stronger
than the other, a score of 9 is assigned.
Where a
is the pairwise comparison between
element i and j
Table 1 AHP Qualitative Judgement Score.
Explanation Score
Equally Two attributes have an equal
likelihood of rupture
Moderately The likelihood of rupture due
to one attribute is slightly
more than the other attribute
Strongly The likelihood of rupture due
to one attribute is firmly
more than the other attribute
The likelihood of rupture due
to one attribute is very
strongly more than the other
Extremely The likelihood of rupture due
to one attribute is extremely
more than the other attribute
The intermediate values are
used when compromise is
2, 4,
6, 8
After comparison Matrices are created, relative
weights are derived. The relative weights of the
elements of each one level concerning an element in
the next upper level are computed as the components
of the associated normalized eigenvector. The
compound weights are determined by adding the
weights through the hierarchy. Stages do this, start
from the top of the hierarchy to each alternative in the
lowest position level, and multiplying the weights
along each segment of the path. The result of this
aggregation is a standard vector of the global weights
of the options. The mathematical basis for calculating
the weights was established by Saaty (1980).
One feature of the AHP method is the Consistency
Ratio (CR) parameter. It provides a consistency check
of relative importance from the pairwise comparison.
The maximum acceptable of CR is 0.1.
is obtained from the decision matrix [A]
CR is calculated as follow
i. Determine matrix B by multiplying matrix A
and matrix w
ii. Divide each element in vector B with
element in vector w to get new vector c
iii. Calculate λ_max by averaging element in
vector c
iv. Calculate consistency index, CI, using
below equation
v. Calculate consistency ratio, CR, using below
equation, RI is a random index which refers
to Table 2
Table 2 Random Index Table.
n RI
3 0.58
4 0.9
5 1.12
6 1.24
7 1.32
8 1.41
9 1.45
>9 1.49
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Including several expert's opinions can avoid bias
that may be present single expert judgment. AHP has
a useful feature that enables a group to structure a
hierarchy jointly and participate in the discussion to
decide the pairwise judgment. The discussion
facilitator can lead the discussion to obtain consensus.
When the team is unable to reach consensus, a
geometric mean of participant judgment can be used.
It is possible to resolve such differences by selecting
more consistent judgments.
If a consensus is difficult to achieve, the
geometric mean of individual evaluations is applied
as elements in the pair-wise comparison, and then
priorities are calculated.
4.3 Data Collection and Analysis
Literature research and past incident investigation
report are utilized as a reference in analyzing the
problem. Pipeline integrity conditions and external
conditions are gathered from the Company's
inspection data.
A combination of the Analytical Hierarchy
Process (AHP) and Simple Multi-Attribute Rating
Technique (SMART) will be exercised to assess risk
Group of six experts is appointed for determining
the root cause, risk influencing factor (decision
criteria), the relative importance of each risk factor,
and development of SMART scale standard
definition. The expert is selected based on their level
of competency and experience in process safety, risk
management, asset integrity, operation, and
Pairwise comparison, each risk factor is done by
individual experts independently. The pairwise
comparison is a facilitated session to ensure the
expert uses consistent risk factor definition. The
pairwise comparison and weighting priority synthesis
are conducted with AHP-OS, an online AHP software
tool (Goepel, 2015). The AHP-OS tool also provides
a Consistency Ratio (CR) number and group
consensus level.
The decision hierarchy tree is developed based on
the risk influencing factor and subfactor, which
discussed previously.
Figure 1 AHP Decision Hierarchy.
The SMART standard definition also defined to
explain the scoring 0-100 according to the pipeline
Table 2 Pipeline Segment Attribute Scale (SMART).
Depth of
0 pts
0 pts
0 pts
0 pts
40 pts
25 pts
50 pts
50 pts
75 pts
50 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
0 pts
0 pts
0 pts
40 pts
25 pts
25 pts
60 pts
50 pts
70 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
AHP procedure result from AHP-OS is shown in
Figure 2.
Hydrocarbon Pipeline Third Party Damage Risk Assessment using Multi Criteria Decision Making
Figure 2 Consolidated Result of Third-Party Damage Risk
Factor Weighting.
AHP-OS computed the consistency ratio for
individual judgment and consolidated group
judgment. The CR for third-party damage POF
pairwise comparison is 1.4%. Therefore, weighting
can be used for further usage. For group decisions, the
AHP-OS software calculates an AHP consensus
indicator to quantify the consensus of the group
(estimate of the agreement on the outcoming
priorities between participants). This indicator ranges
from 0% to 100%. Zero percent corresponds to no
consensus at all, 100% to full consensus. It is a
measure of homogeneity of priorities between the
participants and can also be interpreted as a measure
of overlap between priorities of the group members
(Goepel, 2015). The group consensus for TPD POF
pairwise comparison is 79.4% (high).
Based on AHP's expert judgment, the top five risk
factor of third-party damage is level of activity
(41.9%), above-ground facility (18.6%), and line
locating (10.9%), the minimum depth of cover
(10.7%), and right of way condition (8.6%). A
comparison with the WKM weighting factor is shown
in Table 3. The difference in weighting factor is also
can affect overall risk score and hence impact to
resource allocation quality.
Table 3 Comparison Risk Influencing Factor Weighting.
Factor WKM WKM-
Level of Activity 20% 42%
Above Ground Facility 10% 19%
Line Locating 15% 11%
Minimum Depth of Cover 20% 11%
ROW condition 5% 8%
Patrol Frequency 15% 4%
Public Education 15% 5%
The level of activity factor is the most important
factor but also the most complicated factor to be
resolved because the pipeline operator has relatively
little influence to manage the public activity or to
prevent illegal encroachment along the pipeline. The
only possible option is to re-route the existing
pipeline via an alternate location, which still sterile
from public activities.
Above ground, the facility is the second most
important risk factor because most of the Company's
facility was designed and installed above ground. It
was designed and constructed a long time before the
Government of Indonesia implemented the regulation
to mandate the hydrocarbon pipeline to be buried.
The third and fourth factor is directly related with
a buried pipeline segment. The expert has agreed that
both the pipeline depth of cover and line locating are
equally important. The buried pipeline will not be
effective in preventing incidents until it has effective
program for line locating. This is consistent with key
learning points from the past incident investigation
that those incidents due to excavation can be
prevented if the third-party notify the pipeline
operator prior conducted the work.
The fifth important factor, right of way condition,
are relatively equal weighting with line locating and
depth of cover. The expert opined that maintaining
the right of way conditions can ensure the pipeline is
visible and improve leak detection. Public education
is considered a weak component of risk factors
because of learning from experience. The expert
opined that the best way to prevent encroachment is
by installing a mechanical barrier along the pipeline.
Pipeline patrol is also considered less effective in
preventing third-party pipeline damage because of
extensive coverage of pipeline surveillance
requirements. However, experts agree that the patrol
program is a crucial component to provide data for
third-party damage risk assessment.
The proposed Decision Support System is then
implemented for risk assessment of the following
sample six pipeline segments. This segment is
selected to represent a typical pipeline segment
operated in the Company.
Table 3 Pipeline Properties.
No Pipeline Installation Service
1 A Buried Crude
2 B Above ground Crude
3 C Above ground Crude
4 D Above ground Crude
5 E Above ground Crude
6 F Above ground Crude
Patrol Frequency
Public Education
ROW Condition
Minimum Depth of Cover
Line Locating
Above Ground Facilities
Level of Activity
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Third-party damage risk score ranking (note:
lower score means higher risk)
1. A: 26
2. B: 28
3. C: 31
4. D: 34
5. E: 49
6. F: 86
Based on this result, pipeline segments A and B
with the current condition are the top two segments
with high risk or most vulnerable. Which, therefore,
it should be prioritized for maintenance resource
allocation to reduce the risk. Segment A has a higher
risk because the segment is located above ground,
crossing busy public areas (due to encroachment),
adjacent with roadways, and not protected with an
adequate barrier to prevent hit incident. While
segment B, which buried, has risk exposure to illegal
excavation damage. Segment B is located nearby
ongoing infrastructure construction (toll road).
Following corrective action are proposed for
pipeline A:
1. Install additional impact barrier at an identified
location which adjacent to roadways
2. Conduct regular housekeeping to clear pipeline
right of way
Following corrective action are proposed for
pipeline B:
1. Improve line locating procedure
implementation, communicate regularly with a
third-party contractor
2. Provide barriers, markers, and warning signs at
a location nearby construction activities.
When the two corrective actions completed, the
risk score will change from 26 to 50 for Pipeline A
and Pipeline B will change score from 28 to 49, which
makes them at safer state.
The proposed decision support system still has
subjectivity involved, which would introduce
uncertainties to the result. Dawotola (2012) uses
combined Hooke's Classical Model structured expert
judgment process and AHP to reduce the subjectivity.
The risk result with the proposed model is a relative
risk and not absolute risk, which makes the result
cannot be used to conclude whether the risk is
tolerable or not.
Full deployment of new decision support will
require further alignment with the existing program in
the Company. The high level of the proposed
workflow is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Proposed New Workflow for Third-Party Damage
Risk Management.
Decision Support System (DSS) for third-party
damage risk reduction program is presented. The
decision support model uses the Muhlbauer (WKM)
model, which modified with the Analytical Hierarchy
Process (AHP) to improve the prediction probability
of failure (POF) from third-party damage.
The level of activity near pipelines contribute to
41.9% of the probability of failure from third-party
damage, which means pipeline location plays a
crucial role in the overall risk picture. Other factors
contribution: above ground facility 18.6%, line
locating 10.9%, a minimum depth of cover 10.7%
right of way condition 8.6%, public education 4.9%,
and patrol frequency 4.3%.
The study also reveals that pipeline hit incident:
vehicle hit for above-ground pipeline and excavation
hit for the buried pipeline are top two of third-party
damage mechanism. Above ground pipeline, risk
reduction factor is dominantly affected by above-
ground facilities (18.6%), and buried pipeline
reduction factor is dominantly affected by the
minimum depth of cover and line locating (combined
weight 21.6%).
This work is expected can help the organization
for improving resource allocation for risk reduction
program and maintenance activities. Although the
model is applied for pipeline risk assessment, the
same principle can be applied for other risk
assessment exercise.
Hydrocarbon Pipeline Third Party Damage Risk Assessment using Multi Criteria Decision Making
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ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management